Originally Posted by Ohio
Brother Steel, unfortunately it is only the heartless and the bullies who speak this way. This is how they "wash their hands" of any responsibility.
Actually... By my very passionate consideration of the things people are speaking on threads like these, I know that I am neither "...heartless..." or a bully. . . . And I have in no way "...washed..." my hands of any responsibility to you or anyone else I encounter her, or anywhere else... As the Lord leads.
Ohio... Since beginning to participate on the forums of this website I have had its members in my heart, and brought you all before the Lord on many occassions. . . . And when I encounter erroneous speaking such as in your above quoted speaking... I am simply encouraged even more to bring the person speaking this error before the Lord.
And bringing a person or matter before the Lord is the best way to exercise my caring of the responsibilty I have towards this person or matter… Which, BTW... Is exactly what I was exhorting you to do regarding any interaction with me.
Always... Always... Bring all things we encounter... Before the Lord. . . . And perhaps you shouldn't think to assume that I am insincere with my speaking.
Originally Posted by Ohio
Either you learned these bad habits within the LC, or you joined them because of similarity.
And what would be your excuse for your own poor speaking?
See, Ohio... It seems that, for you... All that you are able to do is try and find a way to twist what someone says into something that allows you to speak in a negative way toward all things you deem as being "...within the LC...".
Thankfully though, we can know from scripture that... "The prayer of a righteous man avails much in its working."
Originally Posted by Ohio
While I was inside the LC fold, all of the offenses flowed "down hill" in their well established hierarchy.
Well... Thankfully... I don't see myself as being "...inside the LC fold..."... I know that I am in Christ Jesus... And that He is in me… And in these two realities is the enjoyment of being in His fold.
But perhaps, your thinking you were "...inside the LC fold..." was the error the Lord had to bring you out of... And is the error the Lord is still bringing you out of.
Originally Posted by Ohio
Members had no recourse but to "take it before the Lord," because if one opened his mouth, it only got worse for him.
My brother... Scripture tells us that the Lord "...opened His mouth..."... Regardless of the consequences... And did so because He trusted who He was/is in the Father, and trusted the leading of the Spirit.
And scripture also tells us that we should have the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:5)... Do you believe what scripture tells us?
Originally Posted by Ohio
Having left the LC structures, I then realized that I have a voice on behalf of others.
Yeh... No... Only the Lord has a voice on behalf of others... And He doesn't speak the error I've seen you speak on these threads.