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Old 08-10-2022, 12:08 PM   #10
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Huntsville, AL
Posts: 424
Default Re: Please Keep Benson Phillips and his Family in your Thoughts and Prayers

Originally Posted by Zezima View Post
Thanks for that video. Benson isn’t involved with speaking much, what does the president do?

Also, how long does the Recovery go on once people with direct contact to lee start to pas away?
Back in the '80s, Benson was sort of a regional super-elder for the Texas/Oklahoma sector. At first he was more a preacher than a leader. But he definitely seemed to flourish as an 'attorney general' whenever a rebellion happened. My most imprinted memories of him is when he came into town to lay down the law.

W. Lee died several years after I left, but I gather that Benson was very instrumental in the forming of the "blended brothers". He went on a tour asking for all the elders to sign an oath to stay in one accord with the MOTA.

Now I must caveat all of this with the fact I was a high school/college student during this time, so I am certain my description above could use some improvements.

In fact, I would like to read corrective responses, just so I can make the proper adjustments to my perceptions.
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