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05-05-2021 05:53 PM
Re: Coming Clean in the System of Authority and Submission

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Coming Clean

I think it is amazing that government officials in Washington D.C. lie about their criminal acts and wrongdoings and dig in when they are caught; instead of confessing. But they have a team of people who are in coordination to cover them and to cover-up for them, if needed.

We wouldn’t allow such a government in the church life, right? But we do have a system of church government that tells us not to care for right and wrong; but to look away from the mistakes of a leader (deputy authority) and respect “God’s government” instead. In so doing, a system of authority and submission began, which can be traced back to the resumption of Watchman Nee’s ministry in 1948 that followed his 6-year suspension.

Actually, these two systems work similarly to cover the backs of leaders and to cover-up for them, unrighteously, when needed.
Both of these systems go into a panic against truth-seekers and truth-speakers. Censorship becomes a practice to silence the truth-speakers.
Thirty years ago or so John Ingalls released a book, "Speaking the Truth In Love". Only one edition. If it wasn't for the labor of one or two to put in Word form and make it available, who knows how many it would not have reached? Yet though John is with the Lord now, LSM doesn't want his testimony to be read.
Both of these systems employ propaganda (Fermentation of the Present Rebellion) to gain traction with people. Propaganda is easily put together, but truth and facts takes much longer time to be released.
Secular government and in the church there are those wanting to maintain control and will go to any means. Just as I saw it 30 years, I see it now. Those that do the persecuting (LSM and the far left) are in fact projecting what they've been doing all along.
What better way to maintain power in the church than the doctrine of deputy authority. Those that resist against the doctrine will simply be labeled as "rebellious", "independent", "ambitious". You will hear phrases such as "be one with the brothers" or "get right with the brothers". Almost seems like a one-sided relationship. Maybe it is.
05-04-2021 07:48 PM
Re: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion Assessed

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Steve Isitt attempted to eliminate the double bind. One day in a meeting, Witness Lee said, "We need to reconcile with those who have left. We need to find out what happened, to heal their wounds, to restore fellowship." So Steve tried to do this, and yet to remain "one" with LSM-affiliated church leadership. Eventually he found out that these were incompatible goals.
Actions speak louder than words. I'm sure many of the leading ones at LSM knew where John Ingalls had resided since 1974, and it was known to knock on John's door or for John's presence in a meeting hall was not to be tolerated. Not just John, but others similar to him who left, there was no willingness to reconcile and heal wounds.
Instead what you will find over the decades is LC conference messages focused on rebellion as seen in The Book of Numbers. Many churches I have been in focus on a New Testament ministry instead of an Old Testament type.
A much more healthy word to nourish and restore brothers and sisters is a ministry of reconciliation as seen in 2n Corinthians 5:11-21

11 Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. 12 We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again, but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart. 13 If we are “out of our mind,” as some say, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. 14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
05-04-2021 07:23 PM
Re: Hiding History in the Lord's Recovery 2009

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
"These rumors are in the nature of myths (1 Tim. 1:4; 4:7; 2 Tim. 4:4), that is, narrative stories without factual basis. Some of these rumors were long ago disproven but still circulate today.”

Well their statement is contrary to an email from Chris Wilde to Steve Isitt. Following is the text pertinent to this post:

"As to the issues you have raised related to the events of the distant past, the brothers here just do not have the heart to reopen old wounds and delve into matters that we believe were resolved many years ago. After considering your manuscript, it just didn’t seem that anything new was there, so it’s hard to see what good could come of it."
04-20-2021 05:22 PM
Re: Hiding History in the Lord's Recovery 2009

The Shepherding Words site: “This site addresses rumors that have arisen over the years regarding the local churches and the ministry of God’s word through Brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. These rumors are in the nature of myths (1 Tim. 1:4; 4:7; 2 Tim. 4:4), that is, narrative stories without factual basis. Some of these rumors were long ago disproven but still circulate today.”

04-15-2021 05:51 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Today is the late John Ingalls' birthday. Here is what I posted to his Facebook page:

"Brother John Ingalls, wow you would have turned 91 today! I do hope that you are happy with the way I made your writing more available on the internet. There is still much polishing to be done in the E-Book but - as your life well exemplified - I'm being careful to keep LOVE behind every touch."

03-24-2021 02:16 PM
Re: The Teaching that Blew in to Shanghai

The teaching that blew in to Shanghai Christian Assembly and was later brought to the U. S., began with a story W. Lee told about his “spiritual father,” and the covering of Noah” - a stratagem that grew into an epic tale and illusion of “God’s government.” This speaking led to disastrous, unimaginable, and sad results in our church history.

The Shanghai elders had their view and concerns about Watchman Nee based on their closeness to his situation, and practiced justice in 1942 by suspending his ministry. Witness Lee came to Shanghai in 1946 to reason with the elders about the suspension. His pursuit, though, was not for justice, but for freeing Nee.

03-20-2021 01:42 PM
Re: Covering Noah No more

This much of the monumental information in Shanghai that was left out of LSM is enough to ask, why? Lily Hsu’s book gave negative aspects of our church history but it is loaded with insights for learning and profiting by it. Not least among those insights is not to uplift a man and his ministry inordinately; uplift Christ alone.

The Shanghai elders would decide to cover Noah no more. We couldn't learn from history, because we didn't know the history. It has been part of the cover up, saints.

03-19-2021 09:32 AM
Covering Noah - the Practice of the Blinded Brothers

Covering Noah, the Practice of the Blinded Brothers

The term blinded brothers is used to describe a condition; it is not for humor or ridicule. Those who take the lead in the Local Churches have assuredly decimated a portion of Scripture they use in their blindness that negates the conscience and institutes a form of government of authority and submission in the churches. Such a system of church government was picked up from Watchman Nee in China after he was freed from church discipline to resume his ministry after a suspension that went on for six years.

Nee’s word on Noah - “In the first garden, Adam fell. In the vineyard, Noah also fell. God saved Noah’s household because of his righteousness. In God’s plan, Noah was the head of his household. God placed Noah’s family under his authority. God also set Noah to be the head of the earth at that time." (Authority and Submission - W. Nee)
And Noah…planted a vineyard: and he drank of the wine and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.(Gen 9:20-27)

03-18-2021 04:12 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery


John Little spoke in the Quarantine session concerning Bill’s “self-interest” and “problem with offenses” that according to John’s estimation was a stumbling to Bill. He did not mention the sore trials that the Southeast suffered at the hands of LSM, which were indeed factors of stumbling to Bill that evoked criticisms from him, “charges of control by the Living Stream Ministry office, charges of immorality, charges about the Taipei training, charges about the usurping of the human will, and all kinds of charges” (p. 126, 127 FPR). Was John Little concerned about the legitimacy of these charges? Or was his concern for “the covering of Noah?”
01-11-2021 02:30 PM
Re: The Claim that Brothers Were Against the New Way

The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion

Reasonably Addressed


The Claim that the Brothers Were Against the New Way

On page 51 in Fermentation is a claim indicating that the brothers were not for the new way to build up the churches. In reading the accounts of these consecrated brothers to the Lord’s recovery, it is easy to understand why they became alarmed over serious developments in “the Lord’s new move” and why they began to meet together to discuss those developments and, eventually, to speak out concerning them.

Their main concern was for the real situation and condition of the churches, and, they endeavored to minister to the saints accordingly. It was said that they were not for the new way in the churches and that they were ambitious. Yet, their own accounts tell otherwise, that they were indeed for the new way and that they were also for the building up of the church and the churches. The following excerpts show their supportive position for the new way before the disturbing elements from LSM began to arise in the implementation process of the new way that forced them into a different and unpopular stance.

01-08-2021 10:57 AM
Re: 3 The Claim that Dissenting Brothers were Rebellious

Fermentation Reasonably Addressed


01-07-2021 09:41 AM
John So was an Example to follow


Witness Lee: “The Bible is an honest book. After Genesis 18 and 19, in which we see Abraham's high attainment in his experience of God, there is a record of his weakness in Genesis 20. Can you believe that after having such intimate fellowship with God and after making such a glorious intercession, Abraham could have the experience recorded in chapter twenty?..... Once again we see that the Bible is not man-made. If it were of human manufacture, the writer would not have included this record of Abraham's weakness and shortcomings. But the Bible is honest and it has Genesis 20 as part of the divine record.

“Abraham, a man of God, had a weakness hidden deep within him. While in chapter eighteen he made a glorious intercession, in chapter twenty we find the record of a shameful one.” (Genesis LS #55, W.Lee)
If the Bible is an honest book, why are not the leaders of "the "recovered church" in earnest quest of transparency in its leadership.

Why is there no overseer who will give an honest report about LSM?

Men who were in complete anguish and disgust in their experience with LSM, resorted to writing a a letter of disassociation from them, that is, from Witness Lee and his decadent son, Philip, and those who partnered with them. John So and leaders from 9 churches in Europe were done with the duo and their mistreatment of the European churches, the conduct of Philip Lee; and the major role of the father and son in the chaos, confusion and division that took place in the churches in the late eighties.

Copy of Original Disassociation Letter


Includes 21 names and signatures on three pages, of brothers representing each of nine churches in Europe that supported the letter to Witness Lee


01-05-2021 04:36 PM
Re: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion Assessed

Originally Posted by aron View Post
So Steve tried to do this, and yet to remain "one" with LSM-affiliated church leadership. Eventually he found out that these were incompatible goals.
Me neither... My experience here is in sync with Steve's. Privately they admit something wrong, but reluctant to admit publicly...I guess one bright symptom is that anyway they now listen to me on some awkward issues, a big progress. . In the old days, I would have been ripped I'm stirring a trash bin...
01-05-2021 05:42 AM
Re: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion Assessed

Originally Posted by Gubei View Post
I have met some leading brothers in S.Korea, and realized they now knew something wrong, but they just want to keep silent or keep distance away from the leadership position rather than speaking out what they have felt... partially understandable, but uncomfortable to me. May the Lord have his way in this country. Amen.
Amen. May the Lord have his way in Korea.

Double bind (n) "a psychological predicament in which a person receives from a single source conflicting messages that allow no appropriate response to be made" [see e.g., works by Bateson, Girard]

The followers of Lee's Lieutenants at LSM, because of mixed or conflicting messages, are put in an uncomfortable double bind. On the one hand they've pledged to be "one" and "positive" and so forth. On the other hand, clearly there are problems from the past which have not been cleared up, but rather covered over, as Steve Isitt's writings (among many others) have shown.

The group leaders in LSM-affiliated ekklesia are in a dilemma. They want to go on, they want the light, they want life, they want spirit to flow, they want growth, both in numbers and in maturity and degree of works. But they also want to avoid being put out of the LSM synagogue (cf Joh 9:22; 12:42).

Steve Isitt attempted to eliminate the double bind. One day in a meeting, Witness Lee said, "We need to reconcile with those who have left. We need to find out what happened, to heal their wounds, to restore fellowship." So Steve tried to do this, and yet to remain "one" with LSM-affiliated church leadership. Eventually he found out that these were incompatible goals.
01-04-2021 08:10 PM
Re: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion Assessed

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
but I suppose if WL had spent more time, publicly repenting and exposing details, then Resurrection Life could have had a way to really come forth. But alas, that's not the way it went . . .
I couldn't agree with you more on this point.

BTW, recently I have met some leading brothers in S.Korea, and realized they now knew something wrong, but they just want to keep silent or keep distance away from the leadership position rather than speaking out what they have felt... partially understandable, but uncomfortable to me. May the Lord have his way in this country. Amen.
01-03-2021 01:38 PM
Re: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion Reasonably Addessed

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
I don't think it was easy for bro Lee to make that confession and it has been mentioned many times on here. I think that as far as the LC should be concerned, it should be the main focus of their attention.That is, the one they promote so very strenuously had something critically important to say at the end of his life. But it seems they largely ignore that speaking and have chosen to go on as if WL had never said what he said. To acknowledge it would take a real dying to self and humbling before the Lord, which appears is not present.

We can only conjecture, but I suppose if WL had spent more time, publicly repenting and exposing details, then Resurrection Life could have had a way to really come forth. But alas, that's not the way it went . . .
Amen! to these sentiments, Sons to Glory.


Reasonably Addressed


The Claim that Brothers Were Involved in a Conspiracy

01-03-2021 07:15 AM
Sons to Glory!
Re: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion Assessed

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
After being driven to the point of questioning seriously the legitimacy of the “Lord’s New Move,” planned and orchestrated in the “local churches” by Witness Lee, I began to research his claims about the causes of turmoil and division, and also compared his new move to the blueprint he had brought to the United States. At the end of his ministry in 1997, he admitted that he had made "mistakes" concerning staying on the right path of receiving believers; both those "among us" and those outside the local churches. He said he had repented before the Lord and was "sorry to the whole Body of Christ," yet he wasn’t specific about who or what he was referring to but did convey that those "mistakes" were very important and should be researched. He had really under-stated the matter, as history shows. It would have been at a high price for him to tell the truth regarding his "mistakes" and the major causes of division and the persons, places, and details involved. He left this heavy burden first to the leaders, and also to all the saints - that we might learn!

I became pressed in my church life experience to know our history, learning it from men of conscience who paid the price of offering transparent fellowship in the church; but a price was paid also by those who did not become men of conscience, and are suffering the consequences today, as are the churches!

I don't think it was easy for bro Lee to make that confession and it has been mentioned many times on here. I think that as far as the LC should be concerned, it should be the main focus of their attention. That is, the one they promote so very strenuously had something critically important to say at the end of his life. But it seems they largely ignore that speaking and have chosen to go on as if WL had never said what he said. To acknowledge it would take a real dying to self and humbling before the Lord, which appears is not present.

We can only conjecture, but I suppose if WL had spent more time, publicly repenting and exposing details, then Resurrection Life could have had a way to really come forth. But alas, that's not the way it went . . .
01-02-2021 10:35 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

In addition one more thing. In WL language or definition "reality of church life" is only his expectation of ideal prefect church. We do not see this idea in Bible about visible church on the Earth. We can see only mistakes, fallen man, our sins and nothing good. But when we look at Jesus and turn back sight from our flesh thenwe can experience inner life. That is a Gospel. Just believe in Christ, just wait for His coming. There is always some reality. Reality about church condition. This reality is visible for others from the world too. Other wise why Jesus taught about shining for others, about helping others, loving others and simply living in this world! So what kind of reality WL meant? Some mystical reality? Yes, there is such! In my soul, spirit wher God is operating. But how he wanted to see it? So You can see how little by little there was building idea of oneness.
One more testimony. One day saints was helping brother to move to another city. We never mentioned name of Jesus for few hours just helping and working. His unbeliever friend (helping too), was shocked and asked him later who we are? And how he got to know us? He cold not even describe that onenss. He said we were so "strange" in positive way... God sometimes can give testimony about his chosen ones without words. This is what I understand by shining Him. That was amazing experience and testimony.
So there is always some realm. eathe we see it or not.
01-02-2021 09:36 PM
Re: Coming Clean in the System of Authority and Submission

[QUOTE=Indiana;96059]Coming Clean

“This is why in the New Testament the Apostle Paul would not tolerate any kind of immorality. In 1 Corinthians 5 Paul charged the church not to associate with that immoral person. The church as a pure testimony of Christ would not tolerate any impurity, any immorality. The church has to be pure. Once the church becomes rotten, it loses its nature and standing as the Lord's testimony….

When we read Bible a lot then we know author's mind and thoughts. We should learn how to catch false thoughts and false ideas. Just between words! Church is spiritual! Our salvation is about our soul. If we follow Holly Spirit then is no problem. But can we be holly 24/7? No! Can we be found at that day waiting for Christ clean and holly? Yes! Will be all 10 virigins ready for bridegroom? No! So why WL was expecting that church has to be perfect? What is church? You see that? No consequences in thoughts and teaching. Paul said that he is not perfect but he forgot what is behind and pursuing ahead... Don't we see our dual life? We have to be perfected and being focused on good things. Yes! But ecclesia-group of people of the called ones. But really if you exercise spirit and listen carefully what WL says You will see hidden idea of " we will do it, we have to, it should be like"! And now we see this exaggeration. On one hand yes! I have to be holly! I have to come to Lord and have fellowship with Him. I have to be full of His word. I can not expect this from others. I will tell You one example. One brother left fellowship and went to the world. We tried few times warm up him. I joined him in pub, he was drinking too much but i was full of hope that if I stay with him he will go with me closer to Lord. But he did not! rathe I felt dirty by dust of this world. So l understood that that was his choice and his heart. Sometimes we can do nothing but pray. But that was organic situation. But the time when we make rule from this without life and Holly Spirit leading we will end up in religion and new testament comandments. The same happen with Witeness Lee. He was honest, he saw need of oneness but unfortunately it became man's work. I am not surprised that he did not see"reality" of thae Body. It is just because he was wrong just before he said "see"!!! Don't you see this expectation of seeing something on this Earth!!!??? Jesus said that only way world will recognize we are children of God will be mutual love!!! No one place, no teaching about symbols in Old Testament, no white shirts and black pants! They are so lost in their teachings and symbols that they do not see simplicity of faith. No one can force Jesus to come earlier and faster! Waiting and waiting. Like expecting thief in the night! All this happen in us. In our spirit. Bride waas prepared in heaven! We have connection with heaven. Our spirit is connected. Yes, thare are friuts of our inner life. But building expectation that "church" ( unspoken definition - we group visible people) have to bahave perfect is not biblical. We as group will be allways complex of different people in different condition. And there is a place for helping oters to grow up. There is a verse saing that "You, who think that are stronger, correct weaker in a spirit of gentleness". And many many other verses showing not perfect life but people on path of perfection.

P.S. WL In sentence above misled saints. No where stays this way, that Paul could not stand immorality. For christians this is obvious. Child born again from God has new conscience! and You see how he is building thought that: Paul had authority and he had some certain power to order. Of course You and me and Paul and Apollos and all saints would not tatnd immorality!On one hand Yes. He had authority from God. But if we reacall who Paul was, how Jesus saved him, what is our salvation, that we have love from God, we are servants of others, and if we catch general idea of spiritual work, then we will never build religion. So as I mentioned above there i s a time to say stop to sinning brother. We have to learn how to recognize situation in way of live.
And result of this fleshly ideas of utopia is at least man's work, man power, asking brothers to rapport if any body is complaining during training FTTL and removing him without fellowship. Etc.Etc. Simply poor "christianty" as they wanted stay away from. Pity!
So one more Time, we have to be like Bereans discerning words and thoughts. And really this is funny that in their book of Charachter of godly man stays that we have to listen wht brother says, what he wanted to say, and wht he did not say. I like it! So be careful how listen no what. Discern spirits and thoughts!
01-01-2021 05:53 PM
Re: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion Assessed

After being driven to the point of questioning seriously the legitimacy of the “Lord’s New Move,” planned and orchestrated in the “local churches” by Witness Lee, I began to research his claims about the causes of turmoil and division, and also compared his new move to the blueprint he had brought to the United States. At the end of his ministry in 1997, he admitted that he had made "mistakes" concerning staying on the right path of receiving believers; both those "among us" and those outside the local churches. He said he had repented before the Lord and was "sorry to the whole Body of Christ," yet he wasn’t specific about who or what he was referring to but did convey that those "mistakes" were very important and should be researched. He had really under-stated the matter, as history shows. It would have been at a high price for him to tell the truth regarding his "mistakes" and the major causes of division and the persons, places, and details involved. He left this heavy burden first to the leaders, and also to all the saints - that we might learn!

I became pressed in my church life experience to know our history, learning it from men of conscience who paid the price of offering transparent fellowship in the church; but a price was paid also by those who did not become men of conscience, and are suffering the consequences today, as are the churches!

10-21-2020 07:01 PM
Re: Coming Clean in the System of Authority and Submission

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

To have fellowship with brothers in Christ in the Spirit and in brotherly love is a priceless heritage of ours.
Coming Clean

I think it is amazing that government officials in Washington D.C. lie about their criminal acts and wrongdoings and dig in when they are caught; instead of confessing. But they have a team of people who are in coordination to cover them and to cover-up for them, if needed.

We wouldn’t allow such a government in the church life, right? But we do have a system of church government that tells us not to care for right and wrong; but to look away from the mistakes of a leader (deputy authority) and respect “God’s government” instead. In so doing, a system of authority and submission began, which can be traced back to the resumption of Watchman Nee’s ministry in 1948 that followed his 6-year suspension.

Actually, these two systems work similarly to cover the backs of leaders and to cover-up for them, unrighteously, when needed.

It is much better to see the vision of our failure(s); be abhorred by it; and pursue determinedly a good conscience before God and man, and a pure testimony of Jesus. S. I.

Timeline of Watchman Nee Era


Timeline of Witness Lee Era


Cycles of God Accomplishing and Satan Destroying

The Bible is a book of recovery says Witness Lee, showing cycles of God accomplishing and Satan destroying in Concerning the Lord’s Recovery.

Foreword by Benson Phillips: “In both the Old Testament and the New Testament God's purpose, intention, and goal to have man as His expression is clearly revealed. Also, His accomplishments according to that intention can be clearly seen. Furthermore, both Testaments give a clear record of how Satan, God's enemy, works to corrupt and destroy what God has accomplished. Finally, the two Testaments reveal how God comes in after Satan's destruction to regain His expression. This regaining of His expression is the basic matter of the Lord's recovery. God plans and God accomplishes; then Satan destroys and God recovers.” (Concerning the Lord’s Recovery, 1983, Witness Lee)

A Quick but Valuable Overview
Witness Lee shares in his book on “the basic matter” of recovery – regaining God’s expression. “The complete model of the church in the Old Testament was the temple. When the temple was fully built up, the glory of God came down. This means that God Himself came down as the glory to cover the temple and to fill the temple up. That was the picture of the full accomplishment of God's purpose.

Lost “But then Satan came in first to ruin and corrupt the people. The temple was built up during the glorious reign of Solomon the king. But Solomon himself took the lead to become rotten and corrupt. He was corrupted by the pagan concubines. The concubines brought in the idols, and this ruined the people. The entire nation of Israel was ruined, so God had no way to dwell among them. He had to give them up. Then the Babylonian army came to destroy the temple and the Holy City and to capture the people away to Babylon. The first forefather of the children of Israel was Abraham, who was called out of Babel. Satan came in to bring all of Abraham's descendants back to the very place Abraham was called out of. So whatever God accomplished was gone.” (Concerning the Lord’s Recovery, online, ch 1, sect 2, 1983, W. Lee)

Regained “But after seventy years God came in to do a recovery work. God came in to recover the thing that was lost. In the recovery of God's expression the scale was not so big as the original, but the quality was higher. By reading Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, and Zechariah you could see that the returned people were deeply dealt with by God. Their spiritual morality and character were higher than those of the children of Israel before the temple was built. In a sense Solomon was not that moral; he had many concubines. That is terrible! That is a kind of unveiling of the rottenness of that king of wisdom. He was wise, but he was rotten. His morality was too low! But after the captivity, in the recovery, the character of God's people was very much uplifted. If you considered Ezra and Nehemiah, you would have to admit that these leaders were pure and moral. Their character had a high standard. So as to quality the Lord's recovery was higher than what had been there previously.” (chapter 1, section 3, 1983)

Gaining A Pure Testimony of Jesus - 1983
“The Lord's recovery is really among us, and, although the scale is quite small, the standard of the character is higher than Christianity. In the Lord's recovery the high standard of the character must be kept and maintained. Some have checked with me asking, Do you mean that all the other Christians are rotten and that only the local church people are not rotten? I don't mean that. If any people have become rotten, they are no more in the reality of the Lord's recovery. Whatever and whoever is rotten is not in the recovery. The local churches are people who have been recovered out of their rottenness back to the pure church life. The local church is not a kind of organization or religious group. The local church is the pure church life as a pure testimony of Jesus. If we become rotten, we are no longer in the reality of the Lord's recovery. (Witness Lee, chap. 1 section 4, 1983)

On Not Reaching the Standard of our Vision – 1994

Eleven years later Witness Lee shares about not succeeding to reach the standard over a 72 year period:

“From Brother Nee’s time until today, for seventy-two years, our practice has never come up to the standard of our vision that we have received of the Lord. Brother Nee stressed two things: Christ as life to produce the church and the church as the Body of Christ to express Christ. But, sorry to say, it was not only the outsiders who did not know these things; even among Brother Nee’s co-workers, who were my contemporaries, very few have fully entered into the realization of these two matters. Not to mention the matter of the Body of Christ, they did not even see the matter of Christ as life to us.

“In 1934 a letter came to me from Watchman Nee saying…that the vision we had received from the Lord concerned Christ as our life to produce the church, not as an organization but as a Body, an organism, to express Christ. This, he said, is what we have seen, and this is what we should preach and teach. Brother Nee wrote these words twelve years after the beginning of the recovery in China in 1922. From the time that I began my ministry until today I have put out many books concerning the vision that we have seen. Through all the years, in mainland China, in Taiwan, in southeast Asia, and in the West today, in our practice we have never come up to the standard of what we have seen.” (Living a Life According to the High Peak of God’s Revelation, p. 38, W. L.)

But, in response, neither has the leadership come up to standard to lead the churches into repentance even though the truth has been made clear to the leaders from many and varied sources. No repentances, no high standard. And, also no revival.

To repeat, “The local church is the pure church life as a pure testimony of Jesus. If we become rotten, we are no longer in the reality of the Lord's recovery.” (Witness Lee, chap. 1 section 4, 1983)

“This is why in the New Testament the Apostle Paul would not tolerate any kind of immorality. In 1 Corinthians 5 Paul charged the church not to associate with that immoral person. The church as a pure testimony of Christ would not tolerate any impurity, any immorality. The church has to be pure. Once the church becomes rotten, it loses its nature and standing as the Lord's testimony….

In addition to going off course, blame was displaced onto others for the turmoil, division, and quarantines that ensued. When will those on the path of deviation judge themselves? And come clean in the House of God.

S. I.
03-26-2019 04:27 PM
Re:Priceless Heritage or Fortified Stronghold


To have fellowship with brothers in Christ in the Spirit and in brotherly love is a priceless heritage of ours.
03-26-2019 12:05 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
The Issues Presented by John Ingalls March 19, 1989

March 19, 1989 -- March 24, 2019 30 years


Debilitating Characterizations by Ron Kangas

December 2018

regarding John Ingalls


Recent LSM Speaking

“Here I need to point out a real heavy concern I have. And this supported again by the word of Brother Lee’s ministry. So many saints stop here with the conscience. And how they end up is not being God-men, just being good people caring for right and wrong according to the conscience, dealing with the conscience.

"John Ingalls could tell us, he told us openly in his last meeting in Anaheim, when he was resigning and also attacking Brother Lee in 18 or 19 ways. He said, ‘I’m at peace with myself, I’m at peace with God, I’m at peace with all of you.’

“But he was obsessed. That’s a false peace, I remember him giving a message with a certain kind of gesture, “I was deeealling [deep voice] with my conscience. Dealing, straining gnats. He was straining gnats to "swallow a camel.” RK Dec 2018

Ron is saying that john, in his 18 points' fellowship was just "straining gnats," small things, to "swallow a camel, Brother Lee.

None of the points were small, but vitally important as the church had marched far off the track and away from the vision that John, Brother Lee, Samuel Chang and others began with and stood for when they "took the ground" in Los Angeles.

John was not attacking, but giving transparent fellowship about the real situation in Anaheim and according to the original vision, for the sake of the church he helped spawn in the beginning.
Ron's word regarding John Ingalls very much epitomizes the political nature of church and society in general. What actually happened and what was printed....toss the facts out. It's opinions regarding persons, matters, or things that tends to bear the weight.
03-25-2019 06:21 AM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

From the article above, I quoted this below from John Ingalls "18 Points":
12. Our attitude toward other Christians is one of belittling them and thinking we’re superior. What we need is the reality of oneness, not just the teaching or slogan.
Read the above quote again!

How could any fair-minded Christian consider John's Point #12 to be an attack on WL? Yet it has been publicly considered by the Blendeds to be a direct attack -- 18 Bullets -- aimed at "our dear Brother Witness Lee."

I could point out hundreds of verses where the Bible specifically condemns high-minded pride and having pitiful attitudes towards others. I cannot find a single verse to justify Lee's condescending attitudes towards every other child of God.

How can the Lord Jesus ever get thru to these leaders at LSM, when they reject honest words from the Lord such as these as some "vast global conspiracy by rebellious lepers?"
03-24-2019 12:07 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

The Issues Presented by John Ingalls March 19, 1989

March 19, 1989 -- March 24, 2019 30 years


Debilitating Characterizations by Ron Kangas

December 2018

regarding John Ingalls


Recent LSM Speaking

“Here I need to point out a real heavy concern I have. And this supported again by the word of Brother Lee’s ministry. So many saints stop here with the conscience. And how they end up is not being God-men, just being good people caring for right and wrong according to the conscience, dealing with the conscience.

"John Ingalls could tell us, he told us openly in his last meeting in Anaheim, when he was resigning and also attacking Brother Lee in 18 or 19 ways. He said, ‘I’m at peace with myself, I’m at peace with God, I’m at peace with all of you.’

“But he was obsessed. That’s a false peace, I remember him giving a message with a certain kind of gesture, “I was deeealling [deep voice] with my conscience. Dealing, straining gnats. He was straining gnats to "swallow a camel.” RK Dec 2018

Ron is saying that john, in his 18 points' fellowship was just "straining gnats," small things, to "swallow a camel, Brother Lee.

None of the points were small, but vitally important as the church had marched far off the track and away from the vision that John, Brother Lee, Samuel Chang and others began with and stood for when they "took the ground" in Los Angeles.

John was not attacking, but giving transparent fellowship about the real situation in Anaheim and according to the original vision, for the sake of the church he helped spawn in the beginning.
03-24-2019 11:46 AM
Re: A Time of Turmoil and the Defaming of a Leader

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post


A Time of Turmoil and the Defaming of a Leader:


Ron Kangas' Slanted and Superficial Depiction of John Ingalls

Dear Admin,

I wonder if we could block this for now and see if fellowship opens up with Ron and LSM.

I have free links to the book that I will be setting up. No need to buy.

Steve Isitt
Let's just go forward. I have not heard from Ron or LSM about my book, because it was accurate as was the speaking of John Ingalls. But they are welcome to arrange times for meaningful dialogue, if they are indeed interested in genuine fellowship in the Body. Even if it takes 6 years, as with CRI.



the Amazon book is advertised with an introduction (a brief letter to Ron and Kerry), and a further transparent word from the preface to the book.

Dear Saints, again, Ron has shown no interest to fellowship; His speaking has had serious damaging effect in the Body of Christ; He is ignoring facts and his conscience, and thereby amplifies our concern, with no oversight or check on him coming from within the Local Churches.
03-23-2019 05:12 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery


I'm confused (not that that is very hard to do!).....What is it that you want me to block?

03-23-2019 04:48 PM
Re: A Time of Turmoil and the Defaming of a Leader


A Time of Turmoil and the Defaming of a Leader:


Ron Kangas' Slanted and Superficial Depiction of John Ingalls

Dear Admin,

I wonder if we could block this for now and see if fellowship opens up with Ron and LSM.

Don't buy, readers, i have links.

Steve Isitt
03-20-2019 08:18 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
What is troubling about Ron Kangas' attitude is how dismissive he is of John's conscience. If there is one thing the Bible teaches us it is to be careful of and respectful of others' consciences. But Kangas' dismissive attitude shows no respect whatsoever for John.

Kangas is upset because John rocked Kangas' little LR world. Kangas was offended that John would ever suggest publicly that the LR was not all Kangas thought it was. Well, guess what, Ron? God gave John the right to exercise his conscience and make life decisions about the LR, and it is not your place to call him "obsessed" just because you can't deal with that.

Again we encounter the LR problem. They cannot bear to admit they are just another Christian group, which people can choose in good conscience to join or leave. No! They have to be IT. And anyone who acts otherwise will get kicked on the way out, kicked years after they leave, and even kicked years after they have passed from this earth.

Kangas is not qualified to park cars, let alone lead or minister. And I know. I've parked cars.
Let's also bring in some context for the reader regarding an exercised conscience being crucial for church elders.

John Ingalls and two other elders were targeted by Lee and his Blended cadre for making public Philip Lee's sexual immorality at the LSM offices, which were connected to the church in Anaheim. The elders did this in order to protect the sisters. Ron Kangas, Benson Philips, Ray Graver, Minoru Chen, and others, on the other hand, shipwrecked their own consciences by covering up PL's sexual immorality and smearing the reputations of the elders who remained faithful to their consciences.

In an interesting twist of fate, John Ingalls actually stopped the incensed husband of one victim who was ready to shoot Philip Lee. Of course, none from the Lee Family ever thanked him for this.

In all my years as a Christian, never have I seen such orchestrated fleshly works of darkness, done to hide sin and attack those in the light.
03-20-2019 06:03 PM
Re: renouncing the hidden things

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
John Ingall's was reigning in life when he spoke those 16 Points to the church in Anaheim, and his conscience supported him.
Sound byte #3

Paul and those with him renounced the hidden things of shame. Ron, you keep the hidden things hidden.


1 minute

So because we are still in the flesh we still err, we still transgress. So we can confess, our conscience Is active. We confess (the Gr. Word is homologaho, which means we speak the same thing. That is, there is a speaking going on from the Lord. The Lord is indicating your attitude toward your wife was wrong. Then I can say, “Lord my attitude, in saying what I said, was wrong. Please forgive me.” And I would apologize to her, to take care of the conscience - And then the Lord wants to bring us back to His direct rule. This is the reality. And the saints need to know this and we need to know this so we can, for the sake of the Body, for the sake of the churches and the saints who we love we would advance. We can tell the Lord, to grow to maturity I want all of these points to be true of me, for the sake of the Body, for the churches.
03-20-2019 05:54 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
John Ingall's was reigning in life when he spoke those 16 Points to the church in Anaheim, and his conscience supported him.
What is troubling about Ron Kangas' attitude is how dismissive he is of John's conscience. If there is one thing the Bible teaches us it is to be careful of and respectful of others' consciences. But Kangas' dismissive attitude shows no respect whatsoever for John.

Kangas is upset because John rocked Kangas' little LR world. Kangas was offended that John would ever suggest publicly that the LR was not all Kangas thought it was. Well, guess what, Ron? God gave John the right to exercise his conscience and make life decisions about the LR, and it is not your place to call him "obsessed" just because you can't deal with that.

Again we encounter the LR problem. They cannot bear to admit they are just another Christian group, which people can choose in good conscience to join or leave. No! They have to be IT. And anyone who acts otherwise will get kicked on the way out, kicked years after they leave, and even kicked years after they have passed from this earth.

Kangas is not qualified to park cars, let alone lead or minister. And I know. I've parked cars.
03-20-2019 05:19 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Ron Kangas:

1:17.48 In God’s complete salvation, there is the issue of reigning in life. Reigning in life. And the reality of the Kingdom is a matter of reigning in life, according to Romans 5:17 and 21. THIS IS TO BE BROUGHT UNDER THE DIRECT RULE OF GOD, so that you are living in His presence, shining, this is His shining. Your intuition and your fellowship are very keen and your conscience supports you.1:18.32
John Ingalls was reigning in life when he spoke those 16 Points to the church in Anaheim, and his conscience supported him.
03-20-2019 02:45 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
The irony of that is the only thing that can save these guys and the ones they are misleading is an encounter with their conscience.
We might understand that a reason for Ron giving this message was to respond to my public emails sent to Minoru last August - with links to John Ingalls, Bill Mallon, and John So - all giving the crucial facts of their experiences with LSM, which LSM omits in their "official" publications for the churches.

Sound byte #2 Ron has skipped over dealing with the conscience, making only token mention of its existence and function - and now speaks of the kingdom, reigning in life, the direct rule of God and a conscience that supports him.

Less than a minute.

1:17.48 In God’s complete salvation, there is the issue of reigning in life. Reigning in life. And the reality of the Kingdom is a matter of reigning in life, according to Romans 5:17 and 21. THIS IS TO BE BROUGHT UNDER THE DIRECT RULE OF GOD, so that you are living in His presence, shining, this is His shining. Your intuition and your fellowship are very keen and your conscience supports you. 1:18.32 Not completely.

Sound byte #3 will put things in focus for becoming a mature believer and prepared as the Bride for Christ. Yet, the price Ron paid for mocking John Ingalls could dissuade people from following the example of godly men who, like Paul, had their faculties trained for distinguishing between good and evil by always keeping their conscience in a condition of being right with both God and man, and that requires dealing in all matters, great, or small.
03-20-2019 12:46 PM
Re: Sound byte - Ron Kangas on John Ingalls dealing with conscience

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
For Kangas to attack John Ingalls at this point proves that John's account Speaking the Truth In Love, and his 16 Points are still available on line and effective.
03-20-2019 11:47 AM
Re: Sound byte - Ron Kangas on John Ingalls dealing with conscience

The irony of that is the only thing that can save these guys and the ones they are misleading is an encounter with their conscience.
03-20-2019 11:05 AM
Re: Sound byte - Ron Kangas on John Ingalls dealing with conscience

03-19-2019 07:04 PM

Okay, this might be a little out there for some. But I hope it is received in the good humor it is intended. These are classic scenes from Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2, with parody subtitles added.

You have to laugh at these guys, you just have to.

Rocket Raccoon Takes Down Ron Kangas

03-19-2019 06:16 PM

Please delete. Sorry Admin!
03-19-2019 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post

Logic asks, What is the fail-safe of such a belief system? Can you just excuse anything your movement does and say you were acting as "God-men?" Seriously?

Kangas is scary crazy.

This is one more example why this movement is dangerous and needs to be exposed, and why this board is here.

"Hate what is evil; hold tightly to what is good!" Romans 12:9

"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea." Mark 9:42

"Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees!" Isaiah 10:1

“Woe to you, blind guides!" Matthew 23:16
I agree with Igzy's previous post. The folly in Ron's thinking and speaking IS scary and his condition and status more than questionable. His audacity should not go unchallenged.
03-19-2019 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
“Here I need to point out a real heavy concern I have. And this supported again by the word of Brother Lee’s ministry. So many saints stop here with the conscience. And how they end up is not being God-men, just being good people caring for right and wrong according to the conscience, dealing with the conscience.
Ron Kangas is the one who is obsessed.

In the first place, who believes that John Ingalls "just" cared for right and wrong? Of course, John cared for God. That's exactly WHY he was dealing with his conscience, instead of just scoffing at it like Kangas apparently does!

Earth to LR people. Right is not contrary to God. It meshes perfectly with God. Your problem is you want to use God as an excuse for your evil. So you condemn right, because you know you are wrong. Who do you think you are fooling besides yourselves and the choir?

Logic asks, What is the fail-safe of such a belief system? Can you just excuse anything your movement does and say you were acting as "God-men?" Seriously?

Kangas is scary crazy.

This is one more example why this movement is dangerous and needs to be exposed, and why this board is here.

"Hate what is evil; hold tightly to what is good!" Romans 12:9

"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea." Mark 9:42

"Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees!" Isaiah 10:1

“Woe to you, blind guides!" Matthew 23:16
03-19-2019 01:26 PM
Re: Ron Kangas exposing himself -

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post

Can you believe that Ron Kangas is actually denigrating a good conscience as supposedly a hindrance to becoming something called a "god-man?" How low can LSM go?

Ron, in your comments, you dare to speak about John Ingalls as you did - mocking and derogatory, as it appears to me. I am stunned by you. You expose yourself, not John Ingalls.

And there is more to come.
03-19-2019 12:34 PM

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Recent LSM Speaking:
“Here I need to point out a real heavy concern I have. And this supported again by the word of Brother Lee’s ministry. So many saints stop here with the conscience. And how they end up is not being God-men, just being good people caring for right and wrong according to the conscience, dealing with the conscience.
"John Ingalls could tell us, he told us openly in his last meeting in Anaheim, when he was resigning and also attacking Brother Lee in 18 or 19 ways. He said, ‘I’m at peace with myself, I’m at peace with God, I’m at peace with all of you.’

“But he was obsessed. That’s a false peace, I remember him giving a message with a certain kind of gesture, “I was deeealling [deep voice] with my conscience. Dealing, straining gnats. He was straining gnats to swallow a camel.” -- RK Dec 2018
The Apostle Paul was censured and publicly punched in the mouth by the guards of the High Priest for exercising a good conscience before God. (Acts 23.1-3, 24.16) Today from LSM's podium, Ron Kangas is now behaving just like the Jewish leaders by condemning the late John Ingalls in the same way as they did to Apostle Paul.

Make no mistake about it. Today's Blendeds are exactly the same in life and in nature as the Judaizers in the New Testament.

Can you believe that Ron Kangas is actually denigrating a good conscience as supposedly a hindrance to becoming something called a "god-man?" How low can LSM go?
03-19-2019 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

My statement in 2013

It was only after many attempts to obtain fellowship with the blending co-workers in the Lord’s recovery that I felt to make things public. My motivation is for an accurate, unbiased reporting of the late eighties turmoil and a proper representation of men and events related to that tumultuous time in the local churches. I also want to show the obvious parallel of the serious concerns that the brothers had then and that the brothers have today. Both sets of brothers have received similar treatment in response to similar concerns, and have experienced similar outcomes – rejections; public condemnations; and quarantines.

The LSM and the blending co-workers have a history of driving a wedge of division in the recovery to meet their goals and carry out their agenda at the expense of the oneness of the Body of Christ in "the local churches".

In short, history has been repeated and nothing has been learned. And, we still deviate from the path of receiving people according to the Son of God alone.

Witness Lee February 1997

“All responsible brothers in all localities need to learn. The eyes of the brothers and sisters all need to be opened. Too many things we need to learn. I admit that in the past we have all made mistakes, including myself. For this I repented before the Lord in tears.

"In the past we were wrong…We [in the local churches] have to receive people according to the Son of God, not deviating a bit from the path.”

Recent LSM Speaking

“Here I need to point out a real heavy concern I have. And this supported again by the word of Brother Lee’s ministry. So many saints stop here with the conscience. And how they end up is not being God-men, just being good people caring for right and wrong according to the conscience, dealing with the conscience.

"John Ingalls could tell us, he told us openly in his last meeting in Anaheim, when he was resigning and also attacking Brother Lee in 18 or 19 ways. He said, ‘I’m at peace with myself, I’m at peace with God, I’m at peace with all of you.’

“But he was obsessed. That’s a false peace, I remember him giving a message with a certain kind of gesture, “I was deeealling [deep voice] with my conscience. Dealing, straining gnats. He was straining gnats to swallow a camel.” RK Dec 2018
01-03-2019 02:00 PM


My statement in 2013

It was only after many attempts to obtain fellowship with the blending co-workers in the Lord’s recovery that I felt to make things public. My motivation is for an accurate, unbiased reporting of the late eighties turmoil and a proper representation of men and events related to that tumultuous time in the local churches. I also want to show the obvious parallel of the serious concerns that the brothers had then and that the brothers have today. Both sets of brothers have received similar treatment in response to similar concerns, and have experienced similar outcomes – rejections; public condemnations; and quarantines.

The LSM and the blending co-workers have a history of driving a wedge of division in the recovery to meet their goals and carry out their agenda at the expense of the oneness of the Body of Christ in "the local churches".

In short, history has been repeated and nothing has been learned. And, we still deviate from the path of receiving people according to the Son of God alone.

Witness Lee February 1997

“All responsible brothers in all localities need to learn. The eyes of the brothers and sisters all need to be opened. Too many things we need to learn. I admit that in the past we have all made mistakes, including myself. For this I repented before the Lord in tears.

"In the past we were wrong…We [in the local churches] have to receive people according to the Son of God, not deviating a bit from the path.”

12-16-2018 03:18 PM
Re:Philip Lee and the "Terrible Turmoil"

11-22-2018 04:35 PM
Re: The Building and a Bride in the Bible

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

All were on board in this thread as Brother Lee received a full review from many and varied sources.
Originally Posted by Igzy
Some of the things Lee taught I still believe, some I don't.
It wasn't Lee's teachings that I disagreed with. It was his practices. It was the authoritarian hierarchy that I objected too, with him at the top.

In fact, when push came shove, I was accused of "using Witness Lee's works to destroy Witness Lee's works," (that illogic made me go cross-eyed). The reason for that was that, I was highlighting sections of Witness Lee's books, and Nee's by the way, to disagree with the idea of the MOTA, or one man being the authority of the age. That seemed to me to violate the authority of Christ in my spirit.

Early on in the LC, at a conference, I got "The Vision." But eventually I got another vision. A week before I got the boot, in a frantic fanatical meeting, with zealots pumping their fists in the air, I saw that I was in a cult.

I kept boxes and boxes of Lee and Nee teachings, and LC material. The only problem I had with them was moving them around. It was the cult I had a problem with.
11-22-2018 11:40 AM
The Building and a Bride in the Bible


All were on board in this thread as Brother Lee received a full review from many and varied sources.
10-25-2018 02:10 PM
Re: Bill Mallon Sums Up Deviation of Witness Lee

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

The governing vision of two of the five elders in Anaheim 1987-1989

When Witness Lee had begun the “Lord's new move” in the local churches, you, Minoru, were to come under a severe test as an elder in Anaheim. Would you stand one with the elders in your locality according to the vision that governed the church from the beginning; or would you capitulate to a new and broadened view introduced to the churches under the leadership of Witness Lee?


Bill Mallon, a former prominent elder tried, but in futility, to voice his concerns for what he saw happening at LSM and in the recovery. He said in 2006 to me,

“You will never know how completely astonished, shocked, and unnerved we were when WL put more and more things under Philip Lee’s responsibility. It was incredible and unbelievable from the get-go!”
10-23-2018 08:12 AM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by OhLordJesus View Post
Is there anything wrong that descendants of Witness Lee are entitled to receive royalty payments from LSM? He founded LSM and all published materials are his Intellectual Property including the methodology of FTT. He reserved the rights to distribute the income earned from all the sale proceeding to his next generations.
Witness Lee "wrote" his books using editors, typists, transcribers, and printing presses with the offerings of the saints. I don't think he had any "rights" here to royalties. LSM robs the LC's.

Why is it that WL could "stand on the shoulders of others" -- translate that to mean steal his ideas from others' books -- and then sue others for copyright infringement should they do the same.

Doesn't sound very Christian to me. Thank the Lord that none of the Apostles felt as he did. In fact, Paul said he was not like others, "peddling the word of God." (2 Cor 2.17)
10-23-2018 08:02 AM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Is there anything wrong that descendants of Witness Lee are entitled to receive royalty payments from LSM? He founded LSM and all published materials are his Intellectual Property including the methodology of FTT. He reserved the rights to distribute the income earned from all the sale proceeding to his next generations.
10-19-2018 09:02 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Well my friend, it seems you have more up-to-date on information regarding The Living Stream Ministry's financial dealings than any one of this forum. You can bet pretty much everything that if the Lees you have listed are indeed direct relatives of Witness Lee, than none of them have to lift a finger...they just sit back and collect a check every month.

As far as a "service in exchange for payment"...my informed understanding is the Witness Lee's direct relatives are entitled to reap the benefits of The Acting God, Minister of the Age.
10-19-2018 08:56 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
I would think that Tim Graver is Ray Graver's son?
Tim Graver is Ray Graver’s son and is married to Benson Phillips’ daughter.
10-19-2018 08:41 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Tax filings are usually 1.5 years delayed in posting so i downloaded the last 3 years. The list of people above are non-director payments (mostly W-2). Justed wanted to know if they are actually providing a service in exchange for payment ("real job"). Royalties should be accounted for in other ways (such as through a trust) and not as W-2 payments to relatives. I would like to make donations but not if any part of it becomes a handout when there are so many serving ones living in poverty.
10-19-2018 08:06 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

I would think that Tim Graver is Ray Graver's son?

All the Lee's are close relatives of Witness Lee. (Sons, daughters, grandkids, etc) Someone could correct me if I'm wrong on this.

I'm not sure I have seen any of these Lees listed in the recent tax documents of The Living Stream Ministry. But that doesn't mean they are not on "the payroll" or receiving significant royalties from the LSM books and publications. The Blended Brothers have been extremely tight lipped about these kind of financial dealings with Witness Lee's heirs.

10-19-2018 05:19 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Can anyone tell me who are the following people and what do they do at LSM?

Tim Graver
Theodore Hage
Joseph Prim
Yin Fong Lee
Samuel Lee
Philemon Lee
Hannah Lee
Joanna Kuo
10-18-2018 12:06 PM
Re:John So / John Ingalls respond to Fermentation charges

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

When Witness Lee had begun the “Lord's new move” in the local churches, you, Minoru, were to come under a severe test as an elder in Anaheim. Would you stand one with the elders in your locality according to the vision that governed the church from the beginning; or would you capitulate to a new and broadened view introduced to the churches under the leadership of Witness Lee?
John So

Five Brothers Come to Stuttgart

"Using Brother Lee's own term, "the fermentation" actually started at Stuttgart in 1986 by the coming of five brothers sent by Witness Lee and sent by his office, Philip Lee. Ironically, things didn’t start with us. At that time Witness Lee was invited by us to come to Germany and we were all expecting Brother Lee to come. But to our disappointment, Brother Lee didn’t come. He said he was busy and instead he and his office sent five brothers to come to Stuttgart. I think brother Ray Graver came, brother Benson Phillips, brother Minoru Chen, brother Ken Unger, and brother Dan Towle. The Lord knows we were disappointed. We brothers had had fellowship just before the brothers came, and I told the brothers--and all the brothers could testify for me--that we should receive these brothers just as Witness Lee himself. We should not make any difference.

So the five brothers came. You have to realize I’m speaking retrospectively—I’m looking back. At that time we thought their intention was to give a conference, even the “one accord” conference that Witness Lee had just given in the elders’ meeting in Anaheim. So we welcomed them. But to our surprise, these five brothers themselves proclaimed that their burden was not for the conference, but that their burden was for the afternoon fellowship they would have with the leading brothers from Europe. There were at least a hundred brothers present there, and every afternoon from 3:00 to 5:30 or 6:00, we had fellowship with these five brothers, and they told us what their burden was in coming to Stuttgart. It was concerning the leading of the ministry office, that the churches in Europe would become one with the office of Living Stream Ministry. And I do have the tapes of these meetings. They were on record and since the matter is opened up, I would certainly request the brothers in Stuttgart to transcribe all these messages and make them available to the public. During all those afternoons I was present just a few times and almost at the end of these meetings sometimes. In those afternoons the brothers’ burden was very strong to propagate and to promote the ministry office, and at that time, really, none of the leading brothers had any idea what the office is. At one point, somebody was very ignorantly and innocently asking, “Well, what is the office, anyway?” And everybody laughed. Of course, we found out that the office is really Brother Lee’s son, Philip Lee.

You know, it might be public knowledge for everybody perhaps, except for the brothers in Europe. Now, this was the motive of these brothers’ coming. This is not my judgment—this was their proclamation. They said it themselves.

John So’s Understanding of the Office

At that time my understanding of the business office of Witness Lee was exactly what Witness Lee publicly proclaimed it to be - an office to take care of producing tapes, printing books, and distributing the books and tapes to serve all the churches. That was really my understanding. And for some reason, there was a lot of problem in Anaheim, in the home office of the Living Stream. The fellowship there between the churches in Orange County and the office was not very nice, and I happened to be in one of the meetings, that must be in 1982, and Witness Lee was sharing quite strongly to all the serving ones, especially regarding the Chinese work and the serving ones in the LSM office. And obviously there was a conflict between the office, which is Brother Lee’s office, which is also Brother Lee’s son, and many serving ones there. And Brother Lee again emphasized in those meetings—He said, “Should my private cook in my house also be a spiritual person? What if I hire an unbeliever to print books, this is my business office. My printer doesn’t have to be a spiritual person. And I do have the right to hire my son to be manager of my office to take care of this business for me.” I fully agreed. At that time, I really said, “fair enough, fair enough.” The Lord knows. And in fact one of those afternoons—I wish they had printed this out—because they did print out what I shared in these pages in pages 21-25. If you say this is the beginning of rebellion I do ask you to read every word of what I shared there. I’m glad they printed it out. I really am glad. Because if you read what I shared here word for word, I was not at all rebelling. I would challenge you to find one rebellious word here. In fact, I was supporting these brothers according to my understanding of what the business office of Witness Lee is. I’m glad it was printed out.

At that time, I really meant what I said according to my understanding of the function of the ministry office; and I fully agreed with Witness Lee that if the LSM is only operating on the business side to print books and to distribute tapes, then we brothers should accept this, and cooperate with them.

Indeed, in the earlier years in Germany we had enjoyed marvelous liberty to translate and print books. In fact in 1981 when the Irving office for the Living Stream Ministry was being built, the brothers in Germany asked me, “John, maybe you should go and ask Brother Lee if they want the publishers in Germany to be all under one administration, because we don’t want to be doing our own thing”. And, really we did not. I went to Brother Lee that summer and in his own home I shared what the brothers asked me to tell him. Brother Lee said, “No, no, no, no, you are doing a good job. Go ahead.” So I really appreciated that. We were really one with the office at that time. In a proper way, we were one with the Living Stream Ministry, according to my understanding of the function of the office.

Promotion of Philip Lee as “the Office”

Well, the question is this: I was accused here in Fermentation of pretending to be one with them, the LSM, but that really I was against them. Tonight let me say a word. I don’t want to vindicate, but I just like to share at least the way we look at it. Everything has two sides. I’m sorry to say, it is not that I am pretending. It is because the LSM office really has a double standard. There is a public declaration that the office is only for the business side to print books, to duplicate tapes, and to send them out to serve the churches. But to my realization, there is another aspect expected of us. During the visit of these five brothers to Stuttgart, two of them stayed with me in my home—two of them [Minoru? very likely]. And these brothers began to somehow fellowship with me concerning the office, that the office is really brother Philip Lee and that brother Philip Lee is the closest and most intimate co-worker of Witness Lee. And that I need to get into the fellowship with him, and that our brother, Witness Lee, needs his son. And after almost every meeting in Stuttgart, they made a long-distance call to the office to report everything that is happening. To the office! The report went to the office.

I was, in short, expected to do the same. I told the brothers in a very good way—we were not fighting—I said, “Brothers, I’m sorry, in short, I just cannot do that. You have the grace to do it, that’s fine, but I just cannot do that.” I told the brothers maybe some other German brothers, like Jorn Urlenbac could do it. I was told, No, no, no, you are the right person to do it. I said, Thank you, but I can’t do it. This is what I realized later was the cause of many problems that we in Stuttgart began to experience with the LSM. A report had gone back to Philip Lee that I refused to do what the brothers were doing. Looking back, this is what caused a serious problem with him.

In my view, however, what they were doing in reporting everything to the office had nothing to do with Witness Lee’s public declaration of what the office is. I didn’t feel there was a need for me to report to the office what we were doing. But these brothers who came to Stuttgart were telling me that Witness Lee’s son is his closest and most intimate co-worker. I have to say I had never heard such a thing before. But these two brothers who stayed with me assured me that this was true though Brother Lee doesn’t say this publicly. Well, I say, if I haven’t heard of this, I just haven’t heard of it. Anyway, a report went back to Anaheim, and somebody wasn’t happy with me. I was happy with everybody, but somebody wasn’t happy with me. _John So

John Ingalls

Fellowship With the Elders in Anaheim Chinese-Speaking Meetings

In the Spring of 1988 Minoru Chen had returned from his stay in Taiwan as a trainer in the FTTT to resume his eldership in Anaheim, as appointed by Brother Lee in February 1986. Yet for some months he had hardly any contact with us. On Thursday evening, August 18th, Godfred and I had a long and frank fellowship with him. Godfred spoke at length, presenting his realization of the misconduct in the LSM office. I gave an account of my realization of the whole situation and our present standing. Minoru listened passively to our fellowship. Due to the lateness of the hour he was unable to reply adequately. We had confronted Minoru with reports that he had spoken negatively about us behind our backs to others about grave concerns he had for us, his fellow elders. He admitted that he had done this to the leading brothers in the Chinese-speaking work.
On Friday evening, August 26th Godfred, Al, and I came together with Philip Lin and Minoru Chen, the two elders on the Chinese-speaking side. Altogether we constituted the five elders of the church in Anaheim. We noted that this was the first time ever that all five of us had come together for fellowship. That was remarkable, since we had all been in the position of elders since February 1986, two and one half years prior to that time. We had some very frank fellowship regarding the problem of the Chinese-speaking meetings, which had always been a source of great frustration and troubling to the church since they were started in 1980. It was as if we had two different churches in Anaheim with two different leadings, a situation that we simply tolerated and could do very little about because of the involvement of Brother Lee and the Living Stream Ministry with the Chinese-speaking meetings. The brothers insisted that they considered the Chinese-speaking meetings a part of the church, and they desired henceforth to practice that oneness under one eldership. This began a period in which we sought to maintain more fellowship and coordination as one eldership with these brothers.

Minoru inquired regarding the content of the special meeting set for August 28th, and Godfred gave him a resume of the points we would cover.

More Fellowship With Brother Lee August 25, 26, 1988

On Thursday, August 25th, Brother Lee asked me to come to his home for further fellowship. He said then that he would ask Godfred and Al to come to his home the following day, Friday. It seemed strange to me that he would separate us, asking me to come on one day and them on another. But he said I could come too on Friday if I liked. On Thursday alone with me, Brother Lee asked me what changes I thought he should have. This greatly surprised me. Perhaps he was thinking of my fellowship with him on June 22nd, when I told him that if he did not have some change, it would be difficult for the churches to go on. I said, "Brother Lee, please give me a moment to collect my thoughts." I was concerned what I should say to him. Then I proceeded to mention a few of the concerns previously mentioned. Moreover, I tried to impress him that I never tried to use the term "autonomy" in all of my speaking. Throughout these months I had told him this several times. I stated that I was burdened to speak about local administration together with universal fellowship (as we have in our hymn, #824, authored by Brother Lee and translated from Chinese: Administration local, each answering to the Lord; Communion universal, upheld in one accord.) He responded, "that’s my teaching." I agreed that it was indeed his teaching. So what was wrong?

The next afternoon, Friday, August 26th, I joined Godfred and Al at Brother Lee’s home. Godfred spoke strongly, asking Brother Lee first if he had spoken anything against us recently. He replied that he had not. Then Godfred reasoned with him: How is it that you speak against autonomy, considering that a problem, but you will not deal with the problems that we brought to your attention. Godfred spoke earnestly and impressively. He said, "the center of the church should be Christ, but He has been replaced by you and your ministry." Brother Lee was touched by what Godfred said, and perhaps considering that what he had just alleged afforded some light for clearing up the problem, he said, "I like to hear that." I recall the scene vividly, and his words still echo in my ears. It seemed that this time Brother Lee appreciated the frank fellowship and was trying to warm up to us. But we could not seem to make any real progress. Brother Lee remarked that everything that had happened in Europe which had caused so great a problem between the churches and the Living Stream Ministry was just a misunderstanding. After the meeting Godfred told us that he wanted to leave the eldership and was fully disgusted with the whole situation.

Sixteen Points August 28, 1988
As the day drew near for special fellowship with the church as we had announced, Godfred, Al and I came together for prayer and fellowship regarding the content of the coming gathering. We only knew that we needed to clear up some matters, and set a direction for the church, and we had been praying individually for guidance concerning the specific points that should be covered. I proposed to the brothers that we briefly expound a number of basic matters according to the Word of God that set forth the proper standing of the church, touching especially the aspects both of truth and practice that related to our current situation. The brothers consented. After some consideration we decided that I would cover eight points concerning the truth and Godfred would cover eight points regarding the practice; in conclusion Al would give a testimony of confirmation.
The appointed time arrived for the meeting. (Brother Lee meanwhile was in San Gabriel, meeting with the Chinese-speaking saints.) This time, we felt, was very crucial to our going on. There were over two hundred saints on hand, including some on the Chinese-speaking side who understood English (a good number considering our usual attendance). Brothers Minoru Chen and Philip Lin with the three of us sat together in the front…..
10-17-2018 08:49 AM
Re: 1998. The recovery needs a revival - Minoru

Elders' Book of Cherishing 2007 .PDF

Brother Indeed
Darby Quote- "I speak about the heavenlies, Chapman dwells in them."

Amazon 2015 E-Book

"...Get this burden. The Lord needs to bring in a revival in His recovery, a revival that is brought in only by a prevailing shepherding church life everywhere" - 1998 Minoru, Atlanta conference 20 years ago
10-15-2018 01:38 PM
Elders' Book of Cherishing - Lee Minoru Nee Chapman

"And if I have prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing" (1 Cor. 13:2)

* * * * *


(intro to first site) "This website on hiding history brings out the negative aspects of our history that have had a serious detrimental effect on the recovery and on the Body of Christ. It is out of a high regard for the Lord's interests in His recovery and a concern for the oneness among His people that I have prepared this website.

"I am currently not in any of the churches in a practical way, and I would like to share the reason for this. On a smaller scale, I had tried to address church matters in 2000. I wrote a booklet and presented it to a leading brother, Dan Towle, from Southern California. I said in a cover letter,.

'I have written a little book for the sake of fellowship, mainly with leading ones, concerning our past 16-year history in the new way." I said that I didn't plan to have the booklet "widespread" and that I thought it was "safe" to come to him and that perhaps he could "catch me" if I was "inaccurate" or "unfair" in any matter so that I might make an "adjustment" or "terminate" the proposed fellowship. I also indicated my hope that the writing might build a bridge of communication to those who had left the recovery In the Wake of the New Way.'

"To my surprise, rather than grant me time for fellowship, Dan recommended to elders in my locality that I be placed into a discipline mode until I could "repent". I remain in a discipline mode today after 2+ years. I also remain without fellowship on the matters I asked Dan to address, and that other elders had read about also, but have not addressed.

The action of discipline taken against me when I was specifically asking Dan for his fellowship served only to inspire me to consider what kind of spirit this was in our brother and what kind of spirit it is that has come into the recovery.

"I had first encountered this spirit with local elders in 1996 and at that time began to consider tracing it back to its source. Something else compelling me to seek an understanding of this spirit was the lack of love and shepherding in the church in my locality. I began to search for answers by contacting former leading ones who left the recovery during a time of turmoil in the late eighties. It was this association with these formerly beloved brothers who were once among us that I was put aside, along with the assessment that I was attacking the recovery in my booklet. In my heart, my desire was simply to address serious concerns that many of us have and to build a bridge of communication with those who left.

This website is about these brothers' experiences and the manifestation of a spirit that brother Witness Lee partly describes in A Word of Love, and that the documents and testimonies on this site describe further. Brother Lee points out that it is a spirit that "has filled all the churches", and "is now spreading everywhere around the globe in the Lord's recovery". It is a spirit that "labels others" and does not care for the ones who are "inferior to us". It is a spirit that "condemns and regulates others, rather than shepherd and seek them." It is a spirit that does not "love the opposers", even the "top rebels". It is a spirit that "we have lost among the coworkers, elders, and vital groups.'

"As I have said before, the spirit of not shepherding and seeking others and being without love and forgiveness is spreading in the recovery everywhere. I believe that not having the Father's loving and forgiving heart and not having the Savior's shepherding and seeking spirit is the reason for our barrenness ...We condemn and regulate others rather than shepherd and seek them. We are short of love and shepherding. These are the vital factors for us to bear fruit, that is, to gain people. I am very concerned for our full-time training. Do we train the young ones to gain people or to regulate people? We have to reconsider our ways, as Haggai said (1:5). Our way is not right; something is wrong". (pp. 40-41)

I've shared this from 16 years ago to show I am the same today. Seeking fellowship. Far from being an opposer, I am a proposer. I propose we examine ourselves. and also consider this wonderful following fellowship. Inciting unto love and good works.

Elders' Book of Cherishing


I will look for the free pdf of this most useful book. A gateway, in fact, to revival.
10-15-2018 09:03 AM
Re: An Epidemic of Lawless speaking

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post

The whole death v. life thing is another handy tool of deception used by Witness Lee and now LSM employees to divert attention away from their own behavior and history. "Pay attention to life not right and wrong" etc are catch-all phrases designed to stop those with legit concerns in their tracks. It gives those doing wrong or covering up wrong a license to do whatever they want without recourse.
And guess what else?
"LIFE" is more important to the LSM than God's LOVE and God's LIGHT. I do not see any love for God, the brethren, families or friends.

Jesus even said to love your enemies.
You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

They are so immersed in the darkness of Lee's church, they have no LIGHT.
10-14-2018 03:24 PM
Re: The Superimposed Vision of a Universal Leader

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

The governing vision of two of the five elders in Anaheim 1987-1989

When Witness Lee had begun the “Lord's new move” in the local churches, Minoru was to come under a severe test as an elder in Anaheim. Would you stand one with the elders in your locality according to the vision that governed the church from the beginning; or would you capitulate to a new and broadened view introduced to the churches under the leadership of Witness Lee?
In January 1971 I came into the fellowship of the Son in the local churches, even migrating in August 1972 to Indianapolis. Then in May of 1974 we consolidated to Chicago. The reason some of the churches consolidated to a larger locality was because of Witness Lee ministry stations being established. So we moved not knowing anything but to follow the leadership.

I found out much later what we were being led into that year and why that directive from Anaheim took place. And I know why biannual trainings started that year and in general that untold suffering of the saints is still untold in the FILTERED VERSION of local church history.

My purpose for being on the internet is to expose what has been filtered out of LSM ANNALS of LC history and record what leaders are trained to ignore and keep hidden.

Superimposed Vision

Specifically, on this thread, we should see what happened with the governing vision Brother Lee brought to the United States that bore spiritual fruit in life, numbers, and the establishment and spread of local churches for God's Building on the earth till 1974.

But a new vision was in the making since 1974 and manifested itself in full in 1986 and became a test to elders when it was superimposed on the churches by a universal leader. The pledge letter signed by 400+ leaders was written by two Texas elders campaigning for a oneness hitherto not imposed in the Lord's recovery.

]ohn Ingalls - 1990

"...In Ephesians 4 there are seven factors of our oneness and only seven.* But today other factors, at least in practice, been added, such as, one ministry, one leadership, one deputy authority, and one divine oracle. These have been made factors of our oneness, so that if any individuals or churches do not adhere to the 'one ministry', or the 'one leadership', etc., they are cut off or labeled negatively. We have many examples to substantiate it...“I would like to know what truth we have ever changed or are in danger of changing. Rather we have sought to be faithful to the truth, much of which we have seen through the help of Brother Lee’s ministry."

Brother Minoru Chen was one who followed the Pledge, with the superimposed vision and added conditions of oneness. John Ingalls was following the governing NT vision of Nee and Lee he received in 1962 at the inception of the church life in LA, where he was one of the original elders.

Public Statement 1963


Steve Isitt
Oct 14, 2018
10-13-2018 01:59 PM
Re: Obeisance Leading to Division

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

The governing vision of two of the five elders in Anaheim 1987-1989

When Witness Lee had begun the “Lord's new move” in the local churches, you, Minoru, were to come under a severe test as an elder in Anaheim. Would you stand one with the elders in your locality according to the vision that governed the church from the beginning; or would you capitulate to a new and broadened view introduced to the churches under the leadership of Witness Lee?

An email sent today

Public Statement - Los Angeles brothers - 1963

Hello dear brothers,

I would like to have fellowship with you.

10-12-2018 02:39 PM
RE: Obeisance Leading to Division


The governing vision of two of the five elders in Anaheim 1987-1989

When Witness Lee had begun the “Lord's new move” in the local churches, you, Minoru, were to come under a severe test as an elder in Anaheim. Would you stand one with the elders in your locality according to the vision that governed the church from the beginning; or would you capitulate to a new and broadened view introduced to the churches under the leadership of Witness Lee?
10-11-2018 05:25 PM

Please delete I have to correct something tomorrow. Sorry admin.
09-26-2018 03:55 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

I can't help but see the parallels between the leadership of the Lord's Recovery from the 30's to today and the leadership of the Soviet party. Especially the Moscow show trials and the tools used to remove leaders that were not sufficiently loyal to the current party in power.
09-17-2018 09:33 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I heard (~AD 2004) that, after Lee passed, some of the Blendeds in Anaheim felt GG was "too legalistic," and asked him to leave, at which point many were "happy" when he was gone.
According to Norm Minahan, he had a different perspective via posts from thebereans.net:

"Here is how I understood what took place related to GG.

GG signed the letter of quarantine related to Philip. I have good reason to believe GG was the main promoter of that letter.

I believe it was late 1996 in Anaheim GG read a letter removing that quarantine and then one announcing his moving to Denver.

Here is something which I had posted earlier on another thread:

Another very interesting event transpired shortly before Br. Lee’s death. Two announcements were made after a meeting. First, a letter was read by Gene Gruhler which reinstated Phillip Lee into the church fellowship. Second, Gene announced his moving to Denver. To most this was coincidental.

After GG was gone you began to hear, behind the scenes, the joy from some of the blended speakers that he was finally gone. Ed Marks spoke some of the strongest words. There was no love lost.

Eventually after Br. Lee’s departure there was a reassigning of the regions of the work to brothers. GG had always taken care of the Mountain States. Now, even though he was living in Denver, Mel Porter was the new worker to oversee that region.

Four years ago, while in the Denver area doing research for a book, I visited Br. Gene, not related to the book. He did not speak about the things that transpired in Anaheim. He has very high standards for himself before the Lord. There was only one little sentence of three words spoken at the very end when I was leaving. I realized from them he had been maneuvered out of Anaheim with the view to purge him out
09-13-2018 04:45 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

That is what I heard also about Dan Towle. But no details nor confirmation from anyone who would know or anyone talking to anybody who would know.
09-13-2018 03:41 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Thanks for your input. Yes, I heard the same concerning Gene Gruhler, but WL was still alive when he left. Concerning Dan Towle, something happened and he left Fullerton and supposedly is not meeting anymore. But I don´t know any details. He might be living in Phoenix now, according to some basic name searches on the net.
09-13-2018 01:35 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
At some point (memory fails me on exact year) Gruhler again returned to Denver where he has been ever since. -
I heard (~AD 2004) that, after Lee passed, some of the Blendeds in Anaheim felt GG was "too legalistic," and asked him to leave, at which point many were "happy" when he was gone.
09-13-2018 12:56 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi, is it appropriate here to ask concerning what happened to Gene Gruhler, why he left Anaheim? And what happened to Dan Towle, that he left Fullerton and is apparently not meeting?
As you may or may not know, Gene Gruhler was an Elder in Anaheim back in the 70s. At some point he moved to Denver, presumably to function as the lead elder there. I believe this would have been sometime after the Max Rapoport situation in 1978. After departing Anaheim, Max and his family moved to the Denver area. There was a lot of disturbance and turmoil in the Church in Denver at that point. Eventually a couple of the Elders and a large portion of the congregation "left" the Church in Denver. It was at that point, I believe Gene Gruler came for his first stint in Denver.

After the turmoil and division of the late 80s in Southern California (involving John Ingalls et al) Witness Lee asked Gene Gruhler to return from Denver to Anaheim. (ostensibly to replace Ingalls, Knoch et al) At some point (memory fails me on exact year) Gruhler again returned to Denver where he has been ever since. For his first stint Gruhler was naturally the lead elder in the church in Denver. Upon his return, and more so in later years, Gene became what could be described as a "mentor" and advisor of the existing elders. In recent years Mary Gruhler's heath has become quite serious and Gene has been relegated to her full-time care. I don't believe he has attended meetings on a regular basis in quite a while.

As far as Dan Towle, I have not heard anything about his situation. At one time he was one of the principals of DCP. I don't think his name appears anymore related to DCP. I would be very surprised if he left the Local Church. Could you please be a little more specific on where you heard this information?
09-11-2018 05:41 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Hi, is it appropriate here to ask concerning what happened to Gene Gruhler, why he left Anaheim? And what happened to Dan Towle, that he left Fullerton and is apparently not meeting?
08-04-2018 10:31 AM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

Today is August 2nd 2018, and on August 2nd 2000 I began to write about concerns that I had in the local churches. I did not know that from writing down my concerns I was going to be set apart from the fellowship of the church when my writing came to fruition.

