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Old 01-28-2014, 05:30 PM   #23
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Default Re: How to help people whose friends and relatives are active members of th

Originally Posted by bearbear View Post
My wife would have never realized the need to leave the LCs, but now after we left we both know we were much better off for it despite the warnings from some LCers that we would fall spiritually. Our marriage is also much better off now.

This brother's post is spot on. We've both learned to love and forgive much more than in the past due to being fed by our current church ministry. This has helped our marriage and relationships tremendously. There was also a lot of brokenness in our past, such as my struggle with rejection, bitterness, unforgiveness and shyness that God was able to heal in us through the word, his speaking and the ministry from the new church we are in. I'm a completely different person now than I was in the LCs and it feels good to be free and have all these chains broken, and I hope others can come to share in this after leaving the LCs.
Amen! My wife was not raised in the local churches as I was. She enjoyed being with the brothers and sisters for the Lord's Table, but was indifferent towards Witness Lee's ministry. A bigger concern is how we regard one another as brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Since moving on, the Community church we now meet, I learned an important lesson about grace. How to give grace practically.

For my parents, for my uncle and aunt, I would never try to convince them to leave. It's much more than spiritual. For many of the older couples I know in their 60's and 70's, the local church is their social connection.
For younger brothers I know raised in the local churches, I wouldn't say anything that could result in them being stumbled. As long as it meets your need, go on positively.
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