Re: God's Economy is in faith
Many, way too many, who attended LC meetings or grew up in that system DID call mindlessly, repetitively, even chanting, without any semblance of reality, rather merely vain repetition, taking His name in vain as we are commanded not to in the 3rd Commandment. This was most unfortunate, but I, and you, cannot deny that it really happened. I talked about this in that lengthy ITERO Midwest quarantine meeting in Whistler, BC.
This is the unavoidable consequence of that public practice. Calling on the Name of our dear Lord should never have become some cheap and commonplace, very PUBLIC, very programmed, very coerced, very loud and repetitive, yet distorted, mechanical practice. I cannot remember any exhortation in scripture for this PUBLIC display commonly seen in LC meetings. On the contrary, what is seen in scripture and referred to as “calling on the Lord,” could only be described as needy, private, genuine, unscripted, and personal prayer from the believer to the Lord.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!