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Old 01-23-2018, 11:48 AM   #603
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 717
Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by OBW View Post


...In short, even though I appreciate all the research you did into the various problems that exist within the system, it is probably time to (mostly) abandon them and seek to be established within a good Christian assembly. Almost any will do. I know that you are not just isolated as a Christian. But your constant desire to return to the LRC suggests that you are not really one with whoever it is you are meeting with. Your heart is elsewhere.

Hi OBW, I have been meeting with an assembly in Seattle for three years. They receive me and I receive them because we are all fellow members in the one Body. Whenever I use the term, the Body of Christ, it is with the whole Body in mind, never meaning the Local Churches only. And, this assembly where I meet, and many others have a similar heart-attitude of receiving others. And, they may or may not have a Local Church background or have even heard of Nee or Lee.

I think Henry Hon's fellowship is excellent and his example right. He is not interested in a following but is very exercised to go out and meet and to encourage others in their relationship with the Lord - and with members within and outside their particular sphere of fellowship. This creates the right atmosphere, one of love and acceptance, and induces the "morale" in THE BODY OF CHRIST among believers all around the globe.

Henry and Sylvia returned yesterday from the Philippines where they attended two pastor's conferences. There were twenty pastors present in Tagaytay, which is located two hours outside Manila, and all were to have read Henry's book before the conference.

Afterwards, based on the word, the fellowship in the book, and the Lord's prayer in John 17, a brother who is considered a "bishop" among 70 churches, announced that they all agreed to drop their names and just care for Christ alone.

This, assuredly, is a call into the oneness among fellow believers for the building up of the one Body of Christ. (They're all encouraged also to take care of the unbelievers and invite them to their meeting, and to go to visit Catholics and other groups of believers without expecting them to come into their fellowship. This, in fact, was how the Local Church brothers were encouraged by W. Lee in the beginning - to go out to seek others meeting in that city who were also seeking the oneness of the Body according to the New Testament charge - and the Lord's prayer, "that they all may be one".)

Henry has also been invited to Africa to be with brothers there, who will then take him by bus to visit assemblies in seven cities. The bus ride and time in the homes will afford them much opportunity for fellowship on this ground of oneness, which is Christ alone.
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