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Old 05-29-2014, 01:56 PM   #41
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Default Re: "Become" or "Not Become" Interpreting 1Cor 15:45

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
What I would not like to see more of IN THIS PARTICULAR THREAD is the use of "experience" as an argument against how this particular verse is interpreted.

I'm not saying that we all have to come to the same interpretation, only that we approach this matter in a more objective manner.
To me, it is as clear as the noon day sun in Tucson, Arizona that, objectively and theologically, based on I Corinthians 15.45, the following are absolutely true:
  1. The first man Adam (husband of Eve) became a living soul.
  2. The last Adam (the man Christ Jesus) became a life-giving Spirit.
The previous statements are true whether or not you experience them or not, but it is a whole lot better to experience them.

By inference from the context, we can also conclude the following:
  1. As descendents of Adam, we all are living souls.
  2. As believers in God, we all can be made alive by Christ Jesus, the life-giving spirit.
The one question not settled by this verse alone is whether Christ Jesus the life giving Spirit can make us alive in this age, or only at the future resurrection of the dead.
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