But I wrote from my heart and to this day 18 years later I still prefer to address the truth and oppose works of darkness. There is still the Earth to possess and man has yet to possess it in the Name of Christ and for the fulfilling of God's eternal purpose. In other words, His kingdom has not yet come in with His righteous rule and reign over every people, tribe, city, and nation.

"The local churches" purport to represent God's move in His administration over all the Earth, yet they still believe they can do so without ever exposing their works of darkness and the devastating effects of their deviation from Christ and the church.

It is good for leaders like Ron Kangas to examine themselves, as W. Lee did in the end and reported so to them, opaquely. There has "never" been a thorough public repentance by the leadership in "the local churches" since the Shanghai Christian Assembly in 1957 did so, with regional support. As a reminder, Ron Kangas has "never" repented for one thing that he has spoken or done, and neither did brother Lee specifically repent for anything, publicly, that had meaningful impact in the Body. In other words the things that caused much strife, heartache, and division are still covered up.

"Democracy dies in darkness" said David Nunes of the U. S.government And, so does the church. There is no transparency among the leaders of "the local churches". And there is also “no” rule and reign.

A glimmer of transparency appeared with Minoru Chen, who toward the end of the late eighties turmoil confessed that the promotions and divisive activities of LSM and Philip Lee were wrong and he repented for his part in the heavy promotions of a man, his ministry, and ministry office. In doing this before the church in Anaheim, he was agreeing with his fellow elders (who just gave 16 points of concern over the direction of the churches) We have a very superficial leadership today that captains the same movement that caused a huge cloud of darkness and division in the late 80s.
The books of darkness came out and the lies of both commission and omission by clouded leaders ruled the night.

Witness Lee: "The book, The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion includes my spoken messages, but its content was edited afterward by me personally. I have carefully checked all the facts and have tried my best to be accurate, to be without any mistakes. In addition to an account of the beginning and development of the whole period of the rebellion, the content of that book includes personal testimonies from over thirty brothers. Therefore, concerning this storm, I have spoken the clarifying and concluding word that I needed to speak. I have absolutely no more interest in talking about this matter. This matter now stops here. I hope that you brothers who have come to attend this conference will not mention it anymore. It does not deserve any more mentioning." (Message given 4/18/90 from The Mysteries of God's New Testament Economy page 11).

Like I said, books of darkness ruled the night. (Contributing also to such works were authors Ron Kangas and Andrew Yu in their books.)



Bill Mallon and his wife visited me in 2005 and over lunch he suggested that I write a narrative about my experience in the local churches. I suggested instead that I write about the other side of the story to The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion, and to do so point by point. He agreed that this idea also would be good. And I began that day to uncover the works of darkness over a two year period, Jan 2005 to Jan 2007, with deep interest in "repentance, restoration, and revival among the leaders and the saints in the local churches." OR whatever would work toward the truth and God's glory and gain. A long-time current local church brother edited this writing 5 times before it went onto the forum.

This is a book of transparency and none of the blending brothers refute it publicly.
Honestly, if the the blending brothers had maintained a spirit of recovery of CHRIST and the church, the great mystery that Paul revealed in Ephesians and that brothers Nee and Lee possessed in their beginning; then they would have ushered in many more transferrals "out of darkness" and "into the kingdom of the Son of His love", and would have much more spiritual weight to match their vacuous "boast" in "the local churches"of being the recovered church. (Col. 1) But they took another spirit, the same spirit that came into Witness Lee. And the movement for a man and a ministry was on.
08-02-2018 02:01 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery


Today is August 2nd 2018, and on August 2nd 2000 I began to write about concerns that I had in the local churches. I did not know that from writing down my concerns I was going to be set apart from the fellowship of the church when my writing came to fruition.

But I wrote from my heart and to this day 18 years later I still prefer to address the truth and oppose works of darkness. There is still the Earth to possess and man has yet to possess it in the Name of Christ and for the fulfilling of God's eternal purpose. In other words, His kingdom has not yet come in with His righteous rule and reign over every people, tribe, city, and nation.

"The local churches" purport to represent God's move in His administration over all the Earth, yet they still believe they can do so without ever exposing their works of darkness and the devastating effects of their deviation from Christ and the church.

It is good for leaders like Ron Kangas to examine themselves, as W. Lee did in the end and reported so to them, opaquely. There has "never" been a thorough public repentance by the leadership in "the local churches" since the Shanghai Christian Assembly in 1957 did so, with regional support. As a reminder, Ron Kangas has "never" repented for one thing that he has spoken or done, and neither did brother Lee specifically repent for anything, publicly, that had meaningful impact in the Body. In other words the things that caused much strife, heartache, and division are still covered up.

"Democracy dies in darkness" said David Nunes of the U. S.government And, so does the church. There is no transparency among the leaders of "the local churches". And there is also “no” rule and reign.

A glimmer of transparency appeared with Minoru Chen, who toward the end of the late eighties turmoil confessed that the promotions and divisive activities of LSM and Philip Lee were wrong and he repented for his part in the heavy promotions of a man, his ministry, and ministry office. In doing this before the church in Anaheim, he was agreeing with his fellow elders (who just gave 16 points of concern over the direction of the churches) We have a very superficial leadership today that captains the same movement that caused a huge cloud of darkness and division in the late 80s.
The books of darkness came out and the lies of both commission and omission by clouded leaders ruled the night.

Witness Lee: "The book, The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion includes my spoken messages, but its content was edited afterward by me personally. I have carefully checked all the facts and have tried my best to be accurate, to be without any mistakes. In addition to an account of the beginning and development of the whole period of the rebellion, the content of that book includes personal testimonies from over thirty brothers. Therefore, concerning this storm, I have spoken the clarifying and concluding word that I needed to speak. I have absolutely no more interest in talking about this matter. This matter now stops here. I hope that you brothers who have come to attend this conference will not mention it anymore. It does not deserve any more mentioning." (Message given 4/18/90 from The Mysteries of God's New Testament Economy page 11).

Like I said, books of darkness ruled the night. (Contributing also to such works were authors Ron Kangas and Andrew Yu in their books.)



Bill Mallon and his wife visited me in 2005 and over lunch he suggested that I write a narrative about my experience in the local churches. I suggested instead that I write about the other side of the story to The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion, and to do so point by point. He agreed that this idea also would be good. And I began that day to uncover the works of darkness over a two year period, Jan 2005 to Jan 2007, with deep interest in "repentance, restoration, and revival among the leaders and the saints in the local churches." OR whatever would work toward the truth and God's glory and gain. A long-time current local church brother edited this writing 5 times before it went onto the forum.

This is a book of transparency and none of the blending brothers refute it publicly.
06-18-2018 12:03 PM
Re: "They feared that speaking out might ruin the unity"

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

"Watchman Nee writes, "We must take notice of one condition that prevailed after the Roman Catholic Church came into being. We know how the Roman Church was filled with heresy, idols, filthiness, and sins. Why did no brothers or sisters in the church stand up to deal with the situation for eleven hundred years? Could it be that no brothers or sisters had seen the heresies? Could it be that they had not seen the idols? Could it be that they had not seen the filthy sins?

In the eleven hundred years following the fourth century, there were definitely some who saw the heresies, idols, and filthy sins, but not one dared to deal with them! They feared that once they dealt with these things, they would immediately break the “unity.” “The church is one,” they said. “If we begin to deal with the idols, the church will be divided.” They felt that the sin of worshipping idols was great, but the sin of ruining the unity was even greater. Therefore, even though they rejected the worship of idols themselves, they did not speak out. They feared that speaking out might ruin the unity. They knew of the heresies and they knew of the idols; moreover, they hated the heresies and they hated the idols. But even more, they hated to destroy the unity. Therefore, they simply avoided the heresies and idols; they dared not evoke any word, message, or action that might ruin the unity. For a period of one thousand one hundred years no one made any move; they continued to keep the unity of the church." (Further Talks on the Church Life, ch 4, online, Ministrybooks.org)

In the Wake of the New Way

Watchman Nee said,

"There were definitely some who saw the heresies, idols, and filthy sins, but not one dared to deal with them! They feared that once they dealt with these things, they would immediately break the “unity." (Further Talks)

And, we have to see that there is much more concern for the unity of the Local Churches than for dealing with sins and idols.

Genesis program # 43, with Dick Taylor, on the covering of Noah. They (Dick and Chris) were subdued throughout, speaking against conscience, supporting the insufferable concept that “we must have the view of God’s government, not of the mistakes of a leader”; that “we have to exercise to be blind and just keep enjoying Christ, not that there isn’t any division, immorality, or idol worship”. - DickTaylor

http://lsmradio.org/audio/genesis.html #43
06-17-2018 04:01 PM
Re: "They feared that speaking out might ruin the unity"


"Watchman Nee writes, "We must take notice of one condition that prevailed after the Roman Catholic Church came into being. We know how the Roman Church was filled with heresy, idols, filthiness, and sins. Why did no brothers or sisters in the church stand up to deal with the situation for eleven hundred years? Could it be that no brothers or sisters had seen the heresies? Could it be that they had not seen the idols? Could it be that they had not seen the filthy sins?

In the eleven hundred years following the fourth century, there were definitely some who saw the heresies, idols, and filthy sins, but not one dared to deal with them! They feared that once they dealt with these things, they would immediately break the “unity.” “The church is one,” they said. “If we begin to deal with the idols, the church will be divided.” They felt that the sin of worshipping idols was great, but the sin of ruining the unity was even greater. Therefore, even though they rejected the worship of idols themselves, they did not speak out. They feared that speaking out might ruin the unity. They knew of the heresies and they knew of the idols; moreover, they hated the heresies and they hated the idols. But even more, they hated to destroy the unity. Therefore, they simply avoided the heresies and idols; they dared not evoke any word, message, or action that might ruin the unity. For a period of one thousand one hundred years no one made any move; they continued to keep the unity of the church." (Further Talks on the Church Life, ch 4, online, Ministrybooks.org)

In the Wake of the New Way

06-17-2018 06:06 AM
Re: One publication

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
. . .there are a lot of indoctrinated saints with eyes of policemen out there. It is very easy to figure out who owns a site, where that saint lives, who the elders are in that locality, and to contact them about the "rogue" content (content that is otherwise fully acceptable to any non-Nee/Lee Christian). And abracadabra!! The site is then pulled down!
Also referred to as "fellowship".
06-16-2018 09:48 PM
Re: One publication

Originally Posted by Truth View Post
By the way, what happened to the one publication edict? I've noticed that everyone is blogging these days. News songs are being written and posted on the internet. I doubt all of them are LSM approved. Not sure if the one publication can really be carried out. It was possible before the internet era. But now with thousands of members blogging, writing on forums, posting music, messages, etc..., it is impossible to police the situation. I don't think this one publication thing is going to last for very long. What do you guys think?

I can confirm that, at least as of the past year or two, some level of policing of internet content produced by individual saints still occurs. I cannot speak to if there is LSM-level policing, but there are a lot of indoctrinated saints with eyes of policemen out there. It is very easy to figure out who owns a site, where that saint lives, who the elders are in that locality, and to contact them about the "rogue" content (content that is otherwise fully acceptable to any non-Nee/Lee Christian). And abracadabra!! The site is then pulled down!
06-15-2018 03:43 PM
Re: Making Straight the way of the Lord

Originally Posted by I Was Also There View Post
Steve, I think you should start with the beginning.

Please tell all about your book, "In the Wake of the New Way", which is really why your were shunned and banned. They still have not forgiven you for exposing a terrible trend they had allowed to grow.
You are right about that, and the path of deviation was followed instead.

I went from that first writing to doing websites, when I felt it would help. This one in the link was from around 2007 with several voices calling out to the leaders and giving testimony.


Come back, come back, brothers, to the vision!
06-14-2018 02:21 PM
Re: No Accountability No Church

Originally Posted by aron View Post
One thing I appreciate about Steve's writing is it insistently places the focus on real human beings and the consequences of our behaviours on our relations with others. Instead of getting lost in disembodied abstractions like "the ground" or "the ministry" or "the church", he keeps coming back to what actual people have done and continue to do. I think it's important to keep that focus as he has. Nothing wrong with abstractions per se, but they must be continually rooted in a commonly agreed-upon physical reality of people, places, actions.

06-14-2018 07:06 AM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

One thing I appreciate about Steve's writing is it insistently places the focus on real human beings and the consequences of our behaviours on our relations with others. Instead of getting lost in disembodied abstractions like "the ground" or "the ministry" or "the church", he keeps coming back to what actual people have done and continue to do. I think it's important to keep that focus as he has. Nothing wrong with abstractions per se, but they must be continually rooted in a commonly agreed-upon physical reality of people, places, actions.
06-14-2018 01:43 AM
I Was Also There
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Steve, I think you should start with the beginning.

Please tell all about your book, "In the Wake of the New Way", which is really why your were shunned and banned. They still have not forgiven you for exposing a terrible trend they had allowed to grow.
06-13-2018 04:23 PM
Re: Return to the Vision

The Relationship among the Co-workers

Daystar did not match the church in life an nature or the vision of the apostles or New and Lee. It was the devastating first step of mixing the world with the church that led to its decline and loss of heavenly character.

In the beginning,

There was neither financial control nor central control. Paul received the supply from the Lord for his own living, and his co-workers received the supply from the Lord for their own living. They took care of one another in love. Since there was no organization among them, everything was so clear, free, and simple.[/COLOR]" (The Life and Way to Practice the Church Life, chapter 12, 1963, Witness Lee)

06-01-2018 05:03 AM
Re: What drove me to Write - Steve Isitt (Indiana)

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
I think if this had simply been a misunderstanding the situation would have been resolved long ago. Your approach to put your testimony in writing and share it with the 6 elders is the appropriate path to take. Their response demonstrates clearly to me that this is in fact not the case. You are missing the key reason that they have not responded in a way of reconciliation. Since they are unwilling to fellowship or share that reason with you I conclude that it is shameful.

This also demonstrates the ugly side of the expression "pay the price for the recovery". I think their response indicates that cutting off dear, genuine brothers in a way that is clearly contrary to the Lord is part of the "price" they are willing to pay.

Your letter focuses on digging deep to understand the issues, mistakes and even sins that need to be dealt with in order to go on. Their response is that "you don't belong in the Recovery". I understand that to mean that "light and truth don't belong".

I agree that you are in the light, seeking the truth and seeking reconciliation, and following the Lord in the way you seek this. However, they make a number of accusations: that you want the recovery to conform to your thoughts and concept, you don’t agree with what the Recovery stands for, it is impossible to change an entire group, you have a history of damage, not right with the Body, your thought is wrong, you have no light in this matter, without light you’ll never be able to come back, and you are completely in the dark. All of these together confirm the Paul's word that there is no fellowship between light and dark.

That said I do agree with one of their claims: "it doesn't make sense that you would want to come back to a place that is so wrong". I hope that you are using this forum to "tell it to the church" so that you can now move on.
05-31-2018 09:25 PM
Re: What drove me to Write - Steve Isitt (Indiana)

Instead of responding favorably to Indiana, and reconciling to him, those at LSM decided to go ahead and quarantine Titus Chu.
05-31-2018 08:30 PM
Re: What drove me to Write - Steve Isitt (Indiana)

This letter had gone out to elders in 2006 after many other much more-detailed attempts at communication had been made.

January 2006

To elders and saints:


"My ordeal over the reaction of elders to my written materials began in January 2001 with Dan Towle; it is now reaching the five-year mark January 28, 2006. There should be a consummation at this time. The ordeal with Joel Kennon is reaching the ten-year mark January 23, 2006. What shall I do with the matters I have fully tried to convey and bring into fellowship? I will look to the Lord for the answer, and I also hope for brothers, fellow members of the Body, to respond in a spirit of fellowship to this current fellowship that I offer." (2006)

04-29-2017 09:04 AM
Re: Seeing the Dignity of Authority in the Body

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Seeing the Dignity of Authority in the Body

Galatians 2

11 But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face because he stood condemned. 12 For before some came from James, he continually ate with the Gentiles; but when they came, he began to shrink back and separate himself, fearing those of the circumcision. 13 And the rest of the Jews also joined him in this hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was carried away in their hypocrisy.14 But when I saw that they were not walking in a straightforward way in relation to the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all,....

Thanks for continuing to sound the call to repentance among leaders of TLR, Indiana. It is interesting that Watchman Nee and Witness Lee made a doctrine of not "exposing" failures of leaders based on one Old Testament circumstance (Noah's drunkenness), when they preached not to do that (make a doctrine from one verse). Thankfully both Old and New Testaments show us better, healthier, and humble way for leaders to be confronted with their shortcomings vs truth, and move forward in repentance.

I prayed afresh for this to happen, for the sake of our brothers and sisters trapped in a system of error.
04-28-2017 11:31 AM
"Thou Art that Man"

It is no coincidence I named my second son Nathan.

When it comes to the doctrine and practice of deputy authority, there is no place for the role of the prophet such as Nathan. Concerned brothers whether they be big potatoes or small potatoes within their function in the local churches, should they exercise their function as a prophet, the typical reaction is to "shoot the messenger". In principle it is not much different from 1 Kings chapter 18.

As Indiana linked to his post,

"To be sure, the Local Churches do have a record of colossal “missteps” and historic cover-ups unaccounted for in their leadership."

"In the kingdom of Witness Lee and the blending brothers there is no Nathan. http://lsmradio.org/audio/genesis.html pgm #43 Genesis
Dick Taylor: “If you in a sense are exercised to be blind to the mistakes of those who have authority among you - this is God’s government! - just exercise to be blind and keep enjoying Christ”… not that there isn’t any immorality or idol worship…"

Based on current practices, the prophet Nathan would have found himself quarantined for going against the deputy authority.
04-27-2017 04:22 PM
Re:Seeing the Dignity of Authority in the Body

Seeing the Dignity of Authority in the Body

Galatians 2

11 But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face because he stood condemned. 12 For before some came from James, he continually ate with the Gentiles; but when they came, he began to shrink back and separate himself, fearing those of the circumcision. 13 And the rest of the Jews also joined him in this hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was carried away in their hypocrisy.14 But when I saw that they were not walking in a straightforward way in relation to the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all,....

02-10-2017 11:45 AM
Re: Why Reviewing our past is necessary

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

My letter to the leaders that began this thread has never been answered by them. Now that letter is on a website called leadersofthelordsrecovery.us and includes reports of their history through a transparent lense.
Why can't they respond? If your website material is slanderous and misrepresenting, they could have it shut down with a lawsuit. I already know when you offered to visit DCP in person, they became conveniently unavailable. Perhaps they know you have done your homework and it's better not to contend.
02-09-2017 11:47 AM
Re: Why Reviewing our past is necessary

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I disagree Ohio. The blendeds have no problem in receiving.....conditionally that is. Certain brothers need to know in order to be received, they need to submit.
Expulsion, rejection, excommunication, shunning, disfellowshipping, and quarantining could all be defined as "conditional receiving."

Any exclusive group like the LC's can claim that they are inclusive, and that they are open to receive anyone, if ... with their fingers crossed behind their back ... these ones meet all of their written and unwritten conditions.

With Brazil and the GLA, notice that the mandatory "conditions" of acceptance changed over time, the primary requirement, of course, was to submit to LSM's ever changing "conditions" of acceptance.
02-09-2017 11:32 AM
Re: Why Reviewing our past is necessary

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Are you serious?

These Blendeds have never "examined themselves" regarding receiving believers.

On the contrary, they have rejected all of Brazil and all of the Great Lakes Area.

It's obvious why they expelled Titus Chu. He would have gone to Anaheim and "drained the swamp."
I disagree Ohio. The blendeds have no problem in receiving.....conditionally that is. Certain brothers need to know in order to be received, they need to submit.
Indiana is right. Not just blendeds, but generally responsible brothers believe they are the "true expression of the Body of Christ - whose leaders represent God and His government on the earth today."

Because of this concept lies the attitude, submission is only in one direction. To them as brothers leading localities and leading the recovery. Also because of this concept representing God's government on earth, what humility they had as brothers has been replaced with pride.
How is this attitude any different than divine right of kings that existed with European monarchies over the centuries? In principle it's the same. They don't answer to man, only to God.
02-08-2017 01:30 PM
Re: Why Reviewing our past is necessary

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Brother Lee soberly encouraged a blending core of brothers, in the last year of his life, to examine themselves, and their history of receiving believers. Has it been according to Christ alone?
Are you serious?

These Blendeds have never "examined themselves" regarding receiving believers.

On the contrary, they have rejected all of Brazil and all of the Great Lakes Area.

It's obvious why they expelled Titus Chu. He would have gone to Anaheim and "drained the swamp."
02-08-2017 12:03 PM
Re: Why Reviewing our past is necessary

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

"Although there are legitimate reasons for open, honest, mutual fellowship with church leaders, the opportunity to meet with them is closed to me and to others. The concept in the leadership is that no one in the churches should make an issue of anything or care for right and wrong, which has worked well to keep church members uninformed and the truth suppressed. Thus, discussion of serious concerns keep going to an open forum." -2010

Brother Lee soberly encouraged a blending core of brothers, in the last year of his life, to examine themselves, and their history of receiving believers. Has it been according to Christ alone?

Was Witness Lee's receiving of believers according to Christ alone?

My letter to the leaders that began this thread has never been answered by them. Now that letter is on a website called leadersofthelordsrecovery.us and includes reports of their history through a transparent lense.


"....There are many members, former or current, who hope leaders would give an honest evaluation of their past - and their present. Indeed, the aforementioned brothers of repute have also earned a reputation of another sort, warranting our sober attention as to why examination of Local Church leadership is called for and necessary, especially since this group of associated churches believe they are the true expression of the Body of Christ - whose leaders represent God and His government on the earth today."
02-06-2017 01:07 PM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

While I realize that the flesh is mentioned much in scripture, I believe that the way that Lee talked about it was not consistent with what was intended and that it constituted a kind of duality or dichotomy that was more Gnostic than Christian. He and Nee spoke words like those in this radio broadcast, but the cure always seemed to turn out to be something formulaic, but unspecific, like being "in the spirit" or being part of "the church" (not meaning the body of Christ in general, but the Local Churches hearing the words of Witness Lee).

I think that Lee is too often given a pass because what is said sounds reasonable in a "spiritual" sense. But when there is a way to cure the flesh, it is too often exclusive in application in that it is only truly relevant to those who follow him. Not to others. So there is something wrong in the teaching as a whole no matter how real our "flesh" is.
02-05-2017 02:14 PM
Re: ABRAHAM Journey's Southward

Originally Posted by aron View Post
In my years of 24/7 total immersion in LC, I never once heard "Daystar" mentioned. Nor, sons Philip and Timothy Lee. Yet the shortcomings and failures of "Christianity" were ever before us, constantly reminding us of our utter dependence on the "ministry".

Thus we became both suspicious of anything outside the LC, and unable to critically examine our own thoughts and teachings. Myopic, introspective, subjective, and unbalanced; we wondered why others shied away from our zeal, and were constantly trying to massage the "gospel" (our proseletyzing efforts) to make it palatable to prospective members.

ABRAHAM's Journey South

WL Radio transcript: "I don’t care how many blessings you have received, as long as you are not remaining in the fellowship with God, you are still in the flesh. Don’t have any trust in yourself. Yourself, myself, ourselves are altogether untrustworthy. We have to put our trust in the presence of the Lord, telling him “Lord, if you take Your presence away from me, I am just like a dog”. But, hallelujah, in your presence, I am a saint.” God’s presence to us means a lot.

"Now you can see in chapter 19 while Abraham was walking, bringing God on his way, and standing still in the presence of God. What a wonderful saint! Saint Abraham. Oh what a wonderful saint there. A giant saint there. One that could stand with God talking to God face to face as a friend to another. Can you believe that such a wonderful person right in the next chapter that he was just like a dog? Could you believe such a saint person after being in fellowship with God he could lie again at the sacrifice of his wife? This is…just …unbelievable! But he did it. By this we all have to realize that we need to remain in the fellowship with God. Our self is not our protection. Our protection is His presence."

http://lsmradio.org/audio/genesis.html #66 25 minutes

"Don’t have any trust in yourself. Yourself, myself, ourselves are altogether untrustworthy."

This radio broadcast is well-worth listening to, as Dick Taylor and Chris Wilde emphatically agree in their own testimony with WL's strong appeal to the saints to have no confidence in the flesh. Brother Lee pointed to himself, as if to say, "don't think I am an exception", and his voice broke, for an instant, with emotion. [He knew Watchman was not an exception either; rather, he was the prime example of a saint journeying southward]
02-01-2017 12:06 PM
Re: Dignifying Authority in God's Government

Originally Posted by aron View Post
In my years of 24/7 total immersion in LC, I never once heard "Daystar" mentioned.
If it happens, takes place in a hushed tone in a corner somewhere. At least what I happened to overhear during a Friday night home meeting, that's how it transpired.
02-01-2017 07:01 AM
Re: Dignifying Authority in God's Government

Originally Posted by Nigel Tomes
Shortly after his passing some visiting Great Lakes brothers were given a guided tour of Brother Lee’s home on Ball Road, Anaheim, CA. They were led into his private bedroom where dresser drawers were opened to display Brother Lee’s orderliness. This produced a lasting impression. It caused some to ask—Is Brother Lee’s home being turned into a shrine? Has the veneration process begun? In some quarters it seems so. Some suggest God blessed Brother Lee’s every action.
All he needs now is three miracles and he will be a true "Saint." (If he was American, all that would be required is two miracles, and one of those could be a card trick.)
02-01-2017 03:26 AM
Re: Dignifying Authority in God's Government

Originally Posted by Nigel Tomes View Post
Some suggest God blessed Brother Lee’s every action.
In my years of 24/7 total immersion in LC, I never once heard "Daystar" mentioned. Nor, sons Philip and Timothy Lee. Yet the shortcomings and failures of "Christianity" were ever before us, constantly reminding us of our utter dependence on the "ministry".

Thus we became both suspicious of anything outside the LC, and unable to critically examine our own thoughts and teachings. Myopic, introspective, subjective, and unbalanced; we wondered why others shied away from our zeal, and were contstantly trying to massage the "gospel" (our proseletyzing efforts) to make it palatable to prospective members.
01-31-2017 03:36 PM
Re:Dignifying Authority in God's Government

Nigel Tomes once shared that

"Scripture documents the successes and failures of God’s servants. Both tragedies and triumphs are faithfully recorded. The failures of Abraham, David and Solomon appear in sacred writ. Peter’s denials and Paul’s regression to Judaic vows are not concealed. However Christian groups are often reluctant to critically assess their own history. Too frequently reverence for their “founding fathers” leads them to view their past through rose-colored glasses and to portray an idealized picture to others. Successes are highlighted, while mistakes and missteps are covered over. Instead of history, this produces hagiography,1 “sanitized accounts,” which reassure the faithful but offer few lessons for the future. The Bible shows this is not God’s way. Over a decade has passed since Bro. Witness Lee finished his course. Shortly after his passing some visiting Great Lakes brothers were given a guided tour of Brother Lee’s home on Ball Road, Anaheim, CA. They were led into his private bedroom where dresser drawers were opened to display Brother Lee’s orderliness. This produced a lasting impression. It caused some to ask—Is Brother Lee’s home being turned into a shrine? Has the veneration process begun? In some quarters it seems so. Some suggest God blessed Brother Lee’s every action. Others endeavor to portray Bro. Lee’s final repentance as an apology for the churches’ mistakes, not his own personal missteps. It seems the Lord’s recovery is producing hagiography rather than history. Consequently important chapters in the recovery’s history have not been adequately addressed."


Rev. Dr. Ka-Tong Lim Collin County Chinese Fellowship Church, Plano, Texas
“For the last several years, consciously or not, I have heard much positive and negative information regarding the private life of Brother Nee. As I cannot figure out if it is true or not, I am not brave enough to follow either side, but only to pray and ponder. When will this puzzle be solved? Only for the sake of the name of the Lord, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will Christians who know the facts be willing to step forward bravely and speak out of a sense of justice. It would be helpful for the children of God to solve this puzzle. There would be no more sadness, anger, weakness and tears, for we would receive comfort from the Lord. In case of a similar situation happening in the future, we would not be shocked, like a bolt from the blue.”
12-13-2016 09:42 PM
Re: Agape Leadership - Robt Chapman of the Brethren

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
We would not have wonderful ministry churches, as now prevail, rather than love that should prevail, according to WL's own word (below). When love PREVAILS all the members are included and built up that life could prevail also and a way be opened up into the hearts of new ones.

Our brother Witness Lee knew the great lack that "knowing all the mysteries" cannot replace. Darby came to realize this also - both of them at least as they approached the last lap in their ministry. Chapman, however, lived this way all through his Christian life, according to all accounts, including Darby's. He was known as the apostle of love among the Brethren and elsewhere.

Quotes from A Word of Love 1996

"From the beginning of brother Lee's ministry in the United States clear to the end of it, although we heard marvelous things, we heard comparatively little about love. Near the end of his ministry, however, he did speak more concerning the need for love among us. He said, "In the last few years, we have appreciated the Lord's showing us the high peak of the divine revelation. My concern is that although we may talk about the truths of the high peak, love is absent among us. If this is the case, we are puffed up, not built up. The Body builds up itself in love".

"He actually began to speak in this way starting in 1988 and, intermittently, to the end of his ministry, addressing the elders on a number of occasions more definitely about this need. He said, "according to my observance throughout the years, most of the co-workers have a human spirit of "power" but not love. We need a spirit of love to conquer the degradation of today's church…this is what the recovery needs." He also stated, "only love prevails" and that "love is the most excellent way". He said it is the way to be an elder or a co-worker, and that it is the way to handle the saints. He proclaimed that it is the way to do everything and to be anything in the church life."

"Many of you are good speakers, knowing the higher truths. The truths we hold are much higher than those in Christianity. However, we do not have fruit because we are lacking in the Father's loving and forgiving heart and the Son's shepherding and seeking spirit. We condemn and regulate others rather than shepherd and seek them. We are short of love and shepherding. These are the vital factors for us to bear fruit, that is, to gain people. I am very concerned for our full-time training. Do we train the young ones to gain people or to regulate people? We have to reconsider our ways, as Haggai said (1:5). Our way is not right; something is wrong."
(Used in In the Wake of the New Way, 2002)

I like the truth; and truth should prevail, as well as love, wherever believers assemble, for the building up and the oneness in the Body of Christ. Praise the Lord!
"The Ministry" of WL focused so long and hard on "life" as "the way to build up the church" that it missed the plain and simple words of Jesus and the apostles concerning love as the "the most excellent way". "Poor, poor Christianity" knew this all along. Ironic, and just like the Lord to humble the proud.

WN and WL's "submit to my authority" leadership example poisoned the waters, so real love could never flourish.

Also, I'm not sure our training of young people should focus on gaining people, rather gaining Christ, and being found in Him.
12-12-2016 03:06 PM
Re: Agape Leadership - Robt Chapman of the Brethren

I never knew Darby, Nee, nor Lee, but I heard about them for over forty years and never had the slightest feeling that any of them ever loved anyone except themselves. Of course I never heard any of them except Lee but he had a testimony. You followed him most carefully or you were kicked out. He could not suffer any criticism, opposition, and his closest minions were the same way. You cross Benson or Ray, you had to leave. I had no such realization about Ron Kangas.

Two items of truth badly missing in the LC are love and repentance. The whole New Testament began with John Baptist preaching repentance to everyone. This was almost entirely neglected in the LC to my realization. I heard some tapes in early 70's based on repentance from John's epistles. They were powerful speakings but do you know I never heard of them again.
I heard alot about the pure word of God in early 70's then not. Bait and switch. So to my realization there was never any repentance, pure word, love, humility, what else. I was taken in and have no one to blame but my self.
Some on this don't think there is much problem with much of Christianity but I'm not one of them. The real church went down hill by 70 AD or if you like CE, and there has been little change since. I stongly believe in God's sovereignty that caused Paul to write "know that all Asia has turned away from me" and then John confirmed it I suppose later with his speaking about the seven churches. And like Israel never lasted one hundred years without backsliding niether has the church of Christ.

I have just been involved with two sects, AOG and the LC. The AOG was organized in 1914 and by 1954, it was going south. My kinsmen wouldn't admit it 40 years ago, but they do today. I am confident there was something of the Lord there 75 years ago. I can't be that confident about the LC. My minister spoke Sunday about David from one of the Samuels and admited David was a flawed person but God still used him. Clearly he repented with much anguish over Uriah and had a life of trouble with Absalom and others. He demonstrated a strong desire for the Lord in writings that Lee doesn't care for. It would seem Lee has had as much problems as David with not one word of repentance and not caring for his so called flock.
12-11-2016 11:14 AM
Re: Agape Leadership - Robt Chapman of the Brethren

Question asked of Watchman Nee in China 1947
“If a servant of the Lord from another Christian group gives us more or higher spiritual light, do we receive it?” Watchman Nee thought for a while and then said: “God did not give us all the light. If somebody gives us more light, we should be very glad to receive it!”

from an email correspondence - it was bcc'd to 99 recipients, some current and former leaders included.

Agape Leadership
CLICK on the picture.

Of course brothers, we all know we are short, including me, that is for certain. I don't know anyone who has failed more than me. But we can be honest with ourselves and with one another concerning the oneness and the price our Lord paid "that they all may be one..."

You wondered, "How would the Local Church have been today had Witness Lee rather followed the lead of the Englishman [Robt Chapman] instead of his beloved Irishman? [Darby]"

Far different. We would not have wonderful ministry churches, as now prevail, rather than love that should prevail, according to WL's own word (below). When love PREVAILS all the members are included and built up that life could prevail also and a way be opened up into the hearts of new ones.

Our brother Witness Lee knew the great lack that "knowing all the mysteries" cannot replace. Darby came to realize this also - both of them at least as they approached the last lap in their ministry. Chapman, however, lived this way all through his Christian life, according to all accounts, including Darby's. He was known as the apostle of love among the Brethren and elsewhere.

Quotes from A Word of Love 1996

"From the beginning of brother Lee's ministry in the United States clear to the end of it, although we heard marvelous things, we heard comparatively little about love. Near the end of his ministry, however, he did speak more concerning the need for love among us. He said, "In the last few years, we have appreciated the Lord's showing us the high peak of the divine revelation. My concern is that although we may talk about the truths of the high peak, love is absent among us. If this is the case, we are puffed up, not built up. The Body builds up itself in love".

"He actually began to speak in this way starting in 1988 and, intermittently, to the end of his ministry, addressing the elders on a number of occasions more definitely about this need. He said, "according to my observance throughout the years, most of the co-workers have a human spirit of "power" but not love. We need a spirit of love to conquer the degradation of today's church…this is what the recovery needs." He also stated, "only love prevails" and that "love is the most excellent way". He said it is the way to be an elder or a co-worker, and that it is the way to handle the saints. He proclaimed that it is the way to do everything and to be anything in the church life."

"Many of you are good speakers, knowing the higher truths. The truths we hold are much higher than those in Christianity. However, we do not have fruit because we are lacking in the Father's loving and forgiving heart and the Son's shepherding and seeking spirit. We condemn and regulate others rather than shepherd and seek them. We are short of love and shepherding. These are the vital factors for us to bear fruit, that is, to gain people. I am very concerned for our full-time training. Do we train the young ones to gain people or to regulate people? We have to reconsider our ways, as Haggai said (1:5). Our way is not right; something is wrong."
(Used in In the Wake of the New Way, 2002)

I like the truth; and truth should prevail, as well as love, wherever believers assemble, for the building up and the oneness in the Body of Christ. Praise the Lord!

I don't know if you have considered the content of these websites recently, ______, but it is what I felt to put down in a spirit of fellowship for sharing publicly and individually to past and present local church members and to inquiring ones about the Local Churches.



Brother Indeed
09-26-2016 04:40 AM
Re: "when they focused on Christ they were one"

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
You are correct about why I cited that verse, Indiana. Asking brothers to review their actions or teachings in light of scripture is certainly not rendering evil.

Neither was I suggesting any course of action regarding your web sites or participation on this forum (your writings have helped many!) ... just a verse that helped me emotionally give the situation up to the Lord .

This morning I listened to this 25 minute LSM radio tape on the book of Acts and the transfer from the Old Testament dispensation of the law to the New Testament age of grace; and then the transfer from Peter's ministry with the spread of the gospel as a "fisher of men", to Paul's ministry as a "chosen vessel", a container, for dispensing the riches of Christ into the believers for the building up of church, the Body of Christ.

So good! But we must consider more than the truth of the word of God, and look at the actuality also.


Before that short tape, I read about Witness Lee's problem he ran into with T. A. Sparks as they appreciated each others' view of Christ immensely but were not able to agree on the ground of the church. (Col. Life Study 16) When they focused on Christ they were one.

"My experience with Brother T. Austin-Sparks illustrates how persistently some avoid the church matter. At our invitation, he came to Taiwan in 1955. We had a wonderful time together as he ministered on Christ. He could clearly echo what we had seen about Christ. In 1957 he came to Taiwan a second time. On this visit he touched the church ground, the standing of the church, in a negative way. In 1958 I accepted his invitation to visit him in England. During the days we were together, we had many long conversations about the church. However, he could not change my mind, and I could not change his concept. He tried his best to avoid the subject of the church, but my concept was that we must labor for the building up of the churches. His intention was to convince us that we should give up the ground of the church. But I pointed out to him that it was impossible for us to have the church practically without the ground of the church. Brother Sparks tried to assure me that he was not opposed to the church. He went on to tell me that during the early years of his ministry, he was invited to speak in Edinburgh. When he spoke about Christ, the meeting hall was crowded, and the audience was responsive. But when he spoke about the church, the number of people decreased. This caused him to feel that it was not profitable for him to speak on the church.

I went on to ask Brother Sparks how we could practice the principles we both had seen concerning the Lord’s Body. He admitted that these principles could not be put into practice in the denominations. But he would not admit that they could be put into practice only on the proper ground of the church. Instead, he emphasized the fact that the church can be produced only by much prayer and through the Spirit. Then I said to him, “Do you think that so many churches on the island of Taiwan did not all come into existence by prayer and through the Spirit?” I asked him what a group of saints should do after they had prayed regarding the church. Still he would not admit that they should take the standing of the church on the ground of oneness. He simply said that they needed to be assured that any move they made was of the Spirit. This was the conclusion of our conversation about the church.

I tried my best to convince him concerning the church, and he tried his best to avoid the church. Eventually, neither of us would change our position."

09-26-2016 04:31 AM
Re: "When they focused on Christ they were one"

delete please
09-25-2016 03:35 PM
Re: Exchanging evil for evil

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Hi JJ, I want to be clear about what you mean by paying back evil for evil. Do you possibly mean that is what I have done over the years in addressing the words and conduct of certain brothers? Do you think that is what Jane and John were doing in their book? John Meyer did in his? Nigel in his writing, John Ingalls, Bill Mallon, John So? I would say that in all these examples they were simply giving testimony before God and man of their experience and observation in their Local Church life. Without malice in their heart.

I think you agree, but that you came to a point, where I may be now, to turn things over to the Lord of all who knows our concerns, and theirs...

And, "If possible, so far as it depends on [us], be at peace with all men."
You are correct about why I cited that verse, Indiana. Asking brothers to review their actions or teachings in light of scripture is certainly not rendering evil.

Neither was I suggesting any course of action regarding your web sites or participation on this forum (your writings have helped many!) ... just a verse that helped me emotionally give the situation up to the Lord .
09-25-2016 11:50 AM
Re: Exchanging evil for evil

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
I used to get really frustrated that TLR leading brothers didn't want to talk about anything they had done that I took issue with, even when I tried to have open, honest, mutual fellowship with them (they shut me down in the same way).

Then a fellow believer pointed out that I had tried to do everything within my power to follow scriptural reconciliation practice, and reminded me of the following verses:

Romans 12:17-19 (New American Standard Bible):

Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.

This really helped me to finally let go and move on with life in fellowship with Christians outside of TLR. I had done as much as depended upon me to be at peace, and they weren't open to it. Now it is up to the Lord to judge.
Hi JJ, I want to be clear about what you mean by paying back evil for evil. Do you possibly mean that is what I have done over the years in addressing the words and conduct of certain brothers? Do you think that is what Jane and John were doing in their book? John Meyer did in his? Nigel in his writing, John Ingalls, Bill Mallon, John So? I would say that in all these examples they were simply giving testimony before God and man of their experience and observation in their Local Church life. Without malice in their heart.

I think you agree, but that you came to a point, where I may be now, to turn things over to the Lord of all who knows our concerns, and theirs...

And, "If possible, so far as it depends on [us], be at peace with all men."
09-24-2016 01:28 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

"Although there are proper reasons for open, honest, mutual fellowship with church leaders, the opportunity to meet with them is closed to me and to others. The concept in the leadership is that no one in the churches should make an issue of anything or care for right and wrong, which has worked well to keep church members uninformed and the truth suppressed. Thus, discussion of serious concerns keep going to an open forum." -2010
I used to get really frustrated that TLR leading brothers didn't want to talk about anything they had done that I took issue with, even when I tried to have open, honest, mutual fellowship with them (they shut me down in the same way).

Then a fellow believer pointed out that I had tried to do everything within my power to follow scriptural reconciliation practice, and reminded me of the following verses:

Romans 12:17-19 (New American Standard Bible):

Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.

This really helped me to finally let go and move on with life in fellowship with Christians outside of TLR. I had done as much as depended upon me to be at peace, and they weren't open to it. Now it is up to the Lord to judge.
09-23-2016 07:23 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

"Although there are good reasons for open, honest, mutual fellowship with church leaders, the opportunity to meet with them is closed to me and to others. The concept in the leadership is that no one in the churches should make an issue of anything or care for right and wrong, which has worked well to keep church members uninformed and the truth suppressed. Thus, discussion of serious concerns keep going to an open forum." -2010
I had considered "parking" my websites and did so, except for two of them.

This site is changed, for past, present, and future saints - and for the whole world to hear.
08-20-2016 08:56 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Can you reference the source of these quotes?
Read the linked pdf in post #544. It's from pages 15 and 21 of the pdf.
08-20-2016 08:46 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
"But one year later all of a sudden ___ received a phone call from Lee and Lee want him to go to the training center and withdraw a large sum of money and give the money to his son. But when ___ looked at the books at the training center there was only about 600,000 yankee dollars left at the training center. That was far short of the 2 million dollars demanded by Lee." Page 15 Taipei History

How do brothers explain that? As I have said before, it's as if Living Stream Ministry was Witness Lee's family business where as owner he could make draws as needed.

On the surface this office was the responsibility of Ingalls and Chang but in reality he sent 2 of his sons to manage the financials and office. One of his daughter in law handles all the books. The entire operation of this deac off was thoroughly in the dark. No one knew exactly what was going on. Looking at this personnel arrangement it was easy to see what was on Lee’s mind. But all the church members were very much simple minded. They did not suspect there was anything evil going on. Page 21

To answer my question, brothers were too trusting, too naïve, and too simple minded as Larry Chi said. They naturally thought money they give is for the Lord's work and not for someone's financial empire. After all could a brother whose speaking is so gifted be so corrupt? Is it no surprise there has never been transparency regarding LSM finances?
Can you reference the source of these quotes?
08-18-2016 12:07 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

"But one year later all of a sudden ___ received a phone call from Lee and Lee want him to go to the training center and withdraw a large sum of money and give the money to his son. But when ___ looked at the books at the training center there was only about 600,000 yankee dollars left at the training center. That was far short of the 2 million dollars demanded by Lee." Page 15 Taipei History

How do brothers explain that? As I have said before, it's as if Living Stream Ministry was Witness Lee's family business where as owner he could make draws as needed.

On the surface this office was the responsibility of Ingalls and Chang but in reality he sent 2 of his sons to manage the financials and office. One of his daughter in law handles all the books. The entire operation of this deac off was thoroughly in the dark. No one knew exactly what was going on. Looking at this personnel arrangement it was easy to see what was on Lee’s mind. But all the church members were very much simple minded. They did not suspect there was anything evil going on. Page 21

To answer my question, brothers were too trusting, too naïve, and too simple minded as Larry Chi said. They naturally thought money they give is for the Lord's work and not for someone's financial empire. After all could a brother whose speaking is so gifted be so corrupt? Is it no surprise there has never been transparency regarding LSM finances?
08-17-2016 07:30 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
For years now I have researched the history of Witness Lee's personal living and quite honestly I see him repeating the same mistakes decade after decade, with increasing consequences. Where was the "dispensing" in his own life? Where is the dispensing in the lives of his disciples? They are the same year after year. They just look older and harder and tell others how to live - like the Pharisees. They equate dispensing (if there is such a thing) with more knowledge. There is no early Lee or latter Lee - he was the same Lee his whole life, only older and more desperate
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

I would normally use a biblical passage to confirm NewManLiving here, but I think I'll just leave our readers with the results of his "research", and the little adage I have tagged along.

Obviously NewManLiving has some significant experience in the Local Church of Witness Lee. For better or for worse he has stated his case.
08-17-2016 08:26 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post

As far as I'm concerned, the LC has always had a leadership problem, and at the most basic level the problem is that there are lots of ineffective leaders. As it turns out, that is not just coincidence. It is one of the side effects of WL's elder-appointing game. I'm not out to judge anyone for their inexperience or unsuitability as leaders, but at the same time, every single LC leader is someone who has made the decision to function as a leader. When the opportunity presented itself, they were the ones who stepped up to the plate. So there is thus an assumed individual responsibility for their either successful or failed leadership.

I can say somewhat confidently that one of the things that was particularly frustrating about the LC was having to follow ineffective leaders. As it turns out, ineffectiveness is merely the surface of the issue, and at worse, an 'unassuming' style of leadership has been a front for behind the scenes manipulation and control. I have encountered LC leaders who are overtly authoritarian (these types are less common). The other type would hardly be identifiable as elders, but they have the ability to rule with an iron fist behind the scenes. What is problematic is you can't tell what's actually going on unless you are really familiar with who these leaders are.
Great points here.

As a longtime church deacon constantly implementing the elders' direction, I found it nearly impossible to work with those who could never make a decision and live with it. Oh sure, we could preach endless messages about learning to follow the Lord within, but when the decided (and prayed over) direction of the church could be instantly altered by some ten minute phone call from headquarters, then all those teachings become useless. There was frankly no pattern of spiritual leadership on the local level.

During the run up to the GLA quarantines, TC in Cleveland ordered one of his workers, escaping LSM's Chicago takeover, to come and takeover our place. The two existing elders, both of whom had migrated to start the church some 20 years earlier, were sideswiped to make room for TC's boy "elder." How discouraging is that? My feeble attempts at protecting the church were useless when the local leaders lined up behind him.

Thus the true character of the so-called "local" churches was openly manifested for me to finally see: franchisors in Anaheim and Cleveland manipulating pawns in their established franchises to gain advantage over their opponent. Why would these pawns cooperate? In the game of chess, if the pawns can advance to the other side, without first getting knocked off or captured, then they get to be anything they want. How good is that!?!
08-17-2016 05:41 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

It seems to me these are a good series of posts with views and counter-views of balance.

I had never read this post by Don Rutledge, and find this quote by him to be an important one based on what we have learned about WL's ways in Taiwan especially, but also in Shanghai.

"WL had been too authoritarian in the Far East. He told me so directly to my face and I heard him mention it many times." #536 HOPE

After all our time here on a forum we learn many things that formulate our opinion. And, we don't give a pass where official history has it wrong and congregations are deceived as a result and, leaders perhaps abused.

OHIO Quote: "I've never posted an event where LC leaders properly protected the church under their purview. As a matter of fact, nearly every LC quarantine involved headquarters violating that proper jurisdiction assigned by the Head of the body. The system has promoted a policy of abuse, turning beloved brothers into bullies, or else assisting the real shepherds to the exits.

"Those rigidly attached to headquarters (which in my case was both Anaheim and Cleveland) are especially pernicious, thinking they have some God-given mandate to "play god" with the children of God".

08-16-2016 06:11 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
I understand both the "early Lee — Later Lee" thought and the "nothing changes" thought. And from a purely analytical analysis of any particular time in the history of the LCM, including its predecessors in Taiwan and China, things are seen as being both good and bad. Sometimes more of one and sometimes more of the other.

But from the other perspective, there is an undercurrent that seemed to have affected Nee before he was the leader of anything. And over time it came to a place that he became the MOTA, just not using those terms, and never insisting on it directly. And by that time Lee had become #2 because he had brought Nee back to the forefront.

Then Lee went to Taiwan and we see the first visible evidence of his desire for personal profit even at the expense of his flock. At the same time we see his desire to cast aside anyone who might appear to be a contemporary with sound teaching (thinking of TAS here). He financially raped the church in Taipei and had to leave, then came here where he talked in such humble terms as DR has reflected in the post repeated earlier.

And the LCM began as more of an independent group following a (the?) successor to Nee (who was a known factor). But Lee kept his distance for a while. He did go back and retake his place in Taiwan, but we didn't see that.

Then came Daystar. And the poor saints "lost their virginity" (to the sounds of his laughter). Then the thrusting of Max all over the U.S. followed by his ouster and the sudden need for Lee to be our leader. It only got worse from there.

I accept that on the surface there was an early Lee and a later Lee. But in hindsight it seems too likely that it was just surface. The makeup of a mime.

And I accept that there was a wonderful time of camaraderie among the members in the early days that affected everything from meetings to any other kind of fellowship. And that that special sense of things dwindled over time. And I accept that much of that was because God was in and among us.

But I do not believe that it was because God was among a (then) "right" version of the church that then lost something. It was not about the teachings of the LCM or Nee or Lee. It was about the breakout of a bunch of people from different forms that had become stifling to them. (Notice I did not say that those forms had simply become stifling. I do not believe that the forms, in themselves, are an issue. But for some any particular form may be a problem. And for others they are fully able to move forward with Christ in them.)

It is true that Eli had bad sons. And he ignored them until it was too late. And David had bad sons that almost took the kingdom from him and even tried to kill him. But that does not mean that there is no problem with Lee because he does not look much different that them. He does look different that them. David did not spend his pre-king time trying to figure out how to be king now. He did not gather forces with the goal of getting enough following to simply take over. He did defend his own life. But when someone (incorrectly) bragged that they had killed Saul, he ran them through because that was not to happen.

Paul and Barnabas had a falling out but both went on in ministry. (I ignore Lee's claim that Barnabas was wrong and simply disappeared.) But if Paul had been Lee, we would have been hearing about how we should never trust or listen to Barnabas again for ever and ever. That was pre-U.S. (for Lee) and therefore I have a problem with more than the surface of any kind of "early Lee."

Unless you think that maybe he started out back in the 1920s as a decent Christian with a heart to serve God. That would be the early Lee. The one who reconstituted the Shanghai church eldership to get Nee back in was already a form of later Lee (on the inside).

Do I think that he never had any kind of repentance along the way? It is possible. I would not say he did not. But he did seem to be wandering around trying to capture people with his "coworker of Nee" shtick from the time he hit the U.S. shores. Took more than a few weeks to take hold. But he was working on it. I think that a leader that needs to repent needs more than a change of scenery where no one knows your faults to simply start back in.

I'm not sure it ever happened.
Good post OBW. Regarding the ongoing Early Lee/Later Lee opinions, it could be Don Rutledge, Don Hardy, and Samuel Chang were correct regarding early Lee. Yet UntoHim's opinion of Lee never changing is also correct. It was purely a matter of self-restraint and biting ones tongue until Daystar came. The unnamed brother whose inheritance was the beginning of Daystar; for a greedy man like Lee it was as a recovering alcoholic being offered alcohol. A temptation that brought Lee back to his old traits. I know some reading may take offense bringing up issues for someone already passed on. Apply that to any history class, there's always subject matter for ones who have passed on (Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, etc).
About Paul and Barnabas, what we know about Paul is from Acts and his epistles. What we know about Barnabas is from Acts. What appears to be a difference was Paul's imprisonment. Without being imprisoned, it seems rather dubious if Paul would have had time to write the epistles. It seems Barnabas is disregarded because he didn't write any epistles.
08-16-2016 02:44 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
It is particularly problematic for rank and file members because when they are adversely affected by leaders, because there is little means for recourse or defense.
You make valid points about the LCM. But my point is that none of this labyrinthine analysis of warped and weak LCM leadership would even be necessary if there wasn't the underlying and enforcing belief by LCM members that they can't just up and leave the LCM when they have the first sense to. Do you think mainstream church members worry about this stuff? Of course they don't. They would just see the leaders are bad and the system is dysfunctional and say "See ya."

This is my point. It's the threat of it being categorically wrong to leave the LCM that makes all this analysis of their warped leadership even necessary. Normal people who know it's okay to leave the LCM wouldn't put up with the weirdos in leadership there any longer than a hare's breath. They'd just leave and find a place with better leaders. It's only us insecure, needy types that believed their line and let them control us.

The bottom line is that the LCM could never continue to exist as they do without threatening members not to leave. It's sick. And the sad fact is it's also co-dependent.

If the LCM didn't threaten members to not leave the members would just vote with their feet and go, and the group would wither and die. And discussions of "bad leadership" would be superfluous.
08-16-2016 02:09 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

I understand both the "early Lee — Later Lee" thought and the "nothing changes" thought. And from a purely analytical analysis of any particular time in the history of the LCM, including its predecessors in Taiwan and China, things are seen as being both good and bad. Sometimes more of one and sometimes more of the other.

But from the other perspective, there is an undercurrent that seemed to have affected Nee before he was the leader of anything. And over time it came to a place that he became the MOTA, just not using those terms, and never insisting on it directly. And by that time Lee had become #2 because he had brought Nee back to the forefront.

Then Lee went to Taiwan and we see the first visible evidence of his desire for personal profit even at the expense of his flock. At the same time we see his desire to cast aside anyone who might appear to be a contemporary with sound teaching (thinking of TAS here). He financially raped the church in Taipei and had to leave, then came here where he talked in such humble terms as DR has reflected in the post repeated earlier.

And the LCM began as more of an independent group following a (the?) successor to Nee (who was a known factor). But Lee kept his distance for a while. He did go back and retake his place in Taiwan, but we didn't see that.

Then came Daystar. And the poor saints "lost their virginity" (to the sounds of his laughter). Then the thrusting of Max all over the U.S. followed by his ouster and the sudden need for Lee to be our leader. It only got worse from there.

I accept that on the surface there was an early Lee and a later Lee. But in hindsight it seems too likely that it was just surface. The makeup of a mime.

And I accept that there was a wonderful time of camaraderie among the members in the early days that affected everything from meetings to any other kind of fellowship. And that that special sense of things dwindled over time. And I accept that much of that was because God was in and among us.

But I do not believe that it was because God was among a (then) "right" version of the church that then lost something. It was not about the teachings of the LCM or Nee or Lee. It was about the breakout of a bunch of people from different forms that had become stifling to them. (Notice I did not say that those forms had simply become stifling. I do not believe that the forms, in themselves, are an issue. But for some any particular form may be a problem. And for others they are fully able to move forward with Christ in them.)

It is true that Eli had bad sons. And he ignored them until it was too late. And David had bad sons that almost took the kingdom from him and even tried to kill him. But that does not mean that there is no problem with Lee because he does not look much different that them. He does look different that them. David did not spend his pre-king time trying to figure out how to be king now. He did not gather forces with the goal of getting enough following to simply take over. He did defend his own life. But when someone (incorrectly) bragged that they had killed Saul, he ran them through because that was not to happen.

Paul and Barnabas had a falling out but both went on in ministry. (I ignore Lee's claim that Barnabas was wrong and simply disappeared.) But if Paul had been Lee, we would have been hearing about how we should never trust or listen to Barnabas again for ever and ever. That was pre-U.S. (for Lee) and therefore I have a problem with more than the surface of any kind of "early Lee."

Unless you think that maybe he started out back in the 1920s as a decent Christian with a heart to serve God. That would be the early Lee. The one who reconstituted the Shanghai church eldership to get Nee back in was already a form of later Lee (on the inside).

Do I think that he never had any kind of repentance along the way? It is possible. I would not say he did not. But he did seem to be wandering around trying to capture people with his "coworker of Nee" shtick from the time he hit the U.S. shores. Took more than a few weeks to take hold. But he was working on it. I think that a leader that needs to repent needs more than a change of scenery where no one knows your faults to simply start back in.

I'm not sure it ever happened.
08-16-2016 11:44 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

There is a lot to be said about the difficulties that leaders face, but that's another subject altogether. With any group, there will always be troublemakers and difficult cases. Even if a group is relatively free of those types, toes will still get stepped on, people will still get offended by leaders. There is a certain inevitability to that. But I wouldn't take any of that to mean always giving leaders the benefit of the doubt. Especially in the LC, there has been the tendency to give leaders the free pass, with the "everyone makes mistakes mindset." Maybe that is appropriate in certain situations, but it also quickly leads to leaders who aren't held accountable.

As far as I'm concerned, the LC has always had a leadership problem, and at the most basic level the problem is that there are lots of ineffective leaders. As it turns out, that is not just coincidence. It is one of the side effects of WL's elder-appointing game. I'm not out to judge anyone for their inexperience or unsuitability as leaders, but at the same time, every single LC leader is someone who has made the decision to function as a leader. When the opportunity presented itself, they were the ones who stepped up to the plate. So there is thus an assumed individual responsibility for their either successful or failed leadership.

I can say somewhat confidently that one of the things that was particularly frustrating about the LC was having to follow ineffective leaders. As it turns out, ineffectiveness is merely the surface of the issue, and at worse, an 'unassuming' style of leadership has been a front for behind the scenes manipulation and control. I have encountered LC leaders who are overtly authoritarian (these types are less common). The other type would hardly be identifiable as elders, but they have the ability to rule with an iron fist behind the scenes. What is problematic is you can't tell what's actually going on unless you are really familiar with who these leaders are.

This is the reason that I have such trouble viewing LC leaders from a neutral perspective. When it comes to LC leaders, things aren't as they seem. It's true some have no ill motives or intentions, but there are also a lot of manipulative leaders who take on the same appearance of being genuine, unassuming people with no hidden motives.

It is particularly problematic for rank and file members because when they are adversely affected by leaders, because there is little means for recourse or defense. They can't point at elder A and tell the other elders what he's done. Elder A is so 'unassuming' that the charge seems absurd. Thus it's the members who get labeled as troublemakers. Obviously, Lee liked to give the impression that he didn't control anyone, that he wasn't authoritarian, but things always played out just the opposite. Those who accused Lee of control were accused of speaking blatant lies. LC leaders discovered how to play the game, and there are some who know how to play it really well. Many have yet to be caught.
08-16-2016 10:03 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

My dear brother Ohio,
I'm sure you've heard the humorous, but poignant, adage: You are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. (Daniel Moynihan) You are indeed entitled to your own opinion, as am I, as is Don Rutledge. Though I'm loath to quote politicians, I'm going to do it twice in the same post: "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." (President John Adams)

Unfortunately, you seem to have accidentally on purpose ignored a very important part of my post:
Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
in my estimation
This is just a fancy way of saying "in my opinion". For better or for worse, however, my opinions are at least partially informed by certain historical facts, facts that can no longer be washed away or mitigated by my wishes, inclinations or passions. (although they were for decades) I am not, REPEAT NOT, implying that you, Don or anyone else, are attempting to wash away or mitigate certain historical facts, or are simply guided by your own wishes, inclinations or passions. I am simply posting my opinion regarding the life, times and history of Witness Lee and the Local Church movement. Sorry to disappoint you, but I wasn't "calling you out". I was actually addressing some things that Steve has posted on this thread.

Look, it seems to me, the heart of this "Early Lee - Later Lee" matter can be boiled down to this: Witness Lee was just like any human being who has ever lived (save One) There was some good, some bad, and some in between. According to the Bible, this is also true for every person who has dared to take the lead among God's people. If we can at lest agree on this, then I think we can settle on agreeing to disagree on whether the good outweighs the bad, or that the bad outweighs the good, etc, etc.

If you want, you can just forget most of what I posted, and just keep the last part, the most important part -
Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
The good news is that God is the one in control of the picture...past, present and future. Actually it is his picture to paint. And it is always a masterpiece!
08-16-2016 09:45 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
So they not only tried to control the impact members had on their group, they tried to control the very lives of those people as well, to the point of filling them with a fear of leaving the group. This was and is completely inexcusable.

That is the central sin of the LCM. It is the sin of Witness Lee, Benson Phillips and every other leader, or for that matter run-of-the-mill member, who ever pushed it.
That's right. I've never posted an event where LC leaders properly protected the church under their purview. As a matter of fact, nearly every LC quarantine involved headquarters violating that proper jurisdiction assigned by the Head of the body. The system has promoted a policy of abuse, turning beloved brothers into bullies, or else assisting the real shepherds to the exits.

Those rigidly attached to headquarters (which in my case was both Aneheim and Cleveland) are especially pernicious, thinking they have some God-given mandate to "play god" with the children of God
08-16-2016 08:48 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

I believe Hope was illustrating and Ohio was agreeing that leading a church or movement of churches is a tough task. Real troublemakers can cause real damage. I've never argued with the LCM leadership's right to maintain order and protect their flock. The Bible says that leaders have the right and even the obligation to do that.

Although one can make the case that LCM leadership was/is overbearing and abusive in their attempts to maintain order--and I think that case has been shown to be a good one--that, as regrettable as it is, is not really the central problem with the group. After all, leaders do have the right to maintain order and protect their flock. One can disagree about the extent to which such oversight is appropriate, but the right of oversight does exist.

The problem with the LCM was not that they sought to protect their turf. The problem was that they expected everyone, and indoctrinated everyone they could, to believe that their turf was the only turf. So they not only tried to control the impact members had on their group, they tried to control the very lives of those people as well, to the point of filling them with a fear of leaving the group. This was and is completely inexcusable.

That is the central sin of the LCM. It is the sin of Witness Lee, Benson Phillips and every other leader, or for that matter run-of-the-mill member, who ever pushed it.

Protect the turf God has assigned to you all you want. Just don't tell others it has to be their turf as well. That is not anyone's purview. And no rightful desire to protect one's flock excuses it.
08-16-2016 07:27 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
The simple truth is that there really was no such thing as "early Lee - later Lee". It was ALWAYS the same old Witness Lee. The facts speak for themselves. The "train of vanquished foes" speaks for itself. The condition of the religion he founded speaks for itself.
Since our beloved moderator and I have had this lively and ongoing discussion concerning whether my observation of "early Lee - later Lee" is valid, I had to perk up and take note. "Yo .. Ohio ... somebody just called you out!" Not succumbing to that temptation, I let it go.

Then out of the blue I happened to read a blog by Hope this morning, which apparently I had never read before. Hope's views, as a former leader insider, have been extremely influential on my own understanding of Witness Lee, the LSM, and other leaders from the LCM. (I greatly appreciate those historians who are able to address both the good and the bad of people and events.) I am re-posting it to help explain my reasoning for the "early Lee - later Lee" assessment of the LCM in the USA.

Originally Posted by Hope View Post
I had listed this post under regional concerns, down south but felt it should be on its own thread.

Hello to those currently participating on the “forum.”

Due to many personal issues and my feelings about some who were posting here, I have been away. Recently I felt that perhaps the Lord desired that I begin to read the current series of posts. The most recent series seems to me to be of much more potential value than those 4-6 months ago.

I felt to stop my ongoing history on the forum as the format of an incomplete work being target practice for certain malcontents did not seem profitable for what I believed the Lord desired.

My hope was that my experience could be an aid for others seeking to know the Lord’s will in their lives regarding participation in the LSM etc and could serve as help to any who had been discouraged by their experience there. In addition, I thought that the posters were predominately seekers of truth and that perhaps we all could come to a more accurate understanding of the Way of God, Acts 18:26.

One glaring fallacy among the posters is to assume the worst possible motives and conduct among those who had some leadership and the best motives regarding former members. I personally know or know of the most vitriolic posters. In the early years, we endured quite a collection of saints. Unless you were there and participating in seeking to help the many problem people, you cannot understand the endurance, mercy, and compassion needed to shepherd some among us and also some among the would be leaders. I believe it will help this discussion to focus a little on the problems which came with the territory in the early days.

Some came into the church and were attracted by the attention they could demand. Giving “testimonies” was an excellent opportunity to talk about ME, ME, ME. Some could go on for weeks, months and years constantly drawing attention to themselves depending on how much they could couch the self-glorifying in spiritual terms and church lingo. Eventually, when out of exhaustion on the part of an elder or elders or compulsion of the Spirit or stacked up complaints from the saints or all of the above, the dear one was confronted about their self- obsession. It almost never went well. THEY WERE HURT! THEY HAD BEEN WOUNDED! Then we all suffered a time of retribution, complaints and getting even. Some on the forum are still suffering from me-itus.

Because of the apparent loose oversight and low key roll many of the elders took, wandering stars would appear. These were folks who saw themselves as spiritually gifted but in need of an audience or group to shepherd where they could practice their wonderful gifts. When they were not given the leading role they saw for themselves, it was surely those controlling elders who stood in their way. They only wanted to help the saints but were shunt aside by the awful elders.

Similar to the above was a group of men I have labeled “disappointed office seekers.” After a period of time, they assumed they would be recognized by WL or BP or some local elders and invited to share in the leadership. (President Garfield was assassinated by a disappointed office seeker. After that event, the civil service examine process was instituted.) This person is so easy to recognize because his remarks always, always, always center on belittling any local church elder or leader.

Then we had the confrontational fault finder. Some elders fell into this category. (Mike, one was in Dallas.) They always had an issue with someone or some church. Usually the other elders would try to ignore them hoping they would get better. Eventually they would get frustrated and withdraw from the church or from the leadership or move somewhere else.

A final group I will mention was the “we are free”, “we can do whatever we want,” “we are not religious,” “we are not under any law.” These folks disrupted many a meeting and offended many of the saints. Eventually when the saints and the leadership could stand no more they were adjusted. My, my, often they howled like a stuck pig. Some on this forum are still howling.

To take the testimony of some of the problem folks and overlay their accusations on WL, BP, RG, MR etc is so unfair. Many of the errors and mistakes made by the local churches were due to the challenge brought on by the “come one come all” approach with very little organization and deliberately weak leadership.

WL had been too authoritarian in the Far East. He told me so directly to my face and I heard him mention it many times. One of his hopes for the trip of 141 in 1967 to Taiwan was to demonstrate to the churches there the lack of control and freedom of the Spirit. Actually pray-reading and calling on the Lord, were originally stumbled on as a way to level the playing field. Anyone could pray read and anyone could call on the Name of the Lord.

The change that occurred in 1974 was not just due to the ambition of WL and MR. (Yes they were ambitious.) But they were searching for a way to provide direction for what often seemed to be some poorly managed congregations often without a clear rudder. The above mentioned problem people were too many. MR was especially running out of patience and ready to institute tighter controls.

BP, RG who I knew intimately, served, and served and served. They both had a weakness of being a little like Popeye the sailor man. Popeye would endure Brutus and endure and endure until finally he declared “I have stood all I can stand, I can’t stands no more.” Then after a little spinach, the house is destroyed as he explodes and deals with Brutus. This happened a few times in Texas. They could have handled some of the problem folks in a better way. But would you say that poor ole Brutus was just an innocent victim? Please note dear reader, you never hear the other side of the story from some of the vitriolic posters.

WL had two bad children. So did Aaron. So did Eli. David had more than two. Solomon’s son caused the kingdom to be divided. Do bad children mean your service was false? The Bible does tell us the details of these families but to illustrate that there is no such thing as Spiritual succession. There is no such thing as apostolic succession. This would be for another discussion of God’s Administration.

Unfortunately there was a very real change over time and the change was not for the better. Unfortunately there were some serious flaws in the practice and attitudes. There was some wrong understanding of the truth and practice unveiled in the New Testament. And there were some problem people who hurt others then and continue to damage and distract those seeking to press on the know the Lord.

In Christ Jesus,

08-15-2016 07:11 AM
Re: Beliefs and Practices of the Local Churches

"And while at that I promise to, Lord,
Break every one who does not fully agree..."
08-15-2016 06:50 AM
Re: Beliefs and Practices of the Local Churches

Ron Kangas should rewrite his song to say:

"Precious Lord, my flask of alabaster
Gladly now I break in love for Lee....."
08-14-2016 07:12 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

2. Who is your leader?
Our unique leader is Christ. We have no official, permanent, organized human leadership. Furthermore, there is no hierarchy of any kind and no worldwide leader. We regard no person as infallible, and we do not follow anyone blindly. On the contrary, we follow only those whose teaching and practice is in accordance with the truth of God's Word. Those who take the lead do not lord it over the saints, but rather shepherd them in love. Likewise, those who serve the Lord do not control the churches, but rather serve them as bondslaves of Christ in the ministry of the living Word.
This was absolutely not true when this booklet was published in 1978. There is MUCH evidence that this was not true in 1968 in America. There is a lot of evidence that this was not true in 1958 in Taiwan. By then, Witness Lee was already the undisputed, unchallenged "one minister with the one ministry for the age". Lee was already hiring and firing elders and co-workers on his personal whim. He was already selling meeting halls to cover his family business debts, and ripping off the saints in the process. He was already causing major division among the churches.

The simple truth is that there really was no such thing as "early Lee - later Lee". It was ALWAYS the same old Witness Lee. The facts speak for themselves. The "train of vanquished foes" speaks for itself. The condition of the religion he founded speaks for itself.

Could there be "a recovery of the Recovery", so desperately wished for by our dear brother Steve? Well, there would have had to have been a genuine recovery initiated and maintained by God to begin with. The institution we now know as The Local Church of Witness Lee has never been such a genuine recovery in my estimation. If there ever was such a recovery, I am certain that God would have never allowed such a man as Witness Lee to initiate it or maintain such a movement. Maybe there was, at one time, such a genuine move of the Lord in Mainland China during the early days of Watchman Nee. Even this has been called into serious question as certain aspects of Nee's life and ministry have come to light.

I know it seems that I have painted a pretty bleak picture. The good news is that God is the one in control of the picture...past, present and future. Actually it is his picture to paint. And it is always a masterpiece! And with this, I will leave you with a couple of familiar verses. "I will build my Church". (Matt 16:18) "He has made everything beautiful in its time." (Ecclesiastes 3:11) After all, it is HIS Church and HIS time, and let us worship and praise Him for these two glorious facts.

08-13-2016 02:09 PM
Re: Beliefs and Practices of the Local Churches

It starts off innocently enough, but by reading thru or scrolling down you see the points of real concern marked by the concerned brothers. which represents the the discernment of many others.


1. We believe that the Holy Bible is the complete divine revelation verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit.
2. We believe that God is the only one Triune God-the Father, the Son, and the Spirit-co-existing equally
from eternity to eternity.
3. We believe that the Son of God, even God Himself, became incarnated to be a man by the name of Jesus,
born of the virgin Mary, that He might be our Redeemer and Savior.
4. We believe that Jesus, a genuine man, lived on this earth for thirty-three and a half years to make God
the Father known to men.
5. We believe that Jesus, the Christ anointed by God with His Holy Spirit, died on the cross for our sins and
shed His blood for the accomplishment of our redemption.
6. We believe that Jesus Christ, after being buried.....
08-07-2016 05:43 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Koinonia View Post
Brother Indiana, those "kind" LC brothers felt the need (four of them) to escort you out! They will not even let you sit there!
This is part of the double standards that exist in LC culture. Take for instance Philip Lee and problems he caused localities and persons, the attitude among elders may be "that's ancient history". A sister (my aunt) once told me when asking about Philip Lee, why not "leave the past in the past"?
Same applies to someone like Indiana. If he wants to sit down and isn't creating a scene, "why not leave the past in the past"?
Unless however LC meetings aren't open to the public as they might claim to be. If that's the case LC meetings are just like a Costco. Membership has it's privileges.
08-07-2016 04:01 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
When Stephen died it didn't look like there was much potential, or opportunity there, in Saul of Tarsus, who was standing by and holding the cloaks of the executioners. Hardened he was, as Yoda would put it. And it got worse before it got better - "But Saul began destroying the church", per Acts 8:3. Etc.

