Originally Posted by countmeworthy
The difference between this generation and other generations is the re birth of the nation of Israel and the return of Jerusalem back to Israel from Jordan in 1967.
Jesus could not return prior to this historical event because of what He said in Matthew 24:32-35
The reference to "this generation" always poses the question, "how long is this generation?"
But one thing is certain -- the prophecies are Israel-centric. All the prophets focused on what was happening in Israel. Myriads of Jews died in eastern Europe from numerous pogroms starting even in the early 19th century. Others dies from forced emigrations. Wholesale slaughters did not end until Israel became a nation, but that was the just the beginning of their struggles as a free people.
Yet as horrible as the WW2 Holocaust was, and many thought the end was then nigh, yet without the nation of Israel, without their capital Jerusalem, without possession of Mt. Zion, without their Temple, and without the restoration of "sacrifice and the oblation," (Daniel 9.27) the end is not yet.
Many had foretold the coming of Christ around Y2K, based on the principle of 7 days of Creation foretelling 7 millennia of history. But that was based on the time of the birth of Christ, rather than the death of the Christ ~ AD 30.
What do you think?