Originally Posted by UntoHim
I'm not sure where you got this impression. I have in front of me right now the newest version of "The Holy Word for Morning Revival" - "Chrystallization-Study of the Psalms Volume One - Witness Lee"...
Hey dear brother UntoHim,
From everything I have seen over the decades, your analysis is 100% correct. Every once in a blue moon, a "Holy Word for Morning Revival" booklet would hit on a point which Watchman Nee had covered in great detail. In those rare cases, that particular HWFMR book might contain anywhere from 5% to 10% of it's material from WN. On the other hand, some HWFMR books contained 100% Witness Lee, especially when the topic being discussed was particularly "high peaky". I have not done a scientific study of this, but I am sure a long-term analysis over the decades would yield results that HWFMR material has been composed of around 97% Witness Lee material and around 3% Watchman Nee material.
John Ingalls?? Who is he?? He co-wrote hymns with WL?? He worked on the original RcV translation??

Not according to my shiny new LSM books! I only see Lee, Lee, Lee and a very rare reference to "The Editorial Section, Living Stream Ministry".
Here is an interesting historical tid-bit that those who left the LC in the late 1980's and those who are new-comers may not be aware of:
Witness Lee became very ill in the early spring of 1997. WL spoke at the 1997 Chinese New Year Conference and that was the last conference he spoke at. The "Blended Brothers To Be" covered for WL at the Elders' Training in April, 1997. The "Blended Brothers To Be" also covered for WL at the 1997 Memorial Day Conference. WL, of course, died shortly after Memorial Day, 1997.
I do not know about the 1997 April Elders' Training, but for the HWFMR book which covered the 1997 Memorial Day Conference, the actual words spoken by the "Blended Brothers to Be" was used as the text for HWFMR, and not ministry material from WL. The howls of protest from the "Lee-onlyists" were loud and clear!! The "saints" were NOT going to "prophecy" the words of the BB's in the "prophecying" meetings!! Only the words of WL were suitable to be the basis of prophecying!! (With an occasional nod to the actual Scriptures listed for each day in the HWFMR.) From that day forward, HWFMR books have only included ministry material from WL (with the small smattering of material from WN mentioned above).
Interestingly, it was this same "ultra-conservative" wing in the LSM-loyal churches who protested loud and clear to the BB's about Titus Chu. If you listened closely to Dan Towle at Whistler, he clearly mentioned how the BB's in the 1990's originally wanted the BB's to be a rather large and inclusive group. Some in the LC's, however, remembered some of the negative things WL had said privately about TC and they insisted to the BB's that TC not be allowed to speak at the trainings and conferences. The BB's caved in to this pressure.