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Old 12-15-2017, 12:49 PM   #34
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Default Re: copies made in the past was a great offense to "the office"

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
This is an excerpt from a book that took two years to complete Jan 2005 - Jan 2007 - an LC brother, still in good standing, edited this book called Deviating from the Path in the Lord's Recovery. Our brother, Ron Kangas, has given his tacit approval to the veracity of this book. There have been no public criticisms of it by LSM.

Bill Mallon

"In 1985, after the training, I felt to type out the notes I took. I sent them to several brothers to share with them the fellowship of the Spirit, one of which was located in London. (Barbara and I during the winter of early '85 were graciously hosted by one couple in the London area, so I sent them my notes as a gesture of my appreciation.) Philip Lee claimed he consulted with WL and that I should never have done it. He reprimanded me, implying it was in rivalry with their printing department, and said these notes should never be sent before the book was published. He demanded that I retrieve all notes sent, and that I come to Anaheim and apologize to him. I went to Anaheim and apologized, stating that it was totally unintentional. He fell asleep in front of me, and I had to wait for him to wake up.
Every time I read this story I crack up!

Here's Bill Mallon from the Southeast. Humble and altruistic. Never was a more sincere minister. Struggling with all his heart to shepherd the saints, and work together with LSM; believing with all his heart that the leadership at LSM was the same.

Here's W. Lee's reprobate and profligate son Philip. By all accounts not even saved, yet placed in charge over all the other LC workers. The man was impetuous, molested sisters, regularly demeaned those around him, and a foul-mouthed drunk. Couldn't hold a job, yet W. Lee made him boss. Or should I say despot.

Bill Mallon was forced to fly all the way to Anaheim to apologize in order to keep in good standing. He did nothing wrong, but was publicly shamed into submission, Chinese style. He humbles himself before Philip Lee and acknowledges his wrongdoings. He looks up and Philip is snoring.

But dear brother Drake is fine with all this, because he has "seen the vision."

Read also the testimony of John So, the senior worker in Europe throughout the 70's and 80's, who was also accused of that vast global conspiracy with John Ingalls. When John was subjected to Philip's abuses, he decided instead to cut all ties with the Lee family. Witness Lee's response? Slander and smear his reputation before all. You can read his disgusting account in Fermentation of the Present Rebellion.
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