Originally Posted by Hope
Wasn't the information control kind of mind boggling. I noticed that many of the saints in "the Lord's Recovery" had a very very linear way of thinking. It was on-off, black-white, right-wrong, good-bad with no gray areas or margins for operating in. Thus, the headquarters did not need much control to be effective in stopping the free flow of information and ideas.
Is it not amazing that a Doug Krieger, a Max Rapoport, a Sal Benoit, a John So etc can go from being a wonderful hope for the Body of Christ to a pariah in one week-end? How can anyone be so narrow minded to think God has only one flow or work or ministry in any time period?
These are very good questions indeed. The answer can be found in the steady diet which we received. I remember the Timothy trainings in the aftermath of the "Mad Max" storm of the late 70's. WL focused on the word "inoculation." Any negative speaking from a "concerned" brother was likened to a dangerous "poison" whose "germs" were extremely "contagious." Hence, our great need to be continually on guard, that we would be "inoculated."
The Recovery had a long history of "storms" and "rebellions." It seemed people would up and change overnight. We were constantly provided warnings to grip us all with fear, lest somehow we too "get sick." We were all held in a "cage of fear." Open the door and many would escape. Many of us would not dream of leaving, after hearing so many stories of tragedy befalling those who departed, but if a well-respected leader would depart, then others would dare to follow.
This is why those who departed were vilified by the ministry -- to stop an impending exodus. Making John Ingalls a "pariah" was the only way to save "the program" from collapse.