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Old 09-01-2011, 11:32 AM   #113
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Default Re: Elvis has left the building

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
OK so just God considers it acceptable for an innocent child to suffer.
Temporal suffering cannot compare to eternal bliss.

What you are saying is like saying that no one should be allowed to drive cars because someone might get hurt. Or kids shouldn't be allowed to play with marbles because someone might catch one in the eye. Or people shouldn't be allowed to get out of bed because they might fall down.

What kind of world do you want? One where everyone walks around in padded suits and eats predigested mush with rubber spoons so that they don't accidentally bite their lips? There is a way to totally eliminate suffering immediately, but you wouldn't like the result because you'd find that you'd become a robot.

A world without potential for mistakes is a world without potential for lessons. Without having the choice to reject God we cannot experience the joy of choosing him.

Some are, some aren't. All suffer regardless.
None need suffer eternally.

Right. It's a beautiful image. This is the answer of faith without evidence. It is necessitated by the reality of suffering in the observable world. How long has God endured the suffering of senscient beings? How much longer until the wiping away of tears envisioned by John of Patmos?
Why don't you ask him? Peter said that God is giving people time to repent. The LRC believed he was waiting for the church to be built. The bottom line is he is waiting for us, we're not waiting for him.
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