"But when it pleased God . . " (Gal 1:15)
In the last 2000 years has there ever been a revival. Did the seven churches revive. Remember "all they in Asia have deserted me." I assume this was before John but sort of the same time frame.
I was a member of the AOG for around 40 years. AOG was begun in 1914. They just recently celebrated 100 years. I went to their first "Bible Schools" in Sprigfield, MO when I was 20 years, just a kid. But even as a kid I knew there was something wanting, cold, and dry. My sister, wife of an AOG came to one of our LC meetings around 40 years ago and even though offended, said she didn't think the Lord was thru with the AOG. She knows I'm out of the LC and she readily agrees the AOG has real problems and as a real 'prophet' I can assure her they are not going to change. And as a store front prophet I would not predict the slow decline, but would bet a little money that the same will happen to the LC.

I had guests in my house this week end from the LC. I'm somewhat avoided. But there is some similarity between the LC and my old friends at AOG. They believe in speaking in tongues and the LC believes in WL For there to be revival there has to be repentance, and since the top brass doesn't believe in repentance, there can be no revival.

I confess I'm not anywhere close to being a prophet.
08-07-2016 12:31 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Brothers, I did not go to the mass expecting much at all and was not seeking a place to meet. I went that I might get more familiar with what Catholics do at mass to know how to relate to a Catholic friend of mine. I had gone there in the summer of 2010 twice and more times than that to each of these groups - Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses and 7th Day Adventists, which were all interesting and beneficial experiences. (I saw that they were all human beings, and like me, persecuted human beings - they for their reasons and me for mine - and I wanted to see for myself what they were like individually and what the meetings were like, and to see how much their church culture was similar to ours, and how much "oneness" or ground could be obtained with them to my comfort. Had to check for myself instead of writing them completely off as I had been doing for three decades automatically, in my superior church culture, which was declining before my eyes by traumatic encounters (10 such) with leaders, men who manifested no human or spiritual capacity to receive me as a fellow human being or brother in Christ, when presented with my sincere appeal to them in In the Wake of the New Way. I was soon out the door. So partly I was seeking human beings in those "church environments" I visited, just to see what my impression would be of them. With the Mormons I met with "the high priests group" one morning, then with a large group later that day to help move a mother and her daughter from their apartment. There might have been 50 people there, many standing and talking, as things were going smoothly and happily; and I said to the 20 year-old daughter, "you are so fortunate, look how many came to help your mother! Moving can be a very trying time". Later, when I was leaving, she came over and gave me a hug. I was so surprised. She was appreciative. We had made a Mormon girl and her mother happy that day.)

Neither did I go to the Presbyterian meeting last Sunday seeking a different place to meet, I had been in a Bible study there for 9 mos in 2006 and I know people there and basically - with my people at a conf up in Vancouver, I was actually a bit adrift that day and then drifted over to the Bellevue meeting also, as the doors were wide open, and no usher to turn me away (and people were standing and I could easily take a seat and have brief conversation with the sister who happened to be seated, not standing. I told her I was doing well and that the brothers don't understand that I am actually for the churches. She couldnt believe I had been away 15 years. When people were sitting back down the brothers began to head over my way; she gasped, a little alarmed, and I smiled and said they are coming for me, it is okay, I will write you a letter (she and her husb lived in Anaheim during the turmoil) and, YES, I wanted to stir the pot a bit, brother, to see what we had with them in 2016. What we have is elders continuing to cut me off without explaining themselves to me or to the churches why they do this, but who also seemed softened and subdued. But we also continue to have a central control going on from Anaheim to regulate the churches, letting churches know this one or that one is bad and brothers obey the, but robotically.

Brothers, if the Catholics had life I would testify of it. There was none.

If the Presb had an atmosphere of life I would have stayed.

But I have testified of what I did experience that day, a sweetness of Christ as life that spread to me immediately in the church in Bellevue. If enough saints know how to get to the throne, life can be transmitted into a meeting place. A leader at SCA and other leaders of the associated assemblies know their lack - the teachings prevail, but not life, not joy, and where I meet the brother is determined that every week he will ask the congregation about their exercise before the Lord that morning so that they can bring life to the meeting and the service in the church. If it takes 1 year three years, he wants to see more life and more joy, and so do I. But we all appreciate what measure we do have at SCA. I do, and the leaders do, and we love these saints. But there is so much more, and those in the Local Churches have to see what many on the forum have brought to public attention for many years. The Lord will bless or not bless what we say - as for me I just go with the anointing to speak the things I do that resonate in my being. And it takes much exercise to get to the Lord and go down deep for an hour or so in the morning before sharing those things that resonate. I agree with you, brother, we really need to get to that fountain and I have been very exercised to do so in recent weeks especially, and generally, for a very long time.
08-05-2016 10:41 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Dear Brother
I wonder if this refreshing you experienced would have occurred if you had visited some other locality that you were less familiar with. Seeing old friends and remembering the "good old days" brings its own euphoria. The Lord is able to be your peace and joy regardless of where you are. Quite frankly, a genuine peace that comes from the Lord is never dependent upon our environment. Rejoice always! The Lord is rich unto all who sincerely call upon Him. Don't short-change yourself, and especially do not limit the Lord. Times of refreshing come from His presence - In or out of the LC.
08-05-2016 04:10 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Lisbon, You cant believe that in the ten minutes I was in the Table meeting, I got more refreshed than in any meeting I have been in elsewhere. The song was one of the many I appreciated greatly and began singing the moment I entered. (A hymn by WL)
Indiana, I wonder if have you considered how much of that feeling is based on culture. There are many things I miss about the LC--and many of those things are spiritual. Almost no kind of Christian meeting is satisfying to me these days (note that I say "Christian meeting," and not "Christian fellowship"). I believe there are many spiritual lessons that Christians can learn from other Christians in the LC.

However, whenever I do have these kinds of feelings (positive or negative) as you describe above, I have to ask myself--how much of that reaction is cultural on my part. Because no matter how much they would deny it, the LC is a thick culture.

As I told the 4 brothers who escorted me out, I have no problem with the positive aspects of the Local Churches, but "THERE ARE SERIOUS MATTERS THAT I ADDRESS AND THAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED". It seemed to me the brother next to me, sort of behind me, substantiated what I said, he being the one from Anaheim. And the one next to him seemed to agree, but I can't be sure of either one and they left to return to the meeting.
I appreciate your determination. I really do. But do you feel this kind of effort will ever make any difference? I believe it cannot. The leader of the whole thing determined that those very same "serious matters" of concern to you should never be addressed, and I believe his edict was prophetic--at least in the context of the system. Many know of those issues, but they simply don't care. They have long buried them. To my mind, it is almost impossible to properly evaluate the issues you raise and stay within that system. I myself knew of the history for years, but I put all of it aside (with all manner of rationalizations) until finally, for whatever reason, the scales fell off my eyes. And when that happened, I just could not stay. The two things, to me, are mutually exclusive.

Also, may I ask--what is the purpose in visiting this kind of meeting? Do you feel comfortable there? To be honest with you, it seems sad. What is the point of it? To cause a disruption? It sounds like you are wandering--from Kaung's group to the Catholic Church, to the Presbyterian Church, to the LC. Find fulfillment in God! The whole outward scene of Christianity is such a mess. It is not meant to fulfill us!

Here is the thing, Lisbon, and others who have wondered about me, I see the potential for revival and have considered this from the beginning words of my writing, Aug 2, 2000 16 years ago. There is too much invested in so many innocent saints in the churches around the world.
Such a revival within the LC simply will not happen. The LC has become a religious system just like any other religious system. With each passing year, it becomes more and more organized, more and more distinct in its religious culture, and more and more set in its ways. There is just as much "invested" in so many other "innocent saints in the churches around the world" outside of the context of the LC. You visited a Catholic church--why does the Lord not bring revival there? Why does the LC need to be God's special thing (why does God even need to have a special thing?)? Whatever the "thing" is, the "ism," the Lord's attitude is the same--"come out!" (and "coming out is a heart-matter).

Lisbon, I went to a Catholic mass before going into the Bellevue mtg hall! It was dreadfully wanting for water and refreshment in the Spirit and intermingling. They had refreshments but no connecting. I was so surprised at the emptiness though the building was beautiful and inviting with a fountain as you enter, but the fountain of living waters was down the street and the saints have aged, and they were fewer in number, but they have been trained and raised up to know their spirit and get to that fountain that never runs dry.
What is "the fountain of living waters"? What is the "fountain that never runs dry"? You equate it with the LC or with something particular to the LC. But read the truth:

"For My people have committed a double evil:
They have abandoned Me,
the fountain of living water,
and dug cisterns for themselves,
cracked cisterns that cannot hold water" (Jeremiah 2:13).

The fountain of living waters is GOD HIMSELF. It is not the LC, or something particular to the LC. To be caught in that mindset is just to "dig out a cracked cistern." No matter how "spiritual" or "refreshing" the cistern appears--that's what it is. The fountain is GOD, and God did not pour Himself into the container of the LC.

The brothers were very kind this time to me and perhaps they read my previous 2 letters and links sent in July, but could not wait for this mtg to end and had to come back and interrupt my sweet short talk with that sister who long ago drew me thru that Christ in her smile and her directive for me to move into the brother's house. I did so due to wanting to be with these people who were focused on Christ alone. There was no call to be in one accord with another center than Christ, the Christ who is our life and our hope of glory. I had also visited the Pres church next door to the the meeting hall. Another beautiful building in wealthy Bellevue.
Brother Indiana, those "kind" LC brothers felt the need (four of them) to escort you out! They will not even let you sit there!

Many of the saints I normally meet with were in Vancouver B. C. for a conference with Stephen Kaung (101 years old). He is in Seattle now and might speak once or twice before leaving for home Richmond. Many of the saints I normally meet with were in Vancouver B. C. for a conference with Stephen Kaung (101 years old). He is in Seattle now and might speak once or twice before leaving for home in Richmond.

I hope the two groups who both come from Watchman Nee's ministry would come together and be benefited from each other. BOTH would be greatly benefited. But the LC brothers would never part from their ministry which precludes the idea of merging as one and confirms their standing as a ministry church.... But the opportunity is there.
Brother Indiana, I daresay that will never happen--not in this age. I am certain that both sides, no matter how charitable or "open," are just as set in their ways. I am fully convinced that we will only all be truly united once our walk on earth is over and we rest in eternity in the presence of the Lord. And in that day we will wonder (if we even bother to be preoccupied with it)--why we spent so much time dwelling on all of these things in the first place. God is bigger than the LC or the Little Flock, or WN, or SK, or WL. Don't miss the forest for the trees. God is vast and transcendent, and the Body of Christ is vast too.

"And may His glory fill the whole earth. Amen and amen" (Psalm 72:19).
08-05-2016 01:16 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
And I don't think Lisbon was talking about Indiana.

But I think you knew that.
I did know that, and should have thrown in a qualifier so that it was clear.

But I wanted to make the point that, remarkably, for the amount of writing Indiana's done, he's largely (or even wholly) resisted the possiblity of taking gratuitous swipes.

I myself enjoy writing, and do so largely for therapeutic reasons. But I suspect that I enjoy writing too much sometimes, and that perhaps my enjoyment is at others' expense. There are some models of Christian reticence and decorum on LCD, and I recognize and appreciate that. (even if I do a poor job of imitating).
08-05-2016 11:40 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Looks like Nee and Lee might have got it wrong about the tree of life.

The same words are used in Proverbs 3:18 to represent wisdom.
18 She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her, and happy is every one that holdest her fast.

It's used in Proverbs 11:30 as a fruit of the righteous.
30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that is wise winneth souls.

And in Proverbs 13:12 as like having desire fulfilled.
12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick; but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

And Proverbs 15:4 as how good or helpful is good speech.
A soothing tongue is a tree of life; but perverseness therein is a wound to the spirit.

I'll get to the NT next, but it does not look like the tree of life is a principle or command to behave/function by intuition or whatever it is that the blendeds say you touch in your spirit. The word life without a qualifying adjective...like Christ's life, God's life, my dog's life, etc. can be misleading and possibly used by satan (or any other nefarious being/person) to indicate any intuitive feeling that one receives from any source. I wonder if this is a safe practice for Christians? Do the church fathers have any comments on this topic?
Seems the Recovery's orientation of the Tree of Life is all askew. It's not about what the Word says, but about LSM. If LSM is portrayed positively it's on the Tree of Life. If it portrays LSM negatively, it's on the Tree of Knowledge.
Several examples, afaithfulword.org, it's on the Tree of Life. CRI's We Were Wrong, it's on the Tree of Life.
Conversely anything written by Nigel Tomes, Steve Isitt, John Ingalls etc is on the Tree of Knowledge.
Tree of Life=positive for LSM
Tree of Knowledge=negative for LSM
Notice scripture isn't even a factor by this logic.
08-05-2016 09:49 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I don't get any bitterness coming from Indiana.
And I don't think Lisbon was talking about Indiana.

But I think you knew that.
08-05-2016 05:44 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Here is the thing, Lisbon, and others who have wondered about me, I see the potential for revival .... the opportunity is there.
When Stephen died it didn't look like there was much potential, or opportunity there, in Saul of Tarsus, who was standing by and holding the cloaks of the executioners. Hardened he was, as Yoda would put it. And it got worse before it got better - "But Saul began destroying the church", per Acts 8:3. Etc.

"But when it pleased God . . " (Gal 1:15)
08-04-2016 08:45 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana
......but the fountain of living waters was down the street and the saints have aged, and they were fewer in number, but they have been trained and raised up to know their spirit and get to that fountain that never runs dry.
This is what I have heard from other saints, why they are so loyal through thick and thin. I also agree with Lisbon in that a true ministry cannot gush out both bitterness and sweetness. Thus even though the LSM ministry is rotten, some of its saints will keep the true Spirit. Isn't it similar to the 7 churches in Revelations where the Lord was calling for the overcomers from each church? Yes, even the RCC has its share of overcomers, putting all of the ministry doctrines to shame.

My morning reading in Galations 1 reminded me of this ongoing tussle by Indiana with the LSM ministry. Gal 1:6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.

Paul saw this perversion of the gospel as so serious, that he gave them a double curse. It was not another gospel they were preaching, but they were twisting the same gospel to suit their own purposes. This describes the LSM ministry, which circumvents the gospel from the glory of God to the glory of Witness Lee and to the elimination of the work of the Holy Spirit in interpreting the Word as needed for each saint.
08-04-2016 03:54 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Lisbon, You cant believe that in the ten minutes I was in the Table meeting, I got more refreshed than in any meeting I have been in elsewhere. The song was one of the many I appreciated greatly and began singing the moment I entered.

As I told the 4 brothers who escorted me out ...
Where's a good YouTube when you need one!?!

I'd love to have seen that scene.
08-04-2016 03:52 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
As of today I'm picking Indiana up on my prayer list. After reading post 516 it would relieve me greatly to know you had after many years had the grace from our Lord to leave that wicked place be. It is no different whatsoever from the RCC and if the Lord has chosen to leave the RCC alone for 1700 years He can do the same for the LC and I think likely will.

I notice we came into the LC just one year apart, you in 71 and I in 72. My wife died in 07 and I started keeping a diary of sorts. I just recently noticed an entry in 09 mentioning th at my experience of the LC was quite unreal. Not a good comment. It took me 4 more years before I walked out. I still have two children and 5 grand children in the thing. I have no power over them except to pray. I don't think a christian sect of 50 plus years can be touched by man. I never heard of one being touched.

My opinion is worth little but, James I think it was said that a fountain can not issue both bitter and sweet water. I don't believe you agree but the bitterness coming out of WL and later the Blendeds makes it look impossible for there to be any sweetness. You're around 69, I around 86, we need to forget LC forever and ipray for our loved ones.
I understand what you are saying. I was there for 30 years, and left almost 11 years ago.

I also believe that each of us have the liberty to continue as the peace of God leads us. I still post comments here, but Indiana has chosen another route. I also left the Catholic church after growing up in that system.

I wonder what the prophets of God thought when Jehovah (Yahweh) kept sending them back to Israel with a fresh word from the throne. I'm sure they thought it was a waste of time, and not only that, it was quite dangerous since Israel had killed all the other prophets before them. But God never gave up, and eventually He sent His Son to Israel thinking that surely they will honor Him and listen to His words.
08-04-2016 02:27 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
As of today I'm picking Indiana up on my prayer list. After reading post 516 it would relieve me greatly to know you had after many years had the grace from our Lord to leave that wicked place be. It is no different whatsoever from the RCC and if the Lord has chosen to leave the RCC alone for 1700 years He can do the same for the LC and I think likely will.

I notice we came into the LC just one year apart, you in 71 and I in 72. My wife died in 07 and I started keeping a diary of sorts. I just recently noticed an entry in 09 mentioning th at my experience of the LC was quite unreal. Not a good comment. It took me 4 more years before I walked out. I still have two children and 5 grand children in the thing. I have no power over them except to pray. I don't think a christian sect of 50 plus years can be touched by man. I never heard of one being touched.

My opinion is worth little but, James I think it was said that a fountain can not issue both bitter and sweet water. I don't believe you agree but the bitterness coming out of WL and later the Blendeds makes it look impossible for there to be any sweetness. You're around 69, I around 86, we need to forget LC forever and ipray for our loved ones.
Lisbon, You cant believe that in the ten minutes I was in the Table meeting, I got more refreshed than in any meeting I have been in elsewhere. The song was one of the many I appreciated greatly and began singing the moment I entered. (A hymn by WL)

As I told the 4 brothers who escorted me out, I have no problem with the positive aspects of the Local Churches, but "THERE ARE SERIOUS MATTERS THAT I ADDRESS AND THAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED". It seemed to me the brother next to me, sort of behind me, substantiated what I said, he being the one from Anaheim. And the one next to him seemed to agree, but I can't be sure of either one and they left to return to the meeting.

Here is the thing, Lisbon, and others who have wondered about me, I see the potential for revival and have considered this from the beginning words of my writing, Aug 2, 2000 16 years ago. There is too much invested in so many innocent saints in the churches around the world.

Lisbon, I went to a Catholic mass before going into the Bellevue mtg hall! It was dreadfully wanting for water and refreshment in the Spirit and intermingling. They had refreshments but no connecting. I was so surprised at the emptiness though the building was beautiful and inviting with a fountain as you enter, but the fountain of living waters was down the street and the saints have aged, and they were fewer in number, but they have been trained and raised up to know their spirit and get to that fountain that never runs dry.

The brothers were very kind this time to me and perhaps they read my previous 2 letters and links sent in July, but could not wait for this mtg to end and had to come back and interrupt my sweet short talk with that sister who long ago drew me thru that Christ in her smile and her directive for me to move into the brother's house. I did so due to wanting to be with these people who were focused on Christ alone. There was no call to be in one accord with another center than Christ, the Christ who is our life and our hope of glory. I had also visited the Pres church next door to the the meeting hall. Another beautiful building in wealthy Bellevue.

Many of the saints I normally meet with were in Vancouver B. C. for a conference with Stephen Kaung (101 years old). He is in Seattle now and might speak once or twice before leaving for home Richmond. Many of the saints I normally meet with were in Vancouver B. C. for a conference with Stephen Kaung (101 years old). He is in Seattle now and might speak once or twice before leaving for home in Richmond.

I hope the two groups who both come from Watchman Nee's ministry would come together and be benefited from each other. BOTH would be greatly benefited. But the LC brothers would never part from their ministry which precludes the idea of merging as one and confirms their standing as a ministry church.... But the opportunity is there.
08-04-2016 01:03 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
James said that a fountain can not issue both bitter and sweet water.
I don't get any bitterness coming from Indiana. That's the good thing. The Blendeds and their cheerleaders unfortunately can be quite uncharitable toward those with whom they disagree; they learned well from WL.

Myself I suppose I'm too often the proverbial bitter ex-member, but thankfully people here are usually willing to call me on it, and I'm willing to repent.
08-04-2016 12:52 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

As of today I'm picking Indiana up on my prayer list. After reading post 516 it would relieve me greatly to know you had after many years had the grace from our Lord to leave that wicked place be. It is no different whatsoever from the RCC and if the Lord has chosen to leave the RCC alone for 1700 years He can do the same for the LC and I think likely will.

I notice we came into the LC just one year apart, you in 71 and I in 72. My wife died in 07 and I started keeping a diary of sorts. I just recently noticed an entry in 09 mentioning th at my experience of the LC was quite unreal. Not a good comment. It took me 4 more years before I walked out. I still have two children and 5 grand children in the thing. I have no power over them except to pray. I don't think a christian sect of 50 plus years can be touched by man. I never heard of one being touched.

My opinion is worth little but, James I think it was said that a fountain can not issue both bitter and sweet water. I don't believe you agree but the bitterness coming out of WL and later the Blendeds makes it look impossible for there to be any sweetness. You're around 69, I around 86, we need to forget LC forever and ipray for our loved ones.
08-04-2016 04:56 AM
Re: Judgment of Anaheim

Hello Larry [Wilde], I did meet you in Spokane and knew you moved to Anaheim.

My experience Sunday is the catalyst to my letter in attachment.

I was told by you brothers that I need to check with Seattle who I had contacted twice in July, but got no response from them. Receiving no response from Bellevue either, or Anaheim, I have this letter (attached) to post today. Hearing the words once again, "you are not welcome here" and that I am to check with Seattle, has spawned this letter below.

If you are interested in counseling me a bit, you are welcome any time. But I am compelled now within to speak as I have done in the attached letter. I am interested in the truth. And, addressing the truth has been something of a life supply to me for 15 years.

You are the first one I am sending this letter to. It is true that if I am in the church life I would be fully taken up with ministering Christ and caring for others for the building up of the Body in love. I understand the saints and appreciate them. No need to talk there as I do outside the church environment where there is much need, encouraging understanding of our actual history and also repentances from LC leadership, and doing this unto the building up of the Body in love also.

Either direction is good. At 69 years old, I just think it is better that I would be in the church life, positively, than to address serious discrepancies in our church testimony, negatively - I have done this work already, and for many years now I meet where I can and where I am welcome, and that is everywhere, but in the place that raised me.

Praise the Lord, Larry! I did enjoy my 10 minutes in the meeting, and got to sit by Jan who had helped bring me into the church in 1971.

Larry Wilde is an elder in Bellevue, formerly lived in Spokane, then Anaheim where his brother, Chris of LSM Radio resides.

08-01-2016 05:45 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
How was the RK lawsuit resolved?

Interesting points from different posts of the above link....

POST 286
"I was aware of mediation and expected to go into it at some point, having read extensively on what to expect in the process. When I saw the way their lawyer, a brother in the church, handled my Complaint in his response to the judge, I was surprised and also disappointed. It seemed to me that he didn't care whether he was telling the truth or not. He was "doing his job" to free his client. I didn't want to incur much more of this.

I honestly felt, or hoped for, a higher level of communication from him and also meaningful dialogue and fellowship from the "defendants", outside the path of litigation. Then have some sort of help through informal mediation, perhaps with the CRI people, Fuller, the 70 scholars. Open, honest, meaningful dialogue and sweet fellowship, as they experienced with CRI and Fuller.

Too much to expect? It shouldn't be.

I had subjected this lawyer brother, James Kuan, to lie if he felt he had to, and this brother I love as one who took care of my two sons as a young people's leader during difficult times for me during the turmoil in the late eighties. Now, my son, Kenan, was helping me somewhat vs James. But he did not feel to sign on as my attorney, for a few good reasons.

Two lawyers, raised in the church, now placed in this situation! My son told me I needed to get a defamation attorney, that it would take to long for him to get up to speed, but as time went on I began to feel more and more that my statement has been made. The brothers know I have something "against them". Now it is up to them to respond, or not. While others look on, such as Jose Rivera.

Jose has done what the brothers have never done. He actually recorded in print what he feels and provided excerpts for the readers' consideration, and mine. Thank you Jose. I respect you for telling me and others specifically what your problem with me is. I do hope you and your wife have not been stumbled by me, as I also have noted many times on the forum that the Local Churches have a positive side also that I appreciate.

If your wife, as a Federal court employee, would like to share with me her feeling about my use or misuse of the Federal Court system, I encourage her to post a private message through you since you are now a member. I would like to get her perspective.

The case was dismissed since the judge had no jurisdiction over Sherman since he had not yet moved out of state, and he was already dismissed. And, the other defendant never showed, so he was not considered to be a defendant since he technically did not receive his summons properly. And, I didn't feel to press the matter. I was at peace. Four months is enough time to make my point.

Jose is right that the case is dismissed with prejudice which means I cannot file this case again. Fine. My statement was made, and many brothers have heard it. This was my objective.

POST 294
"When I was in the FTTT, a LSM run training, every trainee was required to bring a copy of "The Experience of Life" which we then used as part of our study. In this book it makes it clear that if you are aware that a brother has anything against you, that you should drop whatever it is you are doing, even if it is a sacrifice to the Lord and first go and be reconciled with your brother. This is what the LSM requires every trainee to learn. And yet, here is RK, one of the leaders in the LSM thumbing his nose at this word from the Lord. This is why the Lord told us to do what they say, but don't do what they do. "
08-01-2016 08:33 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Maybe I didn't word it clearly. What I meant was, "Instead of compounding his sin with Bathsheba and Uriah by murdering the accusing Nathan, David did not; instead he saw the light and repented." But my terse wording may have opened the door to understanding the opposite.
You made some very good points. In his outrage, King David was ready to pull the trigger again, and he would have done so, either to Nathan (who, I'm sure, was scared for his own life) or the antagonist in Nathan's fable. (II Samuel 11.1-9)

To say that "David saw the light and repented," was a very kind characterization of the King.
08-01-2016 07:42 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Did David murder Nathan?
Maybe I didn't word it clearly. What I meant was, "Instead of compounding his sin with Bathsheba and Uriah by murdering the accusing Nathan, David did not; instead he saw the light and repented." But my terse wording may have opened the door to understanding the opposite.
08-01-2016 06:34 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
David saw the light before he murdered Nathan, and made things worse. But like Saul, WL and his Blendeds piled mistake upon mistake. The reason for this is that WL built a system predicated upon infallibility, and to admit mistake might cut the underpinnings of the whole enterprise. Admitting one lapse in judgement would lead to questioning other decisions, and then the whole thing might have no validity whatsoever! Terrible! Unthinkable!
Did David murder Nathan?
08-01-2016 04:45 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
A lot of what Lee did could have been 'fixed' a long time ago by a simple admission on his part that he had made a mistake or had a large lapse in judgement.
Originally Posted by SteVee View Post
It makes me think of the difference between Saul and David.
David saw the light before he murdered Nathan, and made things worse. But like Saul, WL and his Blendeds piled mistake upon mistake. The reason for this is that WL built a system predicated upon infallibility, and to admit mistake might cut the underpinnings of the whole enterprise. Admitting one lapse in judgement would lead to questioning other decisions, and then the whole thing might have no validity whatsoever! Terrible! Unthinkable!

This can not only be seen in morality, where unethical behavior got waved off with, "We don't care about right and wrong", but even in scriptural interpretation leading to a kind of "system of error", per Eph 4:14 (see RecV; esp fn 5). The Ascended Master's (AM) interpretation of the Bible must be held as infallible, and wherever the Bible seemed at variance with the AM's High Peak Teachings, then the Bible itself had to be of little account.

Consider that David was a sinner: he murdered Uriah, numbered Israel in his pride, etc. Therefore when he wrote "God rescued me because He delighted in me" then according to the AM this is false. No, WL said, David rescued himself (no consideration that the text might point to the promised Son of David, the coming Messiah, as NT usage suggests).

Yet the AM can't ever be seen to have had any lapse of judgment, or his entire teaching corpus might be questioned; instead of being the sole mediator between God and man, the Seer of the Divine Revelation, and God's Present Oracle, WL would be another Christian with thoughts and opinions. Sometimes insightful, sometimes maybe not so much. Can't have that!! What would happen to book sales and conference attendance?
07-31-2016 08:55 PM
Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
Our brother Lin claims to have written his book under the anointing, guidance and constraint of the Holy Spirit. Our brother Lee also claims to have been before the Lord before writing his slanderous book; Fermentation Of The Present Rebellion. I personally would be under great trembling and fear of ever dragging the Spirit Of TRUTH into an endless pit of self-serving LIES. They may speak about High Truth, but they do not practice the Truth

Concerning the lawsuit, it was a longtime Local Church brother who advised me to get an attorney. This was after 10 years of brothers' misrepresenting me, and the truth in my writings. I had no thought like this previously but entertained the idea of filing a lawsuit myself and I decided to go ahead. I had one objective in mind: to get them to take me and my writings seriously and come into fellowship over them . After 4 months I basically let them go and the judge officially ended it when I did not press further. I saw enough and they had opportunity enough to come out of the legal realm and face me in meaningful dialogue and fellowship, which they had no mind to do and still do not.

The following is from the last part of a letter to another brother who had once been close to me.

Steve Isitt

After a thorough examination of our church history and appealing to leaders regarding my findings, I found that our leadership is not interested in accounting for past mistakes; but have chosen instead to condemn me for what I have found and brought forward for fellowship.



I wrote this in 2010 - the lawsuit was in 2011
When doing a search on my name, Steve Isitt, recently (2010), immediately one very positive document appeared toward the top, My Experience in the Local Churches; and one negative one appeared at the very top, Ron Kangas’ public word from Ecuador declaring to leaders in South America that I was a “man of death” and “one of the most evil speakers on the internet”. I called his home to discuss this public speaking with him and I left a message for him to give me a call. There was no return call.

I then wrote him a letter expressing my desire to speak with him and waited for his response. None came. I had heard also about the public speaking of another leader who referred to me as a “wolf among lambs” (SR from Bellevue in a conf in New Zealand), and also that I was “the embodiment of the accuser of the brethren”. This same leader over a ten-year period had been telling saints in Bellevue in groups or one on one conversations that I had “slanderous” websites up on the internet and forum posts that “slander” several leaders in the churches.

In July 2010, when he spoke these things to a church member, Jerry Mueckl, I received an email from Jerry denouncing me and my websites. I then shared this email with a Local Church brother, who advised me to get an attorney, since he knew the ten-year history of Local Church leaders’ resistance to the truth in my writings and the unwillingness they had to come to a table of fellowship. He also knew of the propensity among leaders and saints toward “condemnation before investigation”, as exemplified in Jerry Mueckl’s email.

Jerry Mueckl

"I asked Sherman about you and your history in the church in this area. I was appalled to find out that you have not only written one book (which I knew about but never read), but also that you maintain two websites full of slander regarding the Lord’s Recovery, and specifically regarding at least eight coworkers and several elders.

Hearing about evidence such as a nearly two inch stack of emails that you wrote regarding Joel Kennon, and the fact that you maintain much contact with ones who oppose the Lord’s Recovery such as John Ingalls, leaves me no alternative but to discontinue my contact with you.

Regardless of what new ones you want to introduce to me, there is no way I can have fellowship with you. Your behavior is divisive, and you have not shown any willingness to repent. If you reply that these facts are not true, then I’ll only believe that after you’ve taken down your slanderous web sites and come face to face with Sherman and Joel and the other elders in Seattle and Bellevue and retract the materials you have written.

You told me that you want to be allowed to fellowship with the church in Bellevue, yet your actions tell another story. I have given the Lord and His Recovery thirty seven years of my life, and there is no other life I desire to live. Don’t bother sending me any more emails. I’m just going to delete them anyways. "
Jerry Mueckl

Jerry admitted that he had not read much of my writings before sending me that email. When we again met – sovereignly - four months later, I confronted him about his email. He had read some of my material and within minutes offered an apology to me for his rush to judgment in his email, and said, “I don’t know; I just don’t know”. That is true. Without thorough investigation, no one, including the leaders know.

(Tony Chee and Jerry Mueckl were the two brothers at the 50th birthday gathering, Dec 2010.)

Still your brother in Christ,
Steve Isitt June 16, 2013
07-31-2016 07:12 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
A lot of what Lee did could have been 'fixed' a long time ago by a simple admission on his part that he had made a mistake or had a large lapse in judgement. Did he do that? Nope. He instead proceeded to put a spin on so many things.
It makes me think of the difference between Saul and David.
07-31-2016 06:20 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Think about the 2011 lawsuit Indiana had against RK and SR. It's sure okay to sue Harvest House and in the last decade GLA localities, but when one of their own blendeds has his name mentioned in a defamation lawsuit, oh the brothers can't have that.
The hypocrisy is reeking in Puget Sound region LC's The brothers would rather remain silent than to be truthful.
How was the RK lawsuit resolved?
07-29-2016 06:18 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Think about those recent lawsuits in Ohio and Toronto, ON. Would those brothers and sisters, left to themselves and their loving Head, dream about suing each other over meeting halls, furniture, bank accounts, and their nameless "name?" No, of course not, but with LSM's special "trainings" held nearby, these saints now "feel life and peace" while suing their brothers and sisters.
Think about the 2011 lawsuit Indiana had against RK and SR. It's sure okay to sue Harvest House and in the last decade GLA localities, but when one of their own blendeds has his name mentioned in a defamation lawsuit, oh the brothers can't have that.
The hypocrisy is reeking in Puget Sound region LC's The brothers would rather remain silent than to be truthful.
07-29-2016 06:16 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
Our brother Lin claims to have written his book under the anointing, guidance and constraint of the Holy Spirit. Our brother Lee also claims to have been before the Lord before writing his slanderous book; Fermentation Of The Present Rebellion. I personally would be under great tembling and fear of ever dragging the Spirit Of TRUTH into an endless pit of self-serving LIES. They may speak about High Truth, but they do not practice the Truth
A lot of what Lee did could have been 'fixed' a long time ago by a simple admission on his part that he had made a mistake or had a large lapse in judgement. Did he do that? Nope. He instead proceeded to put a spin on so many things.

It's not my place to judge anyone for their mistakes. But what I do know is that the Spirit of TRUTH does not lead people to LIE or engage in deception. Lies stem from only one source. That source is the father of lies, the devil himself. That is serious, and as Christians we don't want anything to do with such blatant deception.
07-29-2016 03:54 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
I used to find it hard to believe that any of the blendeds would have looked up to Philip Lee. I assumed that if anything, he was tolerated for the sake of WL, a past issue that they would be glad to sweep under the rug.

Quite to the contrary, an Anaheim elder, Philip Lin, expressed a great appreciation for Philip Lee. It makes me want to gag:
Our brother Lin claims to have written his book under the anointing, guidance and constraint of the Holy Spirit. Our brother Lee also claims to have been before the Lord before writing his slanderous book; Fermentation Of The Present Rebellion. I personally would be under great tembling and fear of ever dragging the Spirit Of TRUTH into an endless pit of self-serving LIES. They may speak about High Truth, but they do not practice the Truth
07-29-2016 03:35 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
The sad part about it is that this is exactly what the rank and file are taught to think about things that make them feel bad or uneasy inside. It is supposed to make them reject the source that makes them feel that way rather than the thing (the error) that is the actual problem.
The Blendeds actually decide for their members how to "feel" about many things, thus robbing them of the real liberty of the spirit, and ruining the conscience of many. Think about those recent lawsuits in Ohio and Toronto, ON. Would those brothers and sisters, left to themselves and their loving Head, dream about suing each other over meeting halls, furniture, bank accounts, and their nameless "name?" No, of course not, but with LSM's special "trainings" held nearby, these saints now "feel life and peace" while suing their brothers and sisters. Obviously the many scriptures of the N.T., screaming out thru their collective conscience, can't overcome the "peace within" guaranteed by headquarters in Anaheim.
07-29-2016 03:21 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post

Tree of Life?! These people could use a little knowledge of good and evil!
That's right, how about some basic education on the difference.
07-29-2016 02:40 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery


That caricature of RK speaking about how he feels bad inside is just too good.

The sad part about it is that this is exactly what the rank and file are taught to think about things that make them feel bad or uneasy inside. It is supposed to make them reject the source that makes them feel that way rather than the thing (the error) that is the actual problem.
07-29-2016 01:53 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
The word life without a qualifying adjective...like Christ's life, God's life, my dog's life, etc. can be misleading and possibly used by satan (or any other nefarious being/person) to indicate any intuitive feeling that one receives from any source. I wonder if this is a safe practice for Christians? Do the church fathers have any comments on this topic?
Think about an environment where heightened subjectivity meets a system of error, and where that might lead you. Far from safety.
07-29-2016 01:33 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
If Witness Lee is right even when he's wrong, that implies that whatever you do to further Witness Lee is right even if it's wrong. This explains Philip Lee, the Blendeds and the whole shameful history of lies, deceptions, double-talk, cover-ups, lawsuits, quarantines, property grabs and character assassinations, not to mention the general buffoonery.

Tree of Life?! These people could used a little knowledge of good and evil!

Lord, how long?

Looks like Nee and Lee might have got it wrong about the tree of life.

The same words are used in Proverbs 3:18 to represent wisdom.
18 She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her, and happy is every one that holdest her fast.

It's used in Proverbs 11:30 as a fruit of the righteous.
30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that is wise winneth souls.

And in Proverbs 13:12 as like having desire fulfilled.
12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick; but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

And Proverbs 15:4 as how good or helpful is good speech.
A soothing tongue is a tree of life; but perverseness therein is a wound to the spirit.

I'll get to the NT next, but it does not look like the tree of life is a principle or command to behave/function by intuition or whatever it is that the blendeds say you touch in your spirit. The word life without a qualifying adjective...like Christ's life, God's life, my dog's life, etc. can be misleading and possibly used by satan (or any other nefarious being/person) to indicate any intuitive feeling that one receives from any source. I wonder if this is a safe practice for Christians? Do the church fathers have any comments on this topic?
07-29-2016 12:38 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post

Tree of Life?! These people could used a little knowledge of good and evil!

Ha ha!
07-29-2016 12:20 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post

The whole distortion by Witness Lee and the Blendeds was "the sleight of men, in craftiness with a view to a system of error," and it makes me sick to my stomach. Here's Phillip Lee, the hot-tempered, licentious bully, who was not even identified by name by his father, portrayed as a faithful Levitical serving one in the LSM office and who needs to be apologized to. What a projection of guilt and shame!

Let's all gag together.
If Witness Lee is right even when he's wrong, that implies that whatever you do to further Witness Lee is right even if it's wrong. This explains Philip Lee, the Blendeds and the whole shameful history of lies, deceptions, double-talk, cover-ups, lawsuits, quarantines, property grabs and character assassinations, not to mention the general buffoonery.

Tree of Life?! These people could used a little knowledge of good and evil!

Lord, how long?

07-29-2016 11:08 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
I used to find it hard to believe that any of the blendeds would have looked up to Philip Lee. I assumed that if anything, he was tolerated for the sake of WL, a past issue that they would be glad to sweep under the rug.

Quite to the contrary, an Anaheim elder, Philip Lin, expressed a great appreciation for Philip Lee. It makes me want to gag:
You ought to gag, in fact, all the saints would start gaging if they knew the real character of the LSM "Office."

What a blatant deception inflicted upon all the "faithful saints" of God.

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
The above implies that being a "faithful saint" means giving one's "whole being to the ministry of Witness Lee," even if the motivation is selfish and sullied.

The Blended have learned well from Philip Lee.
I was a deacon in the LC's for decades, and I never knew the identity of the "Office." I remember WL scolding the elders and the saints in one training for how they treated his beloved "Office." I pictured young volunteers filling book orders, and some inconsiderate brother making demands on the staff. At one point even Dick Taylor made an impassioned public apology for not adequately appreciating the sacrifice these serving ones had made.

The whole distortion by Witness Lee and the Blendeds was "the sleight of men, in craftiness with a view to a system of error," and it makes me sick to my stomach. Here's Phillip Lee, the hot-tempered, licentious bully, who was not even identified by name by his father, portrayed as a faithful Levitical serving one in the LSM office and who needs to be apologized to. What a projection of guilt and shame!

Let's all gag together.
07-29-2016 10:27 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

It was also the hard work of Brother Philip Lee and many faithful saints who gave their whole being to the ministry of Witness Lee.

The above implies that being a "faithful saint" means giving one's "whole being to the ministry of Witness Lee," even if the motivation is selfish and sullied.

The Blended have learned well from Philip Lee.
07-29-2016 09:23 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
Apparently, Ron and other Blendeds were heavily influenced by Phillip Lee. Instead of looking away unto Jesus they looked away unto Phillip Lee. It does not surprise me that they resemble Phillip more than they resemble Christ.
I used to find it hard to believe that any of the blendeds would have looked up to Philip Lee. I assumed that if anything, he was tolerated for the sake of WL, a past issue that they would be glad to sweep under the rug.

Quite to the contrary, an Anaheim elder, Philip Lin, expressed a great appreciation for Philip Lee. It makes me want to gag:

Recalling the beginnings of the Anaheim LSM Station in 1974, I think about how everything was ragged and rough, without financial support and with a shortage of manpower. It was a very tough start. However, after years of labor, it became a rather big and well-organized publisher. It was the Lord’s blessing. It was also the hard work of Brother Philip Lee and many faithful saints who gave their whole being to the ministry of Witness Lee. It is appropriate to describe the beginning of LSM by quoting Brother Lee’s wife, Sister Lee, as she told me: “this was the result of the father with his son, two men beginning work like a “swap-meet.” It is admirable. It is also the Lord’s doing.

Lin, Philip (2014-07-02). Sacrifice and Sail On: My View of Witness Lee, A Bond Slave of Jesus Christ (Kindle Location 1292). Sail On Publishers. Kindle Edition.
07-29-2016 07:58 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Apparently, Ron and other Blendeds were heavily influenced by Phillip Lee. Instead of looking away unto Jesus they looked away unto Phillip Lee. It does not surprise me that they resemble Phillip more than they resemble Christ.
07-28-2016 09:04 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Here's Mr. Ronald Kangas taking out time from his busy schedule to explain himself ...
I lost all respect for Ron when I discovered that he is a man who will not stand behind his words. He goes and calls a fellow brother a "man of death." When called to explain his position, he wouldn't even afford Steve a simple response. That is something that I have no respect for.
07-28-2016 10:10 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
When Ron publicly defamed Steve, he did so using vague terminology and accusations. And by that I mean language that is elusive to outsiders. His intended message, however, is crystal clear to those within the LC. As Igzy pointed out, it is significant that Ron was not willing to convey a definitive position that he could subsequently stand behind. He didn’t even initiate a public ‘quarantine’ letter like has been done for others.
Here's Mr. Ronald Kangas taking out time from his busy schedule to explain himself ...

07-25-2016 06:30 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Denominations are primarily bound by details of belief, not names. Each one may or may not be particularly "sectarian." I think that the problem lies in the way the terms are used. If we think of denominations as, by definition, exclusive, we think they are harshly divisive even if they are not. And we tend to use the term "sectarian" to denote those that are (as I called it) harshly divided. Those that think they are the church and others are damaged. The LRC/LCM is a good example. The Church of Christ is (or has been) at least somewhat in this group.

Surely there is a level of "we are right and you are not" in virtually every group. And sometimes the rank-and-file members have a different idea of how harsh that separation is than the leadership does. (Not much difference in the LRC. They pretty much all hold a hard line.) I must say that I prefer to meet with people who believe in those side issues closer to what I believe. It keeps there from being as much controversy in the meetings. I am mostly happy to allow the leaders, theologians, etc., dig deep into the things that divide. For the most part, I think that they view it as important to the church as a whole, but they also have a more realistic view of the totality, and even unity of the church than most of us do. Two different churches on opposite corners is often not as divisive as we were made to believe. They are not at war. Each not declaring the other to be deficient in a serous way.

Until some group like Nee's'/Lee's comes along. Find a novel approach to defining the church such that you are it and others simply are not. Declare the people as automatically members of your group and declare the groups they meet with as harlots.
Agreed. It really does make a difference learning to view things like denominations and sectarianism at face value. What makes the LC seem so compelling and also so hard to escape is that members are convinced that their group is the one and only alternative to denominations. And the LC view of denominations is nothing close to what denominations actually are.

I tend to view sectarianism as denominations taken to the extreme. In other posts, I have stated that I view denominations as benign and I fully stand behind that. And I think this is how most people would view them. It’s unfortunate that Christians divide, but it’s also senseless in trying to overcome an inevitability of human nature.

Much of the problem with what Nee and Lee did was that they took a problem that is generally recognized and understood among Christians (division) and attempted to redefine this denomination ‘problem’, and characterize it as something much worse than it really is.

I don't blame Nee or Lee for being tempted to fix the problem they saw, but what I see as being highly concerning is the likely possibility that the problem was constructed into a bigger issue than it really was solely to give them a straw man to tear apart. The reasons as to why this would be beneficial are not too hard too hard to figure out. Characterizing denominations as a great evil paved the road for claims to be made about the superiority of the LC.

I personally saw this pattern time and time again. LC members stand up and tear apart denominations. Some of these people probably never set foot in a non-LC building before, so how would they know what denominations do? Obviously at least some people have fabricated their characterization of denominations. All for what? So that LC members have a way to claim that they’re better than everyone else. It's really sad actually, and it's blatant sectarianism at work. If LCers truly think that denominations are bad, they should take a hard look at themselves until they realize that the LC represents something much much worse.
07-25-2016 12:14 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Renee View Post
What is the difference between Denominationalism and Sectarian oneness? It would seem that if the LC shifted to the wrong ground, then it must have been on the proper ground at an earlier time. Apparently this same shift also occurred much earlier in Taiwan. This suggests that this shifting might have been deliberately planned?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Good question Renee. I don't have an easy answer for you.

What I will say is that both denominationalism and sectarian oneness add something to the Gospel. It is the Gospel PLUS other non-essentials. In the case of the Local Church . . . .
I would suggest that there may not be a whole lot of difference in general. The differences are in specific.

Denominations are, as Unto mentions, centered around specific understandings of scripture as being important. Those things beyond the very basics of the faith may or may not be correct, important, or even important even if not correct.

The real thing is what they think about the church universal. Do they see themselves as the church, and like a recent pope declare all others "damaged"? Or do they hold to their beliefs while acknowledging others as also part of the church just as they are?

Denominations are primarily bound by details of belief, not names. Each one may or may not be particularly "sectarian." I think that the problem lies in the way the terms are used. If we think of denominations as, by definition, exclusive, we think they are harshly divisive even if they are not. And we tend to use the term "sectarian" to denote those that are (as I called it) harshly divided. Those that think they are the church and others are damaged. The LRC/LCM is a good example. The Church of Christ is (or has been) at least somewhat in this group.

Surely there is a level of "we are right and you are not" in virtually every group. And sometimes the rank-and-file members have a different idea of how harsh that separation is than the leadership does. (Not much difference in the LRC. They pretty much all hold a hard line.) I must say that I prefer to meet with people who believe in those side issues closer to what I believe. It keeps there from being as much controversy in the meetings. I am mostly happy to allow the leaders, theologians, etc., dig deep into the things that divide. For the most part, I think that they view it as important to the church as a whole, but they also have a more realistic view of the totality, and even unity of the church than most of us do. Two different churches on opposite corners is often not as divisive as we were made to believe. They are not at war. Each not declaring the other to be deficient in a serous way.

Until some group like Nee's'/Lee's comes along. Find a novel approach to defining the church such that you are it and others simply are not. Declare the people as automatically members of your group and declare the groups they meet with as harlots.
07-24-2016 06:58 PM
Re: Following Witness Lee

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
In the local churches, there is a disturbing pattern of excusing bad behavior and purging those with solid character, who are unwilling to compromise their integrity. I don't think Lee intended the LC to turn out this way, but character and integrity had to be sacrificed in order for WL to pursue the larger than life status that he craved. He eliminated all the checks and balances that should have stopped him from going off the deep end. He purged anyone who criticized him in any way.

Those who are part of this system don't realize what they are giving themselves to or who they are following. They think that following Lee absolutely is essential to being a Christian. And it's not that following a leader as an example is wrong, per se, however, the leader that is being followed is a man who insisted on being #1. He insisted submission to his totalitarian regime. He excused sin when he knew that it could harm his ministry. This is the man who so many LC members are following.
Subject: A reconsideration about my signature on the 1986 elders' letter to Brother Lee

June 29th, 2007

To whom this may concern among the brothers and sisters in the Lord:

On the Internet in recent days a discussion has arisen concerning the perceived inconsistency of the stand of the brothers from the Mid-west. That alleged “inconsistency” relates to the current stand of a number of Midwest local churches and Great Lakes brothers (“GLA Brothers”) viz-a-vi LSM’s “Blended Brothers” and their past position related to Brother Witness Lee. One specific point offered as “evidence” of this alleged “inconsistency” is the inclusion of signatures of brothers from the Mid-West on a February 21st, 1986 letter addressed to brother Witness Lee.

While I believe the allegation of inconsistency is based on non sequitur reasoning, the allegation did cause me to reread the Letter along with Brother Lee's reply. Based on that re-examination, I arrived at the conclusions elaborated below.

Before proceeding, let me emphasize that this letter expresses my own personal convictions and I do not presume to speak for other GLA Brothers, nor the brothers with whom I currently serve in Toronto. However, I do know that some of the GLA Brothers also have regrets about their signature being on the Letter.

I am presently an elder of the community of Christians meeting as the Church in Toronto whose primary meeting place is located at 671 Sheppard Avenue East. In 1986 I was one of the 419 brothers who signed the Letter addressed to Brother Lee, endorsing his leadership.

Hindsight is 20/20. We are now more than 20 years further along in our journey with the Lord. In addition, 10 years have elapsed since Brother Lee went to be with the Lord. We now have the benefit of 20 years history to evaluate the results of that 1986 Letter endorsing Brother Lee’s leadership. Given what I now know and what I have subsequently learned during this 20-year-plus period of time I wish to state that my signing of the Letter at that time, though done with the right heart, was ill-conceived. Were it possible, today, I would remove my signature. Since that is not possible, as a second-best alternative I am writing this letter of retraction. There are many reasons for this decision but the more important ones I have listed below:

· In 1986 I had been functioning as an elder less than 1 year. As a ‘novice’ elder I attended the special 1986 Elders’ Training in Anaheim CA. It was during that training that this Letter was composed, circulated and the attendees’ signatures were solicited. Although I did read the contents of the Letter (at least once), to some extent the contextual peer pressure and imposed time constraints were factors in my decision to sign the Letter. (There were 419 signatures out of a potential 425 who attended the elders’ training).

· The 1986 Elders’ Training was not conducted in a vacuum; neither was the elders’ Letter composed in a void. Brother Lee was concerned about certain situations in the Lord’s recovery, situations of which I and many other attendees were unaware. He addressed some embryonic trends he thought he perceived. Unfortunately Brother Lee did not address those events or persons directly and specifically in his elders’ training messages. Consequently, many brothers (including myself) interpreted his sharing subjectively as applying to ourselves. In retrospect, it seems that was not what Brother Lee intended. Nevertheless these factors “coloured” our understanding and response to Brother Lee’s messages, including the elders’ Letter to Brother Lee.

· I am not aware that Brother Lee solicited or expected any Letter of support from the elders. I now have good reason to believe that Brother Benson Phillips (perhaps along with others) engineered the drafting of the Letter and orchestrated the ground swell of support to obtain the signatures as a way of currying favour with Brother Lee and the LSM Ministry Office. In retrospect, it seems like I (and many others) were perhaps being used as “pawns” in the efforts of others to gain influence and advance their own strategic advantage in the recovery.

· As a 'rookie' elder I was unable to see the potential pitfalls that were contained within the text of the Letter. Brother Lee with the wisdom shown in his response2 was well aware of and warned of these potential pitfalls.

· Also as a 'greenhorn' elder I was unaware that certain terms used in the Letter to Brother Lee such as 'repudiate all differences among the churches' and 'the church in our place be identical with all the local churches' could be and would be later misapplied by the Blended Brothers. For example, based upon this Letter of endorsement for Brother Lee’s leadership, the churches were subsequently strongly encouraged to adopt the “one publication” policy and the uniform use of HWMR. This was in spite of Brother Lee's warning to avoid misapplying terms used in the Letter.

· The Letter contains certain caveats, like 'avoiding leadership as much as possible'. However, it appears that, when it is expedient to the Blended Brothers, their recent actions are the very opposite of the thought contained in 'avoiding leadership as much as possible'. Thus we have subsequently heard teachings regarding a higher authority than the elders emanating from the Blended Brothers on the LSM podium. For example, in the July 2006 issue of the Ministry magazine on pages 212 through 213 we read the following words spoken by brother Ron Kangas: "An elder’s local authority pales in comparison to the authority of the Head expressed through His representatives in the Body." In my view, this looks more like a self-serving asserting of authority, rather than practicing the commitment to 'avoiding leadership as much as possible' (contained in the 1986 Letter).

· The Letter contains the declaration that “all the preceding points are the clear and definite teaching of the Bible.” In retrospect this caveat has not been applied to the Letter’s contents as stringently as it should. We affirm that “The Bible is our unique standard” for both teaching and practice in our individual Christian life and the corporate church-life. Hence all the statements contained in the Letter should have been interpreted, qualified and applied in the light of Scripture. In recent years, on the contrary, the tendency fostered by the Blended Brothers has been to take selected portions of Witness Lee’s teachings and make them the de facto standard for the local churches in the recovery. We thus hear of practices that Brother Lee endorsed such as PSRP elevated to the extent that it is alleged to be 'the only way to teach the saints.' This type of claim is made even though such a term (PSRP) or practice is not clearly shown in the Scriptures.

· The positive results we hoped would be achieved such as "leading the saints to preach the gospel in every possible way" have not come about. In fact, initiatives such as alternate ways of carrying a gospel burden have been strongly attacked by the presumed engineer of the Letter and by many other signatories of the Letter.

· The 1986 Letter recognized the leadership position to Brother Lee in ‘the work’ and ‘the ministry’. This recognition was based on the realization that Brother Lee had brought the recovery to North America mainly through his rich ministering of the Word. This leadership position was subsequently appropriated by the Blended Brothers when Brother Lee departed in 1997. This appropriation, to my view, was not supported by their own rich ministry. Rather, they sought to elevate Brother Lee's status and in doing so implicitly preserve their leadership role through their association with Brother Lee. Neither I nor most of the elders who signed in 1986 could have foreseen the subsequent development of an elite group of brothers who view themselves as the only legitimate “continuation” of Brother Lee’s ministry. That possibility was surely not contemplated by me or by the vast majority of signatories in 1986. Yet, that Letter opened the door for these (and other related) developments in the subsequent 20-plus years.

Default Reconsidering Signature (cont.)

In Brother Lee's April 11th, 1986 response to this Letter, he evidently foresaw the potential pitfalls of the term "one with the ministry" used in the Letter. Hence in Brother Lee’s response he included the following:

"Its proper definition is not to follow any man, any doctrine or any movement, but is to be one with the Lord’s move today according to the Lord’s vision, without any intrinsic element of exalting any person or promoting any work."

In 1986 the term ‘one with the ministry’ was a new item in the vocabulary of the recovery. Since that time, and especially since Brother Lee’s passing, being ‘one with the ministry’ has been emphasized ad nauseum by the Blended Brothers. This has occurred in spite of the fact that this phrase does not appear in the New Testament! Moreover, under the Blended Brothers’ teaching, the importance of being ‘one with the ministry’ has been enhanced by other non-biblical terms like, the unique “Minister of the Age,’ and the “one wise master-builder who is the acting God.’ Today, I believe, those claiming to closely follow Brother Lee's ministry, rather than avoiding this pitfall, have fallen headlong into it, along with the saints they are leading. I had asked myself, “Over the past decade, since Brother Lee’s passing, what is the fruit of the Blended Brothers' leadership?” But this realization above has been my impetus for no longer considering the unquestioning acceptance of the Blended Brothers’ teaching as “good for building up” and is also what has caused me for making this public declaration.

For my part, by the Lord's mercy, the recent turmoils have caused me (as well as others with whom I serve) to re-consider how to properly relate to the riches Brother Lee left us. One clear conclusion is that we must go directly to Brother Lee’s writings rather than rely on a second-hand, selective, presentation of them by the Blended Brothers. Moreover, we should learn how to selectively receive his ministry with discernment lest we fall into the error of making it a de facto ‘Third Testament’. Furthermore, Brother Lee’s writings ought to be understood, evaluated and tempered by the Scriptures as our unique standard, rather than forcing the Scriptures to fit the mold of Brother Lee’s writings. I believe the Blended Brothers’ uncompromising insistence on the infallibility of every word, phrase and statement of Brother Lee (when selected and interpreted by them) discredits and spoils the riches left to us in our brother’s ministry.

I continue to pray that I can join with the many saints that, in purity and simplicity, are seeking the Lord's will and leading so that the glorious church can be produced as His bride and testimony to the whole universe.

Your brother in Christ
Steve Pritchard
Toronto, Canada

February 21, 1986
Anaheim, California

Dear Brother Lee,
After hearing your fellowship in this elders’ training, we all agree to have a new start in the Lord’s recovery. For this, we all agree to be in one accord and to carry out this new move of the Lord solely through prayer, the Spirit, and the Word. We further agree to practice the recovery one in: teaching, practice, thinking, speaking, essence, appearance, and expression.

We repudiate all differences among the churches, and all indifference toward the ministry, the ministry office, and the other churches. We agree that the church in our place be identical with all the local churches throughout the earth.

We also agree to follow your leading as the one who has brought us God’s New Testament economy and has led us into its practice. We agree that this leading is indispensable to our oneness and acknowledge the one trumpet in the Lord’s ministry and the one wise master builder among us.

We further agree to practice the church life in our locality absolutely in a new way: to build the church in, through, and based upon home meetings; to lead every member to get used to functioning without any idea to depend on any giant speakers; to teach all the saints to know the basic truths in an educational way that they may teach others for the spreading of the truth; to build up the saints in the growth in life that they may minister life to others, shepherd each other, and take care of the backsliding ones; to lead all the saints to preach the gospel in every possible way; to avoid leadership as much as possible; and to have home gatherings for nurturing the saints in life and big meetings for educating the saints in truths.

We agree that all the preceding points are the clear and definite teaching of the Bible according to God’s New Testament economy.

Finally, we agree that the success of this new move is our responsibility and will rise up to labor and endeavor with our whole being, looking to the Lord for His mercy and grace that we would be faithful to the end.

Your brothers for the Lord's recovery

April 11, 1986

The Brothers attending the February 1986
Elders’ Training

Dear Brothers:

Thank you for your letter dated February 21, 1986 with the list of signatures. I feel very sorry that I could not have time to acknowledge, with appreciation, what you have expressed in your letter and through your signatures until now.

Being one with the ministry is a crucial matter, and its effects are exceedingly serious. Its proper definition is not to follow any man, any doctrine or any movement, but is to be one with the Lord’s move today according to the Lord’s vision, without any intrinsic element of exalting any person or promoting any work. May the Lord be merciful and gracious to us, that this action would not be misunderstood or misapplied by anyone in a way that would give the enemy Satan ground for utilization, thus frustrating the Lord’s move today, but rather that this action could be properly used by the Lord to swallow up all the germs of discord which have been existing, even among us, for quite a time in the past. May the Lord remember your kind wishes for me and bless your labors in Him.

Your brother in Christ,
Witness Lee
07-24-2016 03:08 PM
Re: A Pure Testimony of Jesus

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
“The Lord's recovery is really among us, and, although the scale is quite small, the standard of the character is higher than Christianity. In the Lord's recovery the high standard of the character must be kept and maintained. Some have checked with me asking, Do you mean that all the other Christians are rotten and that only the local church people are not rotten? I don't mean that. If any people have become rotten, they are no more in the reality of the Lord's recovery. Whatever and whoever is rotten is not in the recovery. The local churches are people who have been recovered out of their rottenness back to the pure church life. The local church is not a kind of organization or religious group. The local church is the pure church life as a pure testimony of Jesus. If we become rotten, we are no longer in the reality of the Lord's recovery. (Concerning the Lord's Recovery chapter 1 section 4, 1983)

In the local churches, there is a disturbing pattern of excusing bad behavior and purging those with solid character, who are unwilling to compromise their integrity. I don't think Lee intended the LC to turn out this way, but character and integrity had to be sacrificed in order for WL to pursue the larger than life status that he craved. He eliminated all the checks and balances that should have stopped him from going off the deep end. He purged anyone who criticized him in any way.

Those who are part of this system don't realize what they are giving themselves to or who they are following. They think that following Lee absolutely is essential to being a Christian. And it's not that following a leader as an example is wrong, per se, however, the leader that is being followed is a man who insisted on being #1. He insisted submission to his totalitarian regime. He excused sin when he knew that it could harm his ministry. This is the man who so many LC members are following.
07-23-2016 09:12 PM
Re: A Pure Testimony of Jesus

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
Brother Lee often stated that he followed brother Nee. Perhaps his priority should have been to follow the Lord. We are encouraged to imitate those believers that persue Christ, but we must always have the eyes of our heart fixed on the Lord. As we know all to well, and as WL has stated himself: "people can change". Now we see the blendeds following a man - making the same mistakes.

I find it interesting and extremely pervasive throughout brother Lee's writings that it is we who must see the vision as presented by a minister and his vision, being himself of course; Implying that God does not reveal His heart to all His devout servants but has this unique minister of the age with a unique vision.
Now if this unique minister should make a mistake and perhaps deviate from this unique vision, then God would have a real problem since he has only one unique minister for each unique age having its own unique vision.

Does this sound strange? Of course it does. But even worse it is extra-biblical and the fruit of this kind of thinking has resulted in a great deal of unrepented sin and division. The history posted by our brother speaks for itself.

The Father loves the Son exceedingly and has given Him all things: All things are through Him and for Him and to Him; He has the first place in all things and He is the fullness that fills all and in all! He is the head of His Body, the Church. The result of the vision is to sum up all things in Christ both in the heavens and on the earth. This vision has been around for a long time and many have seen it. And because of this God gives us Apostle(s), Prophet(s), Teacher(s) and various ministrie(s) for the perfecting of the saints until we all arrive at a full-grown man in Christ. There is no mention of any unique minister with a unique vision which all must follow or they "are not in it". All this is imaginary conjecture based upon the Old Testament with disasterous results.

Today God speaks to us in His son through His many devoted servants who deny themselves and take up their cross. Those that follow the Lamb - Not a man. The definition of an overcomer is: They overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony and they loved not their soul life unto the death.

Come back to the pure Word - be an overcomer!

A Pure Testimony of Jesus - 1983, W. Lee

“The Lord's recovery is really among us, and, although the scale is quite small, the standard of the character is higher than Christianity. In the Lord's recovery the high standard of the character must be kept and maintained. Some have checked with me asking, Do you mean that all the other Christians are rotten and that only the local church people are not rotten? I don't mean that. If any people have become rotten, they are no more in the reality of the Lord's recovery. Whatever and whoever is rotten is not in the recovery. The local churches are people who have been recovered out of their rottenness back to the pure church life. The local church is not a kind of organization or religious group. The local church is the pure church life as a pure testimony of Jesus. If we become rotten, we are no longer in the reality of the Lord's recovery. (Concerning the Lord's Recovery chapter 1 section 4, 1983)

07-22-2016 08:54 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Renee View Post

I remember listening to a talk by RK when he was talking about a friend of his, a non-believer, who was saved shortly before he died. RK said it was nice and all that he was saved, but it was too late, it was too late to help build the body of Christ.
Not that I am completely surprised, but shocking to a degree admitting to such a low view of salvation.
Knowing how evangelists like a Billy Graham are besmirched by ones in the local churches.
It makes one wonder why do they even bother with gospel work if there's the attitude "it's too late"?
07-22-2016 07:59 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy
I think it's interesting that Kangas chose to call Steve Isitt a "man of death." Why didn't he call him a "man of sin?" Because if he did that he'd have to specify his sin, and he can't do it because there is none.
When Ron publicly defamed Steve, he did so using vague terminology and accusations. And by that I mean language that is elusive to outsiders. His intended message, however, is crystal clear to those within the LC. As Igzy pointed out, it is significant that Ron was not willing to convey a definitive position that he could subsequently stand behind. He didn’t even initiate a public ‘quarantine’ letter like has been done for others.

As it turns out, what Ron spoke is only a modern example of a pattern that has long existed within the LC. The pattern which I am referring to is a large amount of vagueness in conveying accusations presented as cause for church discipline. Just look at what WL had to say on the subject:
We must see, however, that to make a public announcement of a kind of excommunication involves a person’s name, position, and status in today’s society. This is serious and very risky. This involves families and human relationships. In this matter we have been under the influence of the tradition of Christianity, but in my experiences over the past fifty years I have surely learned that to make a public announcement, especially in a matter concerning immorality, is not so safe and profitable. If we announce a certain person’s being excommunicated in a public meeting, he could appeal to a court of law and say that we are spoiling his name. He would claim that since you said he committed immorality, you must provide the evidence in a court of law. This would cause much trouble. This one may have committed that sin, but according to law you must present the evidence. This sinning one may not have that much growth in the Lord, but he may bold a high position in society. He would vindicate himself by bringing this case to the law court to clear up his name. This shows us the turmoil that such a public announcement could cause…

According to our present knowledge of the New Testament, I do not believe there is the need of making a public announcement…

Witness Lee, Elders’ Training, Book 4, Ch 7
WL was not hesitant in making “public announcements,” but he had a different way of doing it, one that had the end effect of absolving himself of all accountability. The notion of ‘quarantine’ that he set forth is very deceptive. To the naïve, it seemingly represents a ‘gentle’ approach to correct those in err. In the LC, the true purpose of quarantine is that it serves as an effective excommunication without having to present real facts and evidence to support the action.

Quarantine implies someone is sick and there is no choice to but to set that person aside. To go along with the analogy, being sick or leprous is the sole accusation, so what exactly does that mean? That is what Lee refused to define. He didn't want to justify his actions. He wouldn't stand behind things that he did. That's not the pattern the Apostle Paul set. Paul made a case and then said to "deliver such a one to Satan." If LCers aren't willing to stand behind their statements or actions in the same way that Paul did, then they shouldn't be making them.
07-22-2016 03:24 PM
Re: some fellowship in the Body

Originally Posted by Renee View Post
LR has always said that vague / ill-defined accusations are always from Satan. A revelation of error from Christ comes across as sweet and crystal clear.
posts stored in 2013




07-22-2016 10:06 AM
Re: Courtroom style "fellowship"

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Of course brother Lee was a different person than Phillip Lee...HE WAS HIS FATHER AND HIS EMPLOYER...Which made him DOUBLY responsible before God AND man, especially when it became very clear that Phillip was a raging alcoholic and sexual predator. Instead of being behind the lead desk of a Christian ministry and publishing company, he should of been behind bars. Every time Phillip Lee's improprieties and criminal behavior were exposed, Witness Lee blamed, attacked and defamed the whistle blowers. In the case of the sisters he abused, instead dealing with his criminal son, he had the victim and her family relocated to another state. Despicable, and something one might expect from a godless, immoral businessman, and not a so call "God-man".

And Local Churchers wonder why people call them a personality cult. Most other legitimate Christian leaders would have been publicly exposed, sued by the victims and removed from public ministry for an extended period of time. But of course this would of required the leadership of the Local Church to be transparent and accountable, like what is clearly taught in the New Testament. Instead everyone, from top to bottom, was/is only accountable to the person and work of Witness Lee.

Renee, our brother Ron Kangas is under serious delusion and proved it in Ecuador, and with no repentance for his display of false witness and hardheartedness. He spent much time under his mentor and learned from him, both the good, and the evil.

Aron posted this a few days ago
Originally Posted by Hope View Post
Right after the meeting James informed John So and I that WL was very upset. Francis had tipped off James. WL did not want to have a quiet private talk but chose to dress the two of us down in the meeting hall for all to see. As soon as the meeting was over, we two were marched to the front. Chairs were rearranged. John and I set by ourselves facing WL and about 50 brothers including James Barber who set behind WL in support of him. Scores of those in attendance milled around the little court room and became an audience. WL never asked us to open our concerns but immediately launched into a tirade against us and issued a general warning that if we continued to question what the office and the ministry was doing we would cause a lot of damage to the saints and we would damage ourselves.

I can never forget the glare of despising we got from Ron Kangas as WL continued for about 10 minutes with the rebuke. Then he dismissed the meeting and we all went home. Was I ever in shock!!! So was John So. I was taking hospitality with Ned. On the ride home he laughed and laughed. He said this regularly happened to the elders in Orange County California.
07-21-2016 07:39 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

From "Appealing to Ron Kangas" from his talk in Ecuador (link provided by Indiana)

"So some may decide that this person is right. Others will say that person is wrong. That will lead to argument, dissension, division, and confusion. Who has all the information? There is a statement made about Brother Lee; you can’t ask Brother Lee about it.
“If you try to discern this way, you will be brought into death. This is serious. You read through this thing, you listen to this thing, you exercise your mind, you try to discern what is right, what is wrong, and all the while you are eating of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and you will be the first one to be killed."

These words of RK are quite frightening to me. They show the ruthless strategy he is prepared to use to silence all dissent and silence all questions about the LSM that do not glorify it. This is how marriages and families are destroyed when all members do not hold the same opinion about the LSM Church, and find it difficult to say nothing when danger is perceived. Of course it is a convenient tool for those who have much to hide.

I remember listening to a talk by RK when he was talking about a friend of his, a non-believer, who was saved shortly before he died. RK said it was nice and all that he was saved, but it was too late, it was too late to help build the body of Christ. Here RK was setting himself up to judge as God in the Godhead, not merely in life and nature.
07-21-2016 06:19 PM
Re: Theocracy or Autocracy?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Of course brother Lee was a different person than Phillip Lee...HE WAS HIS FATHER AND HIS EMPLOYER...Which made him DOUBLY responsible before God AND man, especially when it became very clear that Phillip was a raging alcoholic and sexual predator. Instead of being behind the lead desk of a Christian ministry and publishing company, he should of been behind bars. Every time Phillip Lee's improprieties and criminal behavior were exposed, Witness Lee blamed, attacked and defamed the whistle blowers. In the case of the sisters he abused, instead dealing with his criminal son, he had the victim and her family relocated to another state. Despicable, and something one might expect from a godless, immoral businessman, and not a so call "God-man".

And Local Churchers wonder why people call them a personality cult. Most other legitimate Christian leaders would have been publicly exposed, sued by the victims and removed from public ministry for an extended period of time. But of course this would of required the leadership of the Local Church to be transparent and accountable, like what is clearly taught in the New Testament. Instead everyone, from top to bottom, was/is only accountable to the person and work of Witness Lee.


“One basic item of the change in nature in the Lord’s recovery is that it appears the Lord’s work has become Brother Lee’s work; the churches have become Brother Lee’s churches; and the Lord’s workers have become Brother Lee’s workers”

“We are at a critical juncture. We cannot be silent regarding the change of nature in the Lord’s recovery. We should have no part in it. This is a day for further recovery. We need a new beginning to recover us back from the change of nature to the Lord’s original intention. We must discard all the changes of nature and come out of the system; it cannot change.” (Two Senior Coworkers from Taiwan 1988)
07-21-2016 09:16 AM
Re: To Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Witness Lee, however, was found to be a liar during the entire scandalous affair which resulted in his slanderous account, The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion, LSM 1990.
How funny in a sad way, Witness Lee had no peer review and as he said in Taipei 1991,

"The book The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion includes my spoken messages, but its content was edited afterward by me personally. I have carefully checked all the facts and have tried my best to be accurate, to be without any mistakes. In addition to an account of the beginning and development of the whole period of the rebellion, the content of that book includes personal testimonies from over thirty brothers. Therefore, concerning this storm, I have spoken the clarifying and concluding word that I needed to speak. I have absolutely no more interest in talking about this matter. This matter now stops here. I hope that you brothers who have come to attend this conference will not mention it anymore. It does not deserve any more mentioning."

Lies passed off to stand as fact.
07-21-2016 05:13 AM
Re: To Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
This prior Bellevue elder was so sure of himself. So sure of Witness Lee and so sure of the Blended brothers. The problem is when one believes you cannot be wrong, you may very well be deceived. The deception is due in part having lost all humility.

