Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-20-2008, 03:29 PM   #319
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Originally Posted by Thankful Jane View Post
One prevailing idea, which such believers have deeply embedded in their minds, is that "honest seekers after God" will not be allowed to be deceived. That this is one of Satan's lies, to lure such seekers into a false position of safety, is proved by the history of the Church during the past two thousand years, for every "wile of error" which has borne sad fruit throughout this period, first laid hold of devoted believers who were "honest souls." The errors among groups of such believers, some well known to the present generation, all began among "honest" children of God, baptized with the Holy Ghost; and all so sure that, knowing the side-tracking of others before them, they would never be caught by the wiles of Satan. Yet they, too, have been deceived by lying spirits, counterfeiting the workings of God in the higher ranges of the spiritual life.
At my salvation, I was given 3 exceedingly precious gifts --- the love for Jesus, the love for His word, and the love for His people --- who could do such a thing in my heart?

My testimony -- the radical change in my life -- amazed literally hundreds of people -- nobody could even recognize me -- and you want me to believe that "HONEST SOULS CAN BE DECEIVED?" Before my salvation, I had no honesty to speak of! I was saved out of deceit!

I prefer to die for my faith, than to question the reality of Jesus Christ in my heart.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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