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Old 01-08-2018, 07:53 AM   #195
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
Lawsuits being wrong is not a matter of opinion. It is explicitly prohibited by scripture

The Living Stream Ministry (LSM) and later “The Defense and Confirmation Project (run by LSM leaders) openly used their funds, collected from “donations”, sales of their literature, to sue other believers, and encouraged “the saints” to contribute (donate) even more to support them!

This is to their shame! Using Paul’s words, not mine.
One of the political games that was played after Lee's passing was that LSM would stop bashing Titus Chu from the podium, and in exchange, all the Midwest LC's would send money each month to LSM/DCP to cover the costs of the Heritage House lawsuits that went all the way to the SCOTUS.

The Blendeds, however, never did honor their end of the deal. They continued to bash the Midwest, sowing suspicions into the saints at all their "Feasts." The Midwest LC's then mostly stopped attending their Feasts. Later on then were Quarantined, and LSM used the money to sue the Midwest LC's.
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