Originally Posted by Ohio
I can't remember any exhortation in scripture for this PUBLIC display commonly seen in LC meetings. On the contrary, what is seen in scripture and referred to as “calling on the Lord,” could only be described as needy, private, genuine, unscripted, and personal prayer from the believer to the Lord.
There is one very public and very tumultuous meeting which Christian groups have tried consciously or unconsciously to emulate and follow, ever since. That was the gathering in the large upper room on Pentecost.
But nowhere in the NT is that prescribed as the model Christian meeting. At some point, when we whip ourselves into a frenzy, Paul says this will stumble visitors, as we can attest in the LC. Immature ones will lay hands quickly and with unmerited enthusiasm. But Paul seems to address this tendency toward unmerited enthusiasm and unbalance in his word to the Corinthians, summing up that God is not a God of disorder but of peace. (I Cor 14 v. 33).