Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
I think it is very clear that the same can be said of BP and RG in closing their eyes, closing their ears and covering their mouths when JI visited. They were motivated by ambition. The same can be said of EM and KR. The writing of the whitewash is just one example. They don't allow these guys to get to the upper echelon unless they have done things they are ashamed of. They are much less likely to expose the sins of WL, etal if it involves exposing their own sins as well.
The portion of ZNP's post I put in bold because that account is fund in John Ingall's book
Speaking the Truth in Love. John was with Ken Unger (who passed away last ummer) when they visited Benson and Ray. The response BP and RG gave indicates culpability on their account. IMHO BP and RG most likely did not need to be told anything of PL they did not already know.
When ZNP speaks of "the upper echelon", as it currently implies Blended bros. If all persons involved in the late 80's turmoil were to be transparent, it would be exposing of many current blended brothers. The only one I'm aware of wo had publicly repented for any role was MC.
When Steve Isitt wrote to DT in 2001 in good faith for fellowship through In Wake of the New Way, in retrospect Steve probably thought DT would reciprocate in good faith. As we now know, that did not happen. Very likley DT gave a word of fellowship to someone which issued in Steve's discipline. IMHO there was and still is too much pride to repent for roles in the late 80's turmoil.