Over the years so much faith is put into Witness Lee that the brother said in absoluteness "Brother Lee would never do things that others would do. " Because faith in man leads others astray. That's how I feel has happened to the brother who wrote the email to Indiana.

Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.
Psalms 146:3

Stop regarding man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he? Isaiah 2:22

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. Psalms 118:8
Here's another verse for the LSM loyalists: "Not so! Rather, let God be found true, though every man be found a liar, as it is written, "THAT YOU MAY BE JUSTIFIED IN YOUR WORDS, AND PREVAIL WHEN YOU ARE JUDGED." (Romans 3.4)

Jesus Christ alone can be thoroughly examined, and His words will be true every time. Jesus Christ alone can be exhaustively judged, and He will prevail as righteous every time.

Witness Lee, however, was found to be a liar during the entire scandalous affair which resulted in his slanderous account, The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion, LSM 1990.
07-20-2016 04:49 PM
Re: To Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
THE SCOPE OF THE OFFENCE DETERMINES THE SCOPE OF THE DEALING. If one commits a sin only in the mind, it can be cleared up very easily. All the person has to do is confess to the Lord and claim the Lord's blood and he is forgiven. If one sins in speaking a word that he shouldn't have to a member of the body, then he has to not only confess to the Lord but also ask forgiveness from the person he spoke the word to. If one sins against the church, then he has to confess to the Lord and ask forgiveness publicly from the church. If one sins against the recovery, he has to confess to the Lord and also ask forgiveness from the entire recovery.......... But repentance only comes when one realizes that he is altogether WRONG.

With the letter having been written in 2001, I wonder if the elder has learned anything since? Having been sued along with Ron Kangas in 2011 for defamation, did he take anytime to reconsider what was said that would be grounds for defamation? As many of us know, the lawsuit was not pursued and dropped. Unfortunately, I perceive most of us disagree with lawsuits, but in regard to blended brothers that is the only recourse to get any response.
07-20-2016 04:32 PM
Re: To Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
These were my thoughts exactly. The letter implies that Steve is too sure of himself. But that's exactly what this Bellevue elder is guilty of, not Steve. With respect to how LCers view Lee, there is only one view that they hold, that being "even when he's wrong, he's right."
Like Witness Lee and maybe some other coworkers, this prior Bellevue elder (last I knew was in Sao Paulo), was equally strong and absolute in his speaking. So certain was his speaking in the letter that Steve Isitt was the one in error. There is not the consideration "what if"? What if the blendeds are the ones in error? What if the elder writing the letter had been fed half-truths and misrepresentations?
This is what I believe has happened to many a local church elder. They have been deceived and in turn lead many a local church into deception. Not once has there been any indication there's another possibility to consider. Completely closed. To consider anything different than the reality LSM presents would indicate brothers who are not quite "absolute for the ministry" as claiming to be.
07-20-2016 03:46 PM
Re: To Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Letter excerpt from Bellevue brother:
Brother Lee is a different person than Phillip Lee. Brother Lee would never do things that others would do.
Of course brother Lee was a different person than Phillip Lee...HE WAS HIS FATHER AND HIS EMPLOYER...Which made him DOUBLY responsible before God AND man, especially when it became very clear that Phillip was a raging alcoholic and sexual predator. Instead of being behind the lead desk of a Christian ministry and publishing company, he should of been behind bars. Every time Phillip Lee's improprieties and criminal behavior were exposed, Witness Lee blamed, attacked and defamed the whistle blowers. In the case of the sisters he abused, instead dealing with his criminal son, he had the victim and her family relocated to another state. Despicable, and something one might expect from a godless, immoral businessman, and not a so call "God-man".

And Local Churchers wonder why people call them a personality cult. Most other legitimate Christian leaders would have been publicly exposed, sued by the victims and removed from public ministry for an extended period of time. But of course this would of required the leadership of the Local Church to be transparent and accountable, like what is clearly taught in the New Testament. Instead everyone, from top to bottom, was/is only accountable to the person and work of Witness Lee.

07-20-2016 03:33 PM
Re: To Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
This prior Bellevue elder was so sure of himself. So sure of Witness Lee and so sure of the Blended brothers. The problem is when one believes you cannot be wrong, you may very well be deceived. The deception is due in part having lost all humility.
These were my thoughts exactly. The letter implies that Steve is too sure of himself. But that's exactly what this Bellevue elder is guilty of, not Steve. With respect to how LCers view Lee, there is only one view that they hold, that being "even when he's wrong, he's right."
07-20-2016 11:56 AM
Re: To Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

Letter excerpt from Bellevue brother:

In Brother Lee's book "the experience of life" he talks about being right with God and with the body. The main factor is the matter of the proper dealing. THE SCOPE OF THE OFFENCE DETERMINES THE SCOPE OF THE DEALING. If one commits a sin only in the mind, it can be cleared up very easily. All the person has to do is confess to the Lord and claim the Lord's blood and he is forgiven. If one sins in speaking a word that he shouldn't have to a member of the body, then he has to not only confess to the Lord but also ask forgiveness from the person he spoke the word to. If one sins against the church, then he has to confess to the Lord and ask forgiveness publicly from the church. If one sins against the recovery, he has to confess to the Lord and also ask forgiveness from the entire recovery. You have most certainly sinned against the entire recovery. The website of your "book" and also the website of your "fellowship" with those such as Don Harding and others is now a VERY BIG PROBLEM FOR YOU. Your thought about the recovery being wrong is your major problem. Brother Lee was never wrong about anything that happened regarding the rebellion with John I. in the late 1980's. Brother Lee is a different person than Phillip Lee. Brother Lee would never do things that others would do. What I said in my previous letter is what has to be done. As long as you think that you are right about what you did but that the problem is that the brothers from the local churches are not open, this is a proof that you have no light on this matter. And until you get light, you have no way with the Lord. Without light, you will never be able to come back to the Lord's recovery. Because you just don't know how to handle this situation. You are completely in the dark. Repentance is a mercy that is granted to us only by the Lord. But repentance only comes when one realizes that he is altogether WRONG.


2001 Letter on past page- p3
This prior Bellevue elder was so sure of himself. So sure of Witness Lee and so sure of the Blended brothers. The problem is when one believes you cannot be wrong, you may very well be deceived. The deception is due in part having lost all humility.
Over the years so much faith is put into Witness Lee that the brother said in absoluteness "Brother Lee would never do things that others would do. " Because faith in man leads others astray. That's how I feel has happened to the brother who wrote the email to Indiana.

Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.
Psalms 146:3

Stop regarding man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he? Isaiah 2:22

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. Psalms 118:8
07-20-2016 10:50 AM
Re: To Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Renee View Post
Oh my, what a dreadful letter! LR has always said that vague / ill-defined accusations are always from Satan. A revelation of error from Christ comes across as sweet and crystal clear.
This word from Renee is perfect - post#470 Bellevue letter

I just sent this revised Seattle letter this morning.

"Dear brother Martin, (and Jim Bundy) _ I knew you both,

Your names are on a letter addressed to me that indicated an undefined problem that several men of God had with me.

Is there really a problem, brothers?"

07-18-2016 07:30 AM
Re: Poignant Reference on Church History - D.R.

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

Letter excerpt from Bellevue brother:
When I read letters like that one my first thought is "shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them." There is really no negotiating with these people and I'm not sure why anyone would want to. The best thing to do is just shrug your shoulders and say "Okay. Fine. Have a nice life."

The problem former members run into is continuing to think these people, this group, this movement, still have some spiritual authority or special standing over them. I could say they don't, and I believe that, but each person has to come to that conclusion for his or her own self.

At some point you just have to say, "Sorry, I disagree," and move on. If I was living in Seattle or Bellevue, I would simply ignore these guys. I would write them off, as it says in Matthew 18, and regard them as heathens. They don't have anything I need or anything I can't get anywhere else. They cannot restrict my access to Christ, nor suspend my enjoyment of the Church, the Kingdom, or any other blessing promised by God. And their implication that they can, their use of hubris, fear and intimidation to control others, is the pure work of Satan. I wouldn't hate them, but I do pity them.

Now if you are concerned for those they are still deceiving, or those they might deceive, those saints you love and want to see set free, that's one thing. That's why I post here. But one need never seek the approval or acceptance of these darkened leaders. Life's too short, and it's a mistake to think they hold the keys to anything you need.
07-18-2016 04:12 AM
Re: Poignant Reference on Church History - D.R.

Originally Posted by Renee View Post
This was a wonderful read, thanks! It's too bad the church lost Don Rutledge. Maybe he decided there was nothing positive he could say after the first 2 chapters? He had a lot of good things to say about Benson Phillips. Whatever happened to him?
Benson is now President of LSM.
07-17-2016 10:22 PM
Re: To Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

Letter excerpt from Bellevue brother:

In Brother Lee's book "the experience of life" he talks about being right with God and with the body. The main factor is the matter of the proper dealing. THE SCOPE OF THE OFFENCE DETERMINES THE SCOPE OF THE DEALING. If one commits a sin only in the mind, it can be cleared up very easily. All the person has to do is confess to the Lord and claim the Lord's blood and he is forgiven. If one sins in speaking a word that he shouldn't have to a member of the body, then he has to not only confess to the Lord but also ask forgiveness from the person he spoke the word to. If one sins against the church, then he has to confess to the Lord and ask forgiveness publicly from the church. If one sins against the recovery, he has to confess to the Lord and also ask forgiveness from the entire recovery. You have most certainly sinned against the entire recovery. The website of your "book" and also the website of your "fellowship" with those such as Don Harding and others is now a VERY BIG PROBLEM FOR YOU. Your thought about the recovery being wrong is your major problem. Brother Lee was never wrong about anything that happened regarding the rebellion with John I. in the late 1980's. Brother Lee is a different person than Phillip Lee. Brother Lee would never do things that others would do. What I said in my previous letter is what has to be done. As long as you think that you are right about what you did but that the problem is that the brothers from the local churches are not open, this is a proof that you have no light on this matter. And until you get light, you have no way with the Lord. Without light, you will never be able to come back to the Lord's recovery. Because you just don't know how to handle this situation. You are completely in the dark. Repentance is a mercy that is granted to us only by the Lord. But repentance only comes when one realizes that he is altogether WRONG.


2001 Letter on past page- p3
Oh my, what a dreadful letter! LR has always said that vague / ill-defined accusations are always from Satan. A revelation of error from Christ comes across as sweet and crystal clear.
07-17-2016 09:57 PM
Re: Poignant Reference on Church History - D.R.

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

A former elder in Dallas wrote about local church history and finished two chapters before being visited by three brothers he knew from their early days in Texas together, and who were now in accord with the blending brothers.

The three brothers felt welcomed to visit, due to the warmth in Don's sharing on matters and people they all knew in the church life; and they were also compelled to visit based on major concerns they had about his transparency regarding the seeds of development in the churches to follow the lead of a man and a ministry.

Don indicated that they had a cordial time together and he was able to share with them about why he left the church life. He spent several hours with them, and heard also what their concerns were about him and his writings on a public internet forum.

We don't know whether or not that visitation effected his course, but, he did not write another chapter - and he did have more that he had planned, and desired, to add. But the two chapters he did provide are insightful to those who seek to understand true local church history.

This was a wonderful read, thanks! It's too bad the church lost Don Rutledge. Maybe he decided there was nothing positive he could say after the first 2 chapters? He had a lot of good things to say about Benson Phillips. Whatever happened to him?
07-17-2016 09:27 PM
Re: To Leaders of the Lord's Recovery


Letter excerpt from Bellevue brother:

In Brother Lee's book "the experience of life" he talks about being right with God and with the body. The main factor is the matter of the proper dealing. THE SCOPE OF THE OFFENCE DETERMINES THE SCOPE OF THE DEALING. If one commits a sin only in the mind, it can be cleared up very easily. All the person has to do is confess to the Lord and claim the Lord's blood and he is forgiven. If one sins in speaking a word that he shouldn't have to a member of the body, then he has to not only confess to the Lord but also ask forgiveness from the person he spoke the word to. If one sins against the church, then he has to confess to the Lord and ask forgiveness publicly from the church. If one sins against the recovery, he has to confess to the Lord and also ask forgiveness from the entire recovery. You have most certainly sinned against the entire recovery. The website of your "book" and also the website of your "fellowship" with those such as Don Harding and others is now a VERY BIG PROBLEM FOR YOU. Your thought about the recovery being wrong is your major problem. Brother Lee was never wrong about anything that happened regarding the rebellion with John I. in the late 1980's. Brother Lee is a different person than Phillip Lee. Brother Lee would never do things that others would do. What I said in my previous letter is what has to be done. As long as you think that you are right about what you did but that the problem is that the brothers from the local churches are not open, this is a proof that you have no light on this matter. And until you get light, you have no way with the Lord. Without light, you will never be able to come back to the Lord's recovery. Because you just don't know how to handle this situation. You are completely in the dark. Repentance is a mercy that is granted to us only by the Lord. But repentance only comes when one realizes that he is altogether WRONG.


2001 Letter on past page- p3
07-14-2016 09:32 AM
Re: Poignant Reference on Church History - D.R.

Originally Posted by Renee View Post
What is the difference between Denominationalism and Sectarian oneness? It would seem that if the LC shifted to the wrong ground, then it must have been on the proper ground at an earlier time. Apparently this same shift also occurred much earlier in Taiwan. This suggests that this shifting might have been deliberately planned?

A former elder in Dallas wrote about local church history and finished two chapters before being visited by three brothers he knew from their early days in Texas together, and who were now in accord with the blending brothers.

The three brothers felt welcomed to visit, due to the warmth in Don's sharing on matters and people they all knew in the church life; and they were also compelled to visit based on major concerns they had about his transparency regarding the seeds of development in the churches to follow the lead of a man and a ministry.

Don indicated that they had a cordial time together and he was able to share with them about why he left the church life. He spent several hours with them, and heard also what their concerns were about him and his writings on a public internet forum.

We don't know whether or not that visitation effected his course, but, he did not write another chapter - and he did have more that he had planned, and desired, to add. But the two chapters he did provide are insightful to those who seek to understand true local church history.

07-13-2016 07:44 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

UntoHim & Ohio,

Thank you for the clarification on oneness and how it can lead to division. The oneness is in spirit, oneness in spirit. Yet it is often taught as oneness in the flesh -- I just cringe when large gatherings require everyone to say the same thing at the same time. It is for sure God did not create us so that we could become a group of identical robots according to some man's manipulative demands.
07-13-2016 08:41 AM
Re: Called to be One

Originally Posted by Renee View Post
What is the difference between Denominationalism and Sectarian oneness? It would seem that if the LC shifted to the wrong ground, then it must have been on the proper ground at an earlier time. Apparently this same shift also occurred much earlier in Taiwan. This suggests that this shifting might have been deliberately planned?
Renee, in my study of church history, I have concluded that distorted oneness is perhaps one of the worst evils to be thrust upon God's children. What i mean by that is a false pretense of Biblical oneness twisted and distorted into a manipulative and destructive tool to control and damage both God's church and His children. I have studied Roman Catholicism, Exclusive Brethrenism, and the the Recovery. Each of them may have had good and noble beginnings, but self-serving power-hungry leaders used Biblical oneness to deceive their flocks and to bring them under subjection. The Pharisees in the Gospels are another example of this.

What happens to Christians when the demands for oneness in their movement (or denomination) exceed the demands for righteousness? What happens when their leaders are no longer accountable because distorted oneness demands silence from all the members? What happens when the voice of God via the prophets He faithfully sends is squashed by an all-powerful leader who is considered either "the vicar of Christ," or "the oracle of God," or "the minister of the age," or some other nonsense.

Acts 20.30 has served to seriously release me from the grip of LSM. Notice how Apostle Paul warns them that leaders from within the church will rise up speaking perverted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. Distorted oneness, with its excessive demands, is perverted. Talking about a so-called "Minister of the Age" is perverted. Elders in LC's around the globe brought under the subjection of a publishing house in Anaheim, CA is perverted. Their "one publication policy" is perverted. I could go on and on here. The goal of all these perverted teachings is to draw away the disciples from their Lord and Savior to become followers of men, who now hide behind the mask of being "Blended."
07-13-2016 06:58 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Good question Renee. I don't have an easy answer for you.

What I will say is that both denominationalism and sectarian oneness add something to the Gospel. It is the Gospel PLUS other non-essentials. In the case of the Local Church, they have added many things, and most of these are related to the person and work of Witness Lee. The true, biblical Gospel is nothing more, and nothing less, then the Person and work of Jesus Christ. In the Local Church they claim to have a "higher gospel", which is nothing more than the particular teachings and practices established by Witness Lee.

If you ask most Christians "what is the one publication", most would probably say "the Bible of course!" If you ask the members of the Local Church, most would probably say "the Bible PLUS 'The Ministry'". Some might even say only "The Ministry". The Blended brothers have proclaimed that the Local Churches will only accept and follow "The One Publication". So the "oneness" of the Local Church is now based officially on the teachings and practices established by Witness Lee. So they have a oneness of sorts, but it is a kind of sectarian oneness. They claim to be "one with everyone in the Body of Christ", but they will only accept you if you follow the person (authority) and work (ministry) of Witness Lee.

07-13-2016 12:00 AM
Re: Called to be One

What is the difference between Denominationalism and Sectarian oneness? It would seem that if the LC shifted to the wrong ground, then it must have been on the proper ground at an earlier time. Apparently this same shift also occurred much earlier in Taiwan. This suggests that this shifting might have been deliberately planned?
07-12-2016 06:37 AM
Re: Called to be One

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
“If we introduce these manmade distinctions into the church, the relationship among the brothers and sisters will be shifted to the wrong ground.” (W. Nee, New Believers Series)
Actually, as a matter of fact, there have always been manmade distinctions in the Church. The earliest apostles, teachers, evangelists and disciples all had to make distinctions (or distinguish themselves as it were) among the Body of Christ. This was Paul's point to the Corinthians in writing "for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized." (1 Cor 11:19)

Ironically, Watchman Nee introduced a manmade distinction into the Church in pressing his "ground of the Church" dogma. Unwittingly (or maybe not), Nee shifted the relationship among the brothers and sisters from one unbiblical ground (Denominationalism) to another unbiblical ground (Sectarian oneness) Both of these "grounds" have great potential to short circuit the God-given, biblical dynamic of leadership and direction within the Church being organically recognized or approved.

In hindsight, it is obvious that Witness Lee took Watchman Nee's mistakes and magnified them 100 fold. It wasn't very long before the local churches in Taiwan became The Local Church of Witness Lee with numerous branches on the Island. The same thing repeated itself in North America - the Church in Los Angeles quickly turned into The Local Church of Witness Lee with numerous branches. The denominations had their branch churches in any given locality, and the Local Church had their branch churches in any given locality.

So who is approved, who is deemed genuine, who is closest to the God-given, biblical representation of the Body of Christ in any given locality? Well, we have about 2,000 years of Church history to help decide this for us.

07-10-2016 08:18 PM
Re: Called to be One

Originally Posted by Renee View Post
Thanks for responding with the links. Those should answer my questions hopefully.
The following was added yesterday to Shifting to the Wrong Ground.

Their high appreciation of Witness Lee and his ministry caused leaders to uplift him and eventually crown him as “the minister of the age” with the “ministry of the age” in ministry churches claimed to be the recovery of the New Testament church. These are their distinctions and their ground. They do have their oneness, as ministry churches, and receive people accordingly.

“If we introduce these manmade distinctions into the church, the relationship among the brothers and sisters will be shifted to the wrong ground.” (W. Nee, New Believers Series)

Addressing Division




We are called to be one. This is why I address division.
07-09-2016 07:54 PM
Re: Called to be One

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
“If we introduce these manmade distinctions into the church, the relationship among the brothers and sisters will be shifted to the wrong ground.” (W. Nee, New Believers Series)

Thanks for responding with the links. Those should answer my questions hopefully.
07-08-2016 04:05 PM
Re: Called to be One

“If we introduce these manmade distinctions into the church, the relationship among the brothers and sisters will be shifted to the wrong ground.” (W. Nee, New Believers Series)

07-08-2016 08:19 AM
Re: Called to be One

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
I would like to state that I was not kind in making this statement. I realize that Indiana is seeking reconciliation within the body of Christ, just as Christ would want. His patience and love of the brothers far exceeds mine. I need to learn to be less hostile and more loving. Please forgive my anger and rudeness.
Most certainly I don't want to be unkind to anybody, even though I'm confused too. But if Indiana does not want to talk about something, that is his right and I would never dream of trying to force a response.
07-07-2016 05:54 PM
Re: Called to be One

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
I would like to state that I was not kind in making this statement. I realize that Indiana is seeking reconciliation within the body of Christ, just as Christ would want. His patience and love of the brothers far exceeds mine. I need to learn to be less hostile and more loving. Please forgive my anger and rudeness.

Indiana would also like the right to fellowship with whomever he chooses. This has been repeatedly denied him. His reputation was besmirched for simply attempting to evaluate our history, in his ground-breaking article, "In The Wake of the New Way."

I find it more than a little ironic that Indiana finds much of his inspiration for action in the words of WL himself.
07-07-2016 12:04 PM
Re: Called to be One

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Indiana confuses me. If the blinded brothers would accept his argument and throw their arms around his neck it seems he would kiss and make up. I don't think he believes that WL is a false teacher.
I would like to state that I was not kind in making this statement. I realize that Indiana is seeking reconciliation within the body of Christ, just as Christ would want. His patience and love of the brothers far exceeds mine. I need to learn to be less hostile and more loving. Please forgive my anger and rudeness.

07-06-2016 02:37 PM
Re: Called to be One

Originally Posted by Renee View Post
This reminds me of the words of Jesus: “And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” In Matthew 10:15, Jesus clarifies His meaning: “Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town”

I'm not sure why anyone would continue to beg for fellowship from those who are not interested and furthermore have told lies about them?
Indiana confuses me. If the blinded brothers would accept his argument and throw their arms around his neck it seems he would kiss and make up. I don't think he believes that WL is a false teacher.
07-06-2016 10:39 AM
Re: Called to be One

Originally Posted by Indiana
Tony, we ought to know our church history! and become accountable.

This reminds me of the words of Jesus: “And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” In Matthew 10:15, Jesus clarifies His meaning: “Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town”

I'm not sure why anyone would continue to beg for fellowship from those who are not interested and furthermore have told lies about them?
06-26-2016 01:42 PM
Re: Called to be One

This was a little report sent today to a few friends, all members of the household of God.

Dear brother Tony, and brothers and sisters,

I think it is good to note that Jesus is surely Lord and lives in us, and in me. I have been doing well in the will of God, with a profound sense of peace in what I do - speak the truth. I am certainly not in the business of deceiving anyone, but quite the opposite.

So anointing within me continues as does the Lord's smile, and mine. I have no opposition to righteous behavior, only to unrighteous and that without "bitterness" or "vendetta" toward anyone, as those who know me understand.

Over the last 15 years my heart has only been enlarged in appealing to leaders, and to others, for reconciliation among members in the Body.

And, I believe all of our hearts ought to be enlarged, that we might receive all who God receives.

Tony, we ought to know our church history! and become accountable.

06-23-2016 05:09 PM
Re: How the Ministry Churches Effect the Body

WITNESS LEE: Both the ministry and many churches in the recovery made a decision to quarantine certain divisive ones. Some did not accept this decision and have even joined these divisive ones. They have disregarded the feeling of the Body. How we behave ourselves depends upon the degree of our seeing of the Body.” (The Problems Causing the Turmoils in the Church Life)

The members of the Body have to first recognize the Head – it is not Brother Lee. He was the head of a movement to bring all the churches under his ministry, which effectively displaced Christ, our Lord of glory, as the Head of His Body.

Ministry Churches, p. 9

06-15-2016 12:40 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
From an objective standpoint, it seems like the common denominator in all of this is the notion of recovery. While I believe the notion of recovery to be highly erroneous, that’s a different discussion. The point I want to make here is that because all LC members believe that they are part of a recovery, and because this recovery is believed to be ongoing and characterized exclusively by teachings from Nee/Lee, LC members have been inadvertently placed in the position where they feel obligated to receive “the ministry.”

The fact that WL was exclusively speaking everything that was deemed to have been "recovered," created an inherent conflict of interest, and there was no such thing as objectivity. Things got to the point where any of Lee’s actions could and would be rationalized by members. The dependency on Lee as the one who was "fueling" the supposed recovery is what produced “ministry churches” over time. Unless people were severely disillusioned with Lee, there was really no way to escape that. The reason that I say that, is because if a member were to question basic things like the promotion of LSM material or control over the churches, it would quickly become apparent that to draw the line with LSM is not enough. A disillusionment should really lead to other questions, especially the more difficult ones.
The bottom line is LSM=Lord's Recovery. Some might say churches that receive LSM is "the practical expression of the church", the "local expression", and that "there is no other way".
I call it as I see it and that's ministry churches. When you as a church restrict your fellowship to a specific ministry, you are not a local church, but a ministry church.
06-12-2016 01:18 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

There is a statement made by Lee found in Indiana’s post, which I think provides some insight into why the local churches slowly but surely became “ministry churches.” Along with re-posting that quote, I want to also provide a strikingly similar statement made by Nee:
Since we have seen such a high peak of the divine revelation, we need to put into practice what we have seen. Our practice will have a success, and that success will be a new revival—the highest revival, and probably the last revival before the Lord’s coming back….”

Living the Life of a God-Man According to the High Peak of the Divine Revelation (1994)
With each step that the Lord has taken in His recovery, the content of His recovery has become richer and richer. Today, it seems as if there is nothing more to be recovered. The recovery today has reached the stage of the Body. Perhaps this will be the last recovery. There may be other items of recovery, but as far as we know, when we reach the recovery of the coordination of the Body and the manifestation of authority, we have reached the final recovery.
(Messages Given During the Resumption of Watchman Nee's Ministry, Chapter 43
As is evident from both of these statements, both Nee and Lee believed in this notion of there being a “final recovery/revival,” and of course, each man attributed this supposed event to something from his own ministry. For Nee, he thought this event would be characterized by two things he taught: 1) the coordination of the Body and 2) the manifestation of authority. Lee though that it would happen due to something that he had taught – the high peak of the divine revelation.

From an objective standpoint, it seems like the common denominator in all of this is the notion of recovery. While I believe the notion of recovery to be highly erroneous, that’s a different discussion. The point I want to make here is that because all LC members believe that they are part of a recovery, and because this recovery is believed to be ongoing and characterized exclusively by teachings from Nee/Lee, LC members have been inadvertently placed in the position where they feel obligated to receive “the ministry.”

The fact that WL was exclusively speaking everything that was deemed to have been "recovered," created an inherent conflict of interest, and there was no such thing as objectivity. Things got to the point where any of Lee’s actions could and would be rationalized by members. The dependency on Lee as the one who was "fueling" the supposed recovery is what produced “ministry churches” over time. Unless people were severely disillusioned with Lee, there was really no way to escape that. The reason that I say that, is because if a member were to question basic things like the promotion of LSM material or control over the churches, it would quickly become apparent that to draw the line with LSM is not enough. A disillusionment should really lead to other questions, especially the more difficult ones.
06-06-2016 06:58 PM
Re: Ministry Churches

“As soon as the churches are brought under any ministry, they cease to be local and become sectarian….” (The Normal Christian Church Life, pp138-139, Nee).

Ministry Churches (revised)


Deep into the movement for his ministry, Brother Lee spoke a consummating word concerning the producing of the Body, in a banner high peak book, Living the Life of a God-Man According to the High Peak of the Divine Revelation (1994): “Since we have seen such a high peak of the divine revelation, we need to put into practice what we have seen. Our practice will have a success, and that success will be a new revival—the highest revival, and probably the last revival before the Lord’s coming back….”

Controversial High Peak Teaching

This statement was made on the pathway Brother Lee had begun in 1974 and led eventually to the controversial “high peak of the vision given to us by God”. He statedthat it is only by God’s becoming man to make man God that the Body of Christ can be produced.” (The High Peak of the Vision and the Reality of the Body, 1994)

Remarkable Buildup of a Minister of the Age

This buildup of a minister of the age from 1974 to 1994 was remarkable, and so was its path of deviation and the problems brought into the church life in the Lord’s recovery.

“The greater our gift is, the greater is the danger that we will take over the church and keep it in our hands. This will greatly damage the church life. (The Vision of God’s Building, W. L., 1964) Although this is exactly what took place, responsibility was denied and books of evil speaking arose published by LSM.

“The late eighties turmoil rose up mainly to put me down”, says Brother Lee. “Certain ones decided not only to put me down, but also to put me out. They did much in this turmoil, but I did not do anything.” (The Problems Causing the Turmoils in the Churches, pp34-35, 1993, W.L.) This quote is from one of those evil books displacing blame.

The leadership has not recognized the damage they have caused and that they themselves are the source of the problems that came into the church life. Accordingly, our brothers in Christ in their movement exhibit no compunction for their litany of sins and offenses.

They also seem to consider that running roughshod over people and churches is part of God’s move on the earth, but John So and brothers with him in Europe did not think so.

Neither do the concerned brothers in the Great Lakes region. www.concernedbrothers.com

Perhaps the only way a revival might come is by the blending co-workers fulfilling the pre-requisite to have a deep and comprehensive repentance. But they claim instead, “All the local churches are the one unique Body of Christ in the universe (Eph. 4:4). Every local church is a part of this universal Body, a local expression of this unique Body….” (Practicality of the Body, p17, DCP, 2007)

“As soon as the churches are brought under any ministry, they cease to be local and become sectarian….”
(The Normal Christian Church Life, pp138-139, Nee).

Ministry Churches (revised)
04-26-2016 12:04 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
As critical as I am of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama, my criticism for the blended brothers (collectively) surpasses. It isn't about doctrines or orthodoxy, but normal Christian behavior.
1. They are brothers in Christ
2. How could they be supportive of an unrighteous, unethical, and immoral man like Philip Lee AND
3. Smear brothers who are under the headship of Christ?
4. Their speaking and their subsequent actions are very subversive. Creating and causing problems when there is no need for it.

When they play politics, they are all the same.
04-26-2016 11:45 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

As critical as I am of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama, my criticism for the blended brothers (collectively) surpasses. It isn't about doctrines or orthodoxy, but normal Christian behavior.
1. They are brothers in Christ
2. How could they be supportive of an unrighteous, unethical, and immoral man like Philip Lee AND
3. Smear brothers who are under the headship of Christ?
4. Their speaking and their subsequent actions are very subversive. Creating and causing problems when there is no need for it.
03-12-2016 06:22 PM
Re: The Minister of the Age Concept Today

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
As long as there is this kind of mindset in the LC, it can never amount to anything. When the LC started, all kinds of people came in. Members then took initiative to invite friends and tell people about the LC. If someone were to do the same thing today, it's as Terry says, they might be labeled as being independent, seeking a following, or I have even heard implications that people who are successful in the gospel can become too "proud".
At one time you would want to invite your friends, but this was at a time local churches had more of a local church atmosphere. The lead elder would give a message. Now there's just the unspoken sense this is a ministry church and not a local church. When you're reading from a booklet, you don't feel to comfortable inviting friends. It's just not an atmosphere that is for the basic believer. Even for children raised in this environment, many may feel they don't conform to the cookie cutter mold and would be best served meeting somewhere else.
03-11-2016 03:19 PM
Re: The Minister of the Age Concept Today

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Problem here is initiative is likened to ambition. As soon as someone exercises the initiative to preach the gospel or go door knocking, he/she may be labeled as "ambitious to have a following". It becomes church culture to bury your extra talents and be one-talented members just like everyone else. Don't exercise initiative and certain don't share from the Bible apart from the ministry.
I think if LC leaders were to self-reflect, they would realized that the path to leadership happened through their own initiative and ambitions. Benson is the prime example of this. This is not to say that initiative is bad or that ambition is bad, but there is a double standard. The rank and file are commonly corrected for being too ambitious or for taking their own initiative.

The reality of the situation is that outside the LC, few people are truly content with sitting around and wasting away, setting aside all their usefulness, goals, etc. I believe that this is one of the things that really has make the LC unappealing on a broad scale. People don't want to be dumbed down to parroting a dead man's words. Of course LC members are willing to do this, but they really a minority.

As long as there is this kind of mindset in the LC, it can never amount to anything. When the LC started, all kinds of people came in. Members then took initiative to invite friends and tell people about the LC. If someone were to do the same thing today, it's as Terry says, they might be labeled as being independent, seeking a following, or I have even heard implications that people who are successful in the gospel can become too "proud".
03-11-2016 12:07 PM
Re: The Minister of the Age Concept Today

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
As I started to become concerned about the LC, there was an interesting phenomena that I noticed. The elders would regularly criticize the rank and file for failing to take initiative in an activity, to attend a conference/training or even something like preach the gospel. They usually call this being "lukewarm". At the same time, the minute anyone took any amount of initiative, they quickly got "corrected". It's no wonder that so many of the rank and file choose to live in the shadows, waiting until they are called upon to do anything at all. The elders know this and are frustrated by this, but at the same time they also know that they can't encourage anyone to take initiative. It's just one of those things that I'm sure drives members crazy and they probably can't ever put their finger on what the real problem is.
Problem here is initiative is likened to ambition. As soon as someone exercises the initiative to preach the gospel or go door knocking, he/she may be labeled as "ambitious to have a following". It becomes church culture to bury your extra talents and be one-talented members just like everyone else. Don't exercise initiative and certain don't share from the Bible apart from the ministry.
03-11-2016 11:58 AM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by aron View Post
In spiritual, Christian affairs, Jesus allowed for checks and balances: i.e. "tell it to the church"; as did Paul's "receiving accusations against elders". There should be covering of the inadequacy and frailty of human psyche and flesh; nonetheless there isn't and shouldn't be covering for evil. Darkness should be uprooted, exposed and expelled. The light shines and the darkness cannot overcome it. The church and its citizens should be holy, just as our God is holy.

Obviously the system set up by Nee and Lee has no checks and balances, no accountability. The Leaders of the Lord's Recovery demand unquestioning submission, and absolute silence from the proletariat... Indiana's crime was his unwillingness to silence and hide what wasn't convenient to LSM's 'official' narrative.
The whole LSM/LC system is predicated on men being cowards. As soon as a brother like Indiana won't cater to bullies, they just can't have that. The expectation is for Indiana "just submit to the brothers" (i.e. be a coward).

As I emphasized from Aron's post, "In spiritual, Christian affairs, Jesus allowed for checks and balances: i.e. "tell it to the church"; as did Paul's "receiving accusations against elders"."
The system LSM/LC operate in have negated all checks and balances in favor of the deputy authority doctrine. As much as they claim in their self-proclaimed theocracy that they are God's government, all I see is a cesspool of unrighteousness, deception, and misdirection. Far from being God's government.
03-11-2016 09:49 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
But I used it in the way the OT uses it, pejoratively. The giants (Gk: grigori) were the unholy offspring of disobedient "sons of God" and the daughters of men. "There were giants on the earth in those days..." Gen 6:4.
I understand.

And in that sense, you make a point by a little equivocation. But unlike some equivocation, this one may actually be relevant since the only kind of giants that act in the manner of Lee and many other somewhat megalomaniacs are the ones that were unholy offspring. So maybe it is they who misused the word to imply something that was not what was true.
03-10-2016 04:52 PM
Re: The Minister of the Age Concept Today

Originally Posted by Terry
“Also the one who had received the two talents came up and said, ‘Master, you entrusted two talents to me. See, I have gained two more talents.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’
“And the one also who had received the one talent came up and said, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered no seed. And I was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what is yours.’
Matthew 25:22-25
I like this parable because it emphasizes individual responsibility/accountability. This is a concept that is foreign to most LCers, because everything happens at the group level. In the LC, someone cannot trod far down the path of individual spiritual growth without being viewed suspiciously.

As I started to become concerned about the LC, there was an interesting phenomena that I noticed. The elders would regularly criticize the rank and file for failing to take initiative in an activity, to attend a conference/training or even something like preach the gospel. They usually call this being "lukewarm". At the same time, the minute anyone took any amount of initiative, they quickly got "corrected". It's no wonder that so many of the rank and file choose to live in the shadows, waiting until they are called upon to do anything at all. The elders know this and are frustrated by this, but at the same time they also know that they can't encourage anyone to take initiative. It's just one of those things that I'm sure drives members crazy and they probably can't ever put their finger on what the real problem is.
03-10-2016 04:33 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
I honestly believe that there are spiritual giants. But that is not about great teaching. Or great skills at preaching. Or even evangelism. It is about great commitment to Christ and his people.

They are our servants, not our leaders in the way of the Pharisees..
I don't think the term spiritual giants is incorrect, in the way you use it. The scripture says star differs from star in glory, and some have greater portion allotted from the Father.

But I used it in the way the OT uses it, pejoratively. The giants (Gk: grigori) were the unholy offspring of disobedient "sons of God" and the daughters of men. "There were giants on the earth in those days..." Gen 6:4.

And I think the Blendeds invited that application in characterizing one of their own as a giant. I remember distinctly hearing in 1997, that "The age of spiritual giants is over; it is the age of small potatos now", which directly implied that the recently deceased Witness Lee was the last of the spiritual giants.

In the NT there are characterizations of multitalented (5- or 10-talents, for example) servants, who are especially useful in the Master's hand. But "giants" in Biblical usage are those who raise themselves up against the Most High God. I'm surprised Lee and Company talked themselves into thinking this term could be applied positively, in the way they used it. That's why I said that they indicted themselves with their own words.
03-10-2016 12:31 PM
Re: The Minister of the Age Concept Today

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
What this all leads to is that anyone who has ventured outside the standard LC repertoire of material and cookie cutter fake spirituality is going to stand out noticeably. In an environment that desperately needs "normal Christians", such people could actually be a benefit to LCers. Thus, these people are threats to LC leaders. I personally have seen people come through the LC who would put most LC elders to shame in terms of what they know about the Bible. In the LC they can't have anyone interrupting the authority structure and it is conveniently to label such people as argumentative, independent, "not clear about God's economy", or whatever else is convenient. It's really all the same. Calling someone a spiritual giant is just another LC method to discredit someone, and the LC has many, many methods for doing so.
“Also the one who had received the two talents came up and said, ‘Master, you entrusted two talents to me. See, I have gained two more talents.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’
“And the one also who had received the one talent came up and said, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered no seed. And I was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what is yours.’
Matthew 25:22-25

LC/LSM culture is just like in verse 25. There's so much rhetoric against multi-talented members, the message that's been promoted is we should all be the same one talented members. Even members who may be two talented members will be viewed as having the wrong concepts, individualistic, ambitious ,and as Freedom has said...whatever else is convenient.

Two lessons for sure a LSM-LCer may learn from a non-LSM Christian is love and grace.
03-10-2016 12:16 PM
Re: The Minister of the Age Concept Today

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
From what I've seen in the LC, any amount of individual spirituality expressed could be potential characterized as seeking to be a "spiritual giant". It's just their way of discrediting those who don't fit the LC mold, namely their notion that all manifestations of spirituality must be "corporate".
The LSM concept of building is one layer high like a wheat field, except for Lee who stands out like a transmission tower in the midst of the wheat field.
03-10-2016 10:45 AM
Re: The Minister of the Age Concept Today

Originally Posted by Witness Lee
"The practice of today’s Christianity is absolutely different in principle. Wherever there is a gifted person, a spiritual “giant” with a certain gift, that person will begin a work. He will build up a certain Christian organization or ministry, and possibly call it some worthy name. We are not opposing anyone, but we are against the wrong principles which damage the Body life."
From what I've seen in the LC, any amount of individual spirituality expressed could be potential characterized as seeking to be a "spiritual giant". It's just their way of discrediting those who don't fit the LC mold, namely their notion that all manifestations of spirituality must be "corporate".

I remember hearing a LCer wistfully say how all the outsiders coming to a Christians on Campus Bible study knew more of the Bible than they did. The average LCer might think that they know the Bible better than any other Christians. That knowledge, however, is mostly limited to all the key LC verse and passages that are frequently referenced.

What this all leads to is that anyone who has ventured outside the standard LC repertoire of material and cookie cutter fake spirituality is going to stand out noticeably. In an environment that desperately needs "normal Christians", such people could actually be a benefit to LCers. Thus, these people are threats to LC leaders. I personally have seen people come through the LC who would put most LC elders to shame in terms of what they know about the Bible. In the LC they can't have anyone interrupting the authority structure and it is conveniently to label such people as argumentative, independent, "not clear about God's economy", or whatever else is convenient. It's really all the same. Calling someone a spiritual giant is just another LC method to discredit someone, and the LC has many, many methods for doing so.
03-10-2016 10:34 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

I honestly believe that there are spiritual giants. But that is not about great teaching. Or great skills at preaching. Or even evangelism. It is about great commitment to Christ and his people.

They are our servants, not our leaders in the way of the Pharisees.

But the day of "spiritual" giants in the manner of Lee is also not over. They proliferate. They promote themselves. They even call on the name of the Lord.

And one day they will call his name once again and learn that they were never authorized for such status.
03-10-2016 10:02 AM
Re: The Minister of the Age Concept Today

Originally Posted by aron View Post
When Witness Lee passed, the brothers loyal to him said, "The age of spiritual giants is over." Thus they declared that Lee was, indeed, one of these giants that damage the Body life. By their own words they indicted themselves, that they had created a monstrous "giant".
Originally Posted by Jane Anderson
When I got into trouble in the Local Church, I was accused of trying to be a spiritual giant and of seeking my own individual spirituality. I was told that the age of spiritual giants was over and that this was the age of the church, the "corporate Christ." But the truth is that there is no such thing as a spiritual giant. p.310
The LC faithful told JA that the age of spiritual giants was over, but when WL died, they tried to resurrect the theme. NOW, they said, the age of spiritual giants is over, now that WL has passed on.

Anyone who is called a spiritual giant, on this side of the Judgment Seat of Christ, is being delusional.
03-09-2016 06:05 AM
Re: The Minister of the Age Concept Today

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Thus, the churches were in their hand and they were fixed on their apostle and his leading, dependent on him for their direction to a large extent.
Originally Posted by Witness Lee View Post
"The practice of today’s Christianity is absolutely different in principle. Wherever there is a gifted person, a spiritual “giant” with a certain gift, that person will begin a work. He will build up a certain Christian organization or ministry, and possibly call it some worthy name. We are not opposing anyone, but we are against the wrong principles which damage the Body life."

When Witness Lee passed, the brothers loyal to him said, "The age of spiritual giants is over." Thus thyey declared that Lee was, indeed, one of these giants that damage the Body life. By their own words they indicted themselves, that they had created a monstrous "giant".
03-07-2016 09:27 PM
Re: The Minister of the Age Concept Today


The vision Brother Lee started with was not the same as he introduced later in making dramatic changes similar to what Nee had done in China. At this point in each of their ministries their designation as a minister of the age was about to appear.

Tremendous reinforcement of this view of Nee and Lee came by their own church messages, special elders’ trainings, and by key people who supported them. Their measure of authority was strengthened and broadened greatly over the churches and the elders. Ready submission among the elders to the apostle figure was expected, in order to reach his goals.

Thus, the churches were in their hand and they were fixed on their apostle and his leading, dependent on him for their direction to a large extent.

The minister of the age concept did not exist until Nee introduced it, and, when the time was ripe, Lee resurrected it and ministered it to the churches, especially implanting it into the minds of attendees of intensified training meetings, regional and international.
02-24-2016 11:42 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Apparently the Taipei history Indiana went to the expense to have translated, someone took the translated content and had translated into Japanese:

02-23-2016 04:16 PM

Attached is a short one page article I found. I don't know if it's been posted already.
02-18-2016 04:31 PM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by aron View Post
The USA political system was set up with "checks and balances", because it was known that men, even leaders, were fallible creatures. The Judicial System watches the Legislators, the Legislators appoint the Judiciary, the people vote for the Legislators etc.
Actually, there is at least one place where the checks and balances are relatively incomplete. That is the pinnacle of the judiciary. The top spots within the judiciary cannot be challenged other than by appeal back to the judiciary. While the administration can appoint, and the Senate confirm, no one can stand against them.

Well, not entirely. Technically, the judiciary cannot do anything that is not carried out by the administration. But no one has the gumption to test that. Therefore there is no check against the judiciary once it is in place. Only death changes things.

Now do not suppose that I think there is any very useful method of achieving that bit of balance. Simply refusing to execute the court's order is potentially whimsical. Alternately, Congress could step in and declare that aspects of a ruling are beyond the jurisdiction of the court. But what stops that from becoming another political whimsy? In short, there is no simply answer. The checks and balances ultimately have a stopping point unless one or two branches are willing to tell the third to take a hike. The President can veto. Congress can override a veto. Laws can be redrafted to fit within the parameters the court allows, but no one dares tell them that the vote of the people, through their representatives, overrides them.

I think the court would declare that the people would have to declare a constitutional convention to override them.

Effectively a veto-proof system for them.

I think there is a problem. But I've not seen a workable solution.
02-17-2016 03:32 PM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Yes, I referenced the 2008 financial scandal of Wall Street deliberately.

The question for me, which can be arguably traced back to Genesis Chapter 6 is, "Who watches the Watchers?" Or, who judges the judge, when that person judges wrongly?

The USA political system was set up with "checks and balances", because it was known that men, even leaders, were fallible creatures. The Judicial System watches the Legislators, the Legislators appoint the Judiciary, the people vote for the Legislators etc.

In spiritual, Christian affairs, Jesus allowed for checks and balances: i.e. "tell it to the church"; as did Paul's "receiving accusations against elders". There should be covering of the inadequacy and frailty of human psyche and flesh; nonetheless there isn't and shouldn't be covering for evil. Darkness should be uprooted, exposed and expelled. The light shines and the darkness cannot overcome it. The church and its citizens should be holy, just as our God is holy.

The Leaders of the Lord's Recovery demand unquestioning submission, and absolute silence from the proletariat... Indiana's crime was his unwillingness to silence and hide what wasn't convenient to LSM's 'official' narrative. There was nepostism, favoritism, bias, cover-ups, financial impropriety, whitewashing (lies), political maneuverings, and more. So, his final recourse was to tell it to the church.
Keep this post in mind saints. Aron encapsulates much of the whole of a huge problem, as many former and some current members know or have right to suspect.
02-17-2016 09:37 AM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Sounds no different than the politicians on Wall Street.
Yes, I referenced the 2008 financial scandal of Wall Street deliberately.

The question for me, which can be arguably traced back to Genesis Chapter 6 is, "Who watches the Watchers?" Or, who judges the judge, when that person judges wrongly?

The USA political system was set up with "checks and balances", because it was known that men, even leaders, were fallible creatures. The Judicial System watches the Legislators, the Legislators appoint the Judiciary, the people vote for the Legislators etc.

In spiritual, Christian affairs, Jesus allowed for checks and balances: i.e. "tell it to the church"; as did Paul's "receiving accusations against elders". There should be covering of the inadequacy and frailty of human psyche and flesh; nonetheless there isn't and shouldn't be covering for evil. Darkness should be uprooted, exposed and expelled. The light shines and the darkness cannot overcome it. The church and its citizens should be holy, just as our God is holy.

Originally Posted by Acts 19:18
Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done.
Obviously the system set up by Nee and Lee has no checks and balances, no accountability. The Leaders of the Lord's Recovery demand unquestioning submission, and absolute silence from the proletariat... Indiana's crime was his unwillingness to silence and hide what wasn't convenient to LSM's 'official' narrative. There was nepostism, favoritism, bias, cover-ups, financial impropriety, whitewashing (lies), political maneuverings, and more. So, his final recourse was to tell it to the church.
02-16-2016 12:05 PM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
So there is more to this book?
I'm sure there is and likely to expose LSM more as a family business than as a non-profit business.
I had heard for years what happened in North America was just the tip of the iceberg and much more happened in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and China.
02-16-2016 12:00 PM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post

Any info on who this Larry Chi was?
Sounds as if he was an elder in the Church in Taipei. Perhaps until the 1980's.
02-16-2016 11:29 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Two posts by Indiana way back in 2009. I don't remember these or the Larry Chi letter. I must of been out sick that day!

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

Larry Chi wrote a book that included the history of the church in Taipei and some other churches in Taiwan, after he left the recovery in 1985, (approximately). The book included a word about the young Titus Chu who had come onto the scene and became involved in giving training sessions, and became a concern to others, including Witness Lee. He is still a concern, whether or not it should be so great as "advertised".

The word about him is not included in the link above; but some very interesting historical accounts are given, including what is referred to as the 1965 massacre, which should relate to the 1966 so-called rebellion.

I can't confirm Larry Chi's accuracy, but he was certainly burdened to give his viewpoints, based on his experience and observation. He was in his 80s when I contacted him last in CA, both by phone and email, 5 years ago. He was referred to me by another dear Chinese brother in his 80s, from Sydney, who has since passed away. Both brothers were very much concerned for the developments that took place before them in the recovery under the leadership of Witness Lee.
Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
I received two copies of the book from Larry Chi, written in Chinese. This might have been in 2003. Just part of it was on the history and I had that part alone translated by a Chinese professional. The rest of the book was on teachings, which I was not interested in at the time, and it would have been far to expensive to translate. The book is not online anywhere.

The two copies of the book are in the hands of two Chinese brothers, one of them being a brother who runs the concerned brothers site. He could confirm the word spoken about Titus, which for some reason is missing from the document I posted. I must have removed that speaking for some reason at one time, but haven't been able to retrieve the information.

The book had been circulated among Chinese to some degree, but no one had it translated into another language, particularly English. I wondered how this could be that the book was written in the eighties and I come along in the 2000s and have it translated. The price was high ($680) and the Chinese could have done it themselves for the sake of English readers, but for some reason no one did. I was told it was a cultural matter just as there was no warning from the Chinese about Daystar at its inception. Don Hardy had mentioned this that the Chinese saints, including Samuel Chang, could have given the history of WL's failed business ventures in the Far East and warned at least the elders in Southern CA who were cooperating with the hype for Daystar. Don said not a word of warning was given and that the brothers would have stopped him had they known.

What Ohio said about Titus likening WL to a father and giving him a pass at every turn is the heighth of cultural interference with God's moving and working in the Body in genuine display of spiritual authority and activity. In this matter I do not appreciate Titus Chu and the passivity of those under his influence in the GLA, as they do make strange bedfellows with those on LaPalma avenue in preserving the lies that prevail in the churches, and in keeping their Idol shiny, clean, and APPROVED - instead of smashing it into a thousand pieces.
02-16-2016 11:13 AM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post

Too bad the Internet wasn't around back in the 1960s/70s for this Larry Chi to inform us gullible Americans about the things Witness Lee had already pulled back in the Far East.

I would love to get a hold of the entire book that he supposedly wrote.

So there is more to this book?

Any info on who this Larry Chi was?

How about a "fill-in-the-blank" version with names inserted. At least Anderson's ToG had fictitious names consistent throughout.
02-16-2016 08:03 AM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by aron View Post
And the real rub is that the ones who knew what Lee did, back in Taipei, sat by quietly when he drummed up the USA saints for $$ for Daystar. They knew exactly what was going on and they said nothing. What a shame.

Too bad the Internet wasn't around back in the 1960s/70s for this Larry Chi to inform us gullible Americans about the things Witness Lee had already pulled back in the Far East. Of course it would have taken tremendous courage to blow the whistle on Lee at that point, for he had already obtained near-idol status among the earliest brothers meeting in LA. Of course there was the language barrier, but there were plenty of English speaking brothers in Taiwan who could of translated for him.

I would love to get a hold of the entire book that he supposedly wrote. There is at least one forum member who could translate it for us. Maybe Indiana could find out how we could obtain a copy.

02-16-2016 07:41 AM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Sounds no different than the politicians on Wall Street.
It's also nice to have a church in your pocket. Likewise, if you get caught with your hand in a vise, the church deems you Too Big To Fail and comes to your financial rescue. Certainly this was the case with Lee & Fam, on numerous occasions. If anyone loses his money, bad for him. If Lee loses money, bad for the church.

And the real rub is that the ones who knew what Lee did, back in Taipei, sat by quietly when he drummed up the USA saints for $$ for Daystar. They knew exactly what was going on and they said nothing. What a shame.
02-16-2016 04:37 AM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Nice gig if you can get it. If you win, you win, and if you lose, Bailout Central steps in and covers the loss. So why not gamble? That was the bait dangling in front of Witness Lee and he took it.
Sounds no different than the politicians on Wall Street.
02-16-2016 04:23 AM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post

Witness Lee Business Failures Disrupt the Church

Around 1959 Mr. Lee had some investment failures and he lost a great deal of money. This brought the first financial crisis to the church.
I think Mr. Lee was trying to follow Watchman Nee in speculative ventures; Nee had done this and succeeded, right? So this kind of business experience verified that Mr. Nee was "God's special anointed" and "the hand of God was with him" in commercial ventures. Mr. Lee then tried the same and flopped.

Then, interestingly, when Lee flopped it was the church's problem, not his! Lee's business failure brought financial crisis to the church, not to Lee.

Nice gig if you can get it. If you win, you win, and if you lose, Bailout Central steps in and covers the loss. So why not gamble? That was the bait dangling in front of Witness Lee and he took it.
02-14-2016 08:13 PM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

History of Witness Lee and the Local Churches
Larry Chi

On China Mainland Period

The testimony of the local churches was initiated by Watchman Nee in China during the 1920’s. At that time he attracted many people from different Christian denominations to switch over to follow the Lord and seek truth and salvation with him. With the blessing of the Lord many young people also joined in. They devoted all their life for the testimony of the church as well as for the gospel. Brother Nee was really a faithful servant of the Lord. He dispensed much resource and money for the church work, not only money donated by many church members but also his own money. He also devoted all his life and his effort to work for the Lord. He has never collected any registration fees or tuitions from the members, nor has he tried to sell any books or handouts to the members. He taught them all he knew and he worked very hard for the church.

He did not have much time to work for the Lord. For instance, he has taught the first class (training) for six months; he only started the second class for a period of time, but he has established a solid foundation for the testimony of the Lord. In 1939 there was a civil war in China and the mainland was taken over by the Communist government and brother Nee was arrested and put in jail because of his work for the church and finally he died after 20 years in confinement. Brother Nee had established a sound example for the followers and seeds he planted propagated and sprouted up in China as well as in many places all over the world. It is said there might be thirty to fifty million followers on the China mainland today of a work that began with Mr. Nee. The exact number nobody can tell. Only the Lord knows and in due time He will let us know how many there are.

We can tell that the Lord carried out the local church work thru many many people who followed Him. It is not any particular individual who can claim all the credit. For those people who faithfully serve the Lord, all the members will be able to see that. If there is any impostor or corrupted members who did inferior work then their true colors will be exposed sooner or later.

Section 2
The Full Period in Taiwan

The first period from 1938-65

As early as 1938 and even before that, a small group of brothers already started to have fellowship in Taipei. Bro Liu Kiang Yung___ was the first to start to serve full time. At that time he was still single, but he became a full time coworker. Bro Nee once went to Taipei in 1938. It is hard to tell if bro Liu went to Taipei from __or not. Back in spring of 1938 there were about 20 some members who got together in Taipei. At that time they assembled in a Japanese-style house on Shanghai Road in Taipei. Because it was a Japanses-style house the house had tatami, so the church members had to take their shoes off and sit on the floor. Many church members who came from the China mainland were not accustomed to this style, so they felt a little uncomfortable at the beginning. Actually, that house was donated by brother Nee and was used for assembly as well as for a lodging facility for the coworkers and church members who went to Taiwan.

After the middle of 1948 the political and military situation on the mainland of China changed rapidly. Many church members followed their schools, universities, government agencies, or the military to move over to Taiwan. As a result, many of these church members were spread out to all different parts of the island, to many different cities and towns. They went as far north as ____? Following th railroad. To the south of Gausheng? In September of the same year, ___and his family arrived to join the church assembly in Taipei. In November of the sam year ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___six brothers and their families went to Taipei from Shanghai on the same ship. Because of that the Taipei assembly increased rapidly to over 50 people. Also in 1948 ___went to Gaushen because of his job assignment? and teamed up with___?? married Dec 25 in Taipei. The church members took advantage of the new year holidays and they printed out many fliers, then went out into the busy streets to spread the gospel. They went to different sections of the city including the new part for the gospel and attracted many new members. In the spring of 1949, ____came to Taipei from the mainland and joined the congregation. At that time there were 150 people who had joined the congregation and the original Japanese house was not big enough for the congregation so often people had had to assemble in different places and in different assemblies. At that time, there were two members who were overseas Chinese from the Phiippines___ and bro ___. They went to buy a piece of propert, sect 2. A place to put a wooden struct that could accommodate 350 people. Afterwards that building was not big enough.and was rebuilt and expanded into a wooden structure that would accommodate 800 people. This is the current assembly hall number one located on Tien San Ban Liu.

Nee and Lee Come to Visit Taipei

At the beginning of 1949 brother Nee came to Taipei for the second time with the request of fellow members he has established five members___ ____ ____ _____ ____ to become the Taipei congregation elders. Three of these brothers worked for the church in Taipei on a full-time basis. In April of 1949 Mr. Lee and his family went to Taipei from China mainland. At that time he was very depressed. All the members of the congregation encouraged him from different directions and also coworkers took him to visit many members in the southern part of Taiwan.

At that time there were congregations established in many cities around the north –south railroad, such as ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ _____. His visits to these places helped him to recover from his depression. He became fully charged and ready to go again. Not much later, the construction of the number one assembly hall was completed. After a discussion anong fellow members it was decided to call the first all-Taiwan special congregation in Taipei on August 1, 1949. There were over 300 members who participated in this gathering. Among them there were about 70 coming from the central and southern part of Taiwan . There were about 30-40 people from denominations attending. And about 200 members coming from greater Taipei area. All these members were there long before Mr. Lee arrived in Taiwan. There were also approximately 150-200 members who did not make it to the special gathering. At that time there were about 500 members across the different parts of Taiwan. This is the very first period of church establishment and growth in Taiwan. This rapid growth of church work and the spread of the gospel brought more and more people to join the congregation. The work load increased at the same time. The Lord called many young people to come join the church and to serve. Indeed there were many young people, some of them having just graduated from college, while some were still in college. These young people decided to drop whatever they were doing to come work for the Lord. Because there were a lot of new people coming into the church, there was the need to have a full-time training. At that time many church members decided to ask Mr. Lee to take responsibility for the training exercise. . At that time there were about 100 church members, including some young people leaders from various parts of Taiwan who joined the training class. The training was quite successful. All the people who participated in the training became Mr. Lee’s special disciples. Also, because of this experience Mr. Lee established absolute authority over the people who had come to the training. Since many of them were leaders at different assemblies in various cities and towns in Taiwan, he could call on them to carry out many programs and projects. Due to this kind of cohesiveness, there was a period of very good cooperation among church members.

Although Taiwan is an island surrounded by ocean, it is a very open society, and the church members had the opportunity to communicate and have fellowship with other believers who were meeting in the denominations. And, many young people discovered that there are other groups who also work for the Lord. Their ideas were a little different from what they heard from their own church and leaders. So, many of them went to Mr. Lee and asked for a chance to have some fellowship and communication with other groups. With this repeated request, brother Lee agreed to invite brother Sparks from the UK to come to Taiwan to have a couple of special meetings. Through these special meetings, many church members in Taiwan learned many different teachings and different ideas and started to have questionings about Mr. Lee’s absolute authority. According to brother Lee, his greatest regret was to ask Mr. Sparks to come to Taiwan. Indeed, after Sparks’ visit, some of the coworkers started to have questions and started to split from the 100% followers of Mr. Lee.

As the church work went thru rapid expansion, the financial need and supply also had a big change. In the beginning, the congregation had fewer members and many of them didn’t have high paying jobs, so the church finances were rather difficult. But the increase with church members plus the whole economy in Taiwan had a big improvement and people had much better, high-paying jobs so the contribution to the church increased quite a bit.

Among the church members, it was a mostly informal and non-working procedure in handling financials. For instance, the full-time coworkers were told to handle themselves before the Lord according to their own conscience. Really there was nobody taking care of their living, but their assignment and place to work was assigned by chief coworkers. Whatever their assignment was, they had to accept, 100%. No arguments. And contributions from the donations coming in to the church for the work of the Lord was all collected under a special account and managed by the chief coworkers.

After many years of operation this kind of formal arrangement created some difficulties. For instance, many of the coworkers had a life that was very spartan and close to difficult. But the chief coworkers, because they had the authority to use the church funds, made some expenditures that were questionable.

Witness Lee Business Failures Disrupt the Church

Around 1959 Mr. Lee had some investment failures and he lost a great deal of money. This brought the first financial crisis to the church. All the donations and contributions from the church members were used, and still the church owed people a large amount of money. Because of this situation, brother Lee forced the elders to sell a piece of land belonging to the church in order to pay the debt. That piece of land was located on 19 East Road, section 4, and had been bought by the church to build a training center and a new assembly building. Because of that many coworkers and church members were especially unhappy about this fiasco. Mr. Lee knew this was something that he did wrong and because of that he went to the United States and stayed on the west coast.

After Mr. Lee left Taiwan, the church coworkers formed two sides. One side was Mr. Lee’s strong followers, while the other group had questions about some of Mr. Lee’s Lee’s activities. Those two groups had a strong difference of opinion, which greatly impacted the church activities and made much of the church work difficult to carry out. Finally, some of the coworkers who were Lee followers asked Mr. Lee to come back to Taiwan to resolve differences. In the summer of 1969. Lee came back to Taipei. He decided to get rid of those coworkers who disagreed with him. Consequently, there were 1000’s of people who left the congregation. At that time almost 30 % of the regular members left, a most serious situation was that about 80-90% of the young members who were college students left the church. This was a very bad example for the church in Taipei to have this type of cleansing massacre and also to establish factionism within the church. Moreover, there was clearly some tendency to promote individualism and worship of a certain idol.

There was another incident that happened toward the end of the 1950’s that involved Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia. Mr. Lee and some of the overseas coworkers developed some serious differences because the coworkers could not take Mr. Lee’s absolute authority. Everything was dictated by Mr. Lee, and he would not take any input from anybody. In addition some of the well-to-do church members were very unhappy about his handling of the financial matters. This was due to the fact that a lot of the money had been contributed by these church members, and Mr. Lee would handle the finances according to his own viewpoint. The overseas coworkers did not feel they could trust him anymore. Because of the differences they split up. Originally, the Philippines were very important for Mr. Lee because there were several well-to-do church members there who supported the church financially for a long time. So in 1960 the Manila church decided to sever relationships with Mr. Lee totally.

When Mr.Lee left Taiwan to the U.S. in 1960, it was not really that he went there to open up new frontier. Rather, it was because of his own personal failure in Taiwan that he escaped to the U.S. As he left Taiwan, the church work in Taiwan was in serious disarray. Also the Philippines work was split off. This was the first period of our history.

Second Period 1965-75

During the period that Mr. Lee left Taiwan beginning in 1960 till he came back to Taiwan in 1965 to carry out his cleansing exercise, the church work in Taiwan went through a very difficult time. Because of that, there was a lack of cooperation between the coworkers. However, ___ and ____were going to try their best to keep the church going. After the 1965 massacre ___ ____and ____ stayed with the church and tried their best to rebuild it. With the blessing of the Lord and the effort of the sweet brothers’ leadership, over a two or three year period the church membership grew a lot.

One summer in the Taipei area a camp was held and about a thousand young people came together. There were many children who came to join various activities at the camp as well. The church in different localities in Taiwan went through a rapid recovery period. Therefore, Mr. Lee set up a special international gathering in Taipei in 1968 and invited people from all over the Taiwan area to come to attend, as well as about 160 members from the U.S. and Canada, and another 100 or so from various Southeast Asia regions, Japan, and Europe.

The attendees at the gathering were very impressed to see how the members in Taiwan worked together to establish this beautiful picture and to increase the church membership, so they learned the practice carried out in Taiwan and went back to their own area and became the leaders and the backbone of their church in their own areas.

In the period of the late 60’s and early 70’s there was a period of recovery and growth of the church in Taipei. We can take a look at the reasons why there was such a successful growth.

1)At that time the leaders of the church work ___ ____ and ____ were not the strong leader type. In other words, they did not dictate. They worked together. They were not selfish. They did not have the desire to hold power in their hands. So under their leadership the coworkers worked together very smoothly and respected each other so that the work could be carried out.

2) there was an atmosphere of freedom within the church. Everyone had the right to speak out. They could ask questions and express their feelings. The elders and coworkers sometimes led the members to express themselves. So the fellowship among the members was open and very much a free-flow. There was no central authority figure to dictate anything. Neither was there anyone who was there to give the one and only teaching to all the members. Consequently, during the assembly there was a lot of fresh air blowing through the church.

3) The coworkers had the freedom to follow their interests and their strength. If someone was good at the gospel, then he would pursue in that area; if someone was good at working with the children, then he would be given opportunity to do that kind of work. If someone was good at taking care of the sick then he will be assigned to a hospital to work with sick people. Due to these factors, all the church members and coworkers had the chance to fulfill their interest and to do their best in the area where they have their strengths. People were more than happy to do their work, since they were not following orders from any dictators. They enjoyed having the chance serve the Lord.

4) All the churches in Taiwan started to push the family fellowship and leaders asked the church members to do whatever they could do to promote it. In the Taipei church ___ ___ ___ were the ones who were the strongest promoters of this exercise. In 1975 the Taipei church had 22 congregations, 77 assemblies, and over 200 family fellowship groups with over 1000 members. The family fellowship members carried out many fundamental gospel works. They had to have some basic training as a help to take care of the children, to teach them the hymns, and to encourage them to read their Bibles. There were many such activities among family members. At that time I was just married and my residence was within #17 assembly under #3 congregation. I was not a leader nor did I have any responsibility for the assembly fellowship. The brothers did invite me to participate in some of the trainings. There was no tuition to be paid and there was no need to buy any materials or handouts. All the people who participated were on a volunteer basis. People participated not because of any personal gain – they were not for money or fame. They were just there to serve the church, to serve the Lord. Everybody worked together just like a big happy family.

5) The remaining coworkers within the church tried very hard to rebuild the youth and children congregation because in 1965 we were massacred. The most damaged part of the church was the college and youth branch. Coworkers that were driven away included the youth leaders. There was a big loss to the church. In Taipei,___ and Tainan the youth work almost became a vacuum. Some of the people who served in small villages and in small towns were asked to go to Taipei, Tainan, and ___ to rebuild. Supposedly, they were very effective. Within a very short period of time they achieved something really amazing. For instance, in 1965 __ was assigned from __ to ___. When he first went over there with ___ and ___ they were looked at by some of the local young members as the running dogs after Mr. Lee. They were throwing eggs and tomatoes on them and yelling and screaming at them. The original youth leader ___was gone. But after ___ loving and patience and care, explaining what they were going to do, just like a miracle within a year members within __University built up from almost nothing to about 150, and the youth congregation in ____reached a new high Afterwards, br___ was assigned back to #3 assembly in Taipei and ___ was assigned to ___ to continue the task.

In another case, in the city of___there was a collection of colleges and universities in central part of Taiwan. ___worked in ___ for many years and he had a good following from the youth and college students in ___ but bec he left the church a lot of college students all disappeared with him. At that time ___ was assigned to __from ___ He was responsible for the church work in central Taiwan. ___ was responsible to serve the colleges and universities there. Both of them worked hard day and night with tender loving care and they rebuilt the ___church congregation.

In the 1965 massacre the third congregation under the Taipei church suffered very severe damage. There are two reasons for this.
1) one of the persons who was fired,___, was well-respected by all the church members young and old. His knowledge and his work ethic were very much appreciated. The saints were very angry to see what was meted out to him. So, many followed him to leave the church. 2) In the meantime there was a cult movement going on in Taipei that was promoted by a person named ___. It was very popular. Some of the church members who were very anxious to follow the gospel but did not have a good understanding of the truth were fooled by this cult movement and left the church to join that crowd. At that time,__was the only senior member who helped out in the hall 3 congregation. After he worked for a period of time and made very little progress he asked for help. He invited __ and ___. to come from Tainan to Taipei to help him work at meeting hall #3. With the three of them working together, hall 3 started to recover. Within a couple of years they made big progress. During the international special gathering in 1968, the Sunday morning gathering at hall 3 usually had more than 400 people attending. It was so full they had to add seats to the hallway. The youth fellowship usually had to be held in three separate locations - at assemblies 18, 19, and at meeting hall #3. Usually more than 350 people attended. Among them there were about 40-50 high school students, 150 junior high students and another 600-700 children gathered to have meetings in ten different locations. Brother fellowship and sister fellowship in Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University were established in 1967, as well.

___ ____ ____ ___ and many other brothers all came to join the church during this period of time. The three examples of congregations that were mentioned above in Tainan, Taichung, and Taipei were only examples of the rebuilding of the churches that took place. The rebuilding was a very broad movement It not only covered the colleges and universities, it was everywhere. Many students who lived on campus, and the teachers, the faculty, all joined in for the movement. The rebuilding not only existed on campus, but also in society in general. All participated in this effort. The coworkers provided proper training and guidance to the young people and showed them how to work with high school students and junior high children. The whole church environment was just like a big happy family. The older people took care of the young people and there was love and care for each other with no generation gap whatsoever. The older ones really loved the younger ones and the younger ones all respected the elders. There was nobody looking down on the younger people. And the younger people did not look at the older people as outdated or stubborn. All the people were working within the church. There was no concept of position or ranking. There was nobody playing tricks on anybody. So the church was really the witness of the kingdom of God. Everybody got a chance to fulfill or receive what he was looking for. Everyone had the blessing from the Lord. Simply put, during that time the coworkers working at Hall 3 in Taipei were___and his wife and ___. In addition, there was ___ ____ ____ ________ __. They all contributed heavily to the rebuilding and expansion of the #3 congregation. In addition to these coworkers, there were many, many other church members who all loved the Lord and the church and they all contributed their fair share of the work. There was no way we could give all the credit for the rebuilding and expansion to any one or two 8 brothers, or to any other church member. That is just not fair. Here we are only talking about one congregation. In looking at all the churches all over Taiwan, their expansion and growth could not be attributed to any individual. We could only give this glory to the Lord. This is his work, which has been accomplished under His blessing.

In the early 1960’s up to 1965 many churches in Southeast Asia drifted away from Taiwan, but after 1968 we started to re-connect with some of the churches in Taiwan to re-establish the fellowship. Many of them sent letters to Taiwan to ask some of the coworkers to go there to help them. Because of this, ___ ____ often went to Japan, Korea, and ___ later on became stationed in Japan on a long-term basis. He is still there as of today. ___ was sent to Malaysia and ___was sent to Indonesia and afterwards ___ __ went to Manila, and ____went to Thailand, and in addition there were other full-time coworkers or church members in various parts of Southeast Asia who came to Taiwan to join some of the church congregations to work as interns. They include ___ ___ from Indonesia and ___from the Philippines.

Glorious Atmosphere Did Not Last Long

Unfortunately the glorious atmosphere did not last very long. There was a big change in 1970. In the summer of 1970 there was a special international gathering in Los Angeles. There were about 100 members who came to join the gathering from the Far East, with about two-thirds of them coming from Taiwan. Most of them were the leading coworkers from various churches in Taiwan. In that special gathering, Mr. Lee used strong derogatory language to insult and degrade coworkers from Taiwan. He called them outdated and said all the churches from the Far East were outdated. There were two reasons for him to do so. 1) He wanted to use the free spirit and animated style of the American church members to shake up the members from the east. He wanted the Far East members to believe that the yelling, screaming and jumping up and down by the American church members was an expression that showed that the Holy Spirit had entered into them. He forced the Far East members to accept that they were outdated and that they ought to be ashamed. He wanted to re-establish his absolute authority and power over them. 2) He understood that the church members from the East were passive and submissive. If he could show the church members of the West that he could overpower the well-trained senior church members from the East he could establish his power and authority over the church members in the West also.

What Lee did in his special gathering created two serious consequences. 1) After this special international gathering, the church members went back to Taiwan and tried very hard to transplant what they saw in the U. S. into Taiwan and thus created much conflict and confusion for quite a while. Many traditional church members in Taiwan could not stand the yelling and screaming in the meetings and started to drift away. Many neighbors next to the church could not stand the noise either and were thus violated. This destroyed the good image the church had established with the general public over the years. There were many arguments and conflicts with the outside community. As a result of all the conflict and confusion, there was a great negative impact on the church work.

