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Old 08-15-2023, 04:22 PM   #5
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Default Re: A Curious Fellow's Introduction

Originally Posted by Robert View Post
God bless You in Jesus Christ!
Thanks for the blessing. I hear what you're saying. When I was in The Lord's Recovery I noticed that it got rarer and rarer for people to share from the scriptures as the years went on. They often preferred to share from Witness Lee's books rather than the word of God, and anyone who challenged Lee's teachings using the scriptures was often ignored, shunned, told to be silent, or told to leave. It was quite disheartening to see that the denomination that calls itself The Lord's Recovery turned out to be much like the "Christendom" that they claimed was so degraded, deformed, devilish, and satanic. Just another organization full of hierarchy with much truth concealed by tradition and faulty religion. Luckily, I've been blessed with much fellowship outside of that sect created by Witness Lee. I've found people who actually prefer the bible to Witness Lee's works, and we've fellowshipped sweetly over the scriptures at homes, at church, over lunch, and online. I've also had a proper opportunity to test scriptures and debate with brothers and sisters regarding the truth of the scriptures, and it has provided much growth in my knowledge and love of God's word, in my love for my brothers and sisters, and in my patience and grace with those who hold different ideas than me. The Lord has been good to me by removing me from such a deadened and lifeless group as The Lord's Recovery. For this, I give him praise.
A Curious Fellow
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