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Old 11-13-2011, 06:28 AM   #238
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hopefully they will get to the bottom of this because it appears that it goes much deeper than Sandusky.
Perhaps the hardest thing in life to reconcile is the betrayal of trust, especially those who are so well respected, and have won your own trust over time, and have become close personally. Sandusky was, by all counts, a father figure to many kids who lacked one. In like manner, LSM had the total respect from a whole generation of young people. Many of us viewed WL and LSM as the closest thing to God and godliness on this whole earth.

The Bible records that when the Lord reclined at table for the last supper (forget the artist renderings we often see) it was John to His front and Judas to His rear. I believe He was closest to these two, with Judas acting as His personal valet, of sorts. That is why that betrayal was so painful to the Lord and fulfilled Psalms 41.9, "My own close friend, whom I trusted, who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me."

It's hard for the human psychology to understand how ones who have done so much good for us can also be guilty of doing evil. It's better when bad people look the devil, than when they look and act like angels.
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