02-13-2016 10:05 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Nothing initially about the church or the ministry. "We're just simple lovers of Jesus, who choose to meet on the ground of oneness."
There's a lot missing from the statement. Though partially correct, they're omitting stating "the ministry is indispensable to our faith". There is a ground of oneness, but it's not what they want you to think. The ground of oneness is not Jesus Christ, but rather Living Stream Ministry publications.

If the ground of oneness is truly Jesus Christ, drop the Living Stream publications. Drop bashing of Christians outside the LSM fellowship. Drop referring to Christian not meeting with LSM churches as meeting in denominations.
02-12-2016 06:07 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
And just maybe that is the reason that there is the Christians on Campus group. They keep the new ones at a distance from he mother ship until they think they are able to just take the nonsense and go along quietly.
Nothing initially about the church or the ministry. "We're just simple lovers of Jesus, who choose to meet on the ground of oneness."

Then, groom the newbies with all the coded language. "There are terrible people out there, opposers who persecute the church which Christ purchased with His own blood. Hard to believe anyone could be negative against anything so wonderful as this."
Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
The LSM dictionary defines anyone who disagrees with them an opposer. Synonyms include: negative, death, self... These young ones are conditioned to believe this and unfortunately, over time, loose the ability to discern for themselves. I think we can all testify to this. When we left and sadly even until now, many former members are leary to speak the truth concerning the LSM organization because these old tapes keep playing. It becomes difficult to tell the counterfeit from the reality.
I heard negative things right away. There recently had been a big storm, or rebellion, and many had left, and the remaining ones were subdued, and dispirited. But I was on honyemoon in the LC. I couldn't imagine why anyone would leave something so wonderful. I mean, here we all meet as one, here we have Christ as life, here are all the riches, and we've given up our search! Right?!?
Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
From watching some of the videos today, I do not see this. Young members are quickly subdued and indoctrinated. ... I have yet to see any positive fruit and genuine growth in Life produced by this method. It always looks so scripted.
It is always amazing, to see this. It is so blatant, and yet so successful. At best they are kept in a kind of perpetual kindergarden, unable to grow. Just keep reading the same script. See Spot run.

But they could be out playing Beer Pong, or huffing chemicals in the garage, so let them be. Maybe some of them will wake up, some day. You never know. God can do anything.
02-12-2016 03:03 PM
Re: Bob Danker on the Vision of the Age

Originally Posted by aron View Post
The Christ that is the "centrality and universality" of this church-fixated world is not the Jesus of Nazareth of Whom Moses and the prophets wrote, and to Whom Peter and Paul and James and John were discipled. It's not the Christ Whom the Father sent, but rather the Christ whom the self-obsessed church manufactures to justify herself.
This really encapsulates much of went wrong in the Local Church of Witness Lee. Of course there is so much that could be said in this regard, and it would be impossible in just one post, but aron has hit upon the heart of the matter, I believe.

Ironically, Lee's messages on "the Centrality and Universality of Christ" (many from the Collosians Training as I recall) were among the best he ever spoke. I still vividly recall one of those particular messages, now over 30 years ago. The vision of such a Christ was glorious and wonderful. Such teachings focused all our attention on our Lord Jesus, and any thought of "eyeing our own garment" seemed ridiculous.

So how did the centrality and universality of Christ become the centrality and universality of the church? How did the biblical "CHRIST and the church" become "christ and THE CHURCH? How did the biblical "and God created man of the dust of the ground" become "Oh I'm a Man, I’m the center and the meaning of the universe"? No, it did not happen over night. Yet there were warnings to us from without and from within. After decades of these warnings we all found out. God will not be mocked. God will not share his glory with another, not even the Bride, no matter how lovely her garment.
02-12-2016 01:59 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

The LSM dictionary defines anyone who disagrees with them an opposer. Synonyms include: negative, death, self... These young ones are conditioned to believe this and unfortunately, over time, loose the ability to discern for themselves. I think we can all testify to this. When we left and sadly even until now, many former members are leary to speak the truth concerning the LSM organization because these old tapes keep playing. It becomes difficult to tell the counterfeit from the reality. At least for some of us, we came in at a time when you were encouraged to experience Christ and bring your share to the meetings to edify others. You were free to read books by others, spend personal time with the Lord and could speak freely about these experiences in the meetings with a resounding Amen. But more importantly when we called on the Lord it was out of a pure heart; when we pray-read we were filled with the Holy Spirit. So when things began to shift from Spirit to Flesh, the true discernment coming from a healthy spirit and a purified intellect made us uncomfortable.

From watching some of the videos today, I do not see this. Young members are quickly subdued and indoctrinated. Stand on the chairs and call on the Lord three times to get things frenzied up a bit; Stand in line and hope the people in front of you don't say what you are going to say because there is only so much anyone can say when you all have to read the same thing. Of course you can always scream out the Lord's name until the bell goes off.... I have yet to see any positive fruit and genuine growth in Life produced by this method. It always looks so scripted. I keep looking though, hoping that something will change. May the Lord have mercy. Many of the LC saints do love the Lord and have a deep personal relationship with Him, even if they have to keep it a secret for fear of being labeled independent, spiritual, individualistic etc.. Yet more negatives out of the LSM playbook
02-12-2016 12:06 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
But that is what puzzles me. These are new recruits. They are not familiar with their new environment and therefore not yet sold on the LSM bill of goods. If someone told me not to go on the internet because it is "negative", that would immediately raise red flags. Why should any group be afraid of the Internet unless they are hiding something. I would like to think that young college students have at least a little common sense.
I believe they target 17-18 year old because they're a bit more gullible than a 21-22 year old.
As to the term negative, it's all relative. Content LSM/LC want to hide isn't necessarily rumors and lies, but a history they aren't willing to own up to.
02-12-2016 09:46 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
But that is what puzzles me. These are new recruits. They are not familiar with their new environment and therefore not yet sold on the LSM bill of goods. If someone told me not to go on the internet because it is "negative", that would immediately raise red flags. Why should any group be afraid of the Internet unless they are hiding something. I would like to think that young college students have at least a little common sense.
And just maybe that is the reason that there is the Christians on Campus group. They keep the new ones at a distance from he mother ship until they think they are able to just take the nonsense and go along quietly.
02-11-2016 07:57 PM
Re: Bob Danker on the Vision of the Age

Originally Posted by aron View Post
There's a hymn that says, "The Bride eyes not her garments/but her dear Bridegroom's face." Church leaders unfortunately specialize in eyeing our garments, and comparing them to those of everyone else. Unbalanced subjectivity, myopathy, bias (self-selection), judgmentalism, and self-justification then become the garments with which we drape ourselves.

I don't know how many times I heard young females blurt out emotionally in meeting that we should "love the church". Christ loved the church; so should we, right? Wrong. Christ loved the church and the church should love Christ.

Instead the church gets seduced, and distracted: instead of loving Christ, the church loves the church and it all goes south in a hurry. The Bridegroom is left waiting at the altar, and the church is hurried off by an interloper, waving a fun-house mirror before her, telling her to eye herself and her garments. "How beautiful you are, my queen!" (See e.g. Rev 18:7's "I sit a queen!")

And what is the Christ that comes out of this? A Christ that doesn't care about one's neighbor, or the poor, or the sick or weak or imprisoned, but wants to scour universities for "good building material". A Christ who is selective with scripture; it's no longer "every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" but only those words which prop up a hermeneutic or teaching. A Christ that elevates fallen men. A Christ that judges everyone else as deficient. A Christ that doesn't care about "right and wrong", i.e. righteousness. I could go on, obviously.

The Christ that is the "centrality and universality" of this church-fixated world is not the Jesus of Nazareth of Whom Moses and the prophets wrote, and to Whom Peter and Paul and James and John were discipled. It's not the Christ Whom the Father sent, but rather the Christ whom the self-obsessed church manufactures to justify herself.
Well said, Aron. Lord Jesus, you are all and in all! Help us to keep our eyes on you, and point others to you.
02-11-2016 06:24 PM
Re: Bob Danker on the Vision of the Age

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
How about "When we take our eyes off of Christ and put them only on ANYTHING ELSE we become a cult".

I need to add a few more things.

No thanks to satan the list is probably endless.
02-11-2016 06:23 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

But that is what puzzles me. These are new recruits. They are not familiar with their new environment and therefore not yet sold on the LSM bill of goods. If someone told me not to go on the internet because it is "negative", that would immediately raise red flags. Why should any group be afraid of the Internet unless they are hiding something. I would like to think that young college students have at least a little common sense.
02-11-2016 05:58 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
And that is what baffles me. Since the major part of their recruitment is focused on smart, young, college students; it should be highly probable that these individuals would Google "Witness Lee", "Local Church", "Christians on Campus"... and do some research. I know that would be the first thing I would do.
From what I have heard firsthand and from others are the LC brothers stressing against the internet. Truth is the system the LC/LSM is in wants to be the ones controlling the flow of information instead of reacting to it.
02-11-2016 03:27 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
By all indications, the transition from The Stream Publishers to Living Stream Ministry more or less coincided with the Daystar collapse.
Great observation!

Time wise, it was the mid-70's, about the same time W. Lee moved out of Los Angeles, hoping for a fresh start in Anaheim, Orange County.
02-11-2016 01:18 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ricky,P View Post
Thanks to open forums like this one local church members are far less uniformed and the truth is far less suppressed. It's probably the younger more techy members that have made their way to this forum and that's a good thing because the older ones are probably far too brainwashed by Lee and the blended bros to see what's going on out here in the real world.
And that is what baffles me. Since the major part of their recruitment is focused on smart, young, college students; it should be highly probable that these individuals would Google "Witness Lee", "Local Church", "Christians on Campus"... and do some research. I know that would be the first thing I would do. The LSM philosophy may focus more on a certain type of person that is somewhat insecure to begin with. Otherwise, they would not be able to retain anyone. These people should be smart enough to realize they are getting themselves into an authoritative system: The ministry being more important than the headship of Christ.
02-11-2016 12:48 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Can someone tell me about the history of LSM? If possible I would like to know when the original Stream Publishers became LSM.

By all indications, the transition from The Stream Publishers to Living Stream Ministry more or less coincided with the Daystar collapse.
02-11-2016 10:43 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

"Although there are proper reasons for open, honest, mutual fellowship with church leaders, the opportunity to meet with them is closed to me and to others. The concept in the leadership is that no one in the churches should make an issue of anything or care for right and wrong, which has worked well to keep church members uninformed and the truth suppressed. Thus, discussion of serious concerns keep going to an open forum." -2010
Thanks to open forums like this one local church members are far less uniformed and the truth is far less suppressed. It's probably the younger more techy members that have made their way to this forum and that's a good thing because the older ones are probably far too brainwashed by Lee and the blended bros to see what's going on out here in the real world.
02-11-2016 07:50 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
One leader who I respect today is George Washington. Washington was surrounded by brilliant and able men: Hamilton, Madison, Jefferson, etc. but he wasn't threatened by them. He was secure, not in his position but in his person. He never cared about position, either his or others'. As a result, men like Hamilton were able to flourish, and use their powers of rhetoric and persuasion, because they didn't have to constantly look over their shoulders at the Commander in Chief.

But WL was abetted by a system. The man is gone but the system remains. It would be good to expose it for what it is. You know, fallen human culture and fallen spirits are not that far apart - they're arguably quite related. One is motivated by the other, and the other takes refuge in the one, and is manifested through it.
Since I have seen these fallen characteristics in both the Recovery and Brethrenism, I am under the belief that religious (think Laodicean) pride, manifested in exclusivism and elitism, produces basically insecure leaders who must be the recipient of all the glory the system provides. I personally have witnessed this on the local, regional, and national level, and that is why I believe this disease is systemic and inherent to the system.

I remember years ago a family counselor explained to me that unhealthy self-esteem can manifest itself either as depression or egotistical behavior. This surprised me at the time, since I was more familiar with the "down" side of unhealthy self-esteem, but equally unhealthy were those with a bully-nature, glory-possessed, and megalomanic personalities.

One of the common complaints I have heard working with LC leaders is their obsession with having all the ideas. Since they are supposedly next in line to the throne of God, it must always be so. This goes two ways. Whether their idea is good or worthless, all must promote it unquestioningly, and continually sing its praises. But, should the idea of an underling be accepted, THE MAN will always steal it and make it his own, and like before, all must promote it unquestioningly, and continually sing its praises.

That is why I have concluded that at the root of all the so-called "storms" or quarantines, or whatever language is used to spin them, is the fallen nature of talented egotistical men to eliminate potential rivals who might share their glory. Though not a church leader, apparently G. Dubya escaped these pitfalls, and the country was blessed for it. When James and John exhibited these traits among the early disciples, Jesus was able to nip it in the bud, and the church has been blessed for it.

With all their great learning and abundant talents, ministers like Darby, Lee, and Chu have not learned these same lessons. In their early days, other gifted men surrounded the movements and flourished, but eventually one-by-one they were driven out as potential rivals due to their "independent" thinking, and those sycophants who remained also rose to preeminence in the program.
02-11-2016 05:57 AM
Re: Bob Danker on the Vision of the Age

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
I was listening to this weeks message on the CTM website. The brother who was speaking said something that startled me; "When we take our eyes off of Christ and put them only on the Church we become a cult". I use quotes but this is essentially what he stated.
There's a hymn that says, "The Bride eyes not her garments/but her dear Bridegroom's face." Church leaders unfortunately specialize in eyeing our garments, and comparing them to those of everyone else. Unbalanced subjectivity, myopathy, bias (self-selection), judgmentalism, and self-justification then become the garments with which we drape ourselves.

I don't know how many times I heard young females blurt out emotionally in meeting that we should "love the church". Christ loved the church; so should we, right? Wrong. Christ loved the church and the church should love Christ.

Instead the church gets seduced, and distracted: instead of loving Christ, the church loves the church and it all goes south in a hurry. The Bridegroom is left waiting at the altar, and the church is hurried off by an interloper, waving a fun-house mirror before her, telling her to eye herself and her garments. "How beautiful you are, my queen!" (See e.g. Rev 18:7's "I sit a queen!")

And what is the Christ that comes out of this? A Christ that doesn't care about one's neighbor, or the poor, or the sick or weak or imprisoned, but wants to scour universities for "good building material". A Christ who is selective with scripture; it's no longer "every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" but only those words which prop up a hermeneutic or teaching. A Christ that elevates fallen men. A Christ that judges everyone else as deficient. A Christ that doesn't care about "right and wrong", i.e. righteousness. I could go on, obviously.

The Christ that is the "centrality and universality" of this church-fixated world is not the Jesus of Nazareth of Whom Moses and the prophets wrote, and to Whom Peter and Paul and James and John were discipled. It's not the Christ Whom the Father sent, but rather the Christ whom the self-obsessed church manufactures to justify herself.
02-11-2016 05:42 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
This is why I don't believe all cultures are equal. They may be equally fallen, but I don't think they are all equal..
One leader who I respect today is George Washington. Washington was surrounded by brilliant and able men: Hamilton, Madison, Jefferson, etc. but he wasn't threatened by them. He was secure, not in his position but in his person. He never cared about position, either his or others'. As a result, men like Hamilton were able to flourish, and use their powers of rhetoric and persuasion, because they didn't have to constantly look over their shoulders at the Commander in Chief.

WL said we in the LC were an army, not a democracy - he'd have done well to look at the Continental Army that Washington commanded. People in Washington's army had opinions, and were allowed to voice them. After "much discussion", a la Acts 15:7, the generals of the army would reach consensus, and General Washington would pronounce his opinion of the consensus, and the army would move.

Where was the "much discussion" in Witness Lee's Army? Where was mutuality, the "submit to one another"? No, it was 1) Know Who's Boss, and 2) Get in Line.

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
The fact that none of the strong-willed American brothers like MR could take down WL tells me he was incredibly intelligent, strong-willed, and possibly under the influence of evil spirits.
But WL was abetted by a system. The man is gone but the system remains. It would be good to expose it for what it is. You know, fallen human culture and fallen spirits are not that far apart - they're arguably quite related. One is motivated by the other, and the other takes refuge in the one, and is manifested through it.

And if you begin to critically compare Recovery "church life experience" with scripture, it soon begins to reveal of what sort it is. LSM is practiced in the art of critique (see e.g. Affirmation and Critique, etc); they'd do well to be subject to the same.
02-11-2016 04:02 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Can someone tell me about the history of LSM? If possible I would like to know when the original Stream Publishers became LSM.

02-10-2016 06:50 PM
Re: Bob Danker on the Vision of the Age

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post

I was listening to this weeks message on the CTM website. The brother who was speaking said something that startled me; "When we take our eyes off of Christ and put them only on the Church we become a cult". I use quotes but this is essentially what he stated. My dear blendeds you would do well to give heed to our simple brother's statement. He is a chosen vessel!
How about "When we take our eyes off of Christ and put them only on ANYTHING ELSE we become a cult".

02-10-2016 06:11 PM
Re: Bob Danker on the Vision of the Age

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
“Brother Nee stressed two things: Christ as life to produce the church and the church as the Body of Christ to express Christ.” (W.L.) That is, until the resumption of his ministry in Shanghai and he began to use terms like “the minister of the age” for the first time.

If it were not so sad it would indeed be funny. Our brother singles out Acts 26:19 which relates to the preceding verses that describe Paul's experience in the greatest detail and has nothing to do with "one vision for the age" nonsense. It could be that reading and comprehension (even apart from revelation) are not our brothers best gifts. It is this type of rationalization that is accepted hook-line-and-sinker by those whose minds are subverted from the true knowledge of God to something that is more in line with cult-thinking. Once the simple one accepts this bait then the storyteller can create any type of believable scene from types and shadows in the Old Testament.

Now we move on to Acts 9:15. "This man is A chosen vessel". This again has nothing to do with "unique", "one-and-only", "in every age" absurdities. Our brother has a great imagination - that's about it. Our brother disqualifies the exact meaning of the verse. God has many chosen vessels in every age. The evidence is quite obvious. Even apart from the fact that we ourselves are called chosen vessels.

I was listening to this weeks message on the CTM website. The brother who was speaking said something that startled me; "When we take our eyes off of Christ and put them only on the Church we become a cult". I use quotes but this is essentially what he stated. My dear blendeds you would do well to give heed to our simple brother's statement. He is a chosen vessel!
02-10-2016 04:15 PM
Re:Bob Danker on the Vision of the Age

“Brother Nee stressed two things: Christ as life to produce the church and the church as the Body of Christ to express Christ.” (W.L.) That is, until the resumption of his ministry in Shanghai when he began to use terms like “the minister of the age” for the first time.

02-09-2016 03:52 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Let's take the blendeds for example. My feeling is if you remove them from the system; the garlic room they're in they become normal, respectable, and loving Christian brothers. In the garlic room, they're captives of the system. One that demands preservation of the ministry above all else.
The only problem is that without the blendeds, they are normal, respectable, and loving Christians with no shepherd and no direction. All those that would likely be able to rise up to fill the void would be the reason there is a void. I fear that the blendeds are not the whole problem. It is also that those below them are caught in the system. If they had to go it on their own, could they? Some maybe could. But I wouldn't hold my breath for a lot of them. They would no longer have their direction and would simply become part of the shepherd-less flock.
02-09-2016 03:31 PM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
What will DCP say?

I seem to recall years ago when LSM had the Manila 1990 meeting transcription. They wanted to make sure John So didn't have the last word. This tells me some of the reports that come out, LSM/DCP isn't refuting anything. They just want to put their own spin if they're not able to control the information.
02-09-2016 03:23 PM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I think it's pretty clear that this culture avoids airing dirty laundry at all costs. Even when the cost includes violating scripture: i.e. "tell it to the church". Anyone who hung around the LC for a while saw culture repeatedly trump scripture.
Avoiding airing dirty laundry has a pseudo-scriptural spin: "cover the brothers".
02-08-2016 05:17 PM
Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Don Hardy
And there were MANY brothers there, but NOT one asked, “WHO did the seducing, WL?” I did not ask publicly, but I asked (and was answered) within me! "Why, the "little precious man" sitting right in front of us, IS THE MAN who seduced us all!!"

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
This is why I don't believe all cultures are equal. They may be equally fallen, but I don't think they are all equal. The fact that none of the strong-willed American brothers like MR could take down WL tells me he was incredibly intelligent, strong-willed, and possibly under the influence of evil spirits.
Don Hardy, on a number of occasions, also mentioned the seduction in the Recovery by evil spirits. This goes way beyond the influence of culture, which aron has often discussed on the forum.

I believe the delusion of evil spirits was most evident when men who knew better actively halted the voice in their conscience in order to silence the prophets God sent to us.
02-08-2016 04:37 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Notice that this is a big meeting, many "responsible" and "mature" ones have come in from afar, many of the LC members are suffering, and confused, the appearance of unrighteousness or impropriety or malfeasance rears up, and no one says a thing! They couldn't, because their culture had paralyzed them. To question WL in a public setting would make him lose face, and that wasn't an option. Righteousness was optional, but making the leader publicly lose face was simply not possible.

Once you see the cultural element in the Leadership structure of the LC, it is hard not to see it. Because it's so obvious.
This is why I don't believe all cultures are equal. They may be equally fallen, but I don't think they are all equal. The fact that none of the strong-willed American brothers like MR could take down WL tells me he was incredibly intelligent, strong-willed, and possibly under the influence of evil spirits.
02-08-2016 04:19 PM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
The (Larry Chi) book had been circulated among Chinese to some degree, but no one had it translated into another language, particularly English. I wondered how this could be that the book was written in the eighties and I come along in the 2000s and have it translated. The price was high ($680) and the Chinese could have done it themselves for the sake of English readers, but for some reason no one did. I was told it was a cultural matter just as there was no warning from the Chinese about Daystar at its inception.
I think it's pretty clear that this culture avoids airing dirty laundry at all costs. Even when the cost includes violating scripture: i.e. "tell it to the church". Anyone who hung around the LC for a while saw culture repeatedly trump scripture.
02-08-2016 04:15 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
This thread parallels that somewhat of the Asian Mind and the Western Mind. Those in LSM leadership embrace the characteristic of the Asian culture where authority is absolute and submission is unconditional. As a result those in leadership don't need to be accountable nor responsible to anyone.
Originally Posted by Don Hardy
It was a LARGE Mtng (bros. had flown in), and WL was sitting up-front in “the captain’s chair”. John Smith of San Diego, asked him something like this: “WHAT happened with Daystar, WL? Soooo many saints are still suffering. Somehow we have to pay them $$ back”

WL’s answer: something like this (I’ll “never” forget): “They have lost their virginity”.

Dick Taylor was very perplexed, and asked: ”Why, WL, what on earth do you mean?!!”

“Well bros. when the saints first came into Elden Hall, in the “early days” they were all somewhat pure virgins, WHOLLY for the LORD, seeking the Lord, wanting only the Lord. But over Daystar, so many LOST their virginity, they lost their first love. (They got mixed).

Dick (or someone else) said, HOW did that happen WL?

WL said, they were (all) SEDUCED, they lost their virginity!”

And there were MANY brothers there, but NOT one asked, “WHO did the seducing, WL?” I did not ask publicly, but I asked (and was answered) within me! "Why, the "little precious man" sitting right in front of us, IS THE MAN who seduced us all!!"
Notice that this is a big meeting, many "responsible" and "mature" ones have come in from afar, many of the LC members are suffering, and confused, the appearance of unrighteousness or impropriety or malfeasance rears up, and no one says a thing! They couldn't, because their culture had paralyzed them. To question WL in a public setting would make him lose face, and that wasn't an option. Righteousness was optional, but making the leader publicly lose face was simply not possible.

Once you see the cultural element in the Leadership structure of the LC, it is hard not to see it. Because it's so obvious.
02-08-2016 03:05 PM
Re: Taipei History - there is more

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
I'm sure you all know this, but for the record "tell it to the church" is the last step in confronting a sinning brother (not keep your mouth shut). Thus the function of this forum is to tell it to the church in hopes of gaining repentance from our brothers.

Mat 18:15-17 (New American Standard Version):

"Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican."

Two of my posts on Larry Chi book - 2009


02-08-2016 12:03 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
An interesting thing about the LC experience is that it began as a reaction to Western imperialism, which came to Asia alongside the gospel imperative. Eventually, WN and the indigenous Chinese church threw off the yoke of the running dogs of the West, i.e. the denominations.

One hundred years later, WL returned the favor. We were willing to accept their Eastern imperialism, and the Asian-flavored kingdom of God, if it gave us a leg up on the gospel. Turns out, that it didn't. The "virgin soil" of China wasn't that virginous, after all.
Just as Europe had their nationalism movement in the mid 19th century, China had theirs in the first half of the 20th century. You could say the so-called recovery movement as seen through Watchman Nee/Witness Lee was part of the nationalism movement.

This thread parallels that somewhat of the Asian Mind and the Western Mind. Those in LSM leadership embrace the characteristic of the Asian culture where authority is absolute and submission is unconditional. As a result those in leadership don't need to be accountable nor responsible to anyone.
02-07-2016 08:18 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

"Although there are proper reasons for open, honest, mutual fellowship with church leaders, the opportunity to meet with them is closed to me and to others. The concept in the leadership is that no one in the churches should make an issue of anything or care for right and wrong, which has worked well to keep church members uninformed and the truth suppressed. Thus, discussion of serious concerns keep going to an open forum." -2010
I'm sure you all know this, but for the record "tell it to the church" is the last step in confronting a sinning brother (not keep your mouth shut). Thus the function of this forum is to tell it to the church in hopes of gaining repentance from our brothers.

Mat 18:15-17 (New American Standard Version):

"Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican."
02-07-2016 06:52 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I must repeat that Chinese culture isn't inferior to that of USA or Germany etc; all are fallen. But in assuming that no trace of worldly human culture tainted his ministry... their blindness remained (cf John chap 9).
An interesting thing about the LC experience is that it began as a reaction to Western imperialism, which came to Asia alongside the gospel imperative. Eventually, WN and the indigenous Chinese church threw off the yoke of the running dogs of the West, i.e. the denominations.

One hundred years later, WL returned the favor. We were willing to accept their Eastern imperialism, and the Asian-flavored kingdom of God, if it gave us a leg up on the gospel. Turns out, that it didn't. The "virgin soil" of China wasn't that virginous, after all.
02-06-2016 10:59 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

I'm still thinking about that sentence in the quote in post #385:

"Questioning someone’s ideas or opinion in a public setting would cause that person to lose face.”

In the USA, Senator Smith can publicly challenge President Jones over monetary or foriegn policy. In fact if Senator Smith is from the opposition party he would be expected to. That is his job. And questioning the Maximum Leader doesn't threaten the social coherence or the viability of governement; rather it is seen as a form of public discourse, and part of the deliberative process.

In contrast, in China if you publicly question Chairman Mao, even 40 years after his death, you will lose your job. Because by criticizing Mao you criticize the government, the society, and the people. Social coherence in this cultural milieu demands that the Maximum Leader's 'Face' be preserved.

In this vein, Top Brother WL could dismiss the writers and compilers of the scriptural record (e.g. Psalms, Proverbs, Job, James, Jude, Peter, etc) as having 'fallen opinions', while he had none; rather he was fueled by God's revelatory oracle.

In this vein, current Top Brother RK could say of WL, 'no self' could be seen in his ministry; not only when he was animatedly speaking in front of a group but 24/7; and this not only because of his personality but because of his position as Maximum Leader. In fact the coherence and identity of the group demanded this.

In this vein, WL could say (in Life-Study of John) that Jesus did things according to His will, when Jesus Himself in the same gospel said that He didn't do things according to His will but the will of the Father who sent Him. This NT gospel statement is fully in accord with the OT prophecy: "Behold I come to do Thy will" etc. Yet WL could blatantly overturn this in a public setting and not one dissenting or questioning voice would be raised because to do so would cause WL to lose face, and the viability of the Lord's recovery would then be threatened. Talk about a house built on sand!

In this vein, a Blended Brother could say, during one of the "storms" when the evil behaviors of the Maximum Leader's profligate son were exposed, that he was proud to be an ostrich with his head stuck in the sand. Sooner or later you get clear in the LC: to survive you must be an ostrich with your head stuck in the sand. If you do this you'll not only survive but prosper and flourish.

In this vein, Larry Chi said that when WL returned to Taiwan in 1970, he shamed and denigrated the elders of the church there for being old and out-dated and missing the move of the Holy Spirit. In so doing he was clearly establishing himself as unquestioned Maximum Leader. No mutuality would be permitted; absolute and explicit hierarchy must be delineated and enforced. I (WL) make you (elders) lose face; you can't make me lose face.

And anyone attending LC trainings or conferences sees this pattern of shaming and denigrating from the podium. Individual members, classes or groups are singled out and exposed; however any attempt to reciprocate is deemed rebellion. Taking public shame in the LC to "gain Christ" and to "be perfected", but questioning the Maximum Leader in any way is to "rebel against God's Deputy Authority".

In this vein, WL could teach that once per generation God raises up a special vessel to carry out His burden for the age. The apostle of the age and all that... MOTA -ministry of the age. There is one Maximum Leader allowed per generation. All others must "get in line" and "hand over" their material assets and their spiritual journeys. Everything and everyone must be under the aegis of God's Deputy Authority. Social coherence demands it.

I must repeat that Chinese culture isn't inferior to that of USA or Germany etc; all are fallen. But in assuming that no trace of worldly human culture tainted his ministry, and also WN's vaunted "Normal Christian Church" model, WL and the the current Leaders of the Lord's Recovery assumed that they could see where others (e.g. 'fallen Christianity') could not. In thinking that they alone could see, their blindness remained (cf John chap 9).
02-05-2016 06:12 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
This all became the garlick room WL talked about so much. We were numbed, befuddled, just like Lee said we were. We were moo cows and we laughed as we were taken down the road of captivity.
Let's take the blendeds for example. My feeling is if you remove them from the system; the garlic room they're in they become normal, respectable, and loving Christian brothers. In the garlic room, they're captives of the system. One that demands preservation of the ministry above all else.

I saw first hand over a period of years what happens to a brother when removed from the garlic room. After my uncle retired and moved to Central Washington, over a period of some years prior to his passing my uncle became more sensitive especially towards brothers who left the recovery several decades earlier.
02-05-2016 04:48 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Fair and simple, we were all conned. There is always a smart when you have to admit you were not that smart. I have been conned several times in my life and usually it involved my wife as well. We took our losses and forgot about it.

It was a little different here however because it involved our walk with God.

Beginning in 1972, we had just been enthralled with six months reading of Née.
We heard right at first "we read and study Née all the time." For one year maybe."
We just pay attention to the "pure" word of God. Really?

Witness Lee is just a simple poor Chinaman, no big deal.

I still remember the sister who spoke of WL as an apostle. I didn't like it but didn't hear it that much in 72 ,73. There were too many apostles near my business. I considered them all self appointed which I do 40 years later.

No high no low. Everyone can speak. We're all the same, equal before the Lord. Of course some more equal than others. I still can remember an elder remarking,"I didn't think "he" would make it." That had a terrible 'ring' to me. The church life was something you had to 'make?" I thought we were born into the church.

This all became the garlick room WL talked about so much. We were numbed, befuddled, just like Lee said we were. We were moo cows and we laughed as we were taken down the road of captivity. And we stayed down there for many years. Oh the mercy of the Lord!

02-05-2016 03:29 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
In Chinese culture, screaming and yelling and jumping up and down entails "loss of face", no? No wonder they were unwilling. If Lee shows up, and says you are outdated, and you need to jump up and down and scream "O Lord Jesus" then essentially your doing so is not a surrender to God, but to WL.

Also makes it very interesting that the WL disciples in Mainland were called "Yellers" and "Screamers" and "Shouters". He noted their numbers approvingly, and called them by this name, before they were revealed to be under cultic influence...
I think the language used by Larry Chin was describing WL's actions upon returning to Taiwan after being in the U.S. was calculated: "shamed", "derogatory", "insulted", "degrade" etc. WL's actions purposefully created an environment where people would have to submit to him absolutely if they were to go on. The cultural mandates made it so.


Gaining and Losing Face in China
By Sean Upton-McLaughlin on 10/10/2013

Most Westerners who are planning to China for business have almost certainly heard of the concept of “Face,” or Miàn zi (面子). China’s more traditional society indeed places a great deal of importance on Face within society, business, and politics. However it can be difficult for Westerners to understand the specific rules relating to Face in China, as well as the different contexts where it should be used. For example, what actions will cause someone to gain or lose Face? In what situations should Face be given? How can Face affect your business and daily life in China? In the following article, several of the basic points surrounding Face will be explained, which all Westerners need to be familiar with to succeed in China.

What Is Face?

In China and much of Asia, Face represents a person’s reputation and feelings of prestige within multiple spheres, including the workplace, the family, personal friends, and society at large. The concept of Face can be understood more easily by breaking it down into three separate components: the individual view, the community view, and actions. The “individual view” pertains to the amount of prestige individuals feel based on their accomplishments, and the amount of respect they feel they are due based on their position and status, such as in a company or the home. For example, in the modern Chinese economy there are many opportunities to buy status symbols, which help a person gain prestige. And in China’s hierarchy-focused society, the respect a person is due is determined first by status relative to another person’s, not necessarily by personal achievements.

The “community view” pertains to the amount of respect individuals feel necessary to give to someone else based upon that person’s position or status, such as in a business, the family unit or within a group or friends. For example, status in a Chinese family is divided by very distinct roles; there are even separate terms used to address older and younger cousins, aunts, and uncles. Giving the same amount of respect to older and younger aunts or uncles might be viewed as a serious breach of etiquette.

“Actions” pertain to the various activities that can cause an individual to gain or lose Face. Based upon one’s position relative to someone else, several different actions can be employed to either cause a loss or gain of Face. In some cases these actions might occur unintentionally, or instead be used as tactic to achieve a specific result. For example, giving someone Face (e.g. more than they might deserve) can be used to build relationships and influence decisions. Also, causing someone to lose Face can reinforce one’s own authority and status, or pressure someone toward a desired action, such as quitting their job or fulfilling a promise.

Face and Business in China

Face is very visible in the Chinese business environment and plays an important role in inter- and intra-company communication, business negotiations, and the development and maintenance of relationships. In China, company hierarchy is much more important than in many Western countries. Not only are leaders and managers placed on a higher pedestal, but the distinction between different levels of management is much clearer and more important. Many Chinese leaders and managers expect respect from their subordinates and in many cases expect to be obeyed without question, no matter the rationality or fairness behind a request. Not obeying “the will” of a Chinese leader or manager does not give them the perceived necessary prestige they (and others) feel is deserved. Indeed, survival in a Chinese company depends on knowing one’s place, and Face plays a very important role in facilitating that function.

When Chinese business people build relationships with one another, Face is very important. On one hand, relationships in China are built and maintained through giving Face and increasing the prestige of one’s friends and contacts. With two business people of the same relative position or status, Face is often given and received equally and is the cement that holds a relationship together.

“To me, your “face” is your position and standing in the eyes of others, and it also has to do with the degree of respect you receive. Face can also be saved up over time and used to accomplish things later on. If you drove a fashionable or luxurious car to attend a friend’s party, then the majority of your friends would feel that you had face. Also, if you can achieve something through your personal contacts that others cannot through normal channels, you would also be thought to have face. You can gain face if you are praised by your boss, or if you accomplish a difficult task at work. However, if you greet others warmly at social events, but are met only with indifference, then you would lose face. Questioning someone’s ideas or opinion in a public setting would cause that person to lose face.

– James Tan, Sales Manager, Shanghai
I have a Chinese manager and she got really upset at one of my co-workers. She told me about what happened, and was laughing while she described his actions. Like it was comical, so absurd, what he did by blowing her off. But actually she was laughing to cover the anger. She was mad, but didn't want to show anger because then a subordinate would make her to lose 'face', which she didn't want (obviously). In the USA we don't lose prestige so readily by showing emotion.

So when WL threw down the gauntlet to the Taiwan elders, publicly shaming them, they either had to 'submit or quit'. This way he ensured that whatever number remained, whether it was 150 or 15,000, would be absolute for his ministry. To me, that was clearly the goal the whole time. Even the "storms" and "turmoils" were part of the plan. The "young Galileans" episode and all that. WL was quite willing to shake the Lord's recovery if it left him with people who were absolutely loyal, and would question nothing.
02-05-2016 02:43 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery


BTW. I am not throwing this at you. You are not the enemy. I just hope that you might see what I think I am seeing, just like you hope the same for what you are seeing.

For me, this position concerning Lee has been very helpful in my ability to get past the ideas from his teachings that for so long kept me somewhat distant from the other Christians that I was meeting with. I even still had the idea that I somehow knew more than they did.

While I continue to see things in the Bible which I am not that sure many others see, I am much less married to them now and can get along just fine.
02-05-2016 02:35 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Here is a post from another thread which is just one example why I say that Lee changed ...

This is why nearly all the LC saints I know would not agree with this site. UntoHim pukes every time I mention this, but they will not visit this site because some posters here refuse to acknowledge that Lee was once an anointed minister of the word.

OK, I'm already ducking.
And in 1981, I think we were still somewhere in or shortly after the lawsuits in which one of the things that Lee had to combat was that everyone simply took his word on everything.

But recall that even Nee's teaching about deputy authority never said "I am the top dog." He always dodged around it. And so did Lee. For some time he refused the title of anything like minister of the age. But he declared that there was a ministry of the age. And made indirect references to the one who brought the ministry.

Too much like those "speak of yourself in third person" athletes like Dion Sanders. "Now if a Deon Sanders blah blah blah . . . . "

I'm sorry, but if his goal was to become so much, he couldn't declare it too quickly. Maybe some were ready to crown him MOTA in 1975. But it wouldn't fly then. Nor in 1981. But it would come. His position at the top of the spiritual authority chain would be established so that eventually everyone would accept that if he said it, it just had to be true. Therefore, saying "Bro Lee said" would then be OK.

But not when the world through a court was looking inside.

Given the history of his mentor (Spiritual Authority) and his own history in Taiwan prior to being in the U.S., it is hard to see this as little more than the gradual turning up of the heat until he could openly say he liked being exalted.

Given the depth or error in his teachings long prior to 1981, I have a hard time with any claim to "anointed minister of the word" (unless the word referred to was really just his).
02-05-2016 01:55 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
When we speak of Early Lee and Late Lee, it reminds me that way back (maybe 2005) when posting on the old Berean site, I was struck with the sameness of the new v the old ...
Here is a post from another thread which is just one example why I say that Lee changed ...

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
This inversion of things "ministry above the word" astounds me, because I recall Witness Lee asking the saints not to do this at the 1981 Winter Training on Corinthians. "Don't say Witness Lee says this", say "the Bible says this". I always understood that the ministry was an aid to help us get into the Word, and if the Lord Spirit and the clear Word didn't support what was in the ministry to drop that part.
This is why nearly all the LC saints I know would not agree with this site. UntoHim pukes every time I mention this, but they will not visit this site because some posters here refuse to acknowledge that Lee was once an anointed minister of the word.

OK, I'm already ducking.
02-05-2016 01:31 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

When we speak of Early Lee and Late Lee, it reminds me that way back (maybe 2005) when posting on the old Berean site, I was struck with the sameness of the new v the old and commented with a line from a song:

Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss

And was somewhat razzed for saying it.

But it is still true. The BBs are like Lee, who was like Nee, who learned from other somewhat abusive persons like ME Barber and the Brethren.
02-05-2016 10:01 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Larry Chin
Glorious Atmosphere Did Not Last Long

Unfortunately the glorious atmosphere did not last very long. There was a big change in 1970. In the summer of 1970 there was a special international gathering in Los Angeles. There were about 100 members who came to join the gathering from the Far East, with about two-thirds of them coming from Taiwan. Most of them were the leading coworkers from various churches in Taiwan. In that special gathering, Mr. Lee used strong derogatory language to insult and degrade coworkers from Taiwan. He called them outdated and said all the churches from the Far East were outdated. There were two reasons for him to do so...

He wanted to use the free spirit and animated style of the American church members to shake up the members from the east. He wanted the Far East members to believe that the yelling, screaming and jumping up and down by the American church members was an expression that showed that the Holy Spirit had entered into them. He forced the Far East members to accept that they were outdated and that they ought to be ashamed. He wanted to re-establish his absolute authority and power over them.
In Chinese culture, screaming and yelling and jumping up and down entails "loss of face", no? No wonder they were unwilling. If Lee shows up, and says you are outdated, and you need to jump up and down and scream "O Lord Jesus" then essentially your doing so is not a surrender to God, but to Lee.

Also makes it very interesting that the Lee disciples in Mainland were called "Yellers" and "Screamers" and "Shouters". He noted their numbers approvingly, and called them by this name, before they were revealed to be under cultic influence (Lee is the Fourth of the God head or the Returned Messiah or whatever).
02-05-2016 09:52 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Larry Chi

Witness Lee Business Failures Disrupt the Church

Around 1959 Mr. Lee had some investment failures and he lost a great deal of money.

This brought the first financial crisis to the church. All the donations and contributions from the church members were used, and still the church owed people a large amount of money. Because of this situation, brother Lee forced the elders to sell a piece of land belonging to the church in order to pay the debt.

That piece of land was located on 19 East Road, section 4, and had been bought by the church to build a training center and a new assembly building. Because of that many coworkers and church members were especially unhappy about this fiasco. Mr. Lee knew this was something that he did wrong and because of that he went to the United States and stayed on the west coast.

After Mr. Lee left Taiwan, the church coworkers formed two sides. One side was Mr. Lee’s strong followers, while the other group had questions about some of Mr. Lee’s Lee’s activities. Those two groups had a strong difference of opinion, which greatly impacted the church activities and made much of the church work difficult to carry out.

Finally, some of the coworkers who were Lee followers asked Mr. Lee to come back to Taiwan to resolve differences. In the summer of 1969. Lee came back to Taipei. He decided to get rid of those coworkers who disagreed
with him.
There appears to be similarity between what happened in Taipei in 1959 and the U.S. in the 1979 (Daystar Motor Home Company and Phosphorous Overseas Stewards) and also in Brasil about 2008 or 2009 with Dong Yu Lan.

In all cases, there was a division between two camps, one group which tried to examine what appeared to be gross financial impropriety, and one group which said, "Ask no questions. Follow blindly." In the case of the phone conversation between Sal Benoit and Witness Lee, and in some of the records of the Estancia Arvore da Vida and Dong Yu Lan, the answer was the same. "None of your business". In the Brasilian case, the answer was phrased thusly: "The business finances of Dong Yu Lan are a black box. You cannot see what is inside."

So much for the kingdom of transparency and light. In all cases, asking for transparency led to mass exodus, as all but the "true believers" couldn't handle the stench of hypocrisy. The humble servant of God was revealed to be an autocrat, accountable to no one.
02-05-2016 09:42 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

What did he just say?

02-05-2016 07:45 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Early Mr. Lee, meet Late Mr. Lee. SAME MR. LEE.
UntoHim, you just said exactly what I said you have said all along and now you say it again. In the future I will no longer say it is you who says what you say and rather just say it myself, and then let you say what you say for yourself.
02-05-2016 06:21 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Larry Chi
Around 1959 Mr. Lee had some investment failures and he lost a great deal of money. This brought the first financial crisis to the church. All the donations and contributions from the church members were used, and still the church owed people a large amount of money. Because of this situation, brother Lee forced the elders to sell a piece of land belonging to the church in order to pay the debt. That piece of land was located on 19 East Road, section 4, and had been bought by the church to build a training center and a new assembly building. Because of that many coworkers and church members were especially unhappy about this fiasco. Mr. Lee knew this was something that he did wrong and because of that he went to the United States and stayed on the west coast.

There was another incident that happened toward the end of the 1950’s that involved Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia. Mr. Lee and some of the overseas coworkers developed some serious differences because the coworkers could not take Mr. Lee’s absolute authority. Everything was dictated by Mr. Lee, and he would not take any input from anybody. In addition some of the well-to-do church members were very unhappy about his handling of the financial matters. This was due to the fact that a lot of the money had been contributed by these church members, and Mr. Lee would handle the finances according to his own viewpoint. The overseas coworkers did not feel they could trust him anymore. Because of the differences they split up. Originally, the Philippines were very important for Mr. Lee because there were several well-to-do church members there who supported the church financially for a long time. So in 1960 the Manila church decided to sever relationships with Mr. Lee totally.

When Mr.Lee left Taiwan to the U.S. in 1960, it was not really that he went there to open up new frontier. Rather, it was because of his own personal failure in Taiwan that he escaped to the U.S.
Early Mr. Lee, meet Late Mr. Lee. SAME MR. LEE.

02-04-2016 09:39 PM
Re: People Change


Benson Phillip's referral some years ago in a letter to the church in Akron about a comment Witness Lee made that "people change".
02-04-2016 06:46 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
You know, I heard the exact same thing in Orange County CA back in the late 1980s, except back then the mantra was "Witness Lee good, John Ingalls and John So bad". And you can bet that before that, in 1950s-1960s Taiwan/Hong Kong/Philippines, the cry was "Witness Lee good, fill-in-the-blank brother(s) bad". Get the picture...and the picture is not pretty folks. History is a very repetitive thing when it comes to us sinful, selfish and proud creatures, and unfortunately, with a shamefully large number of Christian leaders.
For the record, I should add (and you know this very well) that I never agreed with this paradigm handed down to the GLA from Titus Chu: W.L. good, B.B. bad for a number of reasons.

My primary reason is the one you stated -- why does Lee always come out smelling like a rose and never taking any responsibility for his failures? Why does he assemble this massive smear machine to go after the prophets sent to him by God? How is Lee any different than the Pharisees who killed the prophets sent to them?
02-04-2016 05:50 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
Pardon my asking, but who exactly is Larry Chi? Is he someone who was associated with WL in Taiwan?
(This was added to post #365 at the bottom.)

The book by Larry Chi, formerly a responsible brother in Taiwan, was sent to me from his home in San Francisco in 2003. The selected portion from the book on the Taipei church history was professionally translated here in Seattle. Also, Larry Chi discusses, from the Taipei saints' viewpoint,the life practices they heard about in the U. S., and that, before long, were introduced to them by visiting saints, stirred up to share what they had been enjoying in the U.S.

I had two copies of the book that ended up in the hands of two Taiwanese brothers in my area, who wanted to read the book. I got the part of the book I wanted at the time, but it would be good to retrieve the books, if I can, and see now what the teachings were that the brother had addressed in the book that he was concerned about. The whole book has not been translated into English that I know of.
(In the writing, the names were replaced with blank lines for presenting on the forum.)
02-04-2016 05:44 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana
The book by Larry Chi was sent to me from his home in San Francisco in 2003.
Pardon my asking, but who exactly is Larry Chi? Is he someone who was associated with WL in Taiwan?
02-04-2016 04:50 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Meanwhile, back in America, he was still an itinerant preacher with no place of authority.
Not yet. But it does seem inevitable, at some point, given the character.

I'll never forget the story of the young brother in S. Cal who came up and laid his sizable inheritance at WL's feet. This so-called man of God and apostle of the age, with all his business failures and troubles behind him, which might have taught him to repent and go a different route, still decided to create a motor home company: Daystar. He made one of his sons President, made appeals for "investment" from within the church meetings, etc. What a fiasco. The guy never changed.
02-04-2016 04:32 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
WN ruled churches in an autocratic fashion, and that is what WL saw as an example, an example which he imitated. Eventually the lust for power consumed him, just like it would for anyone handed that kind of power...
I can think of two maxims, here. First is Lord Acton's dictum that "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely". Acton was a historian and had a broad data base to qualify his remarks.

The second line is from Jesus. "That's the way it is with gentiles, but it shouldn't be like this with you."
02-04-2016 04:02 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Yep. There it is. A "cleaning exercise" in 1965. A man who was no longer functioning as an elder, or anything else, in Taiwan returns to oust those who will not put him back on the throne of the MOTA. The term was not yet in play, but he was claiming the top spot that Nee had defined in Spiritual Authority.

Meanwhile, back in America, he was still an itinerant preacher with no place of authority.

He may have been seen in the corner saying "Oh Lord, Mercy" over and over, but since the U.S. history is not older than 1962 or 63, to be so dictatorial in 1965 is not really much of a time off.

Meanwhile, we in America were just getting ready to see the first of his venture failures in the early-mid 70s. So we had this continuing honeymoon while he was acting very differently to the churches in Taiwan (and possibly elsewhere?). I am having a hard time being very generous concerning his period of repentance because it seems more like those brief forays into Christianity like Bob Dylan did. When things get rough, cry out for mercy (which Lee mocked us for singing in the Psalms) then toss it aside and return to the SOP when things get better.

I begin to wonder if he was ever more spiritual in any way than any of the rest of us. Just had the look of it.

Reminds me of a discussion between Elizabeth and Jane Bennett concerning Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham. I can't find the exact words now, but the paraphrase would be something like "One has all the appearance of propriety while the other actually has the propriety." (I thought I could find a copy in my nook (shared with wife) but it is not there.)

Lee clearly created the appearance of a man of God but whether he was actually capable of ever being so is much less certain. (Actually sort of like another comment about Mr. Wickham.)

I know that I am being hard on someone who many still think of as a good teacher gone bad. I once thought that way. But my mind began to change in about 2007 (fully 20 years after leaving the LCM). Now I keep seeing reasons that he should never be accorded the rank of "good teacher," or even be a teacher at all. They just keep piling up.
02-04-2016 02:43 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

I, like Mike, must reluctantly defer to the "available history" that we now know of "early Lee" back in Taiwan, and even of the early Lee behind the scenes in the early days here in America. After all, there is ample evidence that he was hiring and firing elders on his personal whim, melding in the affairs of local churches, and even engaging in financial malfeasance back in the 1960s. These are well chronicled facts, and not just the petty grumblings of some bitter, former LC members. (get that, our dear Blended lurkers?)

In any event, I would echo what OBW has just posted:

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
2. He came here hiding his dark side until he could gain sufficient control over us.

My reasons for thinking the second is more likely is that while he was still gentle with us here in America, he went back to Taiwan and cleaned house in a way that was a lot like times yet to come in the U.S. To me, that casts a big cloud over any claim of genuineness in those "Jesus People" days in the 60s and early 70s.
Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I will say also that many brothers in the GLA still hold to the simple maxim handed down from Titus Chu: W.L. good, B.B. bad.
You know, I heard the exact same thing in Orange County CA back in the late 1980s, except back then the mantra was "Witness Lee good, John Ingalls and John So bad". And you can bet that before that, in 1950s-1960s Taiwan/Hong Kong/Philippines, the cry was "Witness Lee good, fill-in-the-blank brother(s) bad". Get the picture...and the picture is not pretty folks. History is a very repetitive thing when it comes to us sinful, selfish and proud creatures, and unfortunately, with a shamefully large number of Christian leaders.

***I actually wrote this post before Indiana made this last post. I have heard of such writings from brothers expressing such things, but this is the first time I have ever seen early Local Church history related in such a detailed and succinct manner. When Indiana gets a chance, maybe he could give us more detail about this book and if it has been fully translated into English yet.***

02-04-2016 02:24 PM
Re: Taipei History

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
And there is a possibility that this view is accurate. I look at the available history from before the U.S. and see what eventually came here and note that the early days in the U.S. were not like that. There are two (actually probably more) possibilities here:

1. He truly repented of what went before and came here with a different attitude.

2. He came here hiding his dark side until he could gain sufficient control over us.

My reasons for thinking the second is more likely is that while he was still gentle with us here in America, he went back to Taiwan and cleaned house in a way that was a lot like times yet to come in the U.S. To me, that casts a big cloud over any claim of genuineness in those "Jesus People" days in the 60s and early 70s.
OBW's first point is covered in the following email (2001 Don Hardy)

Basically, Paul Ma would only verify to you, that WL
seemed to be repenting, while Paul was travelling
with him the early 60s. For Paul told some of us:
"he would just sit in a chair facing the corner, and
groan, and say: "O Lord, Mercy! O Lord, Mercy!"
for a LONG time (hours?)." That touched me Steve.
So I do believe when WL ministered in the early 60s,
he was forgiven (...for we have a "big" God!), renewed
and a clean vessel, to impart God's precious realities
to us at Elden.

OBW's 2nd point is covered in a translation from a portion of Larry Chi's book.


The book by Larry Chi was sent to me from his home in San Francisco in 2003. The selected portion from the book on the Taipei church history was professionally translated here in Seattle. Also, Larry Chi discusses from the Taipei saints' viewpoint,the life practices they heard about in the U. S., and that, before long, was introduced to them by visiting saints, stirred up to share their enjoyment with them.

I had two copies of the book that ended up in the hands of two Taiwanese brothers in my area, who wanted to read the book. I got the part I wanted at the time, but it would be good to retrieve the books, if I can, and see now what the teachings were that the brother addressed in the book that he was concerned about. The whole book has not been translated into English that I know of.
(In the writing, the names were replaced with blank lines for presenting on the forum.)
02-04-2016 11:47 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
This topic has been discussed at length on this forum. Many here, like OBW and our moderator, believe Lee never changed, and was always "bad." I can somewhat agree with them, however, based on all my research, and the scores of brothers I have known, I am convinced that Lee left his early principles, at least those he promoted during the Jesus people movement. Definitely in the early 1974 "consolidation" and in the 1985 "new way," Lee enacted numerous changes to bring all the LC's under subjection.

I will say also that many brothers in the GLA still hold to the simple maxim handed down from Titus Chu: W.L. good, B.B. bad.
And there is a possibility that this view is accurate. I look at the available history from before the U.S. and see what eventually came here and note that the early days in the U.S. were not like that. There are two (actually probably more) possibilities here:

1. He truly repented of what went before and came here with a different attitude.

2. He came here hiding his dark side until he could gain sufficient control over us.

My reasons for thinking the second is more likely is that while he was still gentle with us here in America, he went back to Taiwan and cleaned house in a way that was a lot like times yet to come in the U.S. To me, that casts a big cloud over any claim of genuineness in those "Jesus People" days in the 60s and early 70s.
02-03-2016 07:08 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Did Lee really change? Or did he just get more confident to let his grandiose dreams out of the bag? I suspect more of the latter than the former. He had a history going back to Taiwan, and even to China before that.
Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
I think that this is a difficult question to answer. I do think that certain characteristics of WL that later became more problematic were there from day one. I also think that WL didn't set out to become the person he was at the end of his life.

What I see is that WN served as WL's role-model. WN ruled churches in an autocratic fashion, and that is what WL saw as an example, an example which he imitated. Eventually the lust for power consumed him, just like it would for anyone handed that kind of power. Combined with insulation from criticism and negative feedback, things got more and more bizarre.
This topic has been discussed at length on this forum. Many here, like OBW and our moderator, believe Lee never changed, and was always "bad." I can somewhat agree with them, however, based on all my research, and the scores of brothers I have known, I am convinced that Lee left his early principles, at least those he promoted during the Jesus people movement. Definitely in the early 1974 "consolidation" and in the 1985 "new way," Lee enacted numerous changes to bring all the LC's under subjection.

I will say also that many brothers in the GLA still hold to the simple maxim handed down from Titus Chu: W.L. good, B.B. bad.
02-03-2016 06:24 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Did Lee really change? Or did he just get more confident to let his grandiose dreams out of the bag? I suspect more of the latter than the former. He had a history going back to Taiwan, and even to China before that.
I think that this is a difficult question to answer. I do think that certain characteristics of WL that later became more problematic were there from day one. I also think that WL didn't set out to become the person he was at the end of his life.

What I see is that WN served as WL's role-model. WN ruled churches in an autocratic fashion, and that is what WL saw as an example, an example which he imitated. Eventually the lust for power consumed him, just like it would for anyone handed that kind of power. Combined with insulation from criticism and negative feedback, things got more and more bizarre.

I think that under different circumstances, namely him not having a free pass to do whatever he chose, yes, his ministry would have still have had that 'fringe' element to it, but things might have not been so bizarre.
02-02-2016 11:15 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

But I read the first few pages of The Economy of God some time back (mid-late 60s) and found that it was just as preposterous as the things from later on. The only difference was in how outwardly preposterous that later things were. The earlier things were no less ridiculous. But he was able to use oratorical tricks to bring the listener/reader along. Tricks that would be called logical fallacies in the context of any real search for truth. Assert that the evidence is everywhere yet not provide one example. Declare the evidence to be found in a search that was beyond the possibility of most of the listeners, therefore accepted as claimed.

There is a reason that so many of them are constantly saying "Bro Lee said . . . ." Very seldom saying that the Bible says. In fact, where just reading the Bible is a problem, the answer is found in what Lee said.

Moving on.

In between, there was a lawsuit with depositions. There were questions asked of him about what he was called. Things like apostle. In all cases he declared that he did not claim such titles and said that he would never allow such a statement to stand if said in his hearing. (Did he really do this or just say so for the deposition? not sure.) But then just a few years later he was proud to be everything that he claimed not to be in those depositions.

Did Lee really change? Or did he just get more confident to let his grandiose dreams out of the bag? I suspect more of the latter than the former. He had a history going back to Taiwan, and even to China before that.
02-01-2016 06:40 PM
Re: Eulogy Signs of Sickness

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Being lucid may not be the problem. It could be that he was becoming more and more enamored with his own self-worth and was therefore working with the equivalent of spiritual blinders on. He only saw what he expected to see.
I would be the first to admit that I have a difficult time seeing things from WL's point of view. Even if I could better understand him, much of the nonsense that transpired towards the end of his ministry still has no viable explanation. He was delusion. Whether that was only limited to 'spiritual' things or not is debatable, but I suspect that he would have been unable to function in the real world outside of a building on Ball Rd.
02-01-2016 10:56 AM
Re: Eulogy Signs of Sickness

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
WL's "high peak" ministry happened as he reached his 90's. At such an age, the very fact that he moved to something entirely 'new' seems highly suspect. I wouldn't automatically discount anyone because of their age, but just the way that everything happened, including the preceding late 80's 'turmoil' indicates that he wasn't completely lucid.
Being lucid may not be the problem. It could be that he was becoming more and more enamored with his own self-worth and was therefore working with the equivalent of spiritual blinders on. He only saw what he expected to see.
01-29-2016 03:40 PM
Re: Eulogy Signs of Sickness

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
I have often wondered if brother Lee was suffering from some type of dementia or possibly a mental breakdown due to his son. On the one hand he goes before the Lord and seems to get some type of permission to write the horrible un-truths that appear in his book and distribute these lies to the body. He probably believed in his mind that these things were true. He also has expressed abnormal behavior in elder meetings that certain brothers took to be mental illness. Then he repents before his death. Looking back at his history he has always had a temper problem early on. But in his latter years he appeared more unstable in his thinking - saying one thing and doing another. It's unfortunate that no one was "perfected" enough to help him, at least in his own mind. That was his undoing
WL's "high peak" ministry happened as he reached his 90's. At such an age, the very fact that he moved to something entirely 'new' seems highly suspect. I wouldn't automatically discount anyone because of their age, but just the way that everything happened, including the preceding late 80's 'turmoil' indicates that he wasn't completely lucid.
01-29-2016 01:25 PM
Re: Eulogy Signs of Sickness

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Eulogy Signs of Sickness

"Whoever wrote the eulogy of Witness Lee was neither honest nor balanced in his thought process. Those who were close to brother Lee who agreed with its dispersion to the churches had spent many years forming an unhealthy and abnormal mindset about their mentor".

I have often wondered if brother Lee was suffering from some type of dementia or possibly a mental breakdown due to his son. On the one hand he goes before the Lord and seems to get some type of permission to write the horrible un-truths that appear in his book and distribute these lies to the body. He probably believed in his mind that these things were true. He also has expressed abnormal behavior in elder meetings that certain brothers took to be mental illness. Then he repents before his death. Looking back at his history he has always had a temper problem early on. But in his latter years he appeared more unstable in his thinking - saying one thing and doing another. It's unfortunate that no one was "perfected" enough to help him, at least in his own mind. That was his undoing
01-29-2016 11:49 AM
Re: Eulogizing Witness Lee

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
I think that they don't go after people because they know that the fact that they left means that there is something wrong. They don't want anyone to speak out about what is considered wrong, so letting them go as if a cancer that has been cut off is preferred.
When I last met with a LC regularly (5-6 year ago), one of the sentiments being echoed was to shepherd the soul....meet people where they're at. I received it as lip service.
Do they meaning the brothers really want to try to shepherd me? They won't want to know. Any speaking out about the real situation would be considered negative..
Really all that's wanted is for everyone to go on positively. Any objections to anything isn't wanted.
01-29-2016 11:42 AM
Re: Eulogy Signs of Sickness

Eulogy Signs of Sickness

"Whoever wrote the eulogy of Witness Lee was neither honest nor balanced in his thought process. Those who were close to brother Lee who agreed with its dispersion to the churches had spent many years forming an unhealthy and abnormal mindset about their mentor".

01-29-2016 10:05 AM
Re: Eulogizing Witness Lee

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
I think that they don't go after people because they know that the fact that they left means that there is something wrong. They don't want anyone to speak out about what is considered wrong, so letting them go as if a cancer that has been cut off is preferred.
Yes, it seems that this is the case. Ironically, sometimes leaders will tell members that the so-called backsliders need to be 'recovered'. If members actually took this to heart and just started contacting people who had left, I'm sure it wouldn't last long before leaders put a stop to it. None of the ex-members I know have anything good to say about the LC.
01-29-2016 07:21 AM
Re: Eulogizing Witness Lee

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
I have seen some devout members leave as well. In many such cases there was no effort to retain such persons. At the time, I couldn't believe that they would just let people go so easily, but they did. In retrospect, it was for the better, but all the same, it just goes to show that they have no clue about how to really care for people and their needs.
I think that they don't go after people because they know that the fact that they left means that there is something wrong. They don't want anyone to speak out about what is considered wrong, so letting them go as if a cancer that has been cut off is preferred.

In other words, you have to be willing to at least try to hang on while suffering in silence. If you are actually thinking that it is beyond sticking around for, it is better that you just go.

I got 1 phone call after I left. My wife and I had been sporadic for a while, so in hind sight I think when the gap got bigger it was just an encouragement to get back to a meeting. But we had already been to meetings.


I didn't even tell them that. But no more phone calls.
01-28-2016 07:29 PM
Re: Eulogizing Witness Lee

Originally Posted by OBW
The point here is not to comment on that situation specifically, but to observe how un-attentive to the needs of the "uncomely members" that the LCM displays. They are all about the multi-talented ones, plus those who have the wherewithal to finance their endeavors. The rest can be called "marginal" privately. And the "marginal" label even applies to their financiers in many cases.
I have seen some devout members leave as well. In many such cases there was no effort to retain such persons. At the time, I couldn't believe that they would just let people go so easily, but they did. In retrospect, it was for the better, but all the same, it just goes to show that they have no clue about how to really care for people and their needs.
01-28-2016 03:47 PM
Re: Eulogizing Witness Lee

Quote button not working, so . . . .

Freedom wrote:
What I have seen in the LC is that as people age, the LC is less likely to meet whatever needs it met previously. I’ve seen people leave that I never have expected to, sometimes when “life happens”, or sometimes it’s just because they aren’t getting any attention anymore like they were in college.
I know an older man whose wife died several years ago. Her death was not sudden, but was gradual over several months. As her condition worsened, he seldom went to the meetings. And it was seldom that anyone came by to see him (although some did come by for other reasons — he wasn't alone in the house). On at least one occasion, another brother asked him in that chipper way that they often do "How's it going, [name]." He sort of floored the guy when he responded "Well, except that my wife is dying, I guess its OK."

But that was about as close to any contact concerning the situation there was until they all showed up to have a rah-rah session at her funeral (much to the dismay of non LCM relatives).

The point here is not to comment on that situation specifically, but to observe how un-attentive to the needs of the "uncomely members" that the LCM displays. They are all about the multi-talented ones, plus those who have the wherewithal to finance their endeavors. The rest can be called "marginal" privately. And the "marginal" label even applies to their financiers in many cases.
01-28-2016 07:19 AM
Re: Eulogizing Witness Lee

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
WL refers to shortcomings regarding the care for certain needs of people. I believe that these were shortcomings in his own ministry.
I heard a few dismal apologies in this regard from both WL and TC. Actually their "apology" was really "spinning" an abusive situation. TC would make this type of apology after another one of the gifted brothers would leave following decades of severe abuse.

My question is "what are you actually apologizing for?" Do you have remorse for hurting them or just loosing them? And what "would you do different?" Would you treat these brothers with decency and respect? Would you put an end to public blaming and shaming?

No? I didn't think so.
01-27-2016 08:52 PM
Re: Eulogizing Witness Lee

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Seems to me that Lee insisted that his followers have no business caring for any needs of any people except for just enough to get some "good material" in the doors and involved in the system. That mostly means buying LSM materials and going to trainings.

Yeah, I'm pretty cynical.
The LC does seem to be catered towards a specific group of people, and it’s probably fair to say that it meets certain needs - at least initially. The classic example might be the college freshman who is looking for community and finds it with the LC.

What I have seen in the LC is that as people age, the LC is less likely to meet whatever needs it met previously. I’ve seen people leave that I never have expected to, sometimes when “life happens”, or sometimes it’s just because they aren’t getting any attention anymore like they were in college. Whatever the case is, it seems that those who have stayed and are older tend to be excessively needy. For many, it’s probably a cry for help. I feel sorry for them, but there’s not much that can be done.
01-27-2016 08:17 PM
Re: Eulogizing Witness Lee

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
WL refers to shortcomings regarding the care for certain needs of people.
Seems to me that Lee insisted that his followers have no business caring for any needs of any people except for just enough to get some "good material" in the doors and involved in the system. That mostly means buying LSM materials and going to trainings.

Yeah, I'm pretty cynical.
01-27-2016 04:25 PM
Re: Eulogizing Witness Lee

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Brother Witness Lee does have a remarkable testimony, but not in the way of being the perfect God-man depicted in his eulogy, in lofty thoughts of him through "monkey vision".

This link provides a timeline of the Witness Lee era.

WL refers to shortcomings regarding the care for certain needs of people. I believe that these were shortcomings in his own ministry. At the point in time at which some started promoting WL as a one-man show, with an "all-inclusive" ministry, that is the point in time at which the possibility was eliminated from people's minds that he had any shortcomings. Even though he made certain admissions, these things are not taken to mean anything significant.

The blendeds have tasked themselves with promoting a man and a ministry, and this has necessitated their monkey vision. I don't think those like Ed have even a second thought about calling themselves monkeys. In their minds, right and wrong is dependent on what supports WL.
01-27-2016 04:03 PM
Re: Eulogizing Witness Lee

Brother Witness Lee does have a remarkable testimony, but not in the way of being the perfect God-man depicted in his eulogy, in lofty thoughts of him through "monkey vision".

This link provides a timeline of the Witness Lee era.

01-27-2016 12:13 PM
Re: Problem in the Church Becomes a Problem in the Soul

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
"He was a man who lived out God in all his actions, who moved and had his being among the brothers and sisters in the churches."

I was meeting with the Church in Bellevue in 1997 when the eulogy was given at the memorial service. I distinctly remember thinking "am I the only one thinking how one dimensional they're making brother Lee out to be?" Unrealistic to suggest to the entire recovery Witness Lee would never do what anyone else would do. Or that sin never had a hold on his living.

In the years since 1997 it's become evident Reconsideration of the Vision was far more accurate a writing than Fermentation of the Present Rebellion ever was...."lived out God in all his actions"? I don't think so. Well, Witness Lee is gone, but the blendeds have had nearly 20 years to change their speaking. There's been no repentance. They've had plenty opportunity to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
01-26-2016 02:47 PM
Re:Problem in the Church Becomes a Problem in the Soul

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
The fact that leaders like Ed could admit without remorse to being Lee-pleasers shows how numb they have really become. The fact that this doesn't bother the rank and file shows how well the blendeds have insulated themselves.

At this point in time, the facts have long since been made available for those who wish to know the truth. What remains is a need for LC leaders to repent. That may never happen, but what can be done is to help keep LC members from being led astray by these leaders.
01-24-2016 11:22 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I consider the saying "get out of your minds" is another manner of saying ignore your conscience. It becomes convenient for brothers to PRETEND "see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. Key word being PRETEND. It's more like an unwillingness to acknowledge unrighteousness that has transpired within the recovery over the past decades.
When I first heard this "get out of your minds" stuff back in the mid-70's, it was presented to us as "don't sweat the small stuff," or would you please "stop nit-picking" every little thing. At least all the brothers and sisters I knew would echo my sentiments. No one would consider this an instruction to ignore our conscience in light of some criminal cover up. Little did we know.

But Titus Chu knew. And that's one of the issues I have with him. (The other issue was how he shamed, manipulated, and controlled the brothers.) It was always said in the GLA, that Titus was an "umbrella" to protect us from some of the crazer things that went on at LSM. For some reason, I and others considered that a good thing. What were we thinking? It was not a good thing!

Titus, for some reason, was thus often an enabler, and in some cases complicit in a criminal conspiracy, and here I'm thinking about what Norm posted when he and Toledo were asked by Titus to review Benson Philip's official quarantine letter to John Ingalls. The rest of us in the GLA were kept in the dark from knowing the true nature of Lee and Son, who owned and managed LSM.

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
I think that is so true that ignoring our consciences is what get out of your mind can mean. What is being practiced seems to be strong spiritual deception.
I now agree with this.
01-24-2016 09:55 AM
Shifting Shadows

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
I think that is so true that ignoring our consciences is what get out of your mind can mean. What is being practiced seems to be strong spiritual deception.
There are many verses on light some of which are found in 1 John. One that struck me is in James 1:17

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

The system LSM operates in is much as "shifting shadows". We're familiar with various phrases:
  • get out of your mind
  • it's not about right or wrong
  • don't make an issue of persons, matter or things
I'm sure others can add to the list, but the system LSM operates in mandates to be "one with the brothers" you don't expose them to the light. If one isn't one with the brothers, then it's acceptable to expose him or her to the light. That's how LSM/LC are like shifting shadows. When it's the politically expedient thing to do, it's acceptable.
01-23-2016 10:28 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I consider the saying "get out of your minds" is another manner of saying ignore your conscience. It becomes convenient for brothers to PRETEND "see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. Key word being PRETEND. It's more like an unwillingness to acknowledge unrighteousness that has transpired within the recovery over the past decades.
I think that is so true that ignoring our consciences is what get out of your mind can mean. What is being practiced seems to be strong spiritual deception.
01-23-2016 09:55 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
Ron's statement about you is a perfect example that this brother is spiritually sick.
I do think Ron has a problem and specifically regarding sisters. I've heard a fair share of messages given by Ron and nearly all there's an undercurrent with sisters being the focal point of his attempts at humor.
Why is that? As one poster suggested to me today, could it be sisters in general see through the charade. Or is it something deeper that causes our brother to speak as he does towards sisters?
01-23-2016 09:43 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
No where in both letters does Paul encourage the believers to "get out of their mind" and "just take life". As a matter of fact he encourages them to use their minds to examine the contrast between the crucified Christ and their current living. Its time to get into your mind to examine your heart and then use your mouth to repent dear blendeds!
I consider the saying "get out of your minds" is another manner of saying ignore your conscience. It becomes convenient for brothers to PRETEND "see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. Key word being PRETEND. It's more like an unwillingness to acknowledge unrighteousness that has transpired within the recovery over the past decades.
01-23-2016 01:00 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

I find it extremely interesting and quite subtle that James Lee does not go on and finish Paul's letter to the Corinthians. In fact not only does Paul make it abundantly clear what "sins" will not be tolerated in light of the Kingdom of God but also hands over a brother to Satan for the destruction of his flesh because this brother continued to practice such sin. He also warned "The Body" against "tolerating" such behavior and its impact upon their spiritual health. Is this in fact the degraded situation in the LSMLC today? Fortunately, the Corinthians including this brother apparently repented and were restored because of Paul's "strong" word. James Lee and the leaders of the LSMLC need to move on to II Corinthians and make a full repentance. Paul presents the crucified Christ as the solution and not an excuse. No where in both letters does Paul encourage the believers to "get out of their mind" and "just take life". As a matter of fact he encourages them to use their minds to examine the contrast between the crucified Christ and their current living. Its time to get into your mind to examine your heart and then use your mouth to repent dear blendeds!
01-23-2016 11:19 AM
Re: Appeal for Fellowship Waived in Right and Wrong Cases

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
The fact that leaders like Ed could admit without remorse to being Lee-pleasers shows how numb they have really become. The fact that this doesn't bother the rank and file shows how well the blendeds have insulated themselves.

