Originally Posted by Igzy
Far more what? Are you saying more zealousness constitutes a difference in kind?
As to your point about integrity, I'm not talking about the intentions of leadership. I'm talking about the heart of the rank and file. Their giving themselves to the vision of the church is usually a matter of high integrity. They might be misled, but in general I don't recall their devotion to the vision of the church being motivated by a lack of integrity. Quite the opposite in fact, part of the problem is too much integrity of a somewhat naive kind.
This is correct with one exception. Let's take Paul as the example. He was the most zealous Jew. He put his heart wholly on what he believed to be true. Judaism. It led him to be party to the murder of Stephen.
Once Paul was converted he became a most zealous Christian. This characteristic of Paul's was still there. What was different?
Truth vs. Deception. Before his conversion his zeal was used in ignorance. After his conversion he began to use his zeal in coming to a full knowledge of God through Christ Jesus.
What did Paul do when he realized he was deceived? He repented and went out and searched the scriptures to dig down on the truth.
The same is true with those of us who are zealous. We have to add another one of Paul's concepts here. The flesh versus the spirit. Many chased after spiritual things "in the flesh". We see that outcome today in many LSM/LC's. In their pride they cling to it. We also see those who could not continue and fell out of the LC's. They passed through a kind of "death", but God was faithful to "resurrect" them back to life. Now it is time to purge out the leaven.
My point here is that
misguided zealotry is very serious. We cannot look at the heart of the rank and file as an indicator. We have to observe the deeds. Murder is murder. Paul knew it. He was chief among Jews, but the least among christians. Why? Because he had been party to one of the most heinous sins.
Paul's response to misguided zeal was
repentance, not defensiveness.
Originally Posted by Igzy
You've heard of mind strongholds, right? The concept of barriers is the same. It's a lie in the mind that prevents the truth from setting someone free.
4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Yes, I have heard of "mind strongholds". What is the weapon against these strongholds? Truth.
The truth is that idolatry (even systematic idolatry) and it's impact on all participants in the LC is one of the factual elements of truth that must be confronted. There were few, if any, that did not give themselves (in ignorance) to something that was idolatrous. Our ignorance does not protect us from the consequences of our sin.
There are attempts being made to say, "let's not lose the positive things" of the LC. The fact is that each person (which includes everyone on this forum that I know of) has held onto Christ. He has been faithful to you. This is
the positive thing. He has set many of you in a family of believers in your respective locations after you were lost. We have fellowship with one another. This means we have not lost the positive.
After being faithful to purge out all of the leaven, then let's talk about the "positives". I take this approach because this is the approach God takes. My life and my testimony stand witness that the leaven needs to be purged before you begin to praise yourself for your involvements in a regime that was leavened by the Enemy and whose practices were formulated in hell.