Originally Posted by zeek
Thank you for your help. But, I'm still in a bit of a quandary. If Paul meant "spiritual body" in I Corinthians 15:45B, why didn't he say so? In other words, why did Paul not say, " The last Adam became a life-giving spiritual body?" You are claiming that is what he meant. He has no problem saying "spiritual body" in the preceding verse. So, if he meant to say that in 15:45, presumably he could have. Why didn't he say, "spiritual body" here?
You admit that Paul had just said spiritual body in the preceding verse. Why then is it presumed that the omission of the word "body" in the next verse is somehow trying to go somewhere different in the discussion since the discussion continues and Paul immediately refers back to the body as being "spiritual."
In that kind of context, the understanding that "spirit" in v 45 is synonymous with the spiritual body referred to immediately before and after is too obvious. Unless you have been influenced by someone who argued for so long that it
has to mean something else.
If it actually means something else, please provide sound reasoning as to what it means without causing the verse to become a "squirrel" moment that really had no place in the discussion. Lee's version did not make the cut. Do you have another?
The understanding of 15:45 as referring to a spiritual body without saying it is too obvious an explanation to need to be proved against a fabrication like Lee inserted. It is Lee's version that needs proof.
Besides. If you were there in that room with the doors closed and Jesus suddenly appeared, even though you could touch him, you would have insisted that he was some kind of spirit since he then disappeared without opening the door and walking out. Where is the problem with the understanding in 1 Cor 15:45?? I can't find it.