Originally Posted by james73
Thanks BearBear-
One I found useful was: http://www.enlightened-spirituality....nal_cults.html
The link I posted there offers a list of 35 "warning signs". Using this I decided to score three Hong Kong churches, with 0-10 points for each warning sign, giving a maximum score of 350. It's subjective but I did TRY to be objective in allocating points  I did this while still in the LC and deciding whether I should stay or go. I scored the other churches cos I was just curious if it was maybe a Christian thing, and also to get some kind of benchmark. You could call it a "cult score".
Church in Hong Kong (Living Stream Ministry): score 226, or 65%
International Christian Assembly (Assemblies of God): score 89, or 25%
St Johns Cathedral (Anglican): score 15, or 4%
Interesting to see if anyone else has the time and inclination to do likewise, see if there's any consistency in the results!
According to that link, even the Republican Party is cultic!
Notoriously "left out," however, is the radical liberal Democratic Party.
I did find it comforting to learn that nearly every organization is cultic in some way, whether benign or malignant, functional or dysfunctional.