At this point in time, the facts have long since been made available for those who wish to know the truth. What remains is a need for LC leaders to repent. That may never happen, but what can be done is to help keep LC members from being led astray by these leaders.
In 2002 I made contact with James Lee and Dick Taylor of the blending brothers and asked them to meet with me to discuss our past history. I asked for a couple of quarantined brothers to meet with us also there in Southern California. I sent them materials to read by John Ingalls and Bill Mallon and John So, along with the booklet I initially wrote, In the Wake of the New Way.

01-17-2016 08:16 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Indiana said:

Yet Ed Marks recently told ZNPaaneah in NYC that he did it because it "pleased Brother Lee."

Just think about how many sinful, unrighteous things were done at LSM because it "pleased Brother Lee."
Another illustration how LSM practices consequentialism....."the end justifies the means".
01-16-2016 09:46 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Indiana said:

Yet Ed Marks recently told ZNPaaneah in NYC that he did it because it "pleased Brother Lee."

Just think about how many sinful, unrighteous things were done at LSM because it "pleased Brother Lee."
The fact that leaders like Ed could admit without remorse to being Lee-pleasers shows how numb they have really become. The fact that this doesn't bother the rank and file shows how well the blendeds have insulated themselves.

At this point in time, the facts have long since been made available for those who wish to know the truth. What remains is a need for LC leaders to repent. That may never happen, but what can be done is to help keep LC members from being led astray by these leaders.
01-16-2016 07:56 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Indiana said:

Yet Ed Marks recently told ZNPaaneah in NYC that he did it because it "pleased Brother Lee."

Just think about how many sinful, unrighteous things were done at LSM because it "pleased Brother Lee."
Yes Ed also told him, rather mindlessly, that Phillip went to be "with the Lord". I would like to think that he did. However, repentance under those circumstances would involve confession and restitution. Also since none of them think they did anything wrong there is the probability that Phillip never did repent. His fellow co-workers are just as guilty for not taking a stand for righteousness but instead turned against those dear defenseless saints and continue to do so today. How unconscionable, May the Lord Judge and bring about true repentance
01-16-2016 06:14 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Indiana said:
This restoration letter was read at a church meeting in Anaheim, August 22, 1993, although Philip had never repented for anything publicly or to anyone privately, certainly not elders, and, no sisters at LSM that those who were close to the Anaheim situation heard of. Also, no word was ever given publicly in the churches about Philip Lee’s major role in causing division, as graphically seen interwoven throughout the accounts of John Ingalls, Bill Mallon, and John So.
Yet Ed Marks recently told ZNPaaneah in NYC that he did it because it "pleased Brother Lee."

Just think about how many sinful, unrighteous things were done at LSM because it "pleased Brother Lee."
01-16-2016 06:13 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Indiana said:
This restoration letter was read at a church meeting in Anaheim, August 22, 1993, although Philip had never repented for anything publicly or to anyone privately, certainly not elders, and, no sisters at LSM that those who were close to the Anaheim situation heard of. Also, no word was ever given publicly in the churches about Philip Lee’s major role in causing division, as graphically seen interwoven throughout the accounts of John Ingalls, Bill Mallon, and John So.
Yet Ed Marks recently told ZNPaaneah in NYC that he did it because it "pleased Brother Lee."
01-16-2016 05:07 PM
Re: Philip Lee History and His Restoration in Anaheim

This restoration letter was read at a church meeting in Anaheim, August 22, 1993, although Philip had never repented for anything publicly or to anyone privately, certainly not elders, and, no sisters at LSM that those who were close to the Anaheim situation heard of. Also, no word was ever given publicly in the churches about Philip Lee’s major role in causing division, as graphically seen interwoven throughout the accounts of John Ingalls, Bill Mallon, and John So.

01-15-2016 06:03 PM
Re:Former Full-Timers Share Their Impressions

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Lee may have lost half of the SoCal Recovery due to Philip's abusive streak... What we really needed to hear was a sobering repentance concerning how much damage Lee and son had wrought on God's people, complete with basic details. All Christians can understand that.
[Quote is from a different thread]

01-14-2016 09:43 AM
Re: Bill Mallon and John Ingalls seeking answers

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
In Bill Mallon's letter to Witness Lee he describes the troubling maneuvering of co-workers of Witness Lee in the Southeast to establish ministry-centered churches. Ron Kangas refers to Bill's letter in his message in Ecuador after denouncing me for putting the letter on the internet. Then, before the Body, he dismisses Bill's letter and Bill, with no regard for his testimony or the divisive behavior of the co-workers. I am denounced, Bill's experience is disregarded, and Ron pushes his agenda forward in South America, in Christless fashion, to establish ministry churches in alignment with him, with Anaheim, with the program - in the same spirit of the movement Bill Mallon reported 20 years earlier.
Bill Mallon and John Ingalls were compelled to meet and seek the Lord over their growing concerns.

John Ingalls in Talks with Bill Mallon

“In the following month, September 1987, due to my health, and also due to a burden to fellowship with Bill Mallon, a co-worker with whom I had an intimate relationship for twenty-four years, I decided to go to Atlanta, Georgia, for a two-week period of rest and fellowship. Bill had recently passed through sore trials and sufferings, and I hoped that our fellowship could render comfort and encouragement to him. We drove up to the nearby mountains and had a number of days opening to one another.

At that time I was entirely supportive to Brother Witness Lee and his ministry and work related to the “new way” that was being promoted. I therefore did my utmost to persuade Bill to visit Taiwan and participate in the full-time training. I felt that this might be the answer to his need. On four separate occasions during those days I attempted to convince Bill to take this step, but he steadfastly refused, affirming that he was not free or clear to do that.

During that time Bill explained to me how he had suffered in various ways by events that had transpired in recent months in the churches and in the work in the Southeast. I came away from our talks with one deep impression: Philip Lee was becoming increasingly involved in spiritual things concerning the Lord’s work, the churches, the elders, and the co-workers. I had already noticed this in Irving, Texas the preceding month. This, I felt, was completely untenable, incompatible with his position and person, and intolerable. Philip Lee was employed by his father, Witness Lee, to be the business manager of his office and was reportedly instructed to deal only with business affairs. He was totally unqualified both in position and character to touch spiritual matters related to the work of the Lord and the churches. I became alarmed and began to fear for the Lord’s testimony. With this burden I determined upon my return to Anaheim to fellowship with Godfrey Otuteye, who then was involved in coordinating with Philip Lee in the Living Stream Office. I wanted to frankly ask him about Philip’s role, expressing my alarm and concern”.

Discussion Concerning LSM Manager

Godfred had been an elder in the church in Irvine, California, for close to ten years, and had recently been appointed as an elder in Anaheim by Brother Witness Lee. Thus we had been put into a position of more intimate fellowship and coordination. I had known Godfred since 1972 and over the years had numerous occasions of fellowship with him. I respected him for his genuineness, wisdom, and devotion to the Lord. Hence, upon returning from Atlanta on Sept. 22, 1987, I made an appointment for dinner with Godfred on September 25, Friday evening.

We sat together in the restaurant, and after some general conversation, I said to him in a serious tone, “Godfred, I would like to ask you a question. Would you please tell me who Philip Lee is? It seems that he is being promoted and is going altogether too far in his involvement in the spiritual side of the work, greatly overstepping his position as a business manager. Have you noticed this? I myself could never agree with this.”

It seemed that my question took him by surprise. We had never discussed these matters before. He hesitated a few moments. Then, in a very grave tone, he replied, “John, the situation is very serious.” If he was surprised by my question, I was somewhat taken aback by his answer. Godfred continued, “I have seen and heard many things in the Living Stream Office in recent months. I cannot go into detail, but I can tell you there is much that is very serious and very wrong.” Then I began to be more alarmed and concerned. Godfred fully agreed that Philip Lee’s involvement in the work was way out of line, but he indicated that there were more serious things than that.

Two days later, on Sept. 27, the Lord’s Day, as we met in the Elders’ Room before the morning meeting on Ball Road, Godfred had a few moments alone with me, and he said, “John, it is very timely that you opened up to me the other night. Let me tell you that the whole situation is sick and corrupt. I have seen and heard too much.” Then I knew that we were really in trouble, though he did not mention any details or any names.

A Shocking Development
September 1987

On the following Tuesday, Sept. 29th, Godfred left for a business trip to Europe. On the next day, Wednesday, Sept. 30th, I received a telephone call from a sister who had a prominent position in the Living Stream Ministry Office, asking if she could see me that night. I consented. That evening she sat in my living room and with tears opened her heart to me. She had served sacrificially and faithfully for many years in the LSM office, and now she said she could not tolerate anymore the gross misconduct that was being perpetrated upon some and especially upon her. I had been acquainted with this sister for many years and knew her to be faithful, upright, and trustworthy; therefore, I took her word very seriously. I was amazed that she could put up with such conduct for so long. She stated that she tolerated it only for the sake of Brother Lee and his ministry. She said that she had no other recourse but to resign. I confirmed her intention.

That conversation utterly shocked me. I deeply felt that something must be done to acquaint Brother Lee with the situation and to let him know that we would not tolerate it. I obtained Godfred’s telephone number in Europe and called him as soon as the difference in time zones permitted, telling him the things that had come to my ears. Godfred listened and said that he already knew it. I was amazed. That night I considered what could be done. That we had to go to Brother Lee I was certain.

Link to John Ingalls' book, Speaking the Truth in Love.
01-13-2016 04:39 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
If this is pure redundancy, please delete.

It seems incredible that very shortly before the cross, the Lord caught his disciples arguing about who was to be boss, MOTA, dictator, oracle,etc. He spoke directly to the problem. Hear me you disciples, what you are talking about is the way the gentiles operate. With you it is not going to be that way. Whoever is to be great is going to be your servant. It seems that's not that difficult to understand. No kings, dictators, oracles.
Yes, Lisbon, that was pure redundancy, at least for those of us who read the Bible, but keep saying it, since few in leadership seem to be hearing.

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
By the way oracle is not mentioned in the NT except referring to the OT. Peter instructs all of us to speak as oracles of God but never one Oracle. No singular apostle, only apostles spoken of in NT. I almost wanted to vomit at poor RK's going on about WL as a bond slave at the time of Lee's passing. I never heard of anyone disagreeing with WL and living to tell about it. WL had no co-Workers. What? A slave. It's just plain silly.
That's kind of like these career politicians in Wash DC calling themselves "public servants."

The only true "public servants" are the volunteers.
01-13-2016 12:44 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

If this is pure redundancy, please delete.

It seems incredible that very shortly before the cross, the Lord caught his disciples arguing about who was to be boss, MOTA, dictator, oracle,etc. He spoke directly to the problem. Hear me you disciples, what you are talking about is the way the gentiles operate. With you it is not going to be that way. Whoever is to be great is going to be your servant. It seems that's not that difficult to understand. No kings, dictators, oracles. By the way oracle is not mentioned in the NT except refering to the OT. Peter instructs all of us to speak as oracles of God but never one Oracle. No singular apostle, only apostles spoken of in NT. I almost wanted to vomit at poor RK's going on about WL as a bond slave at the time of Lee's passing. I never heard of anyone disagreeing with WL and living to tell about it. WL had no co-Workers. What? A slave. It's just plain silly.

01-13-2016 11:57 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Back to Steve's writing, blendeds such as Ron among so-called responsible brothers in the local churches view themselves as deputy or delegated authorities of a theocracy.

Following is from Exodus 18:17-26

"Moses’ father-in-law said to him, “The thing that you are doing is not good. You will surely wear out, both yourself and these people who are with you, for the task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone. Now listen to me: I will give you counsel, and God be with you. You be the people’s representative before God, and you bring the disputes to God, then teach them the statutes and the laws, and make known to them the way in which they are to walk and the work they are to do. Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens. Let them judge the people at all times; and let it be that every major dispute they will bring to you, but every minor dispute they themselves will judge. So it will be easier for you, and they will bear the burden with you. If you do this thing and God so commands you, then you will be able to endure, and all these people also will go to their place in peace.”
So Moses listened to his father-in-law and did all that he had said. Moses chose able men out of all Israel and made them heads over the people, leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens. They judged the people at all times; the difficult dispute they would bring to Moses, but every minor dispute they themselves would judge.

Leading brothers, Coworkers, elders, etc don't fit the bill described in the preceding verses. No desire to hear any dispute; major or minor. Steve knows. He tried to appeal to brothers locally in Seattle and Bellevue. No one had an ear to hear.
Responsible brothers in general just want everyone to go along positively. Don't make an issue of matters, persons or things.

By contrast that is what Moses selection of responsible men was for. To hear disputes of matters, persons, or things. With the most serious of disputes brought before Moses.

Thus it is quite clear the deputy authority that exists in the local churches is not God's government. There is no resemblance of righteousness or justice. It's fleshly, dishonest and partial.
01-13-2016 11:41 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
Thank you for clearing that up Steve. I also appreciate the ministries of Kaung and others associated with the assemblies. I attended the summer conference in Virginia. I had a most glorious time. Met a lot of former members of the LC who continue to rejoice in the Lord. Thankfully, Stephen was all to aware of the mis-aimings of his former co-worker to repeat those mistakes, having had some experience with the LSM sect's "take-over mentality" with the assemblies in New York.
There's an audio on the internet where Stephen goes into detail about the 1960's in New York. Stephen knew what Witness Lee's intention was and still invited him to New York.
01-13-2016 11:34 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Thank you for clearing that up Steve. I also appreciate the ministries of Kaung and others associated with the assemblies. I attended the summer conference in Virginia. I had a most glorious time. Met a lot of former members of the LC who continue to rejoice in the Lord. Thankfully, Stephen was all to aware of the mis-aimings of his former co-worker to repeat those mistakes, having had some experience with the LSM sect's "take-over mentality" with the assemblies in New York.

The fact is, the current executives of the LSM churches practice a type of conditional "life and death" philosophy which is extremely nefarious. It is a counterfeit of true light given by the Holy Spirit, whereby members of the business churches are taught ( brainwashed to use a stronger but accurate term)
to discern what is life and what is death by what comes out of Anaheim. The continued practice, reinforcement and acceptance of this lie deepens its hold on the members the longer they are exposed to it. Eventually, they are no longer able to discern for themselves making it extremely difficult to shake this concept even after leaving the sect. The proof of this is the blendeds themselves ( at least some of them ). They have completely lost the ability to discern what is truly life and what is actually death, often confusing the two. Ron's statement about you is a perfect example that this brother is spiritually sick. May the Lord have mercy on all of us. It is so easy to be deceived.

May the Lord continue to strengthen you by the bountiful supply of His Spirit
01-13-2016 09:52 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by NewManLiving View Post
Dear brother Steve,
First let me say that I appreciate your dedication and resoluteness in defending the truth, believing that the Lord leads you to do so. I would just ask you to please explain your use of the term "Body" instead of perhaps a more appropriate term like "assembly". In and of itself, the Body of Christ encompasses all truly regenerated believers who are sealed with His Holy Spirit. Not just members of the LC who share the same experience. To refer to the LC or any other group as the "Body" sends the wrong message and reinforces the sectarian nature of the LC as being the only true Body of Christ. Do you actually believe that the LC is "The Body" ? Perhaps your use of the term itself is simply from habit.

Praying for you and the LC

Thank you, John. You make an important point. I used the term "Body" purposely as I was referring to the members of the Body of Christ sitting before Ron, with whom he needs to be honest, many of whom he would choose to discard, I believe, due to their "independence" from him and Anaheim headquarters. He is more in line with what Lee warned about becoming, a church of Gideon and his 300 men. I am currently meeting in an assembly associated with Stephen Kaung. They speak of the Body of Christ, but never limited to themselves as a special, separated group of elite believers. They are are well-taught that they are but an assembly of believers, one with every believer, and should behave this way. I know the strong tendency in the Local Churches....their appreciation is very high for a man and his ministry...thus the movement.

01-13-2016 09:26 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Dear brother Steve,
First let me say that I appreciate your dedication and resoluteness in defending the truth, believing that the Lord leads you to do so. I would just ask you to please explain your use of the term "Body" instead of perhaps a more appropriate term like "assembly". In and of itself, the Body of Christ encompasses all truly regenerated believers who are sealed with His Holy Spirit. Not just members of the LC who share the same experience. To refer to the LC or any other group as the "Body" sends the wrong message and reinforces the sectarian nature of the LC as being the only true Body of Christ. Do you actually believe that the LC is "The Body" ? Perhaps your use of the term itself is simply from habit.

Praying for you and the LC
01-13-2016 07:58 AM
Re: Bill Mallon Dismissed by non-theocratic government

In Bill Mallon's letter to Witness Lee he describes the troubling maneuvering of co-workers of Witness Lee in the Southeast to establish ministry-centered churches. Ron Kangas refers to Bill's letter in his message in Ecuador after denouncing me for putting the letter on the internet. Then, before the Body, he dismisses Bill's letter and Bill, with no regard for his testimony or the divisive behavior of the co-workers. I am denounced, Bill's experience is disregarded, and Ron pushes his agenda forward in South America, in Christless fashion, to establish ministry churches in alignment with him, with Anaheim, with the program - in the same spirit of the movement Bill Mallon reported 20 years earlier.


6. "The young trainers (Minoru Chen, Howard Higashi, Paul Hon, Jake Jacobson, Benson Phillips, Dan Towle, Andrew Yu) during the 1986 summer training in Irving had sessions of so called fellowship with the elders, grouped according to the different sections of the country, held in Benson's house. Some of these were overheard while eating lunch, analyzing the brothers in order to categorize them, identifying the brothers who presumably control in order to isolate them, and plotting to force the brothers into a mass resignation in order to manipulate them.
Then in the afternoon meeting, these trainers intimidated the brothers with statements like: 'You have an incurable disease,' 'the only cure is amputation,' 'you are a babylonian protestant, because you do not preach that Witness Lee is a one man show,' 'we preach that Witness Lee is a one man show. and you brothers have a problem with this,' 'everyone must go to Taipei to show your oneness', and 'asking what to do is the old way... just present yourself, and don't ask questions.'
Don Rutledge tried to speak, but the thick intimidating atmosphere suppressed him. He was later branded with being in the old way. Afterwards, these young trainers said, "We have to be better prepared so no one can speak up like Don did." What kind of attitude is this when brothers should be practicing the inner anointing and the mutual fellowship? You cannot imagine how threatening the atmosphere was, being full of ultimatum and denouncements.
In summary, there was no sense of their identification with the Body, speaking from a mutuality as being members one of another, sharing from the intrinsic flowing out of the divine fellowship. Instead, it tends to tear down, not build up."

Bill's Letter and Witness Lee's Response in The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion. WL did not mention Bill's letter to let people know about Bill's experience with WL's co-workers.

Ron speaks about Bill Mallon in Ecuador,
"In 1988 certain co-workers severely criticized Brother Lee, and then they separated themselves, they went their own way. One of these brothers, in particular, his whole situation is tragic.

I would like to ask him, ‘after you wrote that letter to Brother Lee, and after you began to speak a certain way, what is your spiritual situation? How would you compare it with your situation when you were in Elden Hall'?

Aren’t you more experienced now than then? Would you say you are more living now’?

When many rebelled against brother Watchman Nee, and some of them wanted to be recovered, Brother Lee asked them, ‘how is your situation? You say you are right, you say Brother Nee was wrong’. They all confessed they were dead. If we would practice this one way of discernment, we would avoid most problems.

I am not afraid to be simple in this way, You say this, and you say this, I don’t know the facts, I don’t know who is right or wrong. But I know when I listen to you, I get death. And, when I listen to Brother Lee’s ministry, I get life. So it is so simple, I stand with life.

Why do you feel you have to know so much? It’s endless trying to know so much.

Now I hope you can understand experientially, what I am saying. But if you cannot discern between life and death, I have a suggestion for you, withdraw from responsibility in the church until the life in you grows. Those who take responsibility must have this discernment….. END

Ron's use of the story of Witness Lee's not so honorable blind loyalty support for W. Nee, is no way to shame Bill Mallon and it was no way for Lee to shame the elders in Shanghai during Nee's righteous suspension as we have learned from the accounts of ones who were in Shanghai made known in Dr. Lily Hsu's book...

And, Ron Kangas doesn't explain why brother Lee was "severely criticized" by brothers, who, he said, "went their own way".
01-12-2016 10:16 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Funny that the quote provided I did not find in the one-page pdf linked afterward. And they were not really on the same subject.

These say-nothing posts are getting a bit irritating. And the disconnect between the topic of the post and the topic of the link makes is all the more irritating.
01-12-2016 09:12 AM
Re: Ron Kangas and Protecting the Church

From an LSM radio broadcast, Ron Kangas speaks about the church life corresponding to a theocracy and the kind of men needed to judge cases among them, men who would be fair, just, and unbiased. We have seen anything but such men in Local Church government in cases they made public and in many other cases that have come to our attention, such as in the Sandoval letters.

Ron Kangas says in the broadcast: "Israel is a type of us, the believers, the church people today, so there must be a spiritual reality in the church life that corresponds to the outward picture of theocracy among the children of Israel in Deuteronomy." (LSM Radio on Deut.)

Ron in Ecuador link
In the link below, Ron advises the responsible brothers in South America to protect the church by avoiding the spreading of death, yet the blending brothers themselves have been major conduits of its spread.

01-11-2016 06:58 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

On sensing death - when I initially read Fermentation of the Present Rebellion, I was positive, wholly so. Yet I sensed death, and became confused: I wanted life and yet came to the ministry and got death? What to do? (also got death when reading Witness Lee vs Bible Answer Man [at Melodyland], and hearing Ron Kangas speak of those who didn't make the cut [Titus Chu, Max Rapoport, Jane Anderson]). LC'ers should realize that "sensing death" cuts two ways: if you live by this sword you'll eventually die by it.

Second, and quite related: if you look at theocracy as presented in the Bible, the promoted human King, heir of Davidic line*, is fully obedient to God the Father in heaven, and as such becomes peace and salvation to all who obey Him. Please note well that Psalm 2 follows hard upon Psalm 1, and fulfills it. Jesus fulfilled all righteousness. Jesus kept the law, utterly. So He's the True King, the Anointed (Gk:Christ) Son of God, glorified forever.

Now the enemy comes in and usurps this: see Psalm 3. Absalom rebels. Someone else, a sinner, disobedient, and not anointed, comes in and proclaims that he's the new King, the new Deputy God. A sinner, unauthorized, promotes himself into the position of kingship, which should be held by Jesus alone. Chaos ensues; look at all the vain efforts to maintain the so-called Authority of this usurping one, in the context of Little Flock/Local Church history. Storm after storm. Turmoil after turmoil.

*Matthew 21:9 "The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest heaven!"
01-11-2016 06:45 AM
Re: Ron Kangas and the Man of Death

Witness Lee: When you are talking about a brother’s wrongdoing, you better be careful, not too much. To degrade a brother in people’s eyes is sinful. Don’t forget that brother has been purchased with a great price, that is, with the blood of the Lord. This is to keep the justice among God’s people.

Ron Kangas: In His kingdom there must be justice. Where justice is violated, there must be some just measure of discipline. That’s the way it is. So we have a case of a wrongdoer receiving discipline. But according to our fallen nature when we feel we’re right and that others are wrong, its really easy for us not to be restrained in our expression of judgment, criticism, or condemnation. God is not like this, and if we are like this we are not living in the theocracy according to what God is.

Example 2


01-11-2016 05:30 AM
Re: Theocracy and the Local Churches

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I wouldn't be surprised if most denominations have followed a similar road. The RCC definitely did. Remember that the lust for power always corrupts, and the powers-that-be love to use distorted oneness to subjugate the sheep.
While I think that there is some truth in what you are saying, I also think that we have a distorted view of people who truly serve the Christians with whom we align themselves to follow. Not just in local assemblies, but also within denominations. And sometimes in denominations that we might not personally find as appealing as others. We were conditioned for so many years to distrust all non-LCM leadership that we still have something inside that is expecting the kind of self-prompting leadership that we were taught to expect.
01-10-2016 08:33 AM
Re: Theocracy and the Local Churches

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
And I think we really believed it. But after the fact, I think that we were fed false information as to what was truly Christ and the church, therefore we were misguided, even from the beginning. We just didn't realize it. We brought a desire for Christ. We got fed something that was labeled "Christ and the church" and we accepted that it was real. Only when the mantra began to alter did we leave.

And though I do not think we were really that "right" before, at least we woke up. But I am becoming more and more convinced that even many of our positive experiences in the earlier (earliest) days were tainted by the shadow of a leavened teaching. Even Christ and the church, because we were misdirected to a version of both that was not true to the Word.
What's interesting is that so many others have gone down this similar path. Both John Darby and W. Nee and W. Lee have all started out promising local assemblies patterned after Antioch only to morph themselves into controlling headquarters patterned after Jerusalem.

I wouldn't be surprised if most denominations have followed a similar road. The RCC definitely did. Remember that the lust for power always corrupts, and the powers-that-be love to use distorted oneness to subjugate the sheep.
01-09-2016 09:32 PM
Re: Theocracy and the Local Churches

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Every time I think about this post, I can't let it go and just be silent.

Every single brother I knew believed that our mission was "Christ and the church," and that we gave our lives for the building up of autonomous local churches.
That's why many of them left their denominations. Every message Lee and others gave in the beginning days supported this mission statement. Many who came this way did so after reading Nee's book TNCCL.

Now whether Lee, or leaders like RK, BP, TC or others had this view is doubtful, since I have witnessed so much meddling in local affairs by these ones.
And I think we really believed it. But after the fact, I think that we were fed false information as to what was truly Christ and the church, therefore we were misguided, even from the beginning. We just didn't realize it. We brought a desire for Christ. We got fed something that was labeled "Christ and the church" and we accepted that it was real. Only when the mantra began to alter did we leave.

And though I do not think we were really that "right" before, at least we woke up. But I am becoming more and more convinced that even many of our positive experiences in the earlier (earliest) days were tainted by the shadow of a leavened teaching. Even Christ and the church, because we were misdirected to a version of both that was not true to the Word.
01-09-2016 06:23 PM
Re: Theocracy and the Local Churches

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
From the very beginnings of "The Lord's Recovery" in America, the minds of all of Witness Lee's followers (NOT just the elders) were galvanized into one accord for a man and a ministry. The elders didn't have to hand over the reins of leadership because they never had it to begin with. And one by one, over the decades, various elders/co workers found this harsh reality out.
Every time I think about this post, I can't let it go and just be silent.

Every single brother I knew believed that our mission was "Christ and the church," and that we gave our lives for the building up of autonomous local churches.
That's why many of them left their denominations. Every message Lee and others gave in the beginning days supported this mission statement. Many who came this way did so after reading Nee's book TNCCL.

Now whether Lee, or leaders like RK, BP, TC or others had this view is doubtful, since I have witnessed so much meddling in local affairs by these ones.
01-09-2016 09:33 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

What Ron Kangas flippantly discards as "subtle issues of right and wrong" are actually grave matters of sin and unrighteousness. When I hear this nonsense from someone in the know, then I realize what grave darkness and blindness has descended over time upon the leadership at LSM. For decades they have been complicit with crimes and coverups against their brothers.

Isn't it so hypocritical that RK could say this about so many former members and leaders, all of whom beloved and godly, and then when genuinely "subtle issues of right and wrong" arise in nearly all of the Midwest and Brazil, he sees fit to quarantine and excommunicate them as as incurably rebellious lepers.

If anyone wishes to know who the Blended leadership at LSM really are, tell them to read what the Lord Jesus Himself says of and to the Pharisees in the Gospels and what the Apostle Paul says about the Judaizers. Let me give you an appetizer from the book of Philippians: "Beware of dogs! Beware of evil workers!"
01-09-2016 09:28 AM
Re: Theocracy and the Local Churches

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Example 1

I was listening to a tape by Ron Kangas (from 1997) encouraging saints to follow the sense of life in a normal way in their daily life and not care for issues of right or wrong, when I came to this statement:

[COLOR="Indigo"]“How many were lured away during the last rebellion (late 80s) by subtle issues of right and wrong.” Referring to the talk going around in the church about certain issues, he said, “What a travesty that the saints of God would speak out of the knowledge of good and evil and kill each other.” He added, “I simply will not sit in a brothers’ presence and allow him to fill me with death,” meaning that he would not listen to those concerned with issues of right and wrong in the church.
Expediency: Convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral.

Brothers who say they don't want to be concerned with right and wrong, that's because to be concerned with right and wrong is not the expedient thing to do. To be concerned with right and wrong, righteousness, and justice is neither convenient nor practical. LSM's practice of political correctness promotes expediency even if it may be improper or even immoral.
01-09-2016 07:53 AM
Re: Theocracy and the Local Churches

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

I made more changes and want to re-post the link on Theocracy.

Government in the Local Churches

Our brothers in Christ have taken bold and daring steps to become what they are, ministry churches of Witness Lee. This is what they have labored for, and this is what they have gained. I wish they would admit what they are, instead of pretending to be the recovered New Testament church, inclusive of all believers in autonomous “local churches” around the world.

They have had no shame about promoting a man next to the Lord Jesus, or for establishing a second center to draw people to him in oneness with his ministry and leadership.

Due to their lofty standing of ultimately endorsing a “minister of the age” with the “ministry of the age”, it is hard for the leaders to practice justice in cases that shine light unfavorably on the name of Witness Lee - the name they live to protect. Practicing justice in such cases is not what they do; it is what they most assuredly choose to avoid.

Because of this, government in the Local Churches has not been built upon justice. Instead, their architect and builders are widely known for their absurd practice of not caring for right and wrong - the antithesis of a true theocracy, a government built upon justice, according to God and what He is.
Example 1

I was listening to a tape by Ron Kangas (from 1997) encouraging saints to follow the sense of life in a normal way in their daily life and not care for issues of right or wrong, when I came to this statement:

“How many were lured away during the last rebellion (late 80s) by subtle issues of right and wrong.” Referring to the talk going around in the church about certain issues, he said, “What a travesty that the saints of God would speak out of the knowledge of good and evil and kill each other.” He added, “I simply will not sit in a brothers’ presence and allow him to fill me with death,” meaning that he would not listen to those concerned with issues of right and wrong in the church.

What were those issues of right and wrong, brother Ron, in the late 80s turmoil? Didn’t you write about them in your book, A Response to Recent Accusations, in which you recorded your disagreement with the 18 points John Ingalls made to the church in his resignation fellowship?

Brother Lee also spoke to these issues that John Ingalls raised, saying that, “In his withdrawal from the eldership of the church in Anaheim on March 19, 1989, Brother John Ingalls charged us with a number of accusations concerning our present situation. Hence, I have the burden to present to the saints in the Lord’s recovery some truths that will blow away the cloud that has dimmed the clear vision of the Lord’s recovery among us, and will bring back to us a clear sky with a clear view in the recovery.” Then, brother Lee goes on to explain his disagreement with “John’s dissenting accusations”.
(Book 10, Elders’ Training, ch. 6, p. 93)

What two major leaders in the Lord’s recovery referred to as “subtle issues” and “dissenting accusations”, others regarded as major matters of Christian conscience and causes of stumbling that needed desperate attention from responsible church leaders.

01-08-2016 08:14 PM
Re: Theocracy and the Local Churches

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

Ron Kangas – Thank you for the invitation, Chris, to participate in this particular radio program introducing quite a marvelous subject, of theocracy, of the rule of God…. I hope that we can be very exercised in our spirit and with our understanding …In Deuteronomy is a record of the children of Israel, a type of us, the believers, the church people today, so there must be a spiritual reality in the church life that corresponds to the outward picture of theocracy among the children of Israel. (LSM radio transcription).

Witness Lee – We have to know that today in the church we don’t exercise autocracy, a dictatorship; or democracy, according to people’s opinion; but we like to honor God’s authority as our government, and this is what we call theocracy, Gods government.

Firstly, you must have the judges in order to keep God’s justice. The divine government pays attention firstly to justice. Even today, any government on this earth that does not practice justice, that government will sooner or later be over, right? A strong government must be one that is built upon justice. Everything must be just. Everything must be fair. Everything must be right. Right? This is justice. (LSM radio transcription)

I made more changes and want to re-post the link on Theocracy.

Government in the Local Churches

Our brothers in Christ have taken bold and daring steps to become what they are, ministry churches of Witness Lee. This is what they have labored for, and this is what they have gained. I wish they would admit what they are, instead of pretending to be the recovered New Testament church, inclusive of all believers in autonomous “local churches” around the world.

They have had no shame about promoting a man next to the Lord Jesus, or for establishing a second center to draw people to him in oneness with his ministry and leadership.

Due to their lofty standing of ultimately endorsing a “minister of the age” with the “ministry of the age”, it is hard for the leaders to practice justice in cases that shine light unfavorably on the name of Witness Lee - the name they live to protect. Practicing justice in such cases is not what they do; it is what they most assuredly choose to avoid.

Because of this, government in the Local Churches has not been built upon justice. Instead, their architect and builders are widely known for their absurd practice of not caring for right and wrong - the antithesis of a true theocracy, a government built upon justice, according to God and what He is.
01-07-2016 11:15 AM
Re: Merged Thread

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
I won't be adding any further material on the subject, and shortened link content in post #303.
In other words you are continuing to post "facts" but making no comments on them, thereby leaving it unclear what you are trying to say. And since you have in other contexts seemed to say things that have gone both ways over time, that lack of clarity is fairly significant.
01-06-2016 11:53 AM
Re: Theocracy and the Local Churches

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

Witness Lee – We have to know that today in the church we don’t exercise autocracy, a dictatorship; or democracy, according to people’s opinion; but we like to honor God’s authority as our government, and this is what we call theocracy, Gods government.

Firstly, you must have the judges in order to keep God’s justice. The divine government pays attention firstly to justice. Even today, any government on this earth that does not practice justice, that government will sooner or later be over, right? A strong government must be one that is built upon justice. Everything must be just. Everything must be fair. Everything must be right. Right? This is justice. (LSM radio transcription)
The LSM/LC brand of theocracy is a skewed one. It is not recognized when a brother is under Christ's headship. Rather the LSM brand of theocracy is according to group think (aka being one with the brothers). It is this form of group think who claim to determine God's government.
01-06-2016 09:56 AM
Re: Theocracy and the Local Churches

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
With the minds of elders galvanized into one accord for a man and a ministry, elders handed over the reins of leadership in their localities to a universal leader. Turmoil and division was the result, with blame placed on certain leaders who chose not to submit to an extra-local leader.
From the very beginnings of "The Lord's Recovery" in America, the minds of all of Witness Lee's followers (NOT just the elders) were galvanized into one accord for a man and a ministry. The elders didn't have to hand over the reins of leadership because they never had it to begin with. And one by one, over the decades, various elders/co workers found this harsh reality out. Anytime a local elder would try to exercise even the slightest bit of independence, no matter how it was going to be for the benefit of the local flock, he would be "reported to headquarters" and severely rebuked by Lee himself, or if he was lucky, Lee would send out a hatchet man to do the work for him. This dynamic was repeated over and over again, and is well documented by the testimony of many brothers, some on this very forum.

Since the original "Church in Los Angeles" spit into different halls, and since the advent of the early migrations, the Local Churches in America had an "extra-local leader" and his name was Witness Lee. Any other so called "co-worker" or any kind of regional leader was in fact just a "regional manager" of sorts, with the elders functioning as "branch managers" of sorts. Lee was the CEO/CFO/President all wrapped into one. Actually this was "the system" set up by Watchman Nee back in Mainland China from the very beginning. Of course Witness Lee enhanced and perfected the system.

While Lee was alive there was a tacit understanding by all that this system was in place and that's just how things were. Of course anyone who challenged the system was severely dealt with, by removal, shunning or the dreaded "quarantine".

Today, the "Blended Brothers" don't even try to deny the system or the history of this system. There is indeed an extra-local leader, it is "the ministry" aka "the One Publication". While Lee was alive the Local Churches were lead and controlled by the person and work of Witness Lee. Now that the person is gone they only have the work, and this is why the Local Church looks and behaves very much like the systematic, institutionalized, religious organization that it has decried for 50 years.
01-06-2016 08:45 AM
Re: Merged Thread

I won't be adding any further material on the subject, and shortened link content in post #303.
01-06-2016 05:49 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Any comments on what you post?

Are they right, wrong, partly both?

Is there truth but misapplied?
01-05-2016 04:45 PM
Re: Theocracy and the Local Churches


Ron Kangas – Thank you for the invitation, Chris, to participate in this particular radio program introducing quite a marvelous subject, of theocracy, of the rule of God…. I hope that we can be very exercised in our spirit and with our understanding …In Deuteronomy is a record of the children of Israel, a type of us, the believers, the church people today, so there must be a spiritual reality in the church life that corresponds to the outward picture of theocracy among the children of Israel. (LSM radio transcription).

Witness Lee – We have to know that today in the church we don’t exercise autocracy, a dictatorship; or democracy, according to people’s opinion; but we like to honor God’s authority as our government, and this is what we call theocracy, Gods government.

Firstly, you must have the judges in order to keep God’s justice. The divine government pays attention firstly to justice. Even today, any government on this earth that does not practice justice, that government will sooner or later be over, right? A strong government must be one that is built upon justice. Everything must be just. Everything must be fair. Everything must be right. Right? This is justice. (LSM radio transcription)
01-03-2016 06:50 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Col 3:12 - 3:15 RCV
Put on therefore, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, inward parts of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, long-suffering;
Bearing one another and forgiving one another, if anyone should have a complaint against anyone; even as the Lord forgave you, so also should you forgive.
And over all these things put on love, which is the uniting bond of perfectness.
And let the peace of Christ arbitrate in your hearts, to which also you were called in one Body; and be thankful.

How ironic that some brothers can write and speak volumes on these verses and have absolutely no experimental reality of them in their own lives - year after year, training after training. One has to wonder if they have any "inward parts". Just goes to show that we DO NOT grow in life by going to trainings or getting the "ministry into us". We grow in life by denying ourselves. -- That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His Death
01-03-2016 06:10 PM
Re: Ron Kangas in Ecuador

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Ron also heard of my writings that were circulating among at least enough people to make him very concerned. Among those writings was Bill Mallon’s letter to Brother Lee, which I had commented on and which Ron alluded to in his 2008 message in Ecuador.

But, he did so in derogatory fashion, not making reference to Bill Mallon’s devastating experience with LSM co-workers in the late 1980s who at that time themselves did not recognize the headship of Christ with the elders among the churches,which was a big problem to Bill and other elders in the Southeast churches. This vital matter was skipped over by Ron in his speaking in Ecuador, as he mentioned Bill's letter only in a negative light. Because Ron Kangas did not want to justify Bill's concerns or my writings, he portrayed Bill Mallon’s letter as bad for his appeal to Brother Lee about LSM’s ignoble behavior in the Southeast, and he portrayed me as bad, as well, for circulating Bill’s letter, and other writings also.
I emphasized this in bold in reference to Bill Mallon. Following is what Ron actually said.

"I would just add this: In 1988 certain co-workers severely criticized Brother Lee, and then they separated themselves, they went their own way. One of these brothers, in particular, his whole situation is tragic. I would like to ask him, after you wrote that letter to Brother Lee, and after you began to
speak a certain way, what is your spiritual situation? How would you compare it with your situation when you were in Elden Hall? Aren’t you more experienced now than then? Would you say you are more living now?

Although Ron didn't mention brother Bill's name as he did brother Steve's, we can deduce it was Bill who Ron was referring to. Of course it was not revealed when Bill had heart surgery in 2001, a brother from Riverside came to Anaheim and approached the blended brothers present about visiting Bill in the hospital. They declined.
04-10-2015 06:05 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
I didn't want to take anything away from Indiana's invaluable research and documentation of the history of the LCM. As with Lilly Hsu's book, church historians will find his work useful.

However, again, I have detected in his work a thread which seems to reveal a devotion to restoring a movement. This may be rooted in a mistaken devotion to this idea of "recovery"--recovery realized as a special privilege movement within the church as a whole. The problem with anything like this is that it displaces our proper devotion to God coupled with care and service for all people, and replaces it with devotion to an abstract idea or institution.
As a blended co-worker formerly of Bellevue once told Steve as I paraphrase; he (Steve) has to drop his concepts. The recovery isn't going to change for you. It isn't going to change for anyone.

I would have to agree with SR. Living Stream Ministry is a revenue generating business. Regardless of a business' tax status, they do have to generate revenue. For Living Stream, whether it's through book sales or real estate.
As I see Steve's writing. it's not a matter of changing the recovery, but to tell the truth. If there is any impact to be made I hope it is the spiritual principle of reconciliation. I know it has to a degree, Steve's writing has produced a spiritual responsibility to reconcile. Whether or not any of the blended brothers have an ear to hear, it's on each of them individually before God.
04-09-2015 04:36 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Only a guy from Texas would even think this way.
Wake up, Recovery! Wake up! Yeehah!
04-09-2015 01:38 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
But the rest is just the horse the church rides, and as much as we might like the old steed, when it's time to put her out to pasture and saddle up another, it's time. In the case of the LCM, the old nag is way past due and in fact ready for the glue factory.
Only a guy from Texas would even think this way.
04-09-2015 12:37 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

I didn't want to take anything away from Indiana's invaluable research and documentation of the history of the LCM. As with Lilly Hsu's book, church historians will find his work useful.

However, again, I have detected in his work a thread which seems to reveal a devotion to restoring a movement. This may be rooted in a mistaken devotion to this idea of "recovery"--recovery realized as a special privilege movement within the church as a whole. The problem with anything like this is that it displaces our proper devotion to God coupled with care and service for all people, and replaces it with devotion to an abstract idea or institution.

The same problem occurs with devotion to "the Church," when the Church is seen as anything but God's people. Lee taught us to be devoted to "the Church" as a ideal, not as simply God's people. So people became expendable, and the end of the gospel became not the salvation of people but the production of an idealized and impersonal institution, "the Church."

Human history generally and church history specifically are full of examples of devotion to even the best idea eventually doing damage. Once we make the end an idea (e.g. the Recovery, the Church, reason, liberty, equality, whatever) then people become a means to that end, and sacrificing people for that end becomes standard and acceptable.

We heard time and again, "We must be for the Recovery," and even "God loves his Recovery." Both those quotes are false. We should be for God and people, because that's all God loves and expects us to love. Anything else and be alert for the devil's wiles.
04-09-2015 11:53 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Indiana (Steve Isitt) has benefited all of us ex-members with his research and networking with many former members, including well-respected former leaders. In this regard, he understands the Recovery probably as well as any. His ability to document our history has been tremendously informative.
Indiana did what was on my mind even while I was a single brother living in the brother's house. That is, taking time to travel, visit, and interview many former leading brothers.
Without his contribution, would there be any way to correlate the late 80's turmoil to that of 2004-2006?
In each of these turmoils, brothers are marked negatively for expressing their concerns.
04-09-2015 08:26 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
WL once famously told WN, "If you don't take this way, I will take it." Maybe Steve is saying that WL and the BBs lost the way, but he hasn't. (not to put words in anyone's mouth, but that's what I see him saying here).

They were/are eventually for "the ministry", but he remains here for the church. If you look at it that way it seems pretty simple. And thus his stubborn refusal to give up on his dreams.
The thing is a church according to "the proper vision" (whatever that is, I don't claim to know completely) can be started anywhere. It does not require the cooperation of anyone who used to follow "the vision" but no longer does. It seems to me that if you are inspired by a vision you should seek out those who are open to it, not seek to convince those whose minds are made up another way. In fact, if the vision is a good one, it should be applicable with any group of seekers. At some point shaking the dust off your feet is a legitimate course of action.

I understand trying to warn the deceived, but it seems one should be content with people leaving the movement to take the way of the Lord. Reforming the movement (any movement for that matter) is not part of the Great Commission. Certainly I want to help as many LCMers as possible. But my hope for them is for something outside that movement. God doesn't call us to save movements, but people. Movements are a dime a dozen and when they've outlived their usefulness we should not be sentimental about them.

It's my opinion (and just my opinion) that Indiana is still a bit confused about the difference between the church and a movement. The church is the people, nothing more, nothing less. Perhaps you could add in the faith and some very broad doctrines. But the rest is just the horse the church rides, and as much as we might like the old steed, when it's time to put her out to pasture and saddle up another, it's time. In the case of the LCM, the old nag is way past due and in fact ready for the glue factory.

The LCM does not have "first dibs" on being the church. It never did and it seems to me Indiana's efforts still reveal a belief that for God to "go on" he must reform that movement. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Still perhaps his efforts are a genuine expression of care for the people. If so, great. But after a certain point we should not waste any more time trying to reform any movement. Thinking that God must go through "the Recovery" to get things done shows a very distorted view of God and reality. If a movement gets to an intractable point our call should change from "repent" to "come out of her my people." God will not be held hostage by anyone; and he is jealous for his people, not any movement or "Recovery."
04-09-2015 05:36 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
WL once famously told WN, "If you don't take this way, I will take it." Maybe Steve is saying that WL and the BBs lost the way, but he hasn't. (not to put words in anyone's mouth, but that's what I see him saying here).

They were/are eventually for "the ministry", but he remains here for the church. If you look at it that way it seems pretty simple. And thus his stubborn refusal to give up on his dreams.
That is correct Aron.
04-07-2015 11:53 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
HERn, FYI, Indiana (Steve Isitt) is not interested in online discussion. He just uses the board as a means to publicly communicate with LSM and the other powers-that-be in the LCM and to broadcast his insights. So don't feel ignored. I mean, feel ignored but don't get your feelings hurt about it. Indiana is a brother with a good heart who has dreams of fixing the LCs. I personally think he is wasting his time, but he might think I waste my time, too. He has to follow his own conscience and we by convention allow him that freedom here.
I believe Igzy's comments here are fairly accurate. Several years ago, after numerous forum debates, I encouraged him to do what he does best, and not to get bogged down with the daily banter of forum debate. I'm not sure if he actually took my suggestion, but it seems so.

Indiana (Steve Isitt) has benefited all of us ex-members with his research and networking with many former members, including well-respected former leaders. In this regard, he understands the Recovery probably as well as any. His ability to document our history has been tremendously informative. I consider him to be like the "Ken Burns" of the LCM in the US.

As far as his lack of participation on the forum goes, there are many others who this forum as a clearinghouse for their writings. I think this mix of historical accounts and daily feedback is what makes this forum so beneficial.
04-07-2015 11:07 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Indiana is a brother with a good heart who has dreams of fixing the LCs.
WL once famously told WN, "If you don't take this way, I will take it." Maybe Steve is saying that WL and the BBs lost the way, but he hasn't. (not to put words in anyone's mouth, but that's what I see him saying here).

They were/are eventually for "the ministry", but he remains here for the church. If you look at it that way it seems pretty simple. And thus his stubborn refusal to give up on his dreams.
04-06-2015 02:03 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

A brother where I meet, Godwin Sun, shares in a booklet called "Our Goal", "Forgive me for saying this, but if we have this attitude, we will be a problem in Christ's body. Not one person in the church should feel that they have a special position. Only Christ has the position of being the Head and we are all members of His body....Fellowship is the life flowing one to another..."

I shared in my letter,
"Stephen Kaung would welcome this joining together of members under the headship of Christ for the building up of the Body."

"Believers who possess the same essential extracts of truth from God’s word should come together as adherents of the same vision."

Nee and Lee have noted that they stand on the shoulders of others in recovering these essential truths. We realize this also. They knew who they got help from. Many of us also realize who we got immense help from.
04-06-2015 12:41 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
HERn, FYI, Indiana (Steve Isitt) is not interested in online discussion. He just uses the board as a means to publicly communicate with LSM and the other powers-that-be in the LCM and to broadcast his insights. So don't feel ignored. I mean, feel ignored but don't get your feelings hurt about it. Indiana is a brother with a good heart who has dreams of fixing the LCs. I personally think he is wasting his time, but he might think I waste my time, too. He has to follow his own conscience and we by convention allow him that freedom here.
10-4. I figured. I know I'm a rabid anti-LSM type. Maybe with time . . .
04-06-2015 09:24 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Bro Indiana, please forgive my rudeness, but is a connection to Nee required for an expression of Christianity to be legitimate and pleasing to the Lord? Must all legitimate Christian expression proceed from some connection to Nee? Have you not seen that there is only one oracle of God and that is Christ Jesus? Do you not understand there was only one apostle Paul and that he referred to himself as the least of all the saints? So who is this Nee that you highly regard? Is he an angel? The oracle of God? An apostle at the level of Paul? Is he even the equivalent of Luther? No. Nee was a dear brother whose writings have helped many increase their love and appreciation of our Lord Jesus Christ, but he was also the one that spawned Lee and the extremes his movement has foisted upon the body of Christ. You have given up Lee, it is now time for you to give up Nee and to look to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the ministry of the true apostle of the age, Paul.
HERn, FYI, Indiana (Steve Isitt) is not interested in online discussion. He just uses the board as a means to publicly communicate with LSM and the other powers-that-be in the LCM and to broadcast his insights. So don't feel ignored. I mean, feel ignored but don't get your feelings hurt about it. Indiana is a brother with a good heart who has dreams of fixing the LCs. I personally think he is wasting his time, but he might think I waste my time, too. He has to follow his own conscience and we by convention allow him that freedom here.
04-05-2015 01:05 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Bro Indiana, please forgive my rudeness, but is a connection to Nee required for an expression of Christianity to be legitimate and pleasing to the Lord? Must all legitimate Christian expression proceed from some connection to Nee? Have you not seen that there is only one oracle of God and that is Christ Jesus? Do you not understand there was only one apostle Paul and that he referred to himself as the least of all the saints? So who is this Nee that you highly regard? Is he an angel? The oracle of God? An apostle at the level of Paul? Is he even the equivalent of Luther? No. Nee was a dear brother whose writings have helped many increase their love and appreciation of our Lord Jesus Christ, but he was also the one that spawned Lee and the extremes his movement has foisted upon the body of Christ. You have given up Lee, it is now time for you to give up Nee and to look to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the ministry of the true apostle of the age, Paul.
As I have seen in the local churches in recent decades, the ministries of Nee and Lee is the common denominator for there to be fellowship in/with the local churches. Without any reference to Nee or Lee as a common denominator, you might expect a deer in the headlights glazed look.
04-04-2015 04:22 PM
Re: new version: Hiding History in the Nee and Lee Eras

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
I then testified that I wasn’t like that and that many others in the Local Churches do take the Word first,
My experience more often then not, if there is taking the Word first, it's immediately followed by an intense focus on the footnotes. If one has a recovery version without the footnotes, they will be encouraged to get a recovery version with footnotes.
04-04-2015 02:39 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Bro Indiana, please forgive my rudeness, but is a connection to Nee required for an expression of Christianity to be legitimate and pleasing to the Lord? Must all legitimate Christian expression proceed from some connection to Nee? Have you not seen that there is only one oracle of God and that is Christ Jesus? Do you not understand there was only one apostle Paul and that he referred to himself as the least of all the saints? So who is this Nee that you highly regard? Is he an angel? The oracle of God? An apostle at the level of Paul? Is he even the equivalent of Luther? No. Nee was a dear brother whose writings have helped many increase their love and appreciation of our Lord Jesus Christ, but he was also the one that spawned Lee and the extremes his movement has foisted upon the body of Christ. You have given up Lee, it is now time for you to give up Nee and to look to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the ministry of the true apostle of the age, Paul.
04-03-2015 01:27 PM
Re: new version: Hiding History in the Nee and Lee Eras

To Local Church Leaders in the U. S. and around the globe,

I was in the “local churches” for 30 years, 1971-2001 and still manage to have a basic positive view of them. Last year I began to meet with a group quite similar to them, without the drama, yet with the same origin, that is, with a leader having come out of China under Watchman Nee’s early tutelage.

The teachings are the same in the essential truths of the Bible and they have a similar goal of life, gospel and the building up of the Body of Christ for a testimony of God. They meet as assemblies in the U. S. and around the world, rather than as the church in a city. They are careful in receiving believers according to Christ as their one and only center, and they have received me gladly and others I bring. A sister asked me this week after our prayer meeting how I came to their fellowship at Seattle Christian Assembly. I told her, “by a brother’s recommendation”, John Ingalls, from Southern California.

She soon found out I was associated with Witness Lee in the past, about whom she (and her husband) heard from two friends in India, how one brother was “burned” and the other became discouraged. I identified with what she then said about the attention given Witness Lee and his ministry (minister of the age), with, perhaps, as many say, more attention given to his publications than to the Bible (ministry of the age). This was of concern to her two friends. I then testified that I wasn’t like that and that many others in the Local Churches do take the Word first, of course; but also allow the help of a ministry to enhance their understanding and appreciation of what they read. I told her this is what I have done and why there is a deposit in me (that I draw from in our smaller meetings).

The concern of her two friends also was that “they call themselves the church. This and the lifting up of only one man and his ministry alarmed her very much. I told her that if she went to some meetings that she would understand more about their appreciation, but that this was indeed a problem and has led to division.

I shared with her what I spoke briefly on at the beginning of this writing, which Watchman Nee had once shared more fully on, “Whenever a special leader, or a specific doctrine, or some experience, or creed, or organization, becomes a center for drawing together the believers of different places, then because the center of such a church federation is other than Christ, it follows that its sphere will be other than local. And, whenever the divinely-appointed sphere of locality is displaced by a sphere of human invention, there the divine approval cannot rest. The believers within such a sphere may truly love the Lord, but they have another center apart from Him, and it is only natural that the second center becomes the controlling one. Christ is the common center of all the churches, but any company of believers that has a leader, a doctrine, an experience, a creed, or an organization as their center of fellowship, will find that that center becomes the center, and it is that center by which they determine who belongs to them and who does not. The center always determines the sphere, and the second center creates a sphere which divides those who attach themselves to it from those who do not. (Normal Christian Church Life)

“Anything that becomes a center to unite believers of different places will create a sphere which includes all believers who attach themselves to that center and excludes those who do not. This dividing line will destroy the God-appointed boundary of locality, and consequently destroy the very nature of the churches of God.”
(p. 184, Nee)

In their church life at Seattle Christian Assembly, they don’t lift up anyone, but the Lord Jesus Christ. They are trained to be focused on Him in all things, in service, in the gospel, in the meetings. They are a praying church. They pray before meetings, going to different rooms, they pray in the meetings, they pray for speakers and serving ones, for new ones, for unbelieving members of families, for the physically weak, for the unemployed, and for a conference in July! And all aspects of it: Please pray for Stephen Kaung’s health. He is currently experiencing pain in his sciatic nerve, which is hampering the mobility of his left leg. His eyes are also suffering age – related macular degeneration. May the Lord use His power to heal our brother so that he could get well quickly. __He is scheduled to speak at the West Coast Conference (at 100 years old) along with three other speakers.

There is no book room (that I have seen yet) No plate is passed or place available to drop a money envelope (that I have seen yet) There are also no testimonies. There is a speaker with a translator for English, then we are dismissed to the cafeteria across the hall for lunch, after every Sunday morning meeting where fellowship could ensue from the meeting, or otherwise. There are opportunities for testimonies and sharing in several small group meetings throughout the week.

There is no scriptural reason for any division to exist between a Witness Lee led group of believers and one where Stephen Kaung’s presence has been felt. Believers who possess the same essential extracts of truth from God’s word should come together as adherents of the same cause. Stephen Kaung would welcome this joining together of members under the headship of Christ for the building up of the Body in Love that the world may know....He has approached them before but to no avail at that time. But today, especially with the world situation and war looming, and end-time prophecy possibly unfolding before us, we should give heed to our calling to make straight the way of the Lord and take care of the oneness in His Body, the church universal and local and go opposite of a crumbling scene around us to proceed on the earth by taking an upward path in our spirits to the Throne.

We owe this to the Lord, to the co-workers of the faith, to fellow believers, to relatives and friends and to people in every land - to be one …even as “I and the Father are one..." John 17

new version

Steve Isitt
April 3, 2015
11-22-2014 03:38 PM
Re: Parallel Paths of Deviation in the Nee and Lee Eras


"I shall walk in my integrity" - King David, Israel

When I started this thread I stated that "Although there are legitimate reasons for open, honest, mutual fellowship with church leaders, the opportunity to meet with them is closed to me and to others. The concept in the leadership is that no one in the churches should make an issue of anything or care for right and wrong, which has worked well to keep church members uninformed and the truth suppressed. Thus, discussion of serious concerns keep going to an open forum."

And, this is why I am here again, since the church administration apparently prefers I write rather than be restored to fellowship in the churches. If I am in the church life I am positive for the things in the church life; if I am cut off I address the things that ought to be addressed for truth's sake and a positive outcome for the churches.

11-16-2014 08:13 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Let me get this straight. So when PL was in charge, and localities were calling him for instruction and reporting, no one knew about Philip?
They knew about PL running point for LSM and strong-arming the churches — or at least the ones who handled certain administrative oversight for each particular church did.

But that does not mean that they knew anything about his philandering and other sins, or that daddy Lee had driven off the few that attempted to have baby Lee removed from his position in the LSM. They just knew about the enforcer Lee.
11-16-2014 10:50 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What really scares me is that the lc is changing. The BBs are sanitizing the past history so that new ones will have no reason to search the past. What do the catholics know or care about the past. Might the lcs be the same? The future lcers won't know they are following a bunch of lyers and in one generation they won't even be lyers but just stupid. Sad, sad, sad!

What difference does it make if their founder is/was a phony? Same was true for the JWs and Mormons, that started circa 150 yrs ago. And look at them now.

In a hundred years no one will have heard of John Ingalls, Philip Lee, et al. But LSM will still be publishing Nee and Lee books, by a whole new set of Blended Brothers.

So Lee's Recovery farce will continue. Buyer beware.
11-16-2014 01:23 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Perhaps there is a third way, being "half full of it."
umm...er...I still don't get it...half full of what? *scratching-my-head*
11-15-2014 11:07 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
See: The Philip Lee Affair. Witness Lee's version of events could be seen in the now out-of-print classic " The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion".
Since I have one in my possession, I never bothered to consider what if I try to order one.
What if?
If it's available to order, LSM stands by their publication.
If it's unavailable to order, it's a subtle way of saying we at LSM regret this book was published and that it contains many serious mistakes.
11-15-2014 05:48 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

I am going to make an attempt to get this last message of the Chinese speaking conference(last speaking of Lee) for my own edification. But to think that WL had any kind of real repentance is hard for me to understand. I saw a video of WL's last words and two of them were, (tell my wife I have taken care of her) and the last was (sacrifice, or a synonym). It would seem to me that the word to his wife indicated he was still in control although he had maybe only a few hours or minutes to live. Maybe he thought his minions should or would repent and change their ways but since he didn't, why would we expect them to repent or change. And they didn't. It seems to me they got worse but that is not necessarily true.

Dictators never change except to die or get killed. Stalins death changed Russia really very little. Lee's death didn't change the lc at all. Sects that last for 50 years or more are going to stay. I had a cousin who claimed she was a dyed in the hide Baptist and she and family were such to death. All sects are that way and the lc won't be any different.

What really scares me is that the lc is changing. The BBs are sanitizing the past history so that new ones will have no reason to search the past. What do the catholics know or care about the past. Might the lcs be the same? The future lcers won't know they are following a bunch of lyers and in one generation they won't even be lyers but just stupid. Sad, sad, sad!

11-15-2014 12:26 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Dude, what's the point of this pointless story?
Obviously the simple point of the story went over your head ... that is, in most situations, there are two ways of looking at it, half-empty or half-full.

Perhaps there is a third way, being "half full of it."
11-15-2014 10:19 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Question bro Ohio. Philip happened in the late 80s. You didn't leave until 2006. Is that because of the TC filter factor? Was LSM able to keep the lid on the Philip scandal, so that all the other localities and saints didn't know what happened?

I'm asking because I'm wondering how many stayed in the LRC even after learning about Philip. In other words, I guess, when WL put Philip in charge did many know about his debauchery?

I was long gone by then. How widespread in the LC's was the knowledge of Philip's degeneracy?
In some localities elders who were willing to bury their head in the sand, shielded their congregations from the fiasco happening in Anaheim.
From firsthand knowledge Phillip's degenerate behavior is regarded as rumors.
All the readers really need to know how LSM was able to keep a lid on the Phillip Lee scandal is read Isaiah 5:20

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;
Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Having this understanding you will see truth is substituted for falsehood and falsehood is substituted for truth.

SO, brothers and sisters accept what they are told as truth. It's like this, Witness Lee and the ones doing his bidding (some of which are known as blended brothers) pass a lie as being truth. The local elders don't know any better. Out of respect, they have no reason to doubt so they unwittingly pass on lie's to their congregations as being true. Brothers and sisters in the congregations respect their elders and see no reason why their elders would lie to them. As a result you have seeking brothers and sisters who go by what "the brother's say".
11-15-2014 08:50 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Mephibosheth View Post
You know, I heard a story once about a shoe-company out in Buffalo back in the 1950's. It was looking to expand and reach into markets outside of the US.
Dude, what's the point of this pointless story?
11-15-2014 06:18 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
Replying to awareness 273.
I was also in the lc from 1972 and I assure you that BP, RG, and others kept an air tight lid on the PL fiasco. Nothing, not one word was ever mentioned in the Dallas area. I heard two very casual references probably around that time but none other so that there was plenty of reason that the whole thing was somewhat of a hoax.

Not until I came to this forum did I ever hear of details of PL, JI, BM, JS and others. A lot of testimony was very carefully swept under the rug in a very secrety way.
Let me get this straight. So when PL was in charge, and localities were calling him for instruction and reporting, no one knew about Philip?

In short, they/Lee successfully pulled the wool over the eyes of those faithfully giving their lives to what they were taught to be the very movement of God? That's devious, and crafty -- devil like -- and without a doubt a hoax.

All I can do is shake my head, realizing that it's still going on. Those poor people ... Lord have mercy on them. They know not what they do.
11-15-2014 06:01 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Replying to awareness 273.
I was also in the lc from 1972 and I assure you that BP, RG, and others kept an air tight lid on the PL fiasco. Nothing, not one word was ever mentioned in the Dallas area. I heard two very casual references probably around that time but none other so that there was plenty of reason that the whole thing was somewhat of a hoax.

Not until I came to this forum did I ever hear of details of PL, JI, BM, JS and others. A lot of testimony was very carefully swept under the rug in a very secrety way.

The cat is out of the box but vigorously denied by the hierarchy. If it actually came out the house of cards would come tumbling down.

11-15-2014 04:54 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Phillip Lee was a lightning rod, for sure, to expose the corruption and unrighteousness in Lee's LSM, but it was accompanied by Lee's megalomanic goals and grandiose schemes to dominate and lord it over the church of God.
Question bro Ohio. Philip happened in the late 80s. You didn't leave until 2006. Is that because of the TC filter factor? Was LSM able to keep the lid on the Philip scandal, so that all the other localities and saints didn't know what happened?

I'm asking because I'm wondering how many stayed in the LRC even after learning about Philip. In other words, I guess, when WL put Philip in charge did many know about his debauchery?

I was long gone by then. How widespread in the LC's was the knowledge of Philip's degeneracy?
11-15-2014 02:51 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by aron View Post
See: The Philip Lee Affair. Witness Lee's version of events could be seen in the now out-of-print classic " The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion". Other, more comprehensive treatments include "Speaking the Truth in Love" and "Hiding History in the Lord's Recovery".

Basically, Lee's "business decision" to install his admittedly unspiritual son to run the LSM enterprise blew up in his face. So it became loyalty to the truth or to Lee. Most evidently picked Lee.
Phillip Lee was a lightning rod, for sure, to expose the corruption and unrighteousness in Lee's LSM, but it was accompanied by Lee's megalomanic goals and grandiose schemes to dominate and lord it over the church of God.
11-14-2014 09:18 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
So what happened in the 80s that caused a dispute among the saints. I see all these post referring to it. What is it?
See: The Philip Lee Affair. Witness Lee's version of events could be seen in the now out-of-print classic " The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion". Other, more comprehensive treatments include "Speaking the Truth in Love" and "Hiding History in the Lord's Recovery".

Basically, Lee's "business decision" to install his admittedly unspiritual son to run the LSM enterprise blew up in his face. So it became loyalty to the truth or to Lee. Most evidently picked Lee.
11-14-2014 07:48 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

So what happened in the 80s that caused a dispute among the saints. I see all these post referring to it. What is it?
11-12-2014 03:51 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
This is my first post since last Nov (2013). I am compelled to share some developments.

To elders, brothers, sisters in Seattle, (Sept 27, 2014)

Excerpt from 1st letter
I have had recent church life experience in the church in Spokane after a 12 year absence from an environment of fellowship in the ministry of Witness Lee. This came after enough experience with believers elsewhere to comprehend the shortcoming in ministry of the word that there is in so many places.
You know, I heard a story once about a shoe-company out in Buffalo back in the 1950's. It was looking to expand and reach into markets outside of the US.

The company had two very energetic, very savvy marketing people who knew everything there was to know about shoes and all types of footwear; and the Manager decided that these two should spearhead their new thrust into domains thitherto unexplored. The Manager had had his mind turned to two remote islands out in the Pacific. He would send one salesperson to one island and the other to the other island. And so they were sent on their way.

After several days, the salesperson who had been sent to Island 'A' called back and he didn't sound very excited or enthused over the phone. He didn't have good news he informed the shoe-company. He whined and complained that he had trooped up and down the island in the hot sun everyday for three days and he had not seen one single person wearing shoes on the island. There was, he informed the Manager, no potential for business whatsoever on the forsaken island. He was sorry he had wasted the company's time and resources and would return to Buffalo on the next available flight.

That very same afternoon, the salesperson who had been sent to Island 'B' called the shoe company. He was all excited and could barely contain himself. "What is it, what is it?" the Manager asked him excitedly over the phone, himself becoming infected by the salesperson's ecstatic exuberance. The salesperson explained that he had gone all around the island twice, and twice over again, and he had not seen one single person wearing shoes on the island! The Manager was confused. "Don't you see?", the salesperson exclaimed, "there is great business to be had over here," he cried out..."I already have orders filled out for a hundred and ten pairs of shoes, and the demand is high, everybody wants shoes now!...send enough shoes on the next available flight and let's make mooooney!!!"

The first salesperson received a telegram at the airport as soon as he landed informing him that he had been fired!

He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the salesperson saith unto the churches


11-08-2014 08:28 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Only for a few laughs ... then turn around ... and head back in the right direction.
Going back is fun. That's the purpose of LCD.
11-07-2014 06:53 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
I wish Isset would cut the cords that have held him for such a long time. The LC is not going to change. They're just like the king of the sects. Unless you can get to them with enough millions of dollars as the pedaphyles litigation did the RCC, Anaheim will not budge. There's no reason for them to retract, repent, or else. The leadership is bankrupt as many other sects are. We have to go on. As the Lord has done nothing about the countless sects of Christianity, we had better stay out.

To me it's a real mercy that we have the desire to persue the Lord. I strongly feel the Lord is still saying "come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy laden an I will give you rest." I personally think I can fellowship with those who have long been my friends but if they choose to cut me off, so be it.

We have to move on.


Yes, I do agree, however, I have appreciated the writings that have been produced as a result of Steve's endeavors. As a disillusioned LC member who began to search the internet, his writings are one of the first things that came up for me. I found one of his more recent writings very helpful. That was the paper regarding the Sandovals that was posted by Terry.

It seems like many who have left the LC in the past, just left and moved on wanting to put the past behind them. That provides good closure to someone as an individual, but current members who are hurting such as myself are not able to learn from the experiences of those kinds of people. Steve's endeavors may never prove successful, however, what we now know as a result of his endeavours is quite valuable, and it has helped me to see the darkness and deception of the current LC leadership.
11-07-2014 05:53 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Seems I like to move back ... ain't that okay?
Only for a few laughs ... then turn around ... and head back in the right direction.
11-07-2014 05:24 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
I wish Isset would cut the cords that have held him for such a long time. The LC is not going to change. They're just like the king of the sects. Unless you can get to them with enough millions of dollars as the pedaphyles litigation did the RCC, Anaheim will not budge. There's no reason for them to retract, repent, or else. The leadership is bankrupt as many other sects are. We have to go on.
I would say not only is the leadership bankrupt, but deluded with pride. Whether you want to use sect or denomination, each are applicable.

Steve has proved, the LC is a sect when they claim to receive all blood-washed redeemed believers, but they won't receive him (or others) nor have the LC's proved any scriptural basis why he should be refused.
11-07-2014 01:04 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Amen Lisbon. This is one of the main reasons that this forum exists - To help us all to move on!
Seems I like to move back ... ain't that okay?
11-07-2014 12:37 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
To me it's a real mercy that we have the desire to persue the Lord. I strongly feel the Lord is still saying "come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy laden an I will give you rest." I personally think I can fellowship with those who have long been my friends but if they choose to cut me off, so be it.

We have to move on.

Amen Lisbon. This is one of the main reasons that this forum exists - To help us all to move on!
11-07-2014 12:06 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post

We have to move on.
The "restorationist" sects create an idealized past, like WN's "normal church", that exists only in their simplistic histories. News flash: you can never go back. You can only go forward.

History has occurred. We cannot and should not pretend that it hasn't, unless we want to, ahem, declare that we are all happy to be ostriches with our heads suck in the sand.

If God wanted some 1st century church as the apotheosis of all redeemed creation then that is arguably what we'd see here & now. He didn't, & we don't.
11-07-2014 11:57 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
We have to move on.
Never let the demons of your past reach into your present to ruin your future.
11-07-2014 09:34 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

I wish Isset would cut the cords that have held him for such a long time. The LC is not going to change. They're just like the king of the sects. Unless you can get to them with enough millions of dollars as the pedaphyles litigation did the RCC, Anaheim will not budge. There's no reason for them to retract, repent, or else. The leadership is bankrupt as many other sects are. We have to go on. As the Lord has done nothing about the countless sects of Christianity, we had better stay out.

To me it's a real mercy that we have the desire to persue the Lord. I strongly feel the Lord is still saying "come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy laden an I will give you rest." I personally think I can fellowship with those who have long been my friends but if they choose to cut me off, so be it.

We have to move on.

11-07-2014 08:44 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
The Kool-aid is from Anaheim.
And if bro Indiana ever hopes to be accepted back into the LC he's gonna have to commit to mixing up that Kool-aid for Anaheim. And I don't believe bro Indiana will ever be able to do such a thing.
11-07-2014 08:30 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
ooh, yeah, yum-yum...that cold, smooth, tasty, grape-flavored Kool-aid...so, so enticing...

Brother, you knew what was in it....and you still drank it
The Kool-aid is from Anaheim. What was "cold, smooth, tasty, and grape-flavored" came from the hearts of the saints.

Why is it so hard to differentiate a publishing house from the family of God?

