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Old 09-05-2015, 03:41 PM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Non-LC member dating an LC member--help!

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post can I walk away and hope he will change if he never will.

I need to be set free from this mess.

Thank you,


This may seem cruel and heartless to you, but it's the best advice I can give you. Your friend will not change. If he does change, it might be for the worse. You can't make this about him. It has to be about you. You can't follow the Lord for him. You can only follow the Lord for yourself---and this you must do.

It's not about the FTT. Today you have a problem with the FTT. Tomorrow, you will have a problem with some other aspect of the Local Church of Witness Lee.

It appears that you have very good instincts. I would go with that. Most of us stayed in the Local Church because we ignored the warnings...the same ones the Lord is giving you. The way to be set free from "this mess" is to walk away and don't look back. I think I can safely say that all of us wish we had walked away long before we did.

You ARE free to walk away. You're not married to him, so you are free. Here's another biblical truth. A man's wife should be first in his life. In the LC they teach "if you take care of the church, the Lord will take care of your family." This is wrong, but you will always be "second" in his life. You will never understand why. You will only know the pain of being a woman whose husband allowed a "church" to violate her marriage. This is a common testimony on this forum for both men and women forum members.

There is such a thing as a "religious addiction". This is what you are seeing in your friend. There is really nothing you can do that will cause him to change. In fact, that's not your job. Only God can change him. God can only change him when he sees his need to follow the Lord---not Witness Lee---and makes the choice to do so.

It might also help you to find a Christian counsellor.

Again, your instincts are good. Thank the Lord for that. Ask the Lord to help you and give you the courage to follow Him and Him alone. Read your Bible. Just start at the beginning and read it like it is a book. Don't look for answers, for now, just read. Thank the Lord for where you are in your life and that He is your Lord and Savior.

Your friend is right. You are not equally yoked. There is no way you can be as long as he puts the local church first---before you. Give him to the Lord. Pray for him as the Lord leads, but in your heart, you are walking away to follow the Lord. Put him in the Lord's capable hands, realizing that you can't fix him.

This may sound harsh. I wish I had heard these words and had the courage to walk away long before I did.

Bless you in the path the Lord has for you. Cry your tears. God counts them all.

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