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Search: Posts Made By: Meribah
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching 11-02-2017, 01:56 PM
Replies: 629
Views: 69,764
Posted By Meribah
Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Dear Evangelical,
Based on your correction, it is not you who needs to apologize but rather me. And I do apologize for misinterpreting what you wrote. It was an honest mistake. And I am very glad...
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching 11-02-2017, 10:57 AM
Replies: 629
Views: 69,764
Posted By Meribah
Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Regarding the "magnifying" Paul did of his ministry, here is a useful discussion and link:

"I magnify mine office - I honor δοξάζω doxazōmy ministry. I esteem it of great importance; and by...
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching 11-02-2017, 06:23 AM
Replies: 629
Views: 69,764
Posted By Meribah
Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Evangelical, your post clearly says we have to magnify "our ministry brother". Your "ministry brother"is WL. You are clearly magnifying a man. All that the LC does and says is the magnification of a...
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching 11-02-2017, 04:19 AM
Replies: 629
Views: 69,764
Posted By Meribah
Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

You see? It is clearly exactly as I said. WL is a mediator between them and the Word. Because he has so carefully planted the seeds of his doctrine and his special position throughout the life...
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching 10-31-2017, 03:23 AM
Replies: 305
Views: 37,765
Posted By Meribah
Re: Smoking Gun?

The "getting between" occurs whenever any teacher drowns out all other voices but his own and, by doing so, insists that his way is the new and only revelation for that time period. Look at the...
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching 10-30-2017, 04:29 PM
Replies: 305
Views: 37,765
Posted By Meribah
Re: Smoking Gun?

And he did not DARE quote anyone living and still be able to say "poor, degraded Christianity" and not have some holes in his argument against them.
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching 10-30-2017, 03:46 PM
Replies: 305
Views: 37,765
Posted By Meribah
Re: Smoking Gun?

I suspect that the problems with the link may have sprung up in response to "someone" having read that this link was being used and , therefore, a "problem" arose. You get my drift.

While the...
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching 10-27-2017, 01:38 PM
Replies: 305
Views: 37,765
Posted By Meribah
Re: Smoking Gun?

Zeek, this means he had to have said it more than once. I heard it around 1979 or 1980. He clearly said, "I am your apostle". Everything after that was a kind of blur because it upset me so.
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching 10-27-2017, 12:22 PM
Replies: 305
Views: 37,765
Posted By Meribah
Re: Smoking Gun?

Question: It has never occurred to me even remotely to go on to the sites or forums of those sharing their sorrows and hurts about a past experience to try and argue them down from their perspective...
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching 10-27-2017, 12:15 PM
Replies: 305
Views: 37,765
Posted By Meribah
Re: Smoking Gun?

"THE lead in carrying out the ministry of the age" = MOTA

The definite article "the" means one--a specific, singular, unique one. Why did he not say "a"? The indefinite article "a" means one of...
Forum: Introductions and Testimonies 10-21-2017, 03:30 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 4,816
Posted By Meribah
Re: Howdy from a Newbie

Hello to dear brother, Gideon!

I have thought long and hard about what I would share with you regarding the LC. There is so much to say that it is hard to know where to begin.

I think we all...
Forum: Oh Lord, Where Do We Go From Here? 10-12-2017, 10:47 AM
Replies: 155
Views: 30,995
Posted By Meribah
Re: Ron Kangas Message

A little brother has written:
" We hasten the Lord's return not in the sense we want to affect or change the Lord's return schedule. But that
(1) We know He will return in the best timing
(2) We...
Forum: Oh Lord, Where Do We Go From Here? 10-11-2017, 11:53 AM
Replies: 155
Views: 30,995
Posted By Meribah
Re: Ron Kangas Message

The phrase "I am coming soon"--along with the phrase "I come quickly" are often translated as "suddenly". When He comes, it will happen very suddenly and without warning.
Forum: Oh Lord, Where Do We Go From Here? 10-11-2017, 11:33 AM
Replies: 155
Views: 30,995
Posted By Meribah
Re: Ron Kangas Message

Certainly we can "hasten" the day of the Lord's coming in some kind of sense--the Bible says so. But since the Lord already knew far ahead of time exactly what would happen and when, it will still...
Forum: Oh Lord, Where Do We Go From Here? 10-10-2017, 11:55 AM
Replies: 155
Views: 30,995
Posted By Meribah
Re: Ron Kangas Message

The teaching that they (the LC--and basically only them) were going to "bring the Lord back" shocked and annoyed me more than most of their crazier teachings. I can scarcely even imagine an Almighty...
Forum: So, What About Woman? 10-09-2017, 01:31 PM
Replies: 151
Views: 116,449
Posted By Meribah
Re: Witness Lee's teaching on women

Unreg said: "We women are under headship here in the Earthly realm but when we pray and fellowship with Him, we are already seated in the heavenlies--and there is NO curse from the Fall there and,...
Forum: Oh Lord, Where Do We Go From Here? 10-09-2017, 01:18 PM
Replies: 155
Views: 30,995
Posted By Meribah
Re: Ron Kangas Message

Because the Force is with me, I am coming back in to reply to the comment that if PRINCESS LEIA said it," it has to be true". (O ye of little faith!)

No, it is NOT because she said it that it is...
Forum: So, What About Woman? 10-05-2017, 02:25 PM
Replies: 151
Views: 116,449
Posted By Meribah
Re: Witness Lee's teaching on women

The Lord has given women a wonderful, truly equal role with men. It's not their fault that men cannot see it. To them has been given the greater position of service so that their reward may be...
Forum: Apologetic discussions 10-03-2017, 02:03 PM
Replies: 139
Views: 22,355
Posted By Meribah
Re: Brainwashing

After being a part of them for so many years (the LC), I have realized that there are those among us (in society and in church) who simply like being told what to think and do. Some of these people...
Forum: Oh Lord, Where Do We Go From Here? 10-03-2017, 01:43 PM
Replies: 155
Views: 30,995
Posted By Meribah
Re: Ron Kangas Message

I have thought about why these people in the LC who are leaders have such a strong desire for control masked as "speaking the one thing", etc. I have this thought to contribute:

They do not think...
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching 10-01-2017, 07:27 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 4,188
Posted By Meribah
Re: The Sovereignty of God

Regarding the sovereignty of God, I have always kept in mind Ephesians 1:11..." in him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in CONFORMITY...
Forum: Apologetic discussions 09-23-2017, 05:23 AM
Replies: 139
Views: 22,355
Posted By Meribah
Re: Brainwashing

How interesting that you should mention that the faith of the LC saints is actually in the LC itself! This is very true! I have said this for years. As an example, if you were to ask one of them how...
Forum: Apologetic discussions 09-22-2017, 10:17 AM
Replies: 139
Views: 22,355
Posted By Meribah
Re: Brainwashing

Allow me to stand up for dear brother Aron here--who is taking a pounding over terminology. When Aron says "brainwashed", I wonder if he could mean that people were the victims of "bait and switch"?...
Showing results 1 to 23 of 23


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