Is it really impossible to do?
11-07-2014 07:32 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Steve Isitt's on-going situation with LSM is an indicator of the following:
  • Quarantines by LSM, contrary to all published information, were never intended to be temporary. Every one of his attempts at reconciliation have fallen on deaf ears.
  • The LC's are not autonomous. All published literature to this effect are just lip-service to the truth. Elders from all LC's must submit to agents from headquarters.
  • The Recovery clearly is a denomination with a definite headquarters. Their talk of "one body" simply is a smokescreen to hide this fact.
  • Leadership in the Recovery are definitely not answerable to the Lord, but have become man-pleasers. They no longer fear God, but rather man, specifically the collection of brothers known as Blendeds.
  • No leader enjoys the liberty to serve the Lord with faithfulness and obedience. Ministry "spies" can report all suspicious and "independent" local activity to higher-ups.
  • Local leaders care little for hearing what the "Spirit is speaking to the churches" and instead care only for what "the ministry" is speaking to the churches.
That's a checkmate post bro Ohio.
11-07-2014 07:15 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
My experience in Spokane was highlighted by the home meeting I was brought into, as we viewed videos on messages from the Philippians and Galatians LS Trainings. The three I saw were excellent as was our fellowship together before and afterwards. The two Sunday morning meetings I attended were a profound exercise of spiritual singing and corporate sharing from the saints’ rich deposit within them. Additionally, there was an outstanding Sunday evening of fellowship that “featured” a video out of Anaheim, along with the saints’ sharing...word came from Seattle to Spokane about me...I came one more time and heard from an open window the singing and speaking of the saints. Before long I was infused and left amazed, smiling and enlivened....
ooh, yeah, yum-yum...that cold, smooth, tasty, grape-flavored Kool-aid...so, so enticing...

Brother, you knew what was in it....and you still drank it
11-05-2014 05:46 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Steve Isitt's on-going situation with LSM is an indicator of the following:
  • Quarantines by LSM, contrary to all published information, were never intended to be temporary. Every one of his attempts at reconciliation have fallen on deaf ears.
  • The LC's are not autonomous. All published literature to this effect are just lip-service to the truth. Elders from all LC's must submit to agents from headquarters.
  • The Recovery clearly is a denomination with a definite headquarters. Their talk of "one body" simply is a smokescreen to hide this fact.
  • Leadership in the Recovery are definitely not answerable to the Lord, but have become man-pleasers. They no longer fear God, but rather man, specifically the collection of brothers known as Blendeds.
  • No leader enjoys the liberty to serve the Lord with faithfulness and obedience. Ministry "spies" can report all suspicious and "independent" local activity to higher-ups.
  • Local leaders care little for hearing what the "Spirit is speaking to the churches" and instead care only for what "the ministry" is speaking to the churches.
Thanks for crystallizing this information in an easy to read summary. Even though I have been out of the LC for 36 years it all sounds eerily similar to what I experienced and observed in the latter half of my involvement in the LC.
11-05-2014 03:59 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Steve Isitt's on-going situation with LSM is an indicator of the following:
  • Quarantines by LSM, contrary to all published information, were never intended to be temporary. Every one of his attempts at reconciliation have fallen on deaf ears.
  • The LC's are not autonomous. All published literature to this effect are just lip-service to the truth. Elders from all LC's must submit to agents from headquarters.
  • The Recovery clearly is a denomination with a definite headquarters. Their talk of "one body" simply is a smokescreen to hide this fact.
  • Leadership in the Recovery are definitely not answerable to the Lord, but have become man-pleasers. They no longer fear God, but rather man, specifically the collection of brothers known as Blendeds.
  • No leader enjoys the liberty to serve the Lord with faithfulness and obedience. Ministry "spies" can report all suspicious and "independent" local activity to higher-ups.
  • Local leaders care little for hearing what the "Spirit is speaking to the churches" and instead care only for what "the ministry" is speaking to the churches.
11-05-2014 02:56 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Dear saints, elders, Oct 1, 2014

As I shared a few days ago, I was recently cut off from fellowship in the church in Spokane after a very promising beginning. Word came to them that I had websites that needed to be brought down and issues with an elder that needed to be resolved. I cooperated to bring down the sites but never heard from Seattle brothers to discuss the issues they have with me. I then contacted a Seattle brother responsible for the report given and was told they would not meet with me. I asked the brother by phone if he would meet with me himself to pray, and he seemed surprised, but was also unwilling. I asked a Spokane brother the same, but he was unwilling also. Spokane had totally shut the door of fellowship to me based on this report they heard, but are not willing to discuss it with me until I get through with Seattle who also will not discuss the report with me. There is no way, therefore, for me to be heard by these two churches.

I am obliged, therefore, to respond to them publicly. As high as brothers have risen to apprehend the mysteries of God, they are that low in their apprehension of me and the truths I speak.

To elders and saints: 2006

I want to share my very positive testimony of being in the local churches for 30+ years, but before doing so, I will address briefly the unexpected interruption there has been to my fellowship in the churches over the last five years.

Many saints are unaware of what my situation is, or maybe they have heard something alarming without hearing the whole story, but I want all the saints to know this much: I am for the building up of the Body of Christ through the local churches and the rich ministry we been receiving in the Lord’s recovery for many years. I have never changed in this regard.

Certain elders, however, had the perception that I changed, and they acted accordingly to remove me from the fellowship. This was due to their lack of understanding and investigation. The change they perceived I had made was related to, ironically, my addressing matters concerning reconciliation, oneness, and the building up of the Body of Christ, but were viewed by these elders instead as acts of division and violations of God’s government. This was a great surprise to me. The elders’ denouncements of me resulted from

1. My attempts at opening my heart to Joel Kennon for our being reconciled.
2. My attempts at helping a couple in OKC be reconciled to one another.
3. My attempts at building a bridge of communication to former members throughout the recovery, encouraging reconciliation.
4. My attempts at directly contacting former and current leaders to encourage reconciliation among them. Three of the former leaders had been “quarantined” by the churches.

In my heart I had nothing of divisive intention, but held the high view that we in the churches have all been infused with for carrying out God’s economy. Each of these four types of attempts of addressing broken relationships required diligence to acquire the proper knowledge base for dealings that could result in oneness being recovered through a ministry of Christ. This is what I wanted to generate; yet, I found no commensurate effort on the elders’ part to gain such a knowledge base. Therefore, the knowledge base for each of these matters was profoundly different for me than it was for the elders. This created a huge difference in understanding, conviction, and burden before the Lord.

In 1996, ten years ago this January, I had first begun to run into trouble due to serious communication problems with the elders in Seattle. This began a relationship problem with them, especially with Joel Kennon. To this day, I still would encourage him to come before the Lord with me to clear up these serious matters that have affected our relationship and the oneness in the Body. He has shown no interest to address my concerns about him in a genuine and specific way, while fellow elders have shown no interest in helping him. Their total bias toward this highly respected brother has prevailed in the matter.

1. If there can be no genuine fellowship among the elders to seek the Lord and the facts on the matter with Joel, I ask them, then, to dismiss this so-called “problem with Joel” as one of their reasons for keeping me out of fellowship.

2. I ask the elders also to dismiss the Oklahoma City matter, unless they want to spend adequate time to understand what I was involved with for three years in care for a couple, a church, and even the recovery. As Francis Ball agreed, “This matter in OKC will have far-reaching effects in the recovery if it is not dealt with”, a brother allowed to put away his wife, without just cause, and seeing another sister, even attending the Lord ’s Table together.

3. Concerning a booklet I wrote and further writings I’ve done, I ask the elders to consider the points I have made, the strong documentation I have used, and the reality of our history that I and many others believe needs to be solemnly addressed.

4. There was great concern shown over my contacting John Ingalls because he had been “quarantined” by the churches, beginning in California in 1990. After ten years, I felt it should be okay to contact John Ingalls. Such a concern about him wanes in the light of his testimony.

My writings were my attempt to bring us into fellowship concerning the points I made. From the beginning, I had a spirit of fellowship on the matters. However, since my concepts were different and considered “dangerous”, I was not accepted as a brother in the fellowship any longer.

The early petitions for me to gather in a big group to be examined by 15 elders was not an inviting prospect for me since on six occasions I had very unpleasant encounters with elders one on one, and one on two. I sensed no spirit of fellowship with them. They were bent on discipline, not learning. But I was learning something about them and would be resorting to communication by letter, if there was to be contact.

I had agreed to meet on a Thursday evening with Joel and Sherman Robertson. Joel lined that meeting up with me on the Sunday before, but did not follow through with the meeting. He hadn’t yet set the time and did not bother to inform me that we were not going to meet. (This had happened before with Joel at a very serious juncture, when he (and Jim Bundy) did not follow through to meet with me to begin a reconciling fellowship, Sept 2000). I simply did not hear from him again in both instances. I tried to contact him twice in the first instance and left messages. This show of disrespect from him has been a constant, forcing my respect for him to plummet.

Three months after our proposed Thursday meeting, I called Sherman Robertson after hearing that he thought I would have nothing to say if we met, and he said he would get several brothers together to meet with me. I expected a “one-sided fellowship” with no true openness to my sharing, yet I prepared thoroughly to share extensively on every point of their concern. Because I didn’t hear from him in ten days, I felt to cancel any such meeting for any time soon. The wait was too long with that kind of pressure on me, and my health, income and home life were being effected. On the 11th day, he contacted me, not yet reading my email, and had the meeting scheduled for a week later. I stood with my decision not to meet. He told others, including Atsuo and Les Cites that I had “quit”, not explaining to them why. I then explained it to Les and Atsuo.

Any other questions, such as why I went on the internet, I would hope could be brought into fellowship and not superficially handled as has been the case with concerns about me. In Brother Lee’s book on Character he said that – and I say this as possibly a last word I will say to those who have been judging me the last years –

The book of proverbs says that a foolish person is a shallow person. The observation of a shallow person is not accurate. His understanding of the church, people, matters, and things is superficial. Being deep is closely related to being thorough and serious. A shallow person always makes superficial observations, whereas a deep person always searches and digs when he looks at things. While others labor to obtain light in studying the Bible, a shallow person is satisfied with merely a literal understanding. In listening to people, a deep person does not easily believe others and listens beyond superficial remarks. However, a shallow person readily believes others’ words, and his relaying of information is often inconsistent and incomplete. As a result, gossip is created. Those who serve the Lord must be deep in truth, in experience, and in leading others. A shallow person cannot serve the Lord, because he will make God’s work shallow. Those who like to represent others are shallow people. One who is deep is neither complicated nor shallow. Such a person is three-dimensional, always investigating and researching (p.22).

It is my desire to come into a more full fellowship in the church, and be able to come to meetings and be accepted by all the saints. I don’t want to do any more addressing of our past, publicly. But, unless the brothers do realize that they have been utterly shallow and careless regarding me and my handling of heartfelt matters, what can I do? You remain in your unconcerned and inactive state about the matters I have raised and about me also. And, I remain with the things I have investigated and researched so thoroughly.

My ordeal over the elders’ reaction to my writings began in January 2001 with Dan Towle; it is now reaching the five-year mark. There should be a consummation at this time. The ordeal with Joel Kennon is reaching the ten-year mark. What shall I do with the matters I have fully tried to convey and bring into fellowship? I will look to the Lord for the answer, and I also hope for brothers, fellow members of the Body, to respond in a spirit of fellowship to this current fellowship that I offer. If there is no interest to seriously regard the truth of our church history, that is one thing; and to continue holding a one-sided view that lacks full scope on issues regarding Joel is another. Spreading untrue perceptions of me in the church is still another matter and is most egregious and damaging - to the church and to me.

End 2006

There was no response to the 2006 letter; I, then, began to post writings on the Berean forum that year and continued later on the local church discussions forum.

Steve Isitt
Sept-Oct 1, 2014
11-05-2014 01:44 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Dear brother Indiana: Why do you waste your time with these people?
But Indiana seems not to be able to partake of the riches of Christ without it being in a local church meeting.

Seems to me they are speaking against the Holy Spirit, but what do I know.
11-05-2014 01:23 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
They cannot be helped or moved. I fear they may be whitewashed tombs full of dead men's bones.
But I wish they could have been with me last night at a Messianic Jewish men's group, sitting around a table seeking the Lord and scriptural truth - with the rabbi present. The question was asked, What area of your life do you think there should be less of I and more of Christ"? And, What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? And Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit?

1st Letter to Seattle: "The positive aspects of the church I have never denied, as those who know me understand. But I am not one-dimensional, just considering the positive side - “Once a church becomes spiritual, many problems will have to be considered. If a church is not spiritual, it is peaceful and without problems. The more spiritual you are, the more problems you have to solve” (W. Nee, Church Affairs, p. 48, 151). If I address a problem, whether with a brother or concerning the churches, it is with deep sincerity and with one objective in mind – reconciliation of the members unto restoration in the Body. This has been my endeavor, whether personally with Joel Kennon or corporately, as with Dan Towle.
11-05-2014 12:15 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
I understand, HERn. A brother close to me wrote:

"Bro. Steve,
"I know that you have been very exercised in your spirit regarding your burden to have the local church open to reconciliation, and so are many brothers, I being one. The leadership in the local churches (Living Stream affiliated) have had ample opportunity to review before the Lord what has happened with the churches over the years, yet I see no breakthrough. Perhaps, the Lord will keep the same burden in your heart until he returns, but I do believe, brother, the local churches in the "new way" have departed from the faith once delivered to us. That is, that our faith that is grounded in the light of God's word, in His love for the saints and his administrative Headship, not coming from "local church Leadership" who have propagated a systematized and robotic like practice to exact perverted oneness far removed from the dynamic working of the Lord in each saint's life. Steve, remember the age we are in. The Church in Laodicea will remain as is when the Lord returns/ He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit says, and the Lord is knocking at the door, much like you have been doing. Did they open the door for fellowship? Emphatically, No! Perhaps, it is time to declare enough and shake off your shoes and go on."

Love in Christ, Ruben
They cannot be helped or moved. I fear they may be whitewashed tombs full of dead men's bones.
11-04-2014 07:38 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
First letter excerpt: "On August 8, 2014 I received a phone call from the Spokane brother hosting our home meeting, informing me that because of the report from Seattle I could no longer attend the home meeting. He was hopeful, though, and even jubilant in believing I would soon be restored to fellowship as there would be more contact with Seattle. I was to first take down my websites to open the way for fellowship, which I did take down, and informed this brother.

I knew though that if I would be dealing with the same mentality as in the past, I would not only NOT be restored, I would most likely be ignored - completely. And this is what did happen. The Seattle elder who gave the report of censure, did not respond to the fact that I was making progress in the Lord in Spokane and that the brothers were happy with me and wanted me there. The brothers in Spokane, then, closed the doors to me till I could get through with the brothers in Seattle, who also closed their doors to me.
Taking the websites down did not open up fellowship. And either did the testimony that I was doing well and that I was wanted in Spokane. Further, the fact I have had no activity on the internet in 2014 or in most of 2013 had not yet come to their ears, and if it had, still their mind and heart would remain closed."
“I have heard that some brothers notice things happening that are not right, but they dare not say anything. To avoid getting involved, they stay silent and let the suffering go on. To do this is to play politics. This is what some of you have been practicing. Dear brothers, change your mind. Repent. Let us have no more such things.” (Witness Lee, Practical Talks 2, p. 23, 1983)

The brothers are playing politics. The ones in Seattle had no intention of offering fellowship. You were going on positively in Spokane FAR FAR away from Seattle. There was no need for brothers to play the Partiality card. Since when did the Church in Spokane begin catering to Seattle, Bellevue, etc? For years Spokane was a local church that practiced autonomy.
11-04-2014 04:54 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Dear brother Indiana: Why do you waste your time with these people?
I understand, HERn. A brother close to me wrote:

"Bro. Steve,
"I know that you have been very exercised in your spirit regarding your burden to have the local church open to reconciliation, and so are many brothers, I being one. The leadership in the local churches (Living Stream affiliated) have had ample opportunity to review before the Lord what has happened with the churches over the years, yet I see no breakthrough. Perhaps, the Lord will keep the same burden in your heart until he returns, but I do believe, brother, the local churches in the "new way" have departed from the faith once delivered to us. That is, that our faith that is grounded in the light of God's word, in His love for the saints and his administrative Headship, not coming from "local church Leadership" who have propagated a systematized and robotic like practice to exact perverted oneness far removed from the dynamic working of the Lord in each saint's life. Steve, remember the age we are in. The Church in Laodicea will remain as is when the Lord returns/ He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit says, and the Lord is knocking at the door, much like you have been doing. Did they open the door for fellowship? Emphatically, No! Perhaps, it is time to declare enough and shake off your shoes and go on."

Love in Christ, Ruben
11-04-2014 03:59 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Dear brother Indiana: Why do you waste your time with these people?
11-04-2014 03:53 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

First letter excerpt: "On August 8, 2014 I received a phone call from the Spokane brother hosting our home meeting, informing me that because of the report from Seattle I could no longer attend the home meeting. He was hopeful, though, and even jubilant in believing I would soon be restored to fellowship as there would be more contact with Seattle. I was to first take down my websites to open the way for fellowship, which I did take down, and informed this brother.

I knew though that if I would be dealing with the same mentality as in the past, I would not only NOT be restored, I would most likely be ignored - completely. And this is what did happen. The Seattle elder who gave the report of censure, did not respond to the fact that I was making progress in the Lord in Spokane and that the brothers were happy with me and wanted me there. The brothers in Spokane, then, closed the doors to me till I could get through with the brothers in Seattle, who also closed their doors to me.
Taking the websites down did not open up fellowship. And either did the testimony that I was doing well and that I was wanted in Spokane. Further, the fact I have had no activity on the internet in 2014 or in most of 2013 had not yet come to their ears, and if it had, still their mind and heart would remain closed."
11-04-2014 03:34 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
This is my first post since last Nov (2013). I am compelled to share some developments.

To elders, brothers, sisters in Seattle, (Sept 27, 2014)

I have had recent church life experience in the church in Spokane after a 12 year absence from an environment of fellowship in the ministry of Witness Lee. This came after enough experience with believers elsewhere to comprehend the shortcoming in ministry of the word that there is in so many places. My experience in Spokane was highlighted by the home meeting I was brought into, as we viewed videos on messages from the Philippians and Galatians LS Trainings. The three I saw were excellent as was our fellowship together before and afterwards. The two Sunday morning meetings I attended were a profound exercise of spiritual singing and corporate sharing from the saints’ rich deposit within them. Additionally, there was an outstanding Sunday evening of fellowship that “featured” a video out of Anaheim, along with the saints’ sharing.

It is no small thing to be in an atmosphere conducive for the dispensing of Christ into one another. Neither is it a small thing to be cut off from fellowship, when word came from Seattle to Spokane about me. I came one more time and heard from an open window the singing and speaking of the saints. Before long I was infused and left amazed, smiling and enlivened.... Excerpt from 1st letter

2nd Letter
You are certainly persistent. I remember reading your material over the years on the internet. I'm sincerely glad you have found what you are looking for but from your pdf it appears they have cut you off again. That is a real bummer.
11-04-2014 03:05 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

This is my first post since last Nov (2013). I am compelled to share some developments.

To elders, brothers, sisters in Seattle, (Sept 27, 2014)

Excerpt from 1st letter
I have had recent church life experience in the church in Spokane after a 12 year absence from an environment of fellowship in the ministry of Witness Lee. This came after enough experience with believers elsewhere to comprehend the shortcoming in ministry of the word that there is in so many places. My experience in Spokane was highlighted by the home meeting I was brought into, as we viewed videos on messages from the Philippians and Galatians LS Trainings. The three I saw were excellent as was our fellowship together before and afterwards. The two Sunday morning meetings I attended were a profound exercise of spiritual singing and corporate sharing from the saints’ rich deposit within them. Additionally, there was an outstanding Sunday evening of fellowship that “featured” a video out of Anaheim, along with the saints’ sharing.

It is no small thing to be in an atmosphere conducive for the dispensing of Christ into one another. Neither is it a small thing to be cut off from fellowship, when word came from Seattle to Spokane about me. I came one more time and heard from an open window the singing and speaking of the saints. Before long I was infused and left amazed, smiling and enlivened....

2nd Letter
07-11-2014 12:03 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Terry, that Rosemead account by David Wang is an eye opener.

It shows how beloved brothers become bullies once they decide to "follow a man." By choosing to be so-called one with the ministry, they become men-pleasers capable of all manners of evil in order to justify their misaimed goals.

Only by following Christ our Head can we remain true to our conscience.
You know reading David Wang's account you read another instance how current blending brothers had their fingerprints in the late 80's turmoil. No wonder Dan Towle was so reactive when Steve Isitt wrote In Wake of the New Way. If responsible brothers start doing their research, they will be alarmed and incensed over the degree of whitewashing. To ignore or pretend the whitewashing (Matthew 25:27) does not exist, that is being irresponsible.
To be one with the ministry is in effect no different than liberals who choose to be one with Obama's administration. The principle is no different; playing politics. One administration regards a federal government while the other administration regards a Christian publisher which influences many local churches.

I saw this link http://www.blendedbody.com/AAA-Perso...ristianity.htm
in another thread. I thought it would be fitting here.
03-26-2014 04:39 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
“Oh, this man of death, Steve Isitt, he wrote
something. And someone else is sending it everywhere. I need to figure this out; oh, I never heard these things. Could this be true? Did the brothers behave like that?”


It's in writings. Either the writers are lying or blended brothers are exerting much effort to conceal their roles; specifically in the late 80's turmoil. I see them as part of the problem during the turmoil when they could have been part of the solution.

The two writings in particular that com to mind is John Ingalls' Speaking the Truth in Love and David Wang's testimony of his account in Rosemead's turmoil. I have attached for thoe who have not read it.
Terry, that Rosemead account by David Wang is an eye opener.

It shows how beloved brothers become bullies once they decide to "follow a man." By choosing to be so-called one with the ministry, they become men-pleasers capable of all manners of evil in order to justify their misaimed goals.

Only by following Christ our Head can we remain true to our conscience.
03-25-2014 08:27 PM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

“Oh, this man of death, Steve Isitt, he wrote
something. And someone else is sending it everywhere. I need to figure this out; oh, I never heard these things. Could this be true? Did the brothers behave like that?”


It's in writings. Either the writers are lying or blended brothers are exerting much effort to conceal their roles; specifically in the late 80's turmoil. I see them as part of the problem during the turmoil when they could have been part of the solution.

The two writings in particular that com to mind is John Ingalls' Speaking the Truth in Love and David Wang's testimony of his account in Rosemead's turmoil. I have attached for thoe who have not read it.
11-09-2013 08:30 AM
Re: One publication

Originally Posted by Truth View Post
By the way, what happened to the one publication edict? I've noticed that everyone is blogging these days. News songs are being written and posted on the internet. I doubt all of them are LSM approved. Not sure if the one publication can really be carried out. It was possible before the internet era. But now with thousands of members blogging, writing on forums, posting music, messages, etc..., it is impossible to police the situation. I don't think this one publication thing is going to last for very long. What do you guys think?
I see the key word being publication. Sure you can blog and you can write music. You can even post YouTube videos as long as it's positive for LSM. It's when you publish apart from LSM whether it's a gospel tract, an online article, or a book is when LSM has an issue. Publishing apart from LSM becomes a bigger problem if it detracts from their revenue as we saw in the last decade in the Great Lakes area.
11-08-2013 07:05 PM
Re: One publication

Originally Posted by Truth View Post
By the way, what happened to the one publication edict? I've noticed that everyone is blogging these days. News songs are being written and posted on the internet. I doubt all of them are LSM approved. Not sure if the one publication can really be carried out. It was possible before the internet era. But now with thousands of members blogging, writing on forums, posting music, messages, etc..., it is impossible to police the situation. I don't think this one publication thing is going to last for very long. What do you guys think?
The one publication edict only applies when the saints stop buying LSM's publications. Perhaps you can post links to some of their sites.
11-08-2013 06:57 PM
Re: Who Cares About Ambition?

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
This maybe how they are now in the "Recovery" but there were some generations who grew up (in the U.S. at least) without TV, radio, vacations, sporting events, hobbies, etc. Kids watched while their parents burned their baby pictures, etc. Vacations were used for conferences and trainings. Parents would go to LA and later Anaheim and leave their kids with sitters for 10 - 21 days. Thanksgiving? Conference. Christmas? Training. Easter? Conference. Memorial Day? Conference. July 4th? Conference. Labor Day? Conference. For these generations their parents were completely consumed with the LC system and the agenda of Witness Lee.
Yeah ... but ... I was allowed to celebrate Chinese New Year.
11-08-2013 04:50 PM
Re: False Claim that Brothers were Ambitious

"We wish to comment on two of John’s closing remarks. John says, 'if we have offended any of you saints, we ask you to please forgive us. We surely never intended to offend anyone of you.' On the one hand, offended saints should receive the grace to forgive from their hearts. To maintain a sweet, harmonious church life we need to forgive one another. On the other hand, John’s word 'If we have offended any of you saints' is somewhat disturbing for it is altogether too general and superficial and it displays a lack of consciousness of the grave offenses caused not only to saints but also to other churches. Certain things said and done in Anaheim since August 28, 1988, have caused damage and distress and should not be dealt with generally and superficially. There is the willingness to forgive but there should also be the willingness to repent."

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

John Ingalls – [COLOR="Navy"][B]“ We desperately hoped there would be some change to resolve the serious problems that had emerged, and we fellowshipped earnestly with Brother Lee to this end. We have lamented the damage inflicted and suffered by many saints through practices and attitudes that we too in some measure participated in… For my part, I humbly repent of this”. (Speaking the Truth In Love conclusion, 1990)
Not only in Speaking the Truth in Love, but also at a conference in Virginia did John Ingalls repent. It's clearly in text for Ron and Kerry to read of John's willingness to repent.
11-08-2013 03:21 PM
Re: One publication

Originally Posted by Truth View Post
I don't think this one publication thing is going to last for very long. What do you guys think?
You can blog under the LSM, as long as your commentary is limited to "Praise the Lord for..." and then you follow with either a Bible verse or a quote from WL. Or, you can say, "I was really enjoying..." and follow with the same.

Anything beyond that, talk to Steve Isitt. He can tell you what happens next.

Or james73 more recently: see his thread on the subject, titled "Kicked out".


james73 made two mistakes: first, he had an opinion. Second, he didn't keep it to himself - he expressed it publicly.

So as long as you don't violate those simple, basic rules: blog away.
11-08-2013 03:03 PM
One publication

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
By all appearances, if you don't make LSM publications the basis of assembling, you are meeting independent of the body.
By the way, what happened to the one publication edict? I've noticed that everyone is blogging these days. News songs are being written and posted on the internet. I doubt all of them are LSM approved. Not sure if the one publication can really be carried out. It was possible before the internet era. But now with thousands of members blogging, writing on forums, posting music, messages, etc..., it is impossible to police the situation. I don't think this one publication thing is going to last for very long. What do you guys think?
11-08-2013 12:02 PM
Re: Who Cares About Ambition?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
The whole Recovery psychology is about submitting your thoughts to another person. Not God, but another fallen person. If you don't, you are labeled ambitious, rebellious, yada, yada. I mean, it's psycho. Some day someone will write a book about it.
In Afaithfulword.org it's been spun to a spiritual sounding term; respecting the feeling of the body. If you don't submit to the blending brothers, you're being independent. By all appearances, if you don't make LSM publications the basis of assembling, you are meeting independent of the body.
11-08-2013 12:02 PM
Re: Who Cares About Ambition?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Witness Lee was more ambitious than anyone. He just got to live out his ambition because he was top dog. Nice work if you can get it. Ambition as a vice is a non-starter for everyone except people in "the Recovery." And they only worry about it because Lee told them they should, while all along he fulfilled his monstrous ambition of being the "Minister of the Age." In other words, he held everyone else down because he didn't want rivals. Talk about ambition!
Yep! And ultimately it created a culture of passivity and dependency on him and his ministry.

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
The Recovery reminds me of Communist China. On the surface everyone paid lip service to the words of Mao, and would never oppose him in public. But in private the Chinese people ran capitalism wherever they could. My brother-in-law grew up there. That's how he described it. Christians in the Recovery are the same way. They give lip service to Lee's platitudes, but when push comes to shove they live pretty much like any other halfway-serious Christian. They have families, fun, vacations, hobbies, opinions. In short they live human life like everyone else. They just pretend in their conferences like they are significantly different. I guess it makes them feel good to think that. Or maybe they just think they are supposed to.
This maybe how they are now in the "Recovery" but there were some generations who grew up (in the U.S. at least) without TV, radio, vacations, sporting events, hobbies, etc. Kids watched while their parents burned their baby pictures, etc. Vacations were used for conferences and trainings. Parents would go to LA and later Anaheim and leave their kids with sitters for 10 - 21 days. Thanksgiving? Conference. Christmas? Training. Easter? Conference. Memorial Day? Conference. July 4th? Conference. Labor Day? Conference. For these generations their parents were completely consumed with the LC system and the agenda of Witness Lee.
11-07-2013 07:21 PM
Who Cares About Ambition?

So what if these brothers were ambitious? Since when was ambition a horrible thing? Oh yeah, Lee said so.

Witness Lee was more ambitious than anyone. He just got to live out his ambition because he was top dog. Nice work if you can get it. Ambition as a vice is a non-starter for everyone except people in "the Recovery." And they only worry about it because Lee told them they should, while all along he fulfilled his monstrous ambition of being the "Minister of the Age." In other words, he held everyone else down because he didn't want rivals. Talk about ambition!

Do you see a discrepancy there, or do I have to spell it out further? I mean, the psychology is so warped I guess you have to be warped to fall for it. Unfortunately, that's what being in a movement like that does to you.

The whole Recovery psychology is about submitting your thoughts to another person. Not God, but another fallen person. If you don't, you are labeled ambitious, rebellious, yada, yada. I mean, it's psycho. Some day someone will write a book about it.

The Recovery reminds me of Communist China. On the surface everyone paid lip service to the words of Mao, and would never oppose him in public. But in private the Chinese people ran capitalism wherever they could. My brother-in-law grew up there. That's how he described it. Christians in the Recovery are the same way. They give lip service to Lee's platitudes, but when push comes to shove they live pretty much like any other halfway-serious Christian. They have families, fun, vacations, hobbies, opinions. In short they live human life like everyone else. They just pretend in their conferences like they are significantly different. I guess it makes them feel good to think that. Or maybe they just think they are supposed to.
11-07-2013 06:48 PM
Re: False Claim that Brothers were Ambitious

The Claim that Brothers Were Ambitious

John Ingalls – “It is not our desire, nor has it ever been, to overthrow anyone’s work or ministry, neither have we desired to put anyone’s ministry aside, but rather to bring everything to the light and put everything in the proper context. A report has been circulated that we would not be satisfied until we brought a certain person down; this report was erroneously applied to us. We never had any such intention, nor have we ever conspired against anyone – the Lord knows this and can testify for us. The accusation of conspiracy made against us is an utter falsehood – our testimony as recorded in this account bears this out. Rather we have grieved over those in leadership who have swerved from the path they once proclaimed and espoused. We desperately hoped there would be some change to resolve the serious problems that had emerged, and we fellowshipped earnestly with Brother Lee to this end. We have lamented the damage inflicted and suffered by many saints through practices and attitudes that we too in some measure participated in… For my part, I humbly repent of this”. (Speaking the Truth In Love conclusion, 1990)

Al Knoch “Anyone who knows John Ingalls knows that he is not ambitious; he is not that way. Who would want that responsibility [of taking over the recovery]. There was no conspiracy” (from an interview with Al, Nov 2000).

John So – In his Manila presentation, John So expressed surprise at the conspiracy charge:

"I would like to just go through Brother Lee’s outline concerning the rebellion. It says the rebellion began to ferment from Stuttgart in 1986. What I would like to do is just give you the chronological events of what took place. I will only deal briefly with things that I personally know quite well, concerning myself, Stuttgart, and Europe. I don’t know and I am not thoroughly familiar with what went on in Hong Kong. I really do not know and I cannot say anything in details. So, I cannot speak for brother Joseph Fung. And I didn’t know exactly what happened in Anaheim in the very beginning. So I cannot speak for brother John Ingalls. I really cannot. And when things happened in Rosemead, I really had no idea what was going on there until I read the literature that they had put out. I did not even know that we had ever formed together an “international conspiracy ring” until Witness Lee said so. I am quite surprised. None of the places I’ve mentioned involved me. Okay, Witness Lee claims that rebellion and conspiracy started to ferment in Stuttgart in 1986. I’m going to start at this point…." (1990, John So’s testimony given in Manila by their invitation)

John Ingalls – John Ingalls speaks of having the same “heart’s burden” as others.
"Brother Lee mentioned then that Bill Mallon, John So, and myself all used the same term – central control. He deduced that we must have consulted or “conspired” together. The fact was that we all had the same realization because of separate similar experiences without any consultation and certainly without any “conspiring“ with each other. John So began to be concerned in 1986, Bill Mallon in the spring of 1987, and myself in the fall of 1987. Eventually, as we had done for years, we had telephone contact with each other, and our heart’s burden came out.

John Ingalls – John shares the following refutation of the conspiracy charge:

"At this point we felt that it would be useful for the brothers we had contacted to come together to fellowship and pray in preparation for going to see Brother Lee, so that we would be clear concerning the issues we would present to him. Moreover, we believed it would be best not to create any stir among the saints or other elders by doing this openly; so we sought some place where we could all meet privately. This was by no means a conspiracy, as we are being charged. At no time did we ever meet with the purpose of plotting to overthrow Brother Lee and his ministry. That is utterly ridiculous. We never had such a thought – the Lord can testify for us. A private meeting or a secret meeting does not constitute a conspiracy. A conspiracy takes form from the content of the meeting. Is it a conspiracy to pray and fellowship together in preparation for visiting Brother Lee and opening our hearts in frank fellowship? Of course not. We were very concerned for the saints and sought for an extended period to cover the grave matters from them lest they be distraught and we suffer worse consequences.
One of the brothers I sought to contact and confer with was Ray Graver, an elder in the church in Irving, Texas, and the manager of the LSM branch office there. I called him in Texas and proposed that I come to see him in Irving. It was thought, however, for us to meet in Irving would attract too much attention; so we settled on meeting midway in El Paso, Texas. This decision is being censured now as a plan for a secret meeting, as if that in itself is evil and a conspiracy. But I fail to see anything wrong with this. It was with a pure motive and desire and certainly was not a plot to draw him into a conspiracy to overthrow anyone’s ministry. Ray was quite willing to do this until Benson Phillips, another co-worker and elder in Irving, Texas, who was then in Taiwan, advised him against it. Had Benson been in Irving, I would have sought to speak with him also. I enjoyed a very good and close relationship with both Ray and Benson for many years."

John So - John So speaks straightforwardly to Brother Lee:

"Originally, I did plan to go to Anaheim to have some personal fellowship with you [Witness Lee] as you requested by phone early December. (I must say at this time I was not too polite anymore. If you would consider that as maybe a rebellion, that’s fine with me. Consider it as a rebellion. Conspiracy, that is also fine with me.) In my last page, I told him, please do not think that I’m against you or am opposing you because of my writing you this letter. I do not have the slightest intention to oppose your work or your ministry. Neither do I have any desire to convince any brother. By the Lord’s grace, I like to be straightforward and follow my conscience, not to hide anything and not play politics, not to please anyone, or to offend anyone. May the Lord have mercy on all His churches. (I ended the letter that way.)

Bill Mallon - Bill Mallon was very concerned over serious developments in the Southeast churches and of course he opened to other brothers about his concerns, but he spurns the idea that there was ever a conspiracy to overthrow someone. He said that to be charged in this way “would be funny if it were not so tragic”. (from a phone conversation with Bill, 2001)

The brothers simply came together to discuss their serious concerns and desired to bring those concerns into fellowship with other brothers, including Brother Lee. John Ingalls approached Brother Lee sixteen times on behalf of the feeling of many brothers and the burden that many of them had at that time. Ken Unger went to Brother Lee twenty times. After a considerable amount of time had passed with little progress being made, certain brothers began to speak out according to their convictions, based on the Word of God, prior church ministry, and their conscience. This, however, was interpreted by some as speaking differently, and negatively, and being against the new way in the churches.

(Excerpts from Deviating from the Path in the Lord's Recovery)

Steve Isitt
11-07-2013 12:50 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
One of the points I used to emphasize on thebereans.net, if these brothers were SO ambitious as Witness claims and as LSM co-workers still claim, why would they remain for 25 years? If they were ambitious, don't you think they would have exercised ambition to take opver the work while still young men? As it was, after 25 years they were in their late 50's. Much more logical is they were more spiritually mature than their younger co-workers (now known as the blended brothers). Being more spiritually mature, they saw things in the light most brothers and sisters did not see.
The whole "unfulfilled ambitions" explanation is just a red herring to distract those questioning away from probing into the real reasons these senior coworkers had legit concerns.

Personally I see nothing wrong with people being ambitious. Since when is that a crime? You have a goal and the determination and hard work to achieve it. What's wrong with that? Witness Lee could not build an international ministry without ambition.

So the first thing Witness Lee had to do was make being ambitious a bad thing. (Which he constantly did in his messages all the while being highly ambitious himself.) Once he could convince his audience of this he could henceforth dismissively use it as a one line stock "reason" why many of his closest senior coworkers weren't happy with some of the things going on in the late 1980s. In this manner he could keep covering up the real reasons.

However in this particular instance I'm surprised he and his LSM employees would use this stock answer instead of pulling another one off the shelf. Because as I wrote in a previous post the coworkers involved were already at the top. They were well respected elders and coworkers with stellar reputations throughout the LC system. If indeed they were motivated by ambition the only higher "position" they could hope to achieve was the one held by Witness Lee as the super-apostle over the work globally. Does anyone seriously believe any of these brothers were dumb enough to think that was a realistic goal? And if that was not the goal of their supposed "unfulfilled ambition" then what possibly could it have been? What were they ambitious to achieve for themselves in the LC system that they didn't already have?

May I state it plainly? This stock answer of Witness Lee & Co is otherwise known as: lying. Bold-faced lying to God's people to cover up the real legitimate reasons these coworkers were concerned.
11-07-2013 11:51 AM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
This was one of a few off the shelf stock explanations used by Witness Lee & Co. But to use this particular one for the coworkers who were ousted in the late 1980s is really grasping at straws - to say the least.

Bill Mallon, John Ingalls, John So, etc. were at the pinnacle of success (if you will) in the LC system. They were elders locally and senior coworkers in "the work". What would they be ambitious for? The only position higher was Witness Lee's as the global boss over all the work. Does anyone seriously believe any of these brothers wanted Lee's position? Does anyone seriously believe they were stupid enough to think they had the status to realistically claim that position even if they did want it?

Witness Lee and his LSM staffers often gave silly immature explanations hoping their listeners were naive and trusting enough to take them at face value. Unfortunately for the most part they were correct.
Yes, unfortunately they were correct. The listeners were #1 trusting and #2 naive. Something can be said of an analogy to the children's story"The Emperor's New Clothes".
One of the points I used to emphasize on thebereans.net, if these brothers were SO ambitious as Witness claims and as LSM co-workers still claim, why would they remain for 25 years? If they were ambitious, don't you think they would have exercised ambition to take opver the work while still young men? As it was, after 25 years they were in their late 50's. Much more logical is they were more spiritually mature than their younger co-workers (now known as the blended brothers). Being more spiritually mature, they saw things in the light most brothers and sisters did not see.
11-06-2013 07:34 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
While meeting in several localities I would hear the brothers who left was due to unfulfilled ambitions (among other reasons). I was told once by Bill Mallon, if he was ambitious he would have never left. (This stemmed from me asking Bill, about the claim I had heard for years. His leaving was due to unfulfilled ambition.) Interesting the full-time co-workers who remained and those who left had everything to lose; financial support.
Witness Lee once came out with these great swelling words of wisdom about all those who had left the Recovery, that they had either ...
  1. Unfulfilled Ambitions
  2. Unforgiven Offenses
Witness Lee, however, would never identify the real issues at the heart of every conflict. It was always so much easier to assign evil motives to those who voiced protest at unrighteousness and criminal activity, while all the time pretending like he alone was the only pure and holy man on earth, suffering evil persecution, from within and without. He was so quick to demand forgiveness from others, yet never would apologize for his own wrongs.

Think about his response for those who lost their life savings during the Daystar disaster, "they lost their virginity." Nothing was ever his fault! Somebody else was always to blame! These saints were robbed by Lee in some grand get-rich-quick scheme, but Lee owed them no apology, rather they should consider it a "gift to the Lord." For the ones who were finally compensated for their "investment," it was because they threatened to go to the authorities.
11-06-2013 06:58 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Please note also that Benson Phillips, who as a young man laid under the stars on a golf course and saw visions of his leading a big religious movement, was himself never ambitious.

I've got some oceanfront property in Ar-i-zo-na...
11-06-2013 06:27 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
While meeting in several localities I would hear the brothers who left was due to unfulfilled ambitions (among other reasons)...
This was one of a few off the shelf stock explanations used by Witness Lee & Co. But to use this particular one for the coworkers who were ousted in the late 1980s is really grasping at straws - to say the least.

Bill Mallon, John Ingalls, John So, etc. were at the pinnacle of success (if you will) in the LC system. They were elders locally and senior coworkers in "the work". What would they be ambitious for? The only position higher was Witness Lee's as the global boss over all the work. Does anyone seriously believe any of these brothers wanted Lee's position? Does anyone seriously believe they were stupid enough to think they had the status to realistically claim that position even if they did want it?

Witness Lee and his LSM staffers often gave silly immature explanations hoping their listeners were naive and trusting enough to take them at face value. Unfortunately for the most part they were correct.
11-06-2013 05:25 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
But who played whom? Knowing that Benson Phillips since he was a young man dreamed of being the head of an international ministry leads me to believe that he and those in tow from Texas may have been playing the Lee's to insinuate and manipulate themselves into ultimately running LSM. If one has the ambition but not the wherewithal or personality to create an international ministry from scratch (Benson Phillips) one might be willing to tolerate and cover up for a guy like Philip Lee to appease his dad and gain control of the desired position. In other words without the prize of running LSM as a realistic outcome could Benson & Co really stomach the behavior and abuse of Philip Lee? Doubtful IMHO. They played daddy & son to get what they wanted!
While meeting in several localities I would hear the brothers who left was due to unfulfilled ambitions (among other reasons). I was told once by Bill Mallon, if he was ambitious he would have never left. (This stemmed from me asking Bill, about the claim I had heard for years. His leaving was due to unfulfilled ambition.) Interesting the full-time co-workers who remained and those who left had everything to lose; financial support.
11-06-2013 05:08 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Whether Ron or Kerry were aware is a question. What is not debatable, Ron and Kerry were under Phillip Lee. He was for intents and purposes leading LSM on his father's behalf. Phillip was his father's most important co-worker. So, if Ron and Kerry wanted to remain as employees of LSM, they needed to cowtow to Phillip Lee even if they were aware of Phillip's misconduct. In Speaking the Truth in Love Benson Phillips and Ray Graver had admitted as much to John Ingalls and the late Ken Unger knowing about Philip's immoral behavior.
Of course they were aware! Philip Lee's conduct was an open secret in The Church in Anaheim (more or less as a whole) and in Irving for those who worked at LSM.

But who played whom? Knowing that Benson Phillips since he was a young man dreamed of being the head of an international ministry leads me to believe that he and those in tow from Texas may have been playing the Lee's to insinuate and manipulate themselves into ultimately running LSM. If one has the ambition but not the wherewithal or personality to create an international ministry from scratch (Benson Phillips) one might be willing to tolerate and cover up for a guy like Philip Lee to appease his dad and gain control of the desired position. In other words without the prize of running LSM as a realistic outcome could Benson & Co really stomach the behavior and abuse of Philip Lee? Doubtful IMHO. They played daddy & son to get what they wanted!
10-29-2013 11:49 AM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Are Ron and Kerry aware of the corrupting effect that Philip Lee brought into the recovery?

Are they aware of the facts concerning him? John Ingalls was well aware.
Whether Ron or Kerry were aware is a question. What is not debatable, Ron and Kerry were under Phillip Lee. He was for intents and purposes leading LSM on his father's behalf. Phillip was his father's most important co-worker. So, if Ron and Kerry wanted to remain as employees of LSM, they needed to cowtow to Phillip Lee even if they were aware of Phillip's misconduct. In Speaking the Truth in Love Benson Phillips and Ray Graver had admitted as much to John Ingalls and the late Ken Unger knowing about Philip's immoral behavior.
10-29-2013 09:22 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
They should make specific concessions over specific concerns, but to get general concessions over specific concerns is a start. For example, they should have the integrity to admit the fact that

1) Philip Lee was a huge factor in causing turmoil and division in the Local Churches.

2) That co-workers did cover over his sins in the office and his abusive and divisive behavior among churches.

3) That leaving him out of "official" accounts of Local Church history is a travesty.
While I agree with you that LSM should make specific concessions over specific concerns, they never will. That would open up a bucket of worms like no other, and their whole house of cards would come crashing down. Their integrity is superseded by their own existence.

What if someone like that new poster Lisbon, who was in the Recovery for 41 years, found out that Witness Lee lied about John Ingalls to coverup the fact that his son Philip was molesting the female volunteer help at the Living Stream ministry offices on Ball Road.

"No, Mr. Isitt, there will be no concessions forthcoming from LSM."
10-29-2013 08:23 AM
Re: MERGED THREAD: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Whether it's Ron Kangas or local brothers, any speaking such as mine or yours is considered negative; so to their ears I use the term "negative speaking". Much of the speaking on the forum is with a positive end in view. And, every type of perceived "negative" speaking on the forum would at least be diminished thru "coming together" and the brothers making at least general public concessions concerning the veracity of several of our concerns.

They should make specific concessions over specific concerns; but to get general concessions is a start. For example, they should have the integrity to admit the fact that

1) Philip Lee was a huge factor in causing turmoil and division in the Local Churches.


2) Co-workers did cover up his sins in the office and his abusive and divisive behavior among churches.


3) Leaving him out of "official" accounts of Local Church history is a travesty, as is the casting of blame on others, who were moved with righteous indignation to stop the tide of evil in the churches.


1. false representation: a distorted or debased version of something
It was a kangaroo court, a travesty of justice. Encarta ® World English Dictionary ©

10-29-2013 07:44 AM
Re: Leaders of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
...I hope we can come together and talk about your concerns and also to seek to find a way to bring an end to the negative speaking about the Local Churches on the internet....***The original post has been deleted by the author***
Not sure what you mean by "negative speaking about the Local Churches on the internet", but I hope you don't mean the exposing of the real history - the fact that Witness Lee was propagating extremely divisive teachings and practices going back to his days in Taiwan. Lee was attacking other Christians and even suing members of his own denomination long before he landed on our fair shores. Lee was also propagating strange and unbiblical teachings going back to his Taiwan days as well. Apparently Witness exercised some measure of self control (now we know it was just deceit) in the early days here in America, but eventually the real Lee came out, and he boldly declared himself to be the only one speaking for God on earth.

Let's all keep in mind that negative does NOT = false. The Bible is FULL of negative speaking - sometimes it speaks negatively against the words and actions of God's people, sometimes it speaks negatively against a certain leader/leaders. What do we see in the speaking of the Prophets? The vast majority of their speaking was "negative" against God's people and or the leaders. Look at the record of the speaking of the Lord Jesus in the Gospels. When he wasn't busy healing the sick, feeding the poor, eating with sinners and preaching the good news, he was clearing out the temple with a whip and calling the leaders a brood of vipers and sons of the devil! Much of the New Testament was a record of the apostles dealing with the "negative" side of the Church. The simple fact is that negative things will plague us until the end. There will be sin and sinners until the end - when God throws it all into the Lake of Fire.

But one more thing to keep in mind...negative speaking coming from man is not necessarily negative speaking coming from God: "do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God" (1 John 4:1) Tragically, this kind of testing was not encouraged in the Local Church. In fact Witness Lee pretty much forbade it. This is exactly what Steve is dealing with in Ron Kangas. He is only capable of testing the spirits of those who might test the person and work of Witness Lee and/or the religious system he established. Thus, those who follow the person and work of Witness Lee inevitably end up in the category of those who "measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding" (2 Cor 10:12) May God have mercy.
10-28-2013 05:44 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Opening Remarks continued

The Accusation that the Lord’s Recovery Has Changed in Its Nature

Ron and Kerry say on page 11, “With [John’s] personal feelings as the basis, John says not only that none of our practices matches our teaching; he even goes so far as to say that the nature of the Lord’s recovery has changed. ‘I also began to realize,’ John tells us, ‘that the nature of what we call the Lord’s recovery has changed’. Here John simply makes the accusation; he doesn’t support it…If John persists in his view, having neither a change of mind nor of attitude, he may take himself out of the divine stream, the flowing of the Triune God, which he once so dearly cherished.”

What flowing of the Triune God? There was dissension, division, and saints leaving the churches due to the change in nature that John refers to. There was no flow of the Triune God. Brother Lee spoke to this matter again and again for several years, especially in elders’ meetings, making statements, such as, “We all have to hate deadness, lukewarmness and barrenness. We must seek to be vitalized in desperation, considering this to be a matter of life or death”; “We may feel that we have been enjoying the Lord every day, but a tree is known according to its fruit. The real church life can be evidenced only by fruitbearing”; “As I have said before, the spirit of not shepherding and seeking others and being without love and forgiveness is spreading in the recovery everywhere. I believe that not having the Father’s loving and forgiving heart and not having the Savior’s shepherding and seeking spirit is the reason for our barrenness. I realize that you all work hard, but there is almost no fruit. The Lord says, ‘By the fruit the tree is known’ (Matt. 12:33), but we are a tree without any fruit.

“Everywhere among us barrenness is very prevailing”; and “the Lord’s recovery in the United States has come to a point where we cannot go on further without the shepherding.” These are representative examples of much more speaking along these lines after the new way began, as well as before. (See A Word of Love)

The question is why were the churches in such a condition? John realized that there was really no flow, and he searched for the answers. He, and others, were not without spiritual discernment and began to address the idea that there had been a change in nature to the Lord’s recovery.

John relates a conversation he witnessed between Brother Lee and Godfred that begins to tell the story of the change in nature.

The Center of the Church

"The next afternoon, Friday, August 26th, I joined Godfred and Al at Brother Lee’s home. Godfred spoke strongly, asking Brother Lee first if he had spoken anything against us recently. He replied that he had not. Then Godfred reasoned with him: How is it that you speak against autonomy, considering that a problem, but you will not deal with the problems that we brought to your attention. Godfred spoke earnestly and impressively. He said, “the center of the church should be Christ, but He has been replaced by you and your ministry.” Brother Lee was touched by what Godfred said, and perhaps considering that what he had just alleged afforded some light for clearing up the problem, he said, “I like to hear that.” I recall the scene vividly, and his words still echo in my ears. It seemed that this time Brother Lee appreciated the frank fellowship and was trying to warm up to us. But we could not seem to make any real progress. Brother Lee remarked that everything that had happened in Europe, which had cause so great a problem between the churches and the Living Stream Ministry was just a misunderstanding. After the meeting Godfred told us that he wanted to leave the eldership and was fully disgusted with the whole situation."

Two Senior Co-Workers From Taiwan

The following excerpt from John Ingalls’ book explains what is meant by the recovery changing in nature, as expressed in a conversation John had with two senior co-workers from Taiwan. John was not merely giving his own personal views in his resignation talk, but the shared views that he had with senior co-workers and many elders and saints in the Lord’s recovery. There was a feeling in the Body about the change in nature.

John continues
"I would like now to record some of the comments made by Brother Jeng Guang Ming. He spoke as follows: 'We co-workers in the past have not had genuine fellowship among us concerning any questionable practices in the churches due to the prevailing concept that we should have no opinion, but rather just listen and submit. Brother Lee has related his experience and attitude toward Brother Nee in order to kill all opinions as well as all feelings and concerns. But our genuine fellowship is in sharing the feelings the Lord gives us, and in this we discover the leading of the Holy Spirit.'

the brother continues
"I very much treasure Acts 13, where the Holy Spirit spoke, 'separate unto me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.' I believe that the speaking of the Holy Spirit to the brothers there in Antioch must have been through the genuine fellowship of the feelings which the Holy Spirit Himself gave to them. The same thing occurred in Acts 15. As long as the Holy Spirit speaks among us there will be no problem. But we don’t have today the leading of the Holy Spirit as in Acts 13 and 15, a leading in fellowship, a subjective leading manifested by each one speaking his own feeling before the Lord. The plurality gives the Holy Spirit opportunity. If we emphasize the one leadership so much how can the Holy Spirit have opportunity? The Spirit’s leading in the Body is in the prayer and fellowship of all. The kind of submission being practiced today kills the move of the Holy Spirit in the churches through the genuine fellowship among the saints. We have no intention to rebel or overthrow Brother Lee. We have suppressed our feeling for many years, though we sensed there were many points of deviation. In Taiwan Brother Chu [Shun Min] and I had no such fellowship concerning the abnormal situation in the churches today as we now have. We feel that the genuine fellowship must be like that recorded in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, where the Lord did not refrain from pointing out the negative aspects as well as the positive, the real situation.

One basic item of the change in nature in the Lord’s recovery is that it appears the Lord’s work has become Brother Lee’s work; the churches have become Brother Lee’s churches; and the Lord’s workers have become Brother Lee’s workers. All things have become personalized, and everything appears to require Brother Lee’s approval to be legitimate. He can acknowledge and he can also deny the validity of the Lord’s workers, elders, and even churches. This concept has been injected to all the brothers and sisters, particularly those who have a heart for the Lord.

Brother Chu Shun Min then told me how that on April 1, 1988, he had a conversation with Brother Lee in the Bay Area. He presented a number of serious concerns to Brother Lee and asked him to bring all these things to the Lord. Brother Chu told me that Brother Lee listened quietly and passively to all his points (with one exception), making no comment, neither admitting nor denying. The exception was a point he made concerning Brother Lee’s son, Philip Lee. In conclusion, Brother Chu told Brother Lee, “All the sweet feeling we had in the past is lost. All the rest in our spirit is over".

John Ingalls
"I will mention just a few more comments made by Brother Chu. He said that he feels very sorry for the present state of things – he gave his whole life to this. He has received letters from elderly ones in Taipei that are full of blood and tears. There are very few elderly ones there who are not discouraged or withdrawn. The warfare now is fiercer than in Watchman Nee’s day when the issue was that of leaving the denominations. We are at a critical juncture. We cannot be silent regarding the change of nature in the Lord’s recovery. We should have no part in it. This is a day for further recovery. We need a new beginning to recover us back from the change of nature to the Lord’s original intention. We must discard all the changes of nature. The main direction is to come out of the system; it cannot change.


Previous to meeting with the two senior co-workers, John met with other brothers.

"In those days I had further fellowship with Godfred and with some of the brothers we had contacted, with whom we had intimate fellowship through the years concerning the Lord’s work. We realized that the spiritual condition of the churches throughout the United States and in other places, generally speaking, was very poor, very low. We searched for the reason. Something was radically wrong. The Lord’s blessing was not among us. Life was at a very low ebb. In a number of places there was considerable discord and dissension, and instead of a steady increase in numbers, there was a steady decrease. We began to realize then that there were practices and tendencies among us that we had never considered before. And, we ourselves as well as others were responsible, having participated in these. But we had not seen clearly or realized previously what was being done. Thus we began to come to some conclusions.

I believe that the first was that the ministry was being given a place above the churches. It was being too highly exalted and emphasized, so that it became imperative for every church now to manifest that they were “for the ministry” and to “serve the ministry”. It was no longer, as we were often told, that the ministry was for the churches and that only the churches should be built up; rather the churches now should be for the ministry, and the ministry was being built up. We felt that we should voice such a concern to Brother Lee.

About the second week of October we began to fellowship with Dan Towle, an elder in the church in Fullerton and a trainer from the full-time training in Taipei, who was attempting to give direction and help to the fifty or sixty full-timers who had moved from Taipei to Orange County. To his great frustration, the full-timers were taken over by the LSM office and its management, and were charged to do construction and yard work over an extended period of time to the neglect of their gospel preaching. Dan had also heard some things concerning misconduct and irregularities related to the ministry office that greatly upset him, and he had serious concerns as we did for the Lord’s recovery. At one point he told me that he considered to resign from the work and to leave. We confirmed his feeling that the situation was indeed serious.

Godfred, Dan, and I came together a few times, joined also by Ken Unger on a couple of occasions to fellowship about the situation and what should be done. Ken Unger, who was an elder in Huntington Beach, had himself also become very concerned. We conferred about our burden to speak with Brother Lee, mentioning a number of our concerns that involved aberration of truth and practice (p. 102).

To say that John was leaving the flowing of the Triune God if he continued in his direction was an erroneous perception. Serious problems that had been stopping the flow needed to be addressed, and John did his best to do so. In 1977, Brother Lee had shared,

Do not say, as if it were a mere slogan, "I am following the flow." The real flow is the Lord Himself. How wrong it is to stir up a movement! That is an insult to the Lord. It is an offense to Him. There must never be a movement among us in the Lord's recovery. Do not use the word "flow" as a cloak to disguise a movement. When some of you speak of the flow, you actually mean a movement. To create a movement and then to encourage others to follow it is to make a tremendous mistake (The Spirit and the Body, p. 9, 1977).

John Ingalls was in the church in Los Angeles in the very beginning with Witness Lee in 1962. By 1989 at the time of his resignation he knew what the flowing of the Triune God was and what it wasn’t. In the new way, though it was Scriptural, there was no flow. It was a movement that featured a man and his ministry and a way. A system developed without the “real flow of the Lord Himself”. John tried to address those problems effecting the flowing of the Triune God, which he did experience in Los Angeles in the sixties and early seventies, with the church on a genuine ground of oneness in those years.

Abnormal Spiritual Perception?
Had Ron and Kerry considered what other members, besides John, were experiencing in the late eighties? and how they felt about aberration of truth and practice? and the change of nature in the recovery? John did not stand alone. Ron and Kerry, however, didn’t appreciate or understand John’s research, study, fellowship, and public evaluation, so they could only judge by their limited concept of him and his address to the church. They said,

Before we turn to John’s eighteen numbered points, we need to draw the reader’s attention to a striking feature of John’s speaking on March 19, 1989 – abnormal spiritual perception. As indicated by the material in the transcript, John’s perception of the situation in the Lord’s recovery is abnormal, and his view is biased and distorted. Again and again, his words demonstrate the failure to perceive the true character of the things about which he is speaking. “He does not see the true character of a thing; yet, he considers himself clear.” (Watchman Nee, Spiritual Reality or Obsession, p. 48) John claims certain things to be facts that are not facts. We believe that a careful examination of the content and implications of John’s eighteen points will show that his spiritual perception of the condition and direction of the Lord’s recovery is abnormal and unreliable and that the conclusions he draws from this perception are erroneous and unwarranted.

Again, Ron Kangas and Kerry Robichaux were Living Stream Ministry employees, working in Irving (also Anaheim). They were daily filled with exercise in writing and editing for printing and distribution. This was a major realm of their involvement in the recovery. They were Witness Lee loyalists through and through. He was their spiritual father, as well as employer. It didn’t matter what Witness Lee did, or how he did it; they stood by him. As long as he was speaking and they were writing, etc., they were happy. John Ingalls was an elder in Anaheim and not active in the LSM work. LSM was a world to itself, and its world was growing. Its influence in the churches was also growing. This was of great concern to those with the least bit of spiritual perception, and it had very much to do with the change in nature in the recovery, as well as to John’s claims in his eighteen points. John Ingalls relates from his own book what he and others perceived. His view is not “biased and distorted”, but honest and forthright, a very normal, not abnormal, spiritual perception.

As has already been shared, the influence and control of the LSM office was a major concern. Here again is some of John’s fellowship about the problem:

John Ingalls
"Another matter that concerned us greatly was the growing influence and control of the LSM office, (i. e. Philip Lee) over churches, elders, co-workers, and the full-time training in Taiwan. We had numerous examples of such an intolerable and unscriptural situation. With my own eyes I saw some leading ones reporting to Philip Lee what they were intending to share with a gathering of Orange County young people and ask if he thought that would be all right. I could hardly believe it. Was this the function of a business manager? When I reported this observation to some brothers who had coordinated with Philip Lee and associated with him, they laughed at me and said that that was very common. They were amused by my being startled by this discovery. Godfred even admitted later that he had done the same thing himself: he had suggested that before someone was chosen to lead a young people’s conference, it should be checked out with Philip. Godfred fully repented of that. Dan Towle remarked that this was our “life-style”. How far off we were!

"Moreover, elders were encouraged to call Philip Lee regarding conferences and many affairs concerning the work and the churches in their areas, asking his advice and who should come to help them. A few places actually practiced this. There are a number of instances of churches and whole areas being cut off by the management of the LSM office from the supply of literature and tapes due to some alleged offense of the elders, regardless of the suffering imposed upon the saints in those churches. When the elders repented in a manner satisfactory to the office, the ban was lifted. Some adjustments, we understand have been made in the administration of the LSM office, but at that time the situation was bad and worsening. The portent for the future was threatening. This was a genuine concern.

Are Ron and Kerry aware of the corrupting effect that Philip Lee brought into the recovery?

Are they aware of the facts concerning him? John Ingalls was well aware.
10-24-2013 05:24 PM
Re: Our Practice Does Not At All Match Our Teaching

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Ron and Kerry’s keen intellects were very much engaged in their critique of John Ingalls. In their “careful scrutiny” they picked John’s accusations apart, such as “Our practice does not at all match our teaching”. Having more heart and more understanding of the essential message John was trying to convey would have helped Ron and Kerry in their judgment of him. But they cared for scrutinizing the letter of his word, rather than hearing his heart and his spirit. They said,

Please notice the our here. It clearly indicates that John is presuming to speak on behalf of the whole recovery, including all the churches, with all the saints. The word practice denotes the totality of the practices in the local churches; it refers to the whole of the practice in the Lord’s recovery. Then we have the extremely crucial words not at all. These words mean exactly what they say; they are part of an absolute, universal, and exclusive statement, a statement that applies everywhere and at all times and that allows for no exceptions…Is it not evident that John’s statement is far from accurate? Instead of saying that our practice has not at all matched our teaching, John could have said something more moderate and temperate. He could have said, “Our practice is deficient”, or “certain of our practices have not been wholly in keeping with some of our teachings” (p. 10-11).
Yes, I would agree with Ron and Kerry here. They should know as well as anyone how Witness Lee himself would speak in terms of "all or nothing" absoluteness in their work to discredit John. Yet by suggesting what John could have said in order to avoid speaking in absolute terms, Ron and Kerry's own admission is:

“Our practice is deficient”
"certain of our practices have not been wholly in keeping with some of our teachings"

Had Ron and Kerry thought John didn't have merit on any point, why would they suggest it would have been better for John to avoid absoluteness by speaking more moderate and temperate?
10-23-2013 08:36 PM
Re: Our Practice Does Not At All Match Our Teaching

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Opening Remarks continued

The Accusation that Our Practice Does Not At All Match Our Teaching

Ron and Kerry’s keen intellects were very much engaged in their critique of John Ingalls. In their “careful scrutiny” they picked John’s accusations apart, such as “Our practice does not at all match our teaching”. Having more heart and more understanding of the essential message John was trying to convey would have helped Ron and Kerry in their judgment of him. But they cared for scrutinizing the letter of his word, rather than hearing his heart and his spirit.
Just another fine example of the seasoned "wordsmiths" in LSM's editorial board, so incredibly proficient at slicing'n'dicing, nit-picking, straining gnats, and niggling away at the words of the prophet raised up by the Lord to restore sanity and health to the church in Anaheim.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected the weightier provisions of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others. You blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!"
10-23-2013 07:03 PM
Our Practice Does Not At All Match Our Teaching

Opening Remarks continued

The Accusation that Our Practice Does Not At All Match Our Teaching

Ron and Kerry’s keen intellects were very much engaged in their critique of John Ingalls. In their “careful scrutiny” they picked John’s accusations apart, such as “Our practice does not at all match our teaching”. Having more heart and more understanding of the essential message John was trying to convey would have helped Ron and Kerry in their judgment of him. But they cared for scrutinizing the letter of his word, rather than hearing his heart and his spirit. They said,

Please notice the our here. It clearly indicates that John is presuming to speak on behalf of the whole recovery, including all the churches, with all the saints. The word practice denotes the totality of the practices in the local churches; it refers to the whole of the practice in the Lord’s recovery. Then we have the extremely crucial words not at all. These words mean exactly what they say; they are part of an absolute, universal, and exclusive statement, a statement that applies everywhere and at all times and that allows for no exceptions…Is it not evident that John’s statement is far from accurate? Instead of saying that our practice has not at all matched our teaching, John could have said something more moderate and temperate. He could have said, “Our practice is deficient”, or “certain of our practices have not been wholly in keeping with some of our teachings” (p. 10-11).

Yes, that would have been better. Sometimes we overstate things to make a point. Brother Lee was always doing this. Always. He made statements such as, “Nowhere in the recovery is there a proper vital group”. Or, “There is not one case that any leader who has left the recovery has prospered spiritually”. These are absolute statements, but he is just trying to say the vital groups are not doing well and that former leaders have not prospered since leaving the recovery. He tries to make these points. Ron and Kerry got carried away in their scrutiny. They over-scrutinized throughout their book. If they had transferred their scrutinizing exercise of the letter of John’s word to engaging in a proper investigative exercise of John’s burden, they would have understood John. John meant that he was concerned for our practice and this especially was so after having had much fellowship with other churches in the U. S. and having heard of serious problems overseas. His speaking as he did at his resignation was not as Ron and Kerry say in their book, “his personal views”, as if he alone had these views. There was a consensus among many responsible brothers that our practice was seriously not in line with our teaching. John shares,

"During the months of October and November 1987 the elders in Anaheim met regularly with the other elders in Orange County. We expressed to them our burden concerning the low condition of the churches and the need for the revival of our vision and some of the basic things of life. Others shared similar things.

"…A few days later Benson desired to meet with some of the elders representing churches in the area. A lunch was arranged in a nearby restaurant to be followed by fellowship. Present at the meeting were Benson, Dan Towle, Dan Leslie, Ken Unger, Ned Nossaman, Dick Taylor, Frank Scavo, Godfred Otuteye, Al Knoch, and John Ingalls. During the fellowship the brothers began to question Benson concerning current events with the full-timers and the Living Stream Office and the prospects for the church’s relationship with the full-timers. The involvement of the LSM office and its management was a real concern. Benson found it very difficult to answer the brothers’ questions and was alarmed at the attitude of the brothers toward the LSM office. He remarked that the atmosphere in Orange County had changed, and he was bothered. We also were greatly bothered."

Factors of Problem and Concern
John Ingalls wrote about the factors of problem and concern that he and other brothers had in Southern California that:

1) “the work and the ministry was being promoted and given a place of undue preeminence and centrality.”

2) “the burden of the ministry to find a way to preach the gospel and increase the numbers dramatically led to an inordinate emphasis on numbers and increase, with a great stress on budgets, goals, plans, methods, and ways, coupled with predictions of millions being baptized over a period of several years… but the fervor was beginning to diminish and many saints were left languishing.”

3) “numerous examples of the growing influence and control of the LSM office over churches, elders, co-workers, and the full-time training in Taiwan were an intolerable and unscriptural situation”.

4) “the aberrational speaking and activity in the FTTT was alarming… nothing more than the fact that Philip Lee was the administrator of the training… he was in daily fellowship with twenty-four of the trainers and leading ones who called and reported to him all activities (failure to do so resulted in an offense). The trainees were even told that Philip was administrating the training. His power and position were growing immeasurably”.

5) “the matter of serious misconduct related to the personnel in the LSM office could smear the Lord’s testimony and damage Brother Lee’s ministry”.

John’s statement, “Our practice does not at all match our teaching” had merit. All that is needed is an “ear to hear” and a heart to know the heavy matters that weighed on John, and on many others.
10-23-2013 12:17 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
One less than stellar take on the nonsense that comes from Benson. Unfortunately, I do not expect that a new version of the Jerusalem conference would find Benson back-peddling as James did (if he was actually the source of the problem). Instead, he would be the strongest to assert that his modern-day Judaizers are the core of "the Lord's recovery" and "God's move on the earth."

But that god is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is not the God of Israel and the one who became flesh and dwelt among us. That god is a poor substitute. One that should have been torn down and burned with the Baals and other idols.
OBW, how I had interpreted this the quoted text of yours when I initially read it, Benson is too fortified with pride to back-peddle. He's the president of LSM (last I knew) and when one of your beliefs is you're the center of God's move on the earth; it's hard to be humble when you're that proud.

When you sell out your conscience for the LSM system, LSM is the lower case god so many precious saints dearly love. The ministry becomes the basis for receiving fellow brothers and sisters which results in division. "If you're not for the ministry, don't waste my time" some might say. Living Stream Ministry has looked the other way when it came to an adulterous office manager. LSM is a ministry that has strengthened the hands of evildoers by calling the true prophets false through their endless quarantines and character assassinations.

Also among the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing:
The committing of adultery and walking in falsehood; And they strengthen the hands of evildoers, So that no one has turned back from his wickedness.
All of them have become to Me like Sodom, And her inhabitants like Gomorrah

Jeremiah 23:14
10-23-2013 11:51 AM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

I was asked via PM to clarify what the last two paragraphs of my previous post meant. To bring it closer, I have repeated them here.
"One less than stellar take on the nonsense that comes from Benson. Unfortunately, I do not expect that a new version of the Jerusalem conference would find Benson back-peddling as James did (if he was actually the source of the problem). Instead, he would be the strongest to assert that his modern-day Judaizers are the core of "the Lord's recovery" and "God's move on the earth."

"But that god is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is not the God of Israel and the one who became flesh and dwelt among us. That god is a poor substitute. One that should have been torn down and burned with the Baals and other idols."
The first sentence is a little self-deprecation. Just like my byline, I think I'm pretty smart, but I'm also smart enough to know that it is not always the truth. So while I may have spun those five points in a different way, I bet someone can take a little time and make even more out of it.

The references to the Jerusalem conference require some consideration.

There are some parallels. Benson has typically been seen as the one behind the curtain for so long. Sometimes out front speaking himself, but even when he does speak, it appears that he is capable of giving a virtually verbatim Lee message (though I doubt he can get the inflections right). So the parallel is to James.

But unlike James, Benson clearly is the leader of the kinds of things that get published, pushed, etc. James might have been given the attribution for source only because he was the leader back in Jerusalem and the troublemakers in the gentile world were claiming to be emissaries of Jerusalem, and therefore from James. When you come to the actual meeting, while James was clearly in the lead, he did not do as would be expected if he had been Lee or even Benson. He did not spit on some letter written by Paul or just say "suck it up and get circumcised" or other such nonsense. He lead a thoughtful and prayerful group that weighed the evidence, the scriptures, what they knew of the speaking of Jesus, and then prayed and concluded that people should generally leave the gentiles alone with respect to the Jewish law.

But Nee and Lee created a hyper law within Christianity that is referred to by such names as "the Lord's recovery," "the local churches," and to others "the church of Lee," or "the Lord's recovery church" (thus LRC). And his speaking internally was to constantly belittle those that do not adhere to his rules, such as one church per city (his), a Minister of the Age (him), etc. Referring to everyone else as "poor degraded Christianity" or "mooing cows." Given the attempt to reach outside of their sect (cult?) with their excessively footnoted bible and other means, it would seem that there is much that "comes from Lee" (or did) and now "comes from Benson."

When they refer to their sect — a sect among the most divisive among Christians — as holding private title to "God's move on the earth" then it is clear that, in some sense, they do not serve the same God that we do. I do not say (as Justyn would back on the Berean forum) that this makes then not Christian. But in these kinds of positions — as well as many other extreme and novel teachings — they are not following the true God, but some other god.

Maybe the god they are following is Lee. I'm beginning to be more and more sure that was who Lee himself was following. His own private rewrite of scripture to fit his own goals and thoughts. Seems that Mohammed had already done that back in the earlier centuries. Lee just managed to keep his version connected with Christianity.

I'm stepping on some toes. Toes of people I love dearly. Family. People that I know to be solid Christians. But Christians blinded into following such error that no matter what you think about the Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, and even the Catholics, they at least center on Christ. The LRC speaks a lot about Christ. But they mostly speak about Lee. Whatever he said years ago that got repackaged into the latest Lee-stew book, or HWMR.

