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Old 08-30-2011, 10:02 AM   #50
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Jesus is Lord

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Yet the nature of humankind has not been changed....take a look around the world, we are as uncivilized as we've ever been ... if not more cuz we have WMDs.
I have taken a look around the world. I went to school in Europe as well as the US, I went to college in Texas and visited Mexico frequently, I have lived in the Far East for about 8 years. I have come to the conclusion that the best form of Govt on this planet is the US, and we are painfully aware of what a sad commentary that is on human govt. In fact, the only person in human history I would want running the govt is the Lord Jesus. Apart from Him all other great men seem inadequate in one way or another.

I have also seen the depravity of man. I worked as a stock broker for years, where dollars made could usually be equated with lies told. As a HS teacher I see a lot of the unvarnished depravity of man before people mature enough to become more deceitfully wicked. I have come to the conclusion that without Christ and the church the world would be hell on earth. And I fully understand that most in the meetings are not "transformed" saints.

I do see the technological marvels and wonders of this age. I am very impressed with how ever increasing efficiency and productivity has kept pace with exponential population growth so that we can continue to feed the world. It is really a miracle that could never have been accomplished with technology from 50 years ago. Just as our technology to feed and heal people has grown miraculously, so has our ability to track them, hunt them, and kill them. From an amoral viewpoint this also is truly amazing.

Once again, this view has impressed me even more with how much we need Jesus as Lord.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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