I apologize if I have stepped out of line. I mean you no harm. But, as Ohio said, it was out of frustration.
Please remember, this is an open forum. You express your opinion, I express my opinion, and others express their opinion. Anyone of us can feel that we are commissioned by the Lord to bring forth a burden, and therefore must be faithful to that speaking. If you have this view then you can never feel that we are trying to stop you from anything.
This is a sore spot with some of us because we were trained in a system where one man came forth with what he felt was the "burden" from the Lord, and anybody who dared to contradict him was accused of trying to stop the very move of the Lord.
That should not be what is going on here. You say that everyone in the Local Church system is engaging in idolatry, just by being in the group (unless I misunderstand you). I say not so. I say according to the standard you set, everybody in America is guilty of idolatry, and everybody in every church around the world is guilty of idolatry.
But you know what that is? It is your opinion versus my opinion and that is all. You feel you are clear from the Lord to bring forth this burden. I feel equally clear to say, "no, you are going too far." But it is still just your opinion verses my opinion, and nothing more. It is not you having a burden from the Lord while I'm trying to stop you. That would make you God's oracle, and me just an "opposer." Lord knows, we've been there; done that.
Please accept my apology, and know that I just want to go on in peace. But I would ask you one more time to please consider a separate thread for the subject of idolatry. That's a request and nothing more. It is not the unstoppable speaking from heaven.