Originally Posted by Matt
I was asking Ohio, not Roger. I'm not practicing the art of argumentation for the sake of winning an argument on this thread. I am making an entreaty. As such, I do not expect to prove anything to anyone's satisfaction.
In the realm of proving something, I have already made plenty of headway regardless of whether anyone agrees with my personal conclusions or viewpoint. However, this wasn't and still isn't my goal.
My point was whether you are trying to make a entreaty or are trying to prove something either way your reasoning is faulty. Buying into "the vision of the church" isn't idolatry, anymore than buying into Campus Crusade's vision of evangelizing American colleges is idolatry. They are both visions of Christian service based on the Bible. Just because people are zealous for them and emphasize them does not make them idols.
The main problem in the LC is not idolatry. The main problem is the pressure to conform based on a warped vision of authority. The pressure probably leads people to cheerlead "Christ and the Church" in an imbalanced way, because that is what the authoritry figures demand. But that doesn't make the cheerleading idolatry. The problem is much more complex than that. It's a system of psychological checks and barriers which convinces LCers that they have no choice but to (1) stay in the movement and (2) obey the leadership. What needs to be dismantled is that system which holds them there. I doubt many LCers stay in the movement just so they can hold onto idols.