Originally Posted by Indiana
This is an excerpt from a book that took two years to complete Jan 2005 - Jan 2007 - an LC brother, still in good standing, edited this book called Deviating from the Path in the Lord's Recovery. Our brother, Ron Kangas, has given his tacit approval to the veracity of this book. There have been no public criticisms of it by LSM.
When I read the post by Kumbaya I thought how sincere, how honest, and he invited correction. This also was my heart-attitude, felt deeply enough to produce the book that tells the other side of the story to the one LSM gave to the church.
Bill Mallon
"In 1985, after the training, I felt to type out the notes I took. I sent them to several brothers to share with them the fellowship of the Spirit, one of which was located in London. (Barbara and I during the winter of early '85 were graciously hosted by one couple in the London area, so I sent them my notes as a gesture of my appreciation.) Philip Lee claimed he consulted with WL and that I should never have done it. He reprimanded me, implying it was in rivalry with their printing department, and said these notes should never be sent before the book was published. He demanded that I retrieve all notes sent, and that I come to Anaheim and apologize to him. I went to Anaheim and apologized, stating that it was totally unintentional. He fell asleep in front of me, and I had to wait for him to wake up.
"These matters of control and many other stories like them were reported to Brother Lee, but he had no ear to hear and no heart to know. Brother Lee said, “We only knew to help and to do everything to expedite the Lord’s recovery in so many countries and to help the churches. That is all we knew.” - Yet, that was not all he knew. Such dupery as this prevails in The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion from seemingly godly men in their case to quarantine fellow co-workers in the Lord’s recovery. (email, Dec 2006)
Thank you for posting! I'm taking it as a compliment that several people here think I'm male. Although I shouldn't feel that way- bc that would be sexist to my own self....
It's just power play after power play. I could write a novel on spiritual traps (or- highly recommend the book, "The subtle power of spiritual abuse," which explains it very well. The sad thing is, the sheep get taken by wolves and the wolves justify it bc in their minds its all for the greater good,
Reminds me of almost EVERY movie plot. The ones in power justifying evil works for the "greater good" and to maintain control.
Wrong turn after wrong turn the LC is there.
I'm thinking it's going to take about 5 years and not only will they stop growing, unless they make changes they'll lose members.
I know that's a bold statement but the info is out there and people are curious and want to know.
For me, the tape of the elder in Boston and WL about the loan was it. That and hearing about Philip Lee. I even heard women were paid off to keep quiet. Of course, that one isn't as confirmed but who knows given what else happened.
Because of my personal situation in the last 5 years, I've learned A LOT about healthy emotional development/growth, boundaries, and healthy interpersonal behavior whether spiritual or not.
I realize (and the book I mentioned above emphasizes) that most of the time, spiritual abuse and crossing boundaries with each other isn't a malicious intent. Its not even a conscience thing we do. But the culture we're in determines our actions. We do what we see and what has ALWAYS been wrong has ALWAYS been right in our eyes if it's all we've ever known.
All this applies to our personal life but also the interpersonal dealings with the LC. There is a culture of control and fear/shame that's been passed down.
I don't have many strengths but picking up on unspoken pressure and seeing the big picture isn't hard for me. If anything, I focus TOO much on the big picture.
My issue now is that with the world we live in where knowledge is right at our fingertips- There are no excuses. If you didn't know better before but you're in a position of spiritual authority- you have an obligation to read (not just WL!) books on spiritual guidance and boudaries. You have an obligation to look at young peoples work in your locality and ask yourself whether or not those activities are healthy for where they are in their emotional development.
If you don't, THEN you're in the dark.
And that's whats happening now, sadly.
Along with other things I have issues with, I won't allow my daughter to participate in performance based worship. As a teen, its actually unhealthy for their beginning relationship with the Lord.
I can go on but I won't....lots of info on it online.
I'll just say- I'm thankful for this forum. Thats it.