Originally Posted by ABrotherinFaith
Bring her straight to the Word of God (no footnotes). If she's been in the LC that long she's probably most comfortable with the recovery version, and chances are she's got an older copy of it without the footnotes. Read through Psalms or James slowly, carefully and perhaps with some cross references. Let the Word work on her without any filter. She'll learn how to read (something I think most lcers don't know how to do). This isn't just good for her or someone in the lc, it's good for all believers. And above all, trust God. His word is powerful and better than any footnote.
ABrotherinFaith, thank you for the piece of good advice!
Could you please share why it must be Psalms and James? If I am not mistaken, I heard WL was not in favor with them or something. Could you explain that to me, please?