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Old 09-26-2024, 08:40 PM   #24
Join Date: Sep 2024
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 15
Default Re: Greetings from an LC member!

Hi dear Trusting,

I deeply and thoroughly relate to your words and sentiments.

One thing you mention: "I would still say that I am an LC member, but I have stopped meeting."

My brother said something years ago that was helpful to me, something like, If something is the church, you can't leave. If you can leave something, it's not the church..." Being saved, being in the church... this is a matter of eternal citizenship in God's kingdom... Man doesn't dictate the boundaries of "the" church. God does, and it encompasses all believers.

If anyone can be an "LC member" or non-LC member, versus all of us just being members of the Body of Christ that includes all believers, where is the genuine oneness?

The whole distinguishing of "meeting" and "not meeting" is so unhealthy, but these are/were such common descriptors used, (if one is being honest) carrying criticism and judgment. If you have any fellow member with whom you can be 100% honest and with whom you can pray, you are "meeting." Meeting is being together with other believers, in spirit and truthfulness.... That's my belief and understanding.

Of course, meeting with more believers is extra wonderful... when also in spirit and truthfulness. I got to meet with thousands in Angels Stadium a couple of months ago for a Harvest Crusade that I used to look down on when indentifying as being in "THE (exclusive/superior) church"... Meeting with thousands in that stadium, singing to our wonderful God was truly a foretaste of eternal enjoyment we will share!

I'm available to meet with you and all believers any time possible!
Ruth Wise,
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