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Old 08-22-2011, 02:05 PM   #187
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 27
Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
I'm not sure where you got this impression. I have in front of me right now the newest version of "The Holy Word for Morning Revival" - "Chrystallization-Study of the Psalms Volume One - Witness Lee"...
My apologies, I do not have a current copy or any recent ones,, I was giving WL some benefit of the doubt since he has passed. The last several times I attended a LSM type meetings I left with tears in my eyes. The last conference I attended was in Washington DC about 4 yrs ago and I wept for hrs deeply afterwards. I heard a lot of ambition and a lot of telling people what they had to do to be in the next move of God. "since they had everything" "the ministry of the age" "They need nothing cause they had everything" I remeber sitting there thinking I was in Laodicia. Just as the Recovery version footnotes descibed Laodicia I experienced it first hand. There were threats made about those who were publishing other things. They told us that they needed a lot of the saints to migrate to different parts of the world. To me it sounded like they just needed to have the saints go all over to get people to use and purchase LSM books and materials. It wasn't about sharing Christ It was about doing a work to bring Christ back and that those following LSM were the ones that were going to do it. I still want to believe that WL works are being twisted or taken out of context somehow to promote the views and concepts of the BB and to take those following them down a different path. Am I wrong about this too? Ned

With love in my heart

Last edited by RollingStone; 08-22-2011 at 02:14 PM. Reason: added some experiences
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