I wish there was some way to excise the Lee-leaven out of the LRC because so many of the people are an otherwise good Christian community. I'm afraid that it is nearly impossible because any kind of slow picking at the scabs will just cause the errors to be the focus for so long. Better to jump ship, try to get along with some mainstream Christian group, and deal with each Leeism at it rears its head up. Within a healthier environment there is the hope that truth can be found. From within . . . well, it is like Lee's garlic room. It is virtually impossible to smell the stench after so long a time.
10-22-2013 02:41 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Thanks for quoted material Steve. I think that it gives the very basis for all of the writings that go on here on this and other similar web-sites, and of the grounds that others, including a number of Biblical scholars, have had for various writings concerning the LRC.

Let's take a closer look.
Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
The Basis of Speaking
. . . .

"Since the material in this document concerns an event that took place in the church in Anaheim and since we, the authors, do not live in Anaheim, we believe that it is appropriate for us to state our grounds for writing this material. First, we are organic members of the Body of Christ, and what took place in Anaheim was not only a local matter but also a Body matter. For this reason, it is a matter that concerns us and affects us. Second, the speaking of John Ingalls was transcribed, edited, and distributed. His word has spread beyond his locality, and this word has been brought to our attention. Third, since John’s speaking is actually an attack on Brother Lee and his ministry and on all the churches and saints who continue to receive this ministry, we felt responsible to respond to this attack for the sake of our brother, the churches, and the saints. Fourth, because John’s speaking is subtle and deceptive, some of the saints may appreciate help in discerning the nature and character of this speaking. Finally, John’s speaking presents a distorted picture of the Lord’s recovery and of the Lord’s up-to-date move in His recovery. It is necessary that this distortion be exposed and refuted and that a word of truth be given. In view of the foregoing, we have prepared this analysis of and response to John Ingalls’ speaking."
First, we, just like those who took exception to John Ingalls, are organic members of Body of Christ. What happens in the LRC is a Body matter. It concerns and affects us all.

Second, the speakings of Watchman Nee, Witness Lee, Titus Chu, Ron Kangus, and so many others have been transcribed, published, and circulated far beyond the confines of the hidey-hole of the so-called Recovery. It has been brought to our attention.

Third, so much of the speaking of these and other men has been an attack on the ministries of many faithful servants of Christ and on the millions of brothers and sisters, called saints in the scripture. We feel to respond on behalf of these, our churches, and the saints who populate them.

Fourth, because the speaking of these men from the LRC is subtle and deceptive, some of the saints may appreciate help in discerning the nature and character of this speaking. (It is amazing how perfectly their own words fit exactly as written.)

Fifth (and finally), their speaking presents a distorted picture of those millions of Christians and their assemblies. It also presents a distorted picture of the so-called "Lord's recovery," daring to call itself the "Lord's up-to-date move in His recovery," and both by open and hidden exclusion, intend that such term only applies to themselves.

"It is necessary that this distortion be exposed and refuted and that a word of truth be given. In view of the foregoing, we" will continue to prepare and submit analysis and response to the deception that parades among God's people as the only true representation of the church.

One less than stellar take on the nonsense that comes from Benson. Unfortunately, I do not expect that a new version of the Jerusalem conference would find Benson back-peddling as James did (if he was actually the source of the problem). Instead, he would be the strongest to assert that his modern-day Judaizers are the core of "the Lord's recovery" and "God's move on the earth."

But that god is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is not the God of Israel and the one who became flesh and dwelt among us. That god is a poor substitute. One that should have been torn down and burned with the Baals and other idols.
10-22-2013 09:09 AM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
John Ingalls had traveled among the churches and found out the feeling of the elders and saints in many places. He had fellowship with them in order to know their real situation and condition. Ron and Kerry did not have this experience. They did not have John’s exposure to the churches or his function in the Body. They were instead LSM employees working long hours to produce ministry-related materials for the churches. They, therefore, could not have the same feeling and opinion that he had. Based on his fellowship with others in the recovery and his sense within, John Ingalls spoke at his resignation, not only voicing his own concerns, but also those of many saints in the churches, and he did so according to the Word. The claims of Ron and Kerry, therefore, were absolutely false.
This is why Living Stream Ministry must elevate and exalt Witness Lee to the heretical and papal position of Minister Of The Age (MOTA) within the Recovery. This establishes, exclusively within the walls of the local churches, Witness Lee as the sole ministerial oracle on earth who can (1) speak for for the Lord and (2) know the feeling of the body of Christ. Thus, no elders on earth can know their local flock better than Witness Lee, even if Lee had zero contact with the saints in their locality nor attended their meetings.

Whenever an elder or minister began to speak his conscience for the Lord according to the leading of the Spirit, he was immediately disqualified by Lee and his minions for "doing his own thing, having his own work, speaking for himself out of subjective feelings, or that he presumes to be a spokesman for the whole Recovery." These are supposed to be "serious sins" to God. But, think about it. These exact same condemnations can be spoken about each and every prophet sent by God to his people of old.

This mindset exists only because the Recovery for decades has been inundated and indoctrinated with the thought that God has one and only one spokesman at any time. Thus, if the saints in Anaheim listen to the heartfelt concerns of John Ingalls and their other elders, then automatically, in the minds of the Recovery faithful, John Ingalls must be rebelling against God and Witness Lee, and must be ambitious to be himself the next sole MOTA on earth.

Today this sounds absolutely ridiculous as I write it, but this is the group think I was a part of for many years. This describes the mental framework of every blended brother and LSM adherent. But is this the pattern of the scripture? Did not the Lord appoint Twelve Apostles, and added others like Paul, as Acts unfolded? Did not Jesus while on earth repudiate the thought that any one of them would be the greatest? Was it not the deformed and heretical church in Rome which first presented us with with Peter, the first Pope, the Vicar of Christ, the Holy See, the Oracle of God, the spokesman for the body of Christ?

It's now so disgusting for me to consider that I once swallowed and supported this nonsense. The very thought of a MOTA/Pope directly contradicts at least half of the New Testament. Read your Bible folks!
10-22-2013 07:16 AM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas


John’s Opening Remarks

Ron and Kerry say, “The basis of John’s speaking here is not the Word of God, the leading of the Spirit, or the sense of the Body. The basis of his remarks on this occasion is his own personal, subjective feelings and opinions” (p. 9). They say further that he presumed to be the “spokesman for the recovery or for the church in Anaheim or for the elders of the church or for the saints” (p. 9) Actually, John did speak according to his convictions, which were surely based on the Word of God, the leading of the Spirit, and according to the sense of the Body, since many felt as he did, not only in Anaheim but wherever John traveled.

As far as being a spokesman, why would John not speak out since he was indeed speaking according to the Word, the Spirit’s leading, and the sense that he and many others had in the Body? Seven months before John’s resignation, John and Godfred Otuteye presented to the church in Anaheim similar points as John did at the time of his resignation. Some saints responded positively; some negatively, so the church was already familiar with the points John gave at the time of his resignation and he knew the feeling of the saints. Fellow elders Godfred and Al Knoch had the same sense and leading as John. They were in agreement with his fellowship, as were many in the church he represented. He was, therefore, a spokesman for others’ concerns in Anaheim, as well for his own. (p. 13) He also represented those in other places, speaking on their behalf at his resignation.

Conferences in Charlotte and Miami

"On Easter weekend, April 1-3, 1988, the church in Charlotte, N. C. invited me to come and share the word of the Lord. I did so. Many saints representing the churches in North and South Carolina plus some from Virginia and Georgia gathered for the conference. I ministered to them concerning the Lord’s word to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3, mentioning nothing whatever of the problems we had encountered. We emphasized the need of coming back to the beginning, as the Apostle John emphasized in his ministry, back to Christ as the tree of life and back to our first love for Him.

"A number of brothers in North Carolina – in Charlotte, Greensboro, Chapel Hill, and Raleigh – already had very much the same concerns as we had, and we fellowshipped with them outside the conference meetings regarding our situation in the work, the ministry office, and the churches. We also talked with Brother John Little, who came there from Nashville, about some of the present problems, and he was very open to us, agreeing at that time with all our concerns regarding the present situation in the work, the ministry office, and the churches. We were burdened to open to him since we had known him well for many years and wanted him to know how we felt. At the end of April 1988 I was invited to come to Miami, Florida, for a conference with the churches in Southern Florida. It was held April 29th through May 1st. I spoke there again on the Lord’s word to the seven churches, but in a different way, this time emphasizing the practicality and spirituality of the local churches: the practicality being embodied in the local nature of the church, and the spirituality in the three matters of love, life, and light, so stressed in John’s ministry. Concerning the practicality, I emphasized the need for local administration in every church balanced with mutual fellowship together among all the churches.

Further Conferences

"During the months of May and June 1988 I was asked to minister in a number of places, in almost all of which I was burdened to share from the Lord’s word to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3. We emphasized the need to come back to the beginning, saying that the way for us to go on is to come back – back to the living person of Christ as the tree of life. We also spoke in some places concerning the need for local administration in the churches to preserve the Lord’s headship as we did in Miami. Some saints who were in these conferences were disturbed because we were not speaking exactly the same things as Brother Lee concerning the “new way”, although we certainly were not teaching anything different from God’s economy, Christ and the church.

"The brothers in Orange County, California, were desirous of having a conference and arranged for one meeting to be held in Long Beach (Friday night), another in Huntington Beach (Saturday night), and the last in Irvine (Lord’s Day evening). This transpired over the weekend of June 3-5, 1988. The Lord’s blessing was on these meetings as we spoke here locally the same as we had spoken in other churches elsewhere: coming back to the beginning, Christ as our unique Head and center, and local administration and universal mutual fellowship. In Irvine we also stressed the need of all the saints to feed richly on the Word of God for the building up of the church.

"Attending the conference meeting in Irvine were Joseph Fung of Hong Kong and Paul Ma of Santa Cruz, California. It was the first time I had seen these brothers in years and I did not know just where they stood in regard to the concerns we had. They, on the other hand, did not know where I stood. They asked to have a time of fellowship with me the next day, Monday, June 6th, at which time I testified to them what we realized and passed through in recent months. They fully echoed our concerns. I was impressed to learn that Joseph Fung, as well as many others in the Far East had the same burden and realization as we had. This was an encouragement and strengthening.

"The brothers in Anaheim wanted me to share the Word in a little conference there. This I did in two meetings, Saturday evening and the Lord’s Day morning, June 18th and 19th. On Saturday evening we ministered from Ezra on leaving Babylon (which had been manifested in the confusion, division, and depression among us in Anaheim) and returning to Jerusalem to build the house of the Lord. There was a strong sense of the Lord’s speaking and presence, and the sharings of the saints were excellent and very inspiring."

John Ingalls had traveled among the churches and found out the feeling of the elders and saints in many places. He had fellowship with them in order to know their real situation and condition. Ron and Kerry did not have this experience. They did not have John’s exposure to the churches or his function in the Body. They were instead LSM employees working long hours to produce ministry-related materials for the churches. They, therefore, would not have the same feeling and opinion that John had. Based on his fellowship with others in the recovery and his sense within, John Ingalls spoke at his resignation not only voicing his own concerns but also those of many saints in the churches, and he did so according to the Word and the leading of the Spirit.

The claims of Ron and Kerry, therefore, were absolutely false.
Steve Isitt Oct 22, 2013
10-22-2013 06:14 AM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
This is another classic example of why I would never trust the LC system leadership. When John Ingalls presented his concerns especially regarding Philip Lee to Benson Phillips and Ray Graver they told him that's a local matter that we don't want to hear about. However when it suits the fancy of Witness Lee and the two LSM staffers Ron and Kerry suddenly it switches and becomes an extra local matter of the Body.
This is a prime example why I do not see the Blended brothers and co-workers being under the headship of Christ. They are P-A-R-T-I-A-L. If these brothers were impartial, their decision making would be according to God's Word and not according to their relationship in a ministry. Even if it meant suffering personal loss.

As it is Living Stream Ministry becomes the common denominator if a matter is to considered local or extra-local.
10-22-2013 06:04 AM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Can you believe that their members are actually convinced that "coming back to the pure word of God" is a tactic of the enemy?
That's part of the Isaiah 5:20 culture of the recovery. It's upside down when you as a brother or sister could be marked for wanting to prophesy from the Bible instead of the HWFMR.
10-21-2013 06:31 PM
Re: Ron Kangas & Kerry book of Defamation

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I understand what you're saying Ohio. What I don't understand is with LSM co-workers having a track record of speaking indirectly through innuendos and veiled speaking, why would one co-worker break M.O. and speak directly?
It's like the quarantine of Titus Chu.

For decades LSM's co-workers (so-called blended brothers) have used indirect speaking, innuendos, and veiled speaking to undermine the ministry of Titus Chu. Eventually they came out and eliminated TC by quarantining him. They made him a "marked man" among their membership.
10-21-2013 06:25 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
This is another classic example of why I would never trust the LC system leadership. When John Ingalls presented his concerns especially regarding Philip Lee to Benson Phillips and Ray Graver they told him that's a local matter that we don't want to hear about. However when it suits the fancy of Witness Lee and the two LSM staffers Ron and Kerry suddenly it switches and becomes an extra-local matter of the Body.
Me too!

This is the kind of spiritual gobbledygook that makes me want to puke. During those quarantines, LSM just produced endless rigmarole in tracts and websites in the guise of "spiritual" principles. They have become masters at spiritual doubletalk, using long-winded esoterica to both impress and silence their members into submission.

Can you believe that their members are actually convinced that "coming back to the pure word of God" is a tactic of the enemy?
10-21-2013 12:07 PM
Re: www.BrotherAndrewYu.com

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
I completely agree but sadly this is how their system works. The MOTA i.e. Witness Lee was the top global apostle with absolute authority. (And somehow this authority was passed on to the committee at LSM HQ.) Under him were regional apostles. Under them were elders. Elders were accountable to their Regional and Regionals to the MOTA. Notice none of them are accountable to the local flocks for any of their behavior, teachings, etc.

Of course the elders are mere puppets to do and teach whatever their Regional and the MOTA tell them to. They have no say in the matter if they want to keep their position. So really the only authority they have is to blindly implement whatever comes down the pike from HQ and to make sure the locals are following along blindly without comment, opinion or - God forbid - a contrary thought spoken out loud!
Now, I don't doubt these brothers are authorities. They can and have in some places determine who's not welcome and most have authority when to set meeting times and when to close the meetings.

I have severe reservation whether or not local/extra-local authorities are under the headship of Christ. If they are, there would be far more instances of accountability to brothers and sisters instead of being puppets of the ministry.
10-21-2013 12:01 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
1) They felt that since they were members of the organic Body of Christ and that what took place in Anaheim was not merely a local matter but also a Body matter, that it was then something that concerned them and affected them in their locality, Irving, Texas. Yes, whatever happened in Anaheim, was not merely a local matter but a Body matter. But what actually did take place in Anaheim? What happened that brought John to the point of resigning from the eldership? Ron and Kerry didn’t touch this important matter. Further, what was happening in other localities that alarmed John, and his fellow elders, that contributed to John’s concern for Anaheim? This information is not documented in the book offered by the Irving brothers. They left out crucial background information in their book, making John appear in the worst light to their readers.
This is another classic example of why I would never trust the LC system leadership. When John Ingalls presented his concerns especially regarding Philip Lee to Benson Phillips and Ray Graver they told him that's a local matter that we don't want to hear about. However when it suits the fancy of Witness Lee and the two LSM staffers Ron and Kerry suddenly it switches and becomes an extra local matter of the Body.

Seriously? Do they really think people who know what actually went on are that naive or stupid? We know you were just jerking us around. We know you are paid to write advertorials and polemics for your MOTA. We know you are mere pseudo-scholars who's job it is to regurgitate Witness Lee materials ad nauseum - both then and now. And that is why we lost all respect for you and those of your stripe.
10-19-2013 08:01 PM
Re: Ron Kangas & Kerry book of Defamation

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
The only reason Ron Kangas would personally slander Steve Isitt publicly in that conference would be that Steve's writings were affecting their people, both established members and new ones. Probably, due to the world wide web, Steve's writings about LSM failures and past scandals, formerly hidden from the saints in South America, became widespread during the time of Dong's quarantine.

If that were not so, Steve would not even know that he was a "man of death." The Apostle Paul was also an honest writer, and he became an "enemy" to some of the saints in Galatia. (4.16)

Despite all the rhetoric to the contrary, LSM does not actually love the "truth," rather it is only those exhausting doctrines of Witness Lee that they love.
I understand what you're saying Ohio. What I don't understand is with LSM co-workers having a track record of speaking indirectly through innuendos and veiled speaking, why would one co-worker break M.O. and speak directly?
10-19-2013 07:00 AM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
5) Ron and Kerry felt that John’s speaking presented a distorted picture of the Lord’s recovery and of the Lord’s up-to-date move in His recovery. They felt it was necessary to expose and refute “this distortion” and that a word of truth should be given. Having thoroughly considered both sides of the matter, it isn’t John Ingalls who gave a distorted picture of the Lord’s recovery; rather, he spoke honestly and faithfully. However, Ron Kangas and Kerry Robichaux have given a much distorted picture of John Ingalls in their analysis and response to John’s speaking. I ask Ron and Kerry to consider the facts about John, the church in Anaheim, and the recovery in those years of turmoil, 1986-1989, and to be willing to adjust their concept accordingly.
We should soberly note that Ron and Kerry's version of events in A Response to Recent Accusations surrounding Anaheim in the late 80's is only believable if they can successfully silence the other side of the debate. Unless they have complete control over all access to information, LSM is in serious trouble.

Once any fair-minded reader compares their version of events with John Ingalls' Speaking the Truth in Love, the truth is readily apparent. I have corresponded with numerous members of the Recovery who have told me as much. They accepted Lee's reporting of events based on his reputation at the time, and because that's all they knew.
10-19-2013 06:47 AM
Re: Ron Kangas & Kerry book of Defamation

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Brother Steve, this writing of yours is the catalyst that led to Ron taking the liberty to call you a Man of Death ... If Ron's speaking of you, was not because he wasn't personally offended, what then?

What makes you so special for Ron to mention you specifically by name at an international conference if it was not due to being offended by your critique of his book?
The only reason Ron Kangas would personally slander Steve Isitt publicly in that conference would be that Steve's writings were affecting their people, both established members and new ones. Probably, due to the world wide web, Steve's writings about LSM failures and past scandals, formerly hidden from the saints in South America, became widespread during the time of Dong's quarantine.

If that were not so, Steve would not even know that he was a "man of death." The Apostle Paul was also an honest writer, and he became an "enemy" to some of the saints in Galatia. (4.16)

Despite all the rhetoric to the contrary, LSM does not actually love the "truth," rather it is only those exhausting doctrines of Witness Lee that they love.
10-18-2013 08:27 PM
Re: Ron Kangas & Kerry book of Defamation

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

Dear Ron and Kerry,

I am giving to you copies of a book that addresses your word in print concerning brother John Ingalls, written in 1989, called A Response to Recent Accusations. I don’t know how much you are concerned about any mistake you might have made in representing brother John, but brothers, your mistakes are numerous. There is the need, therefore, to bring this to your attention and, possibly, to the saints’ attention. You said in the book,

"We wish to comment on two of John’s closing remarks. John says, 'if we have offended any of you saints, we ask you to please forgive us. We surely never intended to offend anyone of you.' On the one hand, offended saints should receive the grace to forgive from their hearts. To maintain a sweet, harmonious church life we need to forgive one another. On the other hand, John’s word 'If we have offended any of you saints' is somewhat disturbing for it is altogether too general and superficial and it displays a lack of consciousness of the grave offenses caused not only to saints but also to other churches. Certain things said and done in Anaheim since August 28, 1988, have caused damage and distress and should not be dealt with generally and superficially. There is the willingness to forgive but there should also be the willingness to repent."

Brothers, what I will be addressing in my book is what you did not address in yours. You gave a slanted version of “certain things said and done in Anaheim” that caused “damage and distress”. You did not give the full story of what took place there. You left out vital detail that would give the saints the whole picture, the true scenes of the major factors of “damage and distress” in Anaheim, and also in the recovery.

Although the truth of what happened in Anaheim remains hidden by the leadership, there are windows into the real situation. I would like to share about two such windows, as Philip Lin and Francis Ball allow some light to shine in on the subject.

Philip Lin Comment
Philip Lin, an Anaheim elder during the late eighties on the Chinese side, spoke honestly during the turmoil. A brother relates a time with him,

"I recall a leaders’ meeting before a Sunday morning meeting in Anaheim during the late eighties turmoil. A few of us younger brothers who were learning to serve in the church, helping the elders, etc. were there and had been involved in such meetings for quite some time. I had asked the question: "Why should we let two brothers [Brother Lee & his son] who don't even come to the meetings wreak havoc on a church of over 500 people? Let's just ignore them and go on." Just after I asked it, Philip Lin walked in late. He asked what the question was that was asked and Godfred replied, "It was a very good question, and told me to ask it again. So I did, and this was Philip Lin’s almost verbatim response: "I know in my conscience you brothers are right according to the truth, but in my culture I must be loyal to Brother Lee." Of course he was not just referring to my question but to the overall situation, the 16 points the faithful elders had previously ministered, etc. Frankly, I appreciated and admired his honesty. It was so striking I still clearly remember it today."

Francis Ball Comment

The same brother relates a word from Francis,

In a leaders meeting held in Rosemead during the Pasadena conference, Brother Lee was complaining about how much the church in Anaheim was mistreating him and his son and how much he and his family were suffering because of the church in Anaheim. At the end they had a question period so I got up to ask a few questions, stating something like, "I just wanted to preface my questions with a remark to clarify this issue publicly before all the brothers here so there is no misunderstanding. In fact, it is not the church in Anaheim causing suffering to Brother Lee and his family but it is Brother Lee and his son Philip that is causing suffering to the church in Anaheim. Now I have a couple of questions... In the Genesis life-studies you [Brother Lee] claimed that John So was a pillar in the church, and we should follow his example. In the Timothy training you turned to John Ingalls and declared publicly that he was your Timothy. But now that they disagree with you and your son, instead of accepting their fellowship you attempt to discredit them before others and cut them off. How could a pillar and Timothy so easily be cut off? Why would you treat these brothers in such a fashion?” … Then immediately after my questions the so-called "question and answer fellowship" part of the meeting ended, and Francis jumped up to abruptly end the meeting, shamelessly declaring that he was delighted to be an ostrich with his head in the sand. Shortly thereafter he was chosen as a replacement "elder" in Anaheim.
In other words, Ron and Kerry, there is another side of the story to the partial and superficial version put forth in your book and in other “official” writings and speakings of the church. It has been the habit, the practice, the tradition of our leadership in the recovery to be non-transparent concerning themselves and their failings. Blame is nearly always shifted to others; it is never placed on yourselves. In view of this, I urge you to read my book and consider what truly is an incredible “lack of consciousness of the grave offenses caused not only to saints but also to other churches”.

“There is the willingness to forgive but there should also be the willingness to repent”, so you have advised John Ingalls to do. Brothers, so I urge you to do. This is not an attack, but an appeal to you to examine yourselves, for righteousness sake and for the good of all.

Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord,
Steve Isitt 2006
Brother Steve, this writing of yours is the catalyst that led to Ron taking the liberty to call you a Man of Death at an International Conference in Ambato, Ecuador in 2008.

If Ron's speaking of you, was not because he wasn't personally offended what then? Ron had the opportunity to mention Bill Mallon by name at that conference and did not. Ron had opportunity to mention Bill Freeman by name at the November 2012 Puget Sound Blending conference and did not. What makes you so special for Ron to mention you specifically by name at an international conference if it was not due to being offended by your critique of his book?
10-18-2013 08:15 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Eighteen Points Reconsidered



Two members of the current leadership in the Lord’s recovery wrote a book in 1989 of what they felt was a “careful scrutiny” of the challenging words spoken by John Ingalls on March 19, 1989 when John notified the church of his decision to withdraw from the eldership of the church in Anaheim.

Ron Kangas and Kerry Robichaux stated in the first chapter, “In our response, we will examine brother John’s opening remarks, his eighteen numbered points, and his closing words” (p. 7). “Those who are inclined to believe John’s word and follow him would do well to consider seriously what the basis of his speaking is and whether this basis is trustworthy” (p. 9).

The Basis of Speaking

Likewise, we would do well to consider seriously what the basis of Ron and Kerry’s speaking was in their book, A Response to Recent Accusations (1989), and whether or not their speaking is a fair and accurate portrayal of the former prominent co-worker and elder, John Ingalls.

They wrote in the preface,

"Since the material in this document concerns an event that took place in the church in Anaheim and since we, the authors, do not live in Anaheim, we believe that it is appropriate for us to state our grounds for writing this material. First, we are organic members of the Body of Christ, and what took place in Anaheim was not only a local matter but also a Body matter. For this reason, it is a matter that concerns us and affects us. Second, the speaking of John Ingalls was transcribed, edited, and distributed. His word has spread beyond his locality, and this word has been brought to our attention. Third, since John’s speaking is actually an attack on Brother Lee and his ministry and on all the churches and saints who continue to receive this ministry, we felt responsible to respond to this attack for the sake of our brother, the churches, and the saints. Fourth, because John’s speaking is subtle and deceptive, some of the saints may appreciate help in discerning the nature and character of this speaking. Finally, John’s speaking presents a distorted picture of the Lord’s recovery and of the Lord’s up-to-date move in His recovery. It is necessary that this distortion be exposed and refuted and that a word of truth be given. In view of the foregoing, we have prepared this analysis of and response to John Ingalls’ speaking." (end quote)

Was Their Speaking Trustworthy?

We must be careful people when we represent others. According to our history in the recovery, since 1984 at least, our leadership has been anything but careful in this regard. A prime example of misrepresentation of others is found in the book, The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion, which tells a slanted version of the story of what happened in the local churches in the late eighties that brought division into the Lord’s recovery.

That book, though it is a book of defamation, has been accepted among the churches as the official story of the so-called rebellion of former leading ones, including John Ingalls as a supposed ringleader of a conspiracy to take over the recovery. Its claims were based, not on substantial evidence, but upon suspicion and imagination. It is similar to Ron and Kerry’s book in that regard. Both books feature the ugly smearing of John Ingalls, with Ron and Kerry’s book focusing only on him, not including other brothers as FPR does.

In this current atmosphere of litigation over defamation against the local churches and Witness Lee in a few obscure pages of an obscure book, it behooves us who do not want to be responsible ourselves for defamation of character to consider the far more serious cases we have among us in the churches that have had a vastly more profound impact on the recovery than that which is now costing the churches millions of dollars to litigate.

The Lord is no respecter of persons. If false witness has been borne in these two books by brothers of repute, the churches should be informed about this and the saints should be advised to destroy the books, and thorough repentances among us ensue. Deviating from the Path in the Lord’s Recovery is a book that deals with the inaccuracies, unfairness, and outright falsehoods found in The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion. This book deals with Ron and Kerry’s book, A Response to Recent Accusations and its misrepresentations of John Ingalls.

A Knee-Jerk Reaction

One element involved in being careful in representing others is to investigate, to research. Did Ron and Kerry do this? Or, was their writing a quick, knee-jerk reaction, based on the appearance of rebellion, with very little research applied, if any at all. As they said, they were not even in the church in Anaheim; therefore, they did not have the experience and perspective that John Ingalls had. Neither did they fellowship thoroughly with him or with the other Anaheim elders to learn the facts from them.

John Ingalls, however, was in the same locality as Witness Lee and his son who were causing serious problems in Anaheim that outsiders had no way to understand without thorough investigation.

John Ingalls, as the leading elder in Anaheim had responsibility for the oversight of the church and conscientiously sought out fellowship with Brother Lee. After many unproductive sessions with Brother Lee to deal with the problems, and after unsavory developments took place in Anaheim, and after a group of brothers declared that they would not follow John’s leadership, John felt that it was best for him to resign from the eldership. At the time he announced his resignation, he also gave a rather short and concise word to the church about his concerns, which became the object of rebuttal by Ron and Kerry in their book.

The Five Points

Ron and Kerry used five points as their basis for speaking. Let us look at those five points and “consider seriously what the basis of [their] speaking is and whether this basis is trustworthy”.

1) They felt that since they were members of the organic Body of Christ and that what took place in Anaheim was not merely a local matter but also a Body matter, that it was then something that concerned them and affected them in their locality, Irving, Texas. Yes, whatever happened in Anaheim, was not merely a local matter but a Body matter. But what actually did take place in Anaheim? What happened that brought John to the point of resigning from the eldership? Ron and Kerry didn’t touch this important matter. Further, what was happening in other localities that alarmed John, and his fellow elders, that contributed to John’s concern for Anaheim? This information is not documented in the book offered by the Irving brothers. They left out crucial background information in their book, making John appear in the worst light to their readers.

John’s decision to resign did not happen overnight. There was a long process leading to his decision. He did have a strong basis to resign from the eldership, and had initially planned to continue in fellowship with the church just as a brother. Without this strong basis, he would have had nothing to say and would not have resigned. Did Ron Kangas take the time to consider John’s experience and the paradigm from which he spoke? Or did he just take the hard-core line established among the leadership in the local churches that condemns anything that appears to be an attack and anyone who appears to be attacking?

The following word by Witness Lee reveals the character trait needed to appropriate truth, that is, if someone actually is seeking the truth. "He should be deep, not superficial, when representing other people, matters, or the church". The brothers from Irving did not have this trait during the writing of their book. They, therefore, came to quick, disparaging, and unthoughtful conclusions that were simply in line with the “one accord” movement in the churches.

Deep—Searching Downward and Digging Deeper, Not Being Superficial

"The book of proverbs says that a foolish person is a shallow person. The observation of a shallow person is not accurate. His understanding of the church, people, matters, and things is superficial. Being deep is closely related to being thorough and serious. A shallow person always makes superficial observations, whereas a deep person always searches and digs when he looks at things."

"We should not draw conclusions quickly concerning people or matters."
(Character, W. L. p. 22-23).

2) Ron and Kerry said John’s speaking was printed and distributed, spread beyond his locality and that this spreading and speaking was brought to their attention. Since John’s word concerned them, they responded by writing a book and distributing it in 1989. Likewise, their book came to my attention in 2002, and it concerns me. Because I believe their work was superficial and lacked a sufficient knowledge base for representing John Ingalls, I am responding to give the background and present the facts that they did not, or would not, offer.

3) Ron and Kerry alleged that John’s speaking was actually an attack on Brother Lee and his ministry and on the churches and saints who continue to receive this ministry. In the five-year period I have researched and studied the events and concerns of the late eighties turmoil, I never had the impression John Ingalls was attacking anyone or anything. He certainly was addressing and responding to negative developments in the recovery and chose to speak according to his conviction with the saints and the churches.

However, I do have the registration within that he has been attacked and maligned and misrepresented by a host of brothers, including brothers Ron Kangas and Kerry Robichaux. To tell the saints that John’s speaking was an attack on Brother Lee and his ministry is a common attack by LSM-oriented brothers on those who differ from their view and who speak accordingly. Truth is not the object with brothers like Ron and Kerry. Whether or not one is speaking the truth on a given matter is not what concerns them. Their concern is the “one accord”. They want others to line up with the leadership, right or wrong, “take the cross to their own opinion”, “submit to the ruling ones” and “not make an issue about anything”.

John Ingalls wasn’t attacking, but was speaking according to his conviction of heart before the Lord and the saints. Do Ron and Kerry feel that they were not attacking John’s person to assert otherwise in making the following evaluation of him and his speaking?: “Since John’s speaking is actually an attack on Brother Lee and his ministry and on all the churches and saints who continue to receive this ministry, we felt responsible to respond to this attack.” Ron and Kerry did as LSM-trained brothers do: they protect the image of Brother Lee at any cost in order to preserve his ministry and maintain their “one accord”.

4) Ron and Kerry said that John’s speaking was subtle and deceptive and that they wanted to help the saints discern the nature and character of his speaking. But how can these two brothers help the saints when they don’t tell them the whole story, or know the whole story themselves? With insufficient knowledge, they themselves cannot discern the nature and character of his speaking.

5) Ron and Kerry felt that John’s speaking presented a distorted picture of the Lord’s recovery and of the Lord’s up-to-date move in His recovery. They felt it was necessary to expose and refute “this distortion” and that a word of truth should be given. Having thoroughly considered both sides of the matter, it isn’t John Ingalls who gave a distorted picture of the Lord’s recovery; rather, he spoke honestly and faithfully. However, Ron Kangas and Kerry Robichaux have given a much distorted picture of John Ingalls in their analysis and response to John’s speaking. I ask Ron and Kerry to consider the facts about John, the church in Anaheim, and the recovery in those years of turmoil, 1986-1989, and to be willing to adjust their concept accordingly.
10-18-2013 03:06 PM
Re: "Subtle" Issues of Right and Wrong

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I disagree. The company I work for is big on ethics and each year we have to go through ethics training. Having a conflict of interest is severly scrutinized. There are ethics compliance personnel to go to if it's even suspected ethics have been compromised.
In the LC system there is NO such thing as ethics compliance. The very same decision makers in the LC system are products of a conflict of interest (the spirit versus the ministry).
You are right. I should have written: "In some corporations..." E.g. some of the Wall Street banks who crashed our economy.
10-18-2013 12:00 PM
Re: www.BrotherAndrewYu.com

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
a contrary thought spoken out loud!
You're touching on a subject I have long wondered what elders, deacons, co-workers really think. Are they really devoid of their conscience? I don't think so. I do believe why some responsible brothers have suffered mental anguish is tied directly to not speaking their contrary thoughts and keeping their contrary thoughts from being uttered.
Verbally they will say "I'm one with the brothers" or "I respect the feeling of the Body". It's the system that has kept them in one accord superficially because without the system and apart from Christ, there is no way to genuinely be in one accord.
One Accord from the LSM/LC system is truly a facade. Once contrary thoughts are utttered, then you see brothers are not in really in one accord as they would like everyone else to see them as.
10-18-2013 11:49 AM
Re: "Subtle" Issues of Right and Wrong

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
In any corporation if you are a "company man" you will turn a blind eye to anything immoral, unethical and even unlawful for the cause of the corporation. And this kind of behavior will typically help to advance your career.

One would hope "the work" in the LC system would be different but of course it isn't and never was. Those running LSM today are those who turned a blind eye and knew how to play slimy politics with Witness Lee and his son. They got their reward. And every time I think of them and I have to go and take a shower!
I disagree. The company I work for is big on ethics and each year we have to go through ethics training. Having a conflict of interest is severly scrutinized. There are ethics compliance personnel to go to if it's even suspected ethics have been compromised.
In the LC system there is NO such thing as ethics compliance. The very same decision makers in the LC system are products of a conflict of interest (the spirit versus the ministry).
10-18-2013 11:07 AM
Re: www.BrotherAndrewYu.com

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
On the topic of authority something further needs to be said. Among the local churches, there is an unhealthy application of authority. Primarily when the leaders respected as authority (locally or extra-locally) are considered above reproach, rebuke, and accountability.
I completely agree but sadly this is how their system works. The MOTA i.e. Witness Lee was the top global apostle with absolute authority. (And somehow this authority was passed on to the committee at LSM HQ.) Under him were regional apostles. Under them were elders. Elders were accountable to their Regional and Regionals to the MOTA. Notice none of them are accountable to the local flocks for any of their behavior, teachings, etc.

Of course the elders are mere puppets to do and teach whatever their Regional and the MOTA tell them to. They have no say in the matter if they want to keep their position. So really the only authority they have is to blindly implement whatever comes down the pike from HQ and to make sure the locals are following along blindly without comment, opinion or - God forbid - a contrary thought spoken out loud!
10-18-2013 10:50 AM
Re: "Subtle" Issues of Right and Wrong

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
"It's better to blame than to be blamed." This is the blame game LSM plays. Never taking accountability. Never taking ownership .It's always deflecting cause for turmoils onto the "rebellious" ones; brothers and sisters who exercised their conscience.
In any corporation if you are a "company man" you will turn a blind eye to anything immoral, unethical and even unlawful for the cause of the corporation. And this kind of behavior will typically help to advance your career.

One would hope "the work" in the LC system would be different but of course it isn't and never was. Those running LSM today are those who turned a blind eye and knew how to play slimy politics with Witness Lee and his son. They got their reward. And every time I think of them and I have to go and take a shower!
10-17-2013 06:34 PM
Re: Ron Kangas & Kerry book of Defamation

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

" There is the willingness to forgive but there should also be the willingness to repent."
Brothers Ron and Kerry, following is an excerpt of a message brother John gave within the last 10-15 years:

"Now in my background brothers and sisters, I don't think that I designed some new carts or fabricated them very much, but I must admit to my shame I helped to pull them. And I regret that. I've repented about that. I've helped to pull the new cart. So what does that make me? A dumb ox? I'm sorry to say. Right? I've stumbled too. You know since that time I've believed I have gained a kind of phobia for new carts. New cart phobia. So, really! You know when I see something coming up, "let's do it this way". "I think that's the best technique", " the Best method". Whoa! That brings back some bitter memories. Really I'd like to run for my life. But, I just consider brothers and sisters, I really feel among Christians today too many new carts. Now in my background years ago we didn't call them new carts. Of course. But we used to call them "the flow". "This is this years flow". And next year we had another kind of flow. "Are you with the flow?" Well, it wasn't really a flow. But then that's what we called it. And then we called it "a move". "A new move". That was really a new cart. The result does not bring in Christ. The result is not the house of God being built. No, no! I surely can testify all these kind of new carts have damaged the people of God. They torn down the house of God. They were not profitable at all."
10-16-2013 10:31 PM
Re: The Church of No Accountability

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
On the topic of authority something further needs to be said. Among the local churches, there is an unhealthy application of authority. Primarily when the leaders respected as authority (locally or extra-locally) are considered above reproach, rebuke, and accountability.
"The Local Churches have well-earned the reputation of bringing others to accountability for perceived wrongs committed against them, while never being able to subject themselves to others who would examine them. Thoughtful, sound, scriptural writings on the internet from Nigel Tomes, David Canfield, and Dave Shields are ignored. Don Rutledge also has weighty fellowship on the internet that warrants sober thought from LC leadership....." (2006) Steve Isitt
10-16-2013 09:55 PM
Re: Ron Kangas & Kerry book of Defamation


Dear Ron and Kerry,

I am giving to you copies of a book that addresses your word in print concerning brother John Ingalls, written in 1989, called A Response to Recent Accusations. I don’t know how much you are concerned about any mistake you might have made in representing brother John, but brothers, your mistakes are numerous. There is the need, therefore, to bring this to your attention and, possibly, to the saints’ attention. You said in the book,

"We wish to comment on two of John’s closing remarks. John says, 'if we have offended any of you saints, we ask you to please forgive us. We surely never intended to offend anyone of you.' On the one hand, offended saints should receive the grace to forgive from their hearts. To maintain a sweet, harmonious church life we need to forgive one another. On the other hand, John’s word 'If we have offended any of you saints' is somewhat disturbing for it is altogether too general and superficial and it displays a lack of consciousness of the grave offenses caused not only to saints but also to other churches. Certain things said and done in Anaheim since August 28, 1988, have caused damage and distress and should not be dealt with generally and superficially. There is the willingness to forgive but there should also be the willingness to repent."

Brothers, what I will be addressing in my book is what you did not address in yours. You gave a slanted version of “certain things said and done in Anaheim” that caused “damage and distress”. You did not give the full story of what took place there. You left out vital detail that would give the saints the whole picture, the true scenes of the major factors of “damage and distress” in Anaheim, and also in the recovery.

Although the truth of what happened in Anaheim remains hidden by the leadership, there are windows into the real situation. I would like to share about two such windows, as Philip Lin and Francis Ball allow some light to shine in on the subject.

Philip Lin Comment
Philip Lin, an Anaheim elder during the late eighties on the Chinese side, spoke honestly during the turmoil. A brother relates a time with him,

"I recall a leaders’ meeting before a Sunday morning meeting in Anaheim during the late eighties turmoil. A few of us younger brothers who were learning to serve in the church, helping the elders, etc. were there and had been involved in such meetings for quite some time. I had asked the question: "Why should we let two brothers [Brother Lee & his son] who don't even come to the meetings wreak havoc on a church of over 500 people? Let's just ignore them and go on." Just after I asked it, Philip Lin walked in late. He asked what the question was that was asked and Godfred replied, "It was a very good question, and told me to ask it again. So I did, and this was Philip Lin’s almost verbatim response: "I know in my conscience you brothers are right according to the truth, but in my culture I must be loyal to Brother Lee." Of course he was not just referring to my question but to the overall situation, the 16 points the faithful elders had previously ministered, etc. Frankly, I appreciated and admired his honesty. It was so striking I still clearly remember it today."

Francis Ball Comment

The same brother relates a word from Francis,

In a leaders meeting held in Rosemead during the Pasadena conference, Brother Lee was complaining about how much the church in Anaheim was mistreating him and his son and how much he and his family were suffering because of the church in Anaheim. At the end they had a question period so I got up to ask a few questions, stating something like, "I just wanted to preface my questions with a remark to clarify this issue publicly before all the brothers here so there is no misunderstanding. In fact, it is not the church in Anaheim causing suffering to Brother Lee and his family but it is Brother Lee and his son Philip that is causing suffering to the church in Anaheim. Now I have a couple of questions... In the Genesis life-studies you [Brother Lee] claimed that John So was a pillar in the church, and we should follow his example. In the Timothy training you turned to John Ingalls and declared publicly that he was your Timothy. But now that they disagree with you and your son, instead of accepting their fellowship you attempt to discredit them before others and cut them off. How could a pillar and Timothy so easily be cut off? Why would you treat these brothers in such a fashion?” … Then immediately after my questions the so-called "question and answer fellowship" part of the meeting ended, and Francis jumped up to abruptly end the meeting, shamelessly declaring that he was delighted to be an ostrich with his head in the sand. Shortly thereafter he was chosen as a replacement "elder" in Anaheim.
In other words, Ron and Kerry, there is another side of the story to the partial and superficial version put forth in your book and in other “official” writings and speakings of the church. It has been the habit, the practice, the tradition of our leadership in the recovery to be non-transparent concerning themselves and their failings. Blame is nearly always shifted to others; it is never placed on yourselves. In view of this, I urge you to read my book and consider what truly is an incredible “lack of consciousness of the grave offenses caused not only to saints but also to other churches”.

“There is the willingness to forgive but there should also be the willingness to repent”, so you have advised John Ingalls to do. Brothers, so I urge you to do. This is not an attack, but an appeal to you to examine yourselves, for righteousness sake and for the good of all.

Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord,
Steve Isitt 2006
10-16-2013 08:16 PM
Re: www.BrotherAndrewYu.com

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
Yes there may be such a nuance. But Titus Chu in terms of the LC system is an apostle/coworker with apostolic authority i.e. beyond the local level. Yet this committee at LSM HQ 3,000 miles away decided to oust him and fully expected their edict to be carried out globally.

And of course this whole idea of a committee ousting apostles can be found no where in the NT. Even Andrew Yu in his weird little book writes: "Once a certain member is a spiritual authority to others, the fact can never be overturned." A committee is not an authority. So if Titus Chu is a spiritual authority to others per their own words the fact can never be overturned. And yet there Andrew was with his big mouth open in Whistler helping to oust Titus. The hypocrisy of the LC system leadership knows no bounds!
On the topic of authority something further needs to be said. Among the local churches, there is an unhealthy application of authority. Primarily when the leaders respected as authority (locally or extra-locally) are considered above reproach, rebuke, and accountability.
10-16-2013 12:01 PM
Re: "Subtle" Issues of Right and Wrong

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
Kangas knew what Philip Lee was like and how he treated people and he didn't care. He didn't do a thing about it. He just kept working for the guy who unrelentingly abused God's people. And now he goes around saying what happened back in the late 1980s was about the "rebellious" ones eating of the wrong tree instead of turning a blind eye like he did.
"It's better to blame than to be blamed." This is the blame game LSM plays. Never taking accountability. Never taking ownership .It's always deflecting cause for turmoils onto the "rebellious" ones; brothers and sisters who exercised their conscience. Even these dear brothers and sisters who came into or grew up in the local churches post 1990 have been indoctrinated with the teaching that to learn the other side of the story equals to being poisoned.
Someone could come onto this forum and wonder why there is such negative speaking directed at the ministry. Consider the ministry has such a negative past that has never been dealt with. LSM can only mislead the saints for so long before the lies and half-truths become unveiled.
10-15-2013 01:00 PM
Re: www.BrotherAndrewYu.com

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Alwayslearning, the two terminologies regarding authority I have heard are "deputy authority" and "delegated authority". Seems delegated authority is at the local level and this delegated authority can be revoked if you are not man-honoring, placating, partial to the committee known as BB's.
Yes there may be such a nuance. But Titus Chu in terms of the LC system is an apostle/coworker with apostolic authority i.e. beyond the local level. Yet this committee at LSM HQ 3,000 miles away decided to oust him and fully expected their edict to be carried out globally.

And of course this whole idea of a committee ousting apostles can be found no where in the NT. Even Andrew Yu in his weird little book writes: "Once a certain member is a spiritual authority to others, the fact can never be overturned." A committee is not an authority. So if Titus Chu is a spiritual authority to others per their own words the fact can never be overturned. And yet there Andrew was with his big mouth open in Whistler helping to oust Titus. The hypocrisy of the LC system leadership knows no bounds!
10-15-2013 12:50 PM
Re: "Subtle" Issues of Right and Wrong

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
The real travesty here is the the distortion of facts and the attitude displayed by Ron Kangas years after these events occurred. At the time of these events, Kangas was the Senior Editor working at Living Stream Ministry under the management of Philip Lee, the "Office" Manager. Philip had recently molested a married sister in the church in Anaheim, and her irate husband wanted justice. The husband quickly learned that no one at LSM, including Witness Lee, cared one bit for his debased wife; neither for righteousness or justice. Soon the whole church became outraged and became outspoken in their meetings. Were it not for John Ingalls' wise counsel, the brother probably would have killed Philip Lee...Don't you think the folks at LSM, especially the Lee family, would have appreciated Ingalls' intervention? On the contrary, Witness Lee started a smear campaign to discredit, not just the husband and his molested wife, but any brother who learned of these events and sought justice, including the church elders and deacons in Anaheim.
It should be pointed out that to most in Anaheim and certainly LSM staffers like Kangas Philip Lee was a known quantity even before his behavior as described above by Ohio. He was an ill-tempered bully and ran LSM like a fiefdom. He was completely disrespectful and disdainful towards the elders of the church there and had been for many years. This was no secret. (As a matter of fact he was like this towards many elders and coworkers.)

An example of this was when John Ingalls, Bill Duane and Al Knoch were told in 1987 the Recovery Version translation work was henceforth to be under the direction of Philip Lee and they were to work from an office in LSM facilities. Since Philip Lee was a known quantity a red flag went up and they anticipated there would be problems due to his immature and erratic behavior. He loved to create drama out of thin air. And of course almost immediately there were problems and this work which had been quietly and effectively handled for years in Anaheim by these brothers was abruptly dismantled, uprooted and moved to Irving. Duane and Knoch were out and Ingalls was out of the day-to-day work but did some final review tasks until he resigned from it a year later.

Kangas knew what Philip Lee was like and how he treated people and he didn't care. He didn't do a thing about it. He just kept working for the guy who unrelentingly abused God's people. And now he goes around saying what happened back in the late 1980s was about the "rebellious" ones eating of the wrong tree instead of turning a blind eye like he did.
10-15-2013 12:37 PM
Re: www.BrotherAndrewYu.com

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
. . . the two terminologies regarding authority I have heard are "deputy authority" and "delegated authority".
In practice it's trickle down authority ; the only authority, cuz it's top down.
10-15-2013 12:19 PM
Re: www.BrotherAndrewYu.com

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
This governing body/committee/board is The Authority over all others in the LC system. If you are an elder or coworker and refuse to submit to this bunch then: Surprise - we overturned you're authority! Goodbye!
Alwayslearning, the two terminologies regarding authority I have heard are "deputy authority" and "delegated authority". Seems delegated authority is at the local level and this delegated authority can be revoked if you are not man-honoring, placating, partial to the committee known as BB's.
10-15-2013 12:02 PM
Re: "Subtle" Issues of Right and Wrong

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Kangas soon learned from Benson Philips and Ray Graver what to do when serious matters of corruption at LSM come to their attention -- just get up and leave the room, covering one's ears, and humming a hymn, lest one be adversely affected by "subtle issues of right and wrong."
"We don't care about right and wrong, we only care about life."
10-15-2013 06:57 AM
"Subtle" Issues of Right and Wrong

How many were lured away during the last rebellion (late 80's) by subtle issues of right and wrong.” Referring to the talk going around in the church about these issues, he said, “What a travesty that the saints of God would speak out of the knowledge of good and evil and kill each other.” He added, “I simply will not sit in a brothers’ presence and allow him to fill me with death,” meaning that he would not listen to those who were concerned with such issues of right and wrong in the church. -- Ron Kangas, LSM's chief theologian.

The real travesty here is the the distortion of facts and the attitude displayed by Ron Kangas years after these events occurred. At the time of these events, Kangas was the Senior Editor working at Living Stream Ministry under the management of Philip Lee, the "Office" Manager. Philip had recently molested a married sister in the church in Anaheim, and her irate husband wanted justice. The husband quickly learned that no one at LSM, including Witness Lee, cared one bit for his debased wife; neither for righteousness nor justice. Soon the whole church became outraged and became outspoken in their meetings. Were it not for John Ingalls' wise counsel, the brother probably would have killed Philip Lee.

Don't you think the folks at LSM, especially the Lee family, would have appreciated Ingalls' intervention? On the contrary, Witness Lee started a smear campaign to discredit, not just the husband and his molested wife, but any brother who learned of these events and sought justice, including the church elders and deacons in Anaheim. The sorry details of Lee's smear campaign are recorded in Lee's disgusting book Fermentation of the Present Rebellion. The actual and true history of events was recorded in Ingalls' account Speaking the Truth in Love.

For Ron Kangas back in the day to hear what his boss (Philip Lee) had done to that sister at LSM must have "filled him with death." Can you imagine the disgusting nausea traveling through his gastro-intestinal tract upon catching wind of these events? Kangas soon learned from Benson Philips and Ray Graver what to do when serious matters of corruption at LSM come to their attention -- just get up and leave the room, covering one's ears, and humming a hymn, lest one be adversely affected by "subtle issues of right and wrong." Hence Kangas emphatically states, I simply will not sit in a brothers’ presence and allow him to fill me with death.” How convenient! Sounds more like the demeanor of a partisan bureaucrat than that of a servant of God.
10-14-2013 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
“How many were lured away during the last rebellion (late 80s) by subtle issues of right and wrong”
Following is a subtle issue of right and wrong brother Ron is referring to as told by John Ingalls from Speaking the Truth in Love.

"In late December a brother in the church in Anaheim who had been severely damaged through the misconduct in LSM office was so traumatized psychologically that he sought revenge and took definite steps to execute a very grave act. (Thank God it never happened.) This came too the ears of one of the elders in Anaheim, who without any delay met with him to calm and divert him."

Brothers, please stop misleading the saints. Make a distinction what is a subtle issue of right and wrong and what is blatant issue of right and wrong. Don't color all issues the same color as to minimize and trivialize issues and concerns brothers and sisters have.
10-14-2013 12:04 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
Am I serious that Ron should man-up and have face-to-face fellowship with Steve Isitt? Yes!
My home can be a venue for face to face fellowship between brothers Ron and Steve next time brother Ron visits the NW. Am I serious, yes. Do I expect it will happen, no. But with God all things are possible.

When a brother such as Steve has been offended by an elder or even a co-worker, ideally they should have their conflict resolved brother to brother with a unbiased brother serving as a witness. However in the local church culture, it's not 1-1, but 10-1. That's a wolf-pack environment. How do you expect a relationship to be reconciled in such an environment? There's no possibility of having an impartial witness, because all witnesses have partiality towards the elder/co-worker. With Ron and Steve, I would be no exception. Which is why my suggestion is to go to a non-LSM/LC Christian congregation and see if there's a brother willing to bear the responsibility as an impartial witness.
10-14-2013 09:20 AM

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
“How many were lured away during the last rebellion (late 80s) by subtle issues of right and wrong”
Funny how history always seems to turn on those subtle issues of right and wrong.

Martin Luther nailed 95 of them to the door of the Church at Wittenburg, and history turned. The Recovery claims to be the legacy of Luther, but actually it is the legacy of the religious powers that condemned him. I'm sure the Pope and his loyalists thought they were above those subtle (and no doubt irksome) issues of right and wrong, too.

Subtle issues of right and wrong will be the end of Kangas and his fellow ostriches. Not, as he would like you to think, because they brought in death, but because they exposed their brazen unrighteousness. If they had any real sense of history this would have dawned on them.
10-13-2013 08:11 PM
Re: www.BrotherAndrewYu.com

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
In his book Andrew Yu calls for blind loyalty, stating that God wants His authority established in the church, and this order is brought in and maintained by divine authority and by submission to it. Then he submits that….“Once a certain member is a spiritual authority to others, the fact can never be overturned. There is no such thing as the revoking, overthrowing, or expiration of authority.
Except if that person in authority disagrees with Witness Lee. In which case his authority can be overturned, revoked, overthrown and expired. Why? Because Witness Lee said so!

Ahhh...but now Witness Lee is dead and authority has apparently been transferred to a committee. And this committee at LSM HQ has the authority to overturn, revoke, overthrow and expire the authority of a coworker/apostle like Titus Chu. This governing body/committee/board is The Authority over all others in the LC system. If you are an elder or coworker and refuse to submit to this bunch then: Surprise - we overturned you're authority! Goodbye!
10-13-2013 07:51 PM

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
“How many were lured away during the last rebellion (late 80s) by subtle issues of right and wrong”
Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Subtle issues of right and wrong? What is that? The statement comes across as equating any concern as a subtle issue of right and wrong. Concerns are reduced as being trivial.
Indeed! If you can convince people of this then you have license to do whatever you want and their screaming consciences are invalidated.

But within the context of the entire Bible life is both right and good. They are not in opposition. God is life. God is righteous. God is good. This is accurate Biblical theology. So when your conscience speaks out against, for example, Philip Lee being declared Witness Lee's top coworker that we all must submit to or Witness Lee being right even if he's wrong that is God as life. It is not something in opposition to life as falsely taught by Witness Lee, Ron Kangas and those of that ilk.
10-13-2013 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

“How many were lured away during the last rebellion (late 80s) by subtle issues of right and wrong”
Subtle issues of right and wrong? What is that? The statement comes across as equating any concern as a subtle issue of right and wrong. Concerns are reduced as being trivial.
Phillip Lee's abuses - subtle issues of right and wrong.
A brother being paid twice for the same work by a locality and LSM - subtle issues of right and wrong.
LSM workers going into localities without local fellowship- subtle issues of right and wrong.

Apparently what this all means is when it comes to the end justifying the means for LSM, "everyone did what was right in his own eyes." Quote is from Judges 21:25b.
10-13-2013 10:32 AM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Are you serious?!?
Am I serious that Ron should man-up and have face-to-face fellowship with Steve Isitt? Yes! Do I think he will man-up? No! Manning-up is not Ron's strong suit. If it was he would have tried to oust Philip Lee from LSM or resign instead of working under him.
10-13-2013 09:07 AM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
Man-up Ron!

What have you got to lose?

Have the decency to answer Steve Isitt. Remember you represent God's government on the earth today! Giterdone!

Are you serious?!?

While I agree that the scriptural mandate for Ron Kangas is to fellowship with Steve Isitt, it will never happen!


Simple. Like a grand jury investigation, sitting down with Isitt will force Kangas to examine events which occurred during past quarantines in the light of scriptures. The problems between Kangas and Isitt are not personal in nature. Isitt is considered a "man of death" by Kangas because he has attempted to factually, historically, and honestly examine our history in the Recovery. Doing this will expose Witness Lee, Phiip Lee, and Living Stream Ministry to numerous cases of corruption. This is what a fair evaluation of the facts of history shows us.

Consider the non-scriptural allegations levied against all quarantined ex-members: writing books, doing their own work, allowing electric guitars, rebellion, speaking opinions, holding private conspiratorial meetings, etc. etc. Then as soon as the saints begin to understand how LSM hides the truth from them, LSM levies the most "serious" charge of all: division.

But let's not mention how so many other men of God and Ministers Of The Age (MOTAs) have also brought "division" into the body of Christ. The great-grand-daddy of all Recovery MOTA's was Martin Luther, who brought division to the Catholic Church. The grand-daddy Brethren MOTA John Darby brought division to the Anglican Church (which was previously divided from the Catholic Church by King Henry VIII.) Then the father of modern MOTA's, Watchman Nee in China, brought division to the Methodist Church (which btw was also divided from the Anglican Church by John Wesley.) Zinzendorf, the supposed 18th century MOTA, a contemporary of Wesley, began by accepting cast-offs from all other churches, thus forming the Moravian Church, another new division.

Thus to be charged with the high crime of "division," brings these outcast quarantined brothers into some seriously qualified company of spiritual giants, with the notable exception of the King of England. Isn't it amazing just how LSM loves to have things both ways? They exalt men of God for breaking away and starting something new, but then condemn their own contemporaries for identical actions.

Reminds me of something the Lord Jesus once said ...

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous, and say, ‘If we had been living in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partners with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ So you testify against yourselves, that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up, then, the measure of the guilt of your fathers. You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?" --Matt. 23.29-33
10-12-2013 09:30 PM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
"When doing a Google search on my name in 2010, immediately one very positive document appeared toward the top, My Experience in the Local Churches; and one negative one appeared at the very top, Ron Kangas’ public word declaring at an international leaders conference in South America that I was a “man of death” and “one of the most evil speakers on the internet”. I called his home to discuss this public speaking with him and left a message with his wife for him to call me. There was no response from him. I then wrote him a letter a few months later expressing my desire to fellowship with him over his concerns about me and my writings on the internet. But I did not hear back from him."

Bless brother Ron, but after what he spoke in Ecuador, with his speaking accessible on the internet, and with brother Steve's efforts to reach Ron by phone and in writing; Ron's no response is clearly irresponsible. One should not have to resort to legal means in order to get a response.
IMHO this is just another example of the spiritual immaturity of the LC system leaders. If you make the mistake of declaring a bold negative public statement against a bro at least have the b***s to accept his invitation to fellowship in private about it.

Man-up Ron! What have you got to lose? Have the decency to answer Steve Isitt. Remember you represent God's government on the earth today! Giterdone!
10-12-2013 12:59 AM
Re: An Appeal to Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
"When doing a Google search on my name in 2010, immediately one very positive document appeared toward the top, My Experience in the Local Churches; and one negative one appeared at the very top, Ron Kangas’ public word declaring at an international leaders conference in South America that I was a “man of death” and “one of the most evil speakers on the internet”. I called his home to discuss this public speaking with him and left a message with his wife for him to call me. There was no response from him. I then wrote him a letter a few months later expressing my desire to fellowship with him over his concerns about me and my writings on the internet. But I did not hear back from him."

Bless brother Ron, but after what he spoke in Ecuador, with his speaking accessible on the internet, and with brother Steve's efforts to reach Ron by phone and in writing; Ron's no response is clearly irresponsible. One should not have to resort to legal means in order to get a response.
As I have told Steve on several occasions, it has been my sense Ron's tone, his speaking of Steve, and specifically mentioning Steve's name at that conference in Ecuador is directly related to Steve's critique of the book Ron and Kerry co-authored. It would not be a stretch to say that conference was a platform to levy a measure of retribution directed at brother Steve.

This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19
10-12-2013 12:51 AM

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
meaning that he would not listen to those concerned for right and wrong; yes, matters of "conscience, nature, intelligence, revelation and [the Word of God]...",
Meaning being unwilling to listen to brothers and sisters under the headship of Christ. To ignore their conscience is akin to leaving the headship of Christ.
10-11-2013 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Nee/Lee/LSM's interpretation of the significance of the Tree of Life (ToL) vs. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (ToKoGE) is so totally out of whack it is an insult to God and all human intelligence....

It should NOT be taken to mean that recognizing and acting on what is right vs. what is wrong is somehow contrary to God. That idea is ridiculous and itself evil. Verse after verse in the Bible exhort us to do good and reject evil. God has given us several ways to discern good and evil: conscience, nature, intelligence, revelation and his Word, to mention some. The idea that there is some overriding principle called "life" which stands in opposition to all we know about good and evil, or if you feel "life" you can commit any evil with impunity, is not biblical, and, as I said, is itself evil.

You can see the ugly fruit of it in the "Recovery." Once again we see how far "Recovery" thinking has taken LSM/LCers into the dark nether regions of thought, resulting, almost humorously, in outright stupidity.
Read the above brothers and sisters,

Is there anyone who can counter with a degree of intelligence Igzy's words? Not brother Ron Kangas - he is, in fact, a prime example of reaching those "nether regions of thought;" and he along with many other Local Church leaders provide endless support for what Igzy has uttered. And, we don't know "the half" of it.

Link from 2010
http://www.Hidinghistoryinthelordsre... AND WRONG.pdf

“How many were lured away during the last rebellion (late 80s) by subtle issues of right and wrong”

In referring to the talk going around in the church about these issues, RK said, “What a travesty that the saints of God would speak out of the knowledge of good and evil and kill each other.” He added, “I simply will not sit in a brother's presence and allow him to fill me with death,” meaning that he would not listen to saints concerned for right and wrong; yes, matters of "conscience, nature, intelligence, revelation and [the Word of God]...", to which Igzy submits is an "insult to God" and "outright stupidity".
10-10-2013 03:06 PM
Response to Witness Lee "repentance"

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
W. Lee does not take responsibility for his own 'mistakes' . 'mistakes' is a lie. Assuming the headship of Christ (by referring to oneself as 'the oracle of God'/minister of the age/ commander-in-chief) or branding fellow brothers as rebels are sins against and undermine the Body. No one does such things by mistake, by accident. These are willful acts and have been symptomatic of W. Lee's regime. Symptomatic to the point of abuse.
Because it is now "National Bully Prevention Week," it is more than appropriate to discuss these matters. I personally have known too many LC leaders who felt bullying was a Christian virtue. The problem there is systemic.

I was once personally thrashed by a barrage of punches, and nearly hospitalized, by an angry elder inside the meeting hall. Another elder, who witnessed the whole thing, actually leveled a fair amount of blame on me for "pushing his button." What was my crime? Not taking the blame for something I was not even involved with. What truly incited him was all the facts in my favor.

I pray that LC leaders would one day realize what kind of bullies they have become, and how many of God's children they have hurt along the way while asserting their form of false authority.
10-10-2013 12:56 PM
Re: Barabara Mallon response to Witness Lee "repentance"

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Ironically the phrase coined by Philip Lee and carried out by co-workers "we don't care for right or wrong. We only care about life." Of course not. When you want a culture where there's the absence of morality, there is indifference to righteousness.
Is the Bible indifferent to righteousness? Not hardly! At least in one translation there is 299 verses with righteousness. Obviously right and wrong does matter in the Bible.
We read in 2 Timothy "All Scripture is God-breathed", in books of the prophets, there is always a contrast between the righteous and the wicked.
If the Word of God did not care for right or wrong, why would there be so many verses contrasting the righteous and the wicked?
Quite simply that phrase uttered many times is a tool meant to silence brothers and sisters from expressing concerns.

Nee/Lee/LSM's interpretation of the significance of the Tree of Life (ToL) vs. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (ToKoGE) is so totally out of whack it is an insult to God and all human intelligence.

The ToKoGE does NOT represent discerning good and evil and acting on good rather than evil. It represents attempting to achieve righteousness apart from God. Thus it represents attempting to live a "good life" while remaining independent from God.

It should NOT be taken to mean that recognizing and acting on what is right vs. what is wrong is somehow contrary to God. That idea is ridiculous and itself evil. Verse after verse in the Bible exhort us to do good and reject evil. God has given us several ways to discern good and evil: conscience, nature, intelligence, revelation and his Word, to mention some. The idea that there is some overriding principle called "life" which stands in opposition to all we know about good and evil, or if you feel "life" you can commit any evil with impunity, is not biblical, and, as I said, is itself evil.

You can see the ugly fruit of it in the "Recovery." Once again we see how far "Recovery" thinking has taken LSM/LCers into the dark nether regions of thought, resulting, almost humorously, in outright stupidity.
10-10-2013 11:54 AM
Re: Barabara Mallon response to Witness Lee "repentance"

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
This was a plan hatched out of the dire necessity to protect one's own ministry and immoral son, while smearing the reputation of those closest to him, who were only concerned for God's righteousness and God's people.
Ironically the phrase coined by Philip Lee and carried out by co-workers "we don't care for right or wrong. We only care about life." Of course not. When you want a culture where there's the absence of morality, there is indifference to righteousness.
Is the Bible indifferent to righteousness? Not hardly! At least in one translation there is 299 verses with righteousness. Obviously right and wrong does matter in the Bible.
We read in 2 Timothy "All Scripture is God-breathed", in books of the prophets, there is always a contrast between the righteous and the wicked.
If the Word of God did not care for right or wrong, why would there be so many verses contrasting the righteous and the wicked?
Quite simply that phrase uttered many times is a tool meant to silence brothers and sisters from expressing concerns.
10-10-2013 11:41 AM
Re: Just say "no" long enough

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
In the link is an LSM mindset being put to the test by various posters taking the position of "no" against an LSM poster till truth eventually prevails and the LSM poster stops his "artful" display of unrighteousness being called righteousness. He does not confess he was wrong; he just disappears and the thread ends.
Another example of the LSM mindset, is a response to concerns of our history is "why are you coming to me with this stuff? I had nothing to do with it."

For most brothers, not directly. However indirectly they have not resisted the condemnation of former leading ones. Brothers have not told the co-workers to stop this kind of speaking regarding former elders.
10-09-2013 08:24 PM
Re: Barabara Mallon response to Witness Lee "repentance"

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
W. Lee does not take responsibility for his own 'mistakes.' 'mistakes' is a lie. Assuming the headship of Christ (by referring to oneself as 'the oracle of God'/minister of the age/ commander-in-chief) or branding fellow brothers as rebels are sins against and undermine the Body. No one does such things by mistake, by accident. These are willful acts and have been symptomatic of W. Lee's regime. Symptomatic to the point of abuse.
And this was my own conclusion as I studied our history during the buildup to the quarantine of Titus Chu and the mid-west area churches. There is no way on earth that we could reduce Witness Lee's own actions during this era of time to some happenstance "mistakes." These were carefully calculated decisions arrived at over a lengthy course of time. It was not like me driving home for dinner, making a wrong turn, and then apologizing to my wife for arriving late.

This was a plan hatched out of the dire necessity to protect one's own ministry and immoral son, while smearing the reputation of those closest to him, who were only concerned for God's righteousness and God's people.
10-09-2013 03:13 PM
Barabara Mallon response to Witness Lee "repentance"

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
So we finally have one of the infamous "Brothers We" joining Lee who made what was essentially a death-bed declaration that we had been wrong. I guess Lee managed to pass out before he uttered even one example of error, so it was not really much of anything. So, in keeping with their example, RK and the rest will follow suit and start many repentances that repent of nothing.
Just say the word "repent" or "fallible" or "wrong."

Barbara Mallon response to Witness Lee "repentance"

"Allow me to respond. I do not believe that W. Lee had a genuine repentance in Feb 1997. If he genuinely did, there would be some 'fruit' to such a repentance. Where is it?

If he genuinely repented, would not the Lord have kept him alive a few years more to see and cherish that fruit?

Allow me to illustrate, let me assume for a moment that it's genuine; he repented, in private, concerning just one name, Bro. X. 14 years have passed, I don't know of any record of an attempt at reconciliation toward Bro. X.

Surely Lee would not have passed on this 'crucial charge' to others without first leading by example. He would not have left it up to others 'to read over, fellowship, and interpret'. This is a cop-out. this is passing the buck yet again.

again W. Lee does not take responsibility for his own 'mistakes' . 'mistakes' is a lie. Assuming the headship of Christ (by referring to oneself as 'the oracle of God'/minister of the age/ commander-in-chief) or branding fellow brothers as rebels are sins against and undermine the Body. No one does such things by mistake, by accident. These are wilful acts and have been symptomatic of W. Lee's regime. Symptomatic to the point of abuse.

With LSM, there is a 'White House' and commander-in-chief , but where is the 'House of Representatives', where is the 'secretary of foreign affairs'? Watching 24 and Jack Bauer's frenzied one-man ministry of 'lets pursue the terrorists', with it's direct line to the White House routine, is, for me, illustrative of whats wrong with the LR.

W. Lee, TV evangelists, they all have something in common, an addiction to power even if the cost is dignity.

We have been too kind to the 'Wizard of Oz'."

(2010 email 3 1/2 years)

Barbara had just heard in 2010 of Brother Lee's "repentance" in 1997 and wanted me to send her information about this. I sent her the transcript.
10-09-2013 12:07 PM
Re: An Epidemic of Lawless speaking

Originally Posted by aron View Post
But we all know WL's failures: he was too trusting with Max Rappaport. He was too lenient with John So. He was too patient with John Ingalls. Etc.

Serious flaws!

And too longsuffering with Titus Chu.

Such failings by the consummate Minister Of The Age!
10-09-2013 11:43 AM
Re: An Epidemic of Lawless speaking

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I would have to listen to the message again when Ron visited here in the NW. Basically admitting WL was not infallible. All the while no admission of any mistakes made by the ministry (the pledge of allegiance to WL and his ministry for one).
So we finally have one of the infamous "Brothers We" joining Lee who made what was essentially a death-bed declaration that we had been wrong. I guess Lee managed to pass out before he uttered even one example of error, so it was not really much of anything. So, in keeping with their example, RK and the rest will follow suit and start many repentances that repent of nothing. Just say the word "repent" or "fallible" or "wrong."
10-09-2013 11:29 AM
Re: An Epidemic of Lawless speaking

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
***** Move along folks ***** Move along folks *****
There's nothing here to see. There's nothing here to see.
Yes, Officer Barbrady.
10-09-2013 11:11 AM
Re: An Epidemic of Lawless speaking

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
***** Breaking News ***** Breaking News *****
LSM's chief theologian, Princeton educated Ronald Kangas, has publicly stated that Witness Lee was not infallible.

Yet he was not willing to state where and when such failure had occurred.
***** Move along folks ***** Move along folks *****
There's nothing here to see. There's nothing here to see.

Thanks for that major insight Mr. Kangas! We kinda knew that already. So which actions and teachings of Witness Lee do you think are wrong?

Dead silence? Really?

10-09-2013 09:42 AM
Re: The Church of No Accountability


"Leaders from several Local Churches convened recently (April 2010) in Boise, ID. Among
the items set forth for discussion was the announcement that DCP, the defense and
confirmation team for the LC and Living Stream Ministry (LSM) was in need of financial
donations from the saints for dealing with “attacks” on the internet, pointing out that their
funds have run low due to the years of litigation against Harvest House Publishers."

S.I. 2010
10-09-2013 04:12 AM
Re: An Epidemic of Lawless speaking

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
***** Breaking News ***** Breaking News *****
LSM's chief theologian, Princeton educated Ronald Kangas, has publicly stated that Witness Lee was not infallible..
Only RK can say this. He is now the oracle, and can modify previous oracles. Only those at the top can criticize and amend. Anyone further down attempting to critically assess WL will be labeled a "man of death" a la Steve Isitt, and expelled. This, of course, is necessary to maintain good order in the church.

Yet he was not willing to state where and when such failure had occurred..
But we all know WL's failures: he was too trusting with Max Rappaport. He was too lenient with John So. He was too patient with John Ingalls. Etc.

***** Move along folks ***** Move along folks *****
There's nothing here to see. There's nothing here to see.
10-08-2013 06:28 PM
Re: An Epidemic of Lawless speaking

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I would have to listen to the message again when Ron visited here in the NW. Basically admitting WL was not infallible. All the while no admission of any mistakes made by the ministry (the pledge of allegiance to WL and his ministry for one).
***** Breaking News ***** Breaking News *****
LSM's chief theologian, Princeton educated Ronald Kangas, has publicly stated that Witness Lee was not infallible.

Yet he was not willing to state where and when such failure had occurred.
***** Move along folks ***** Move along folks *****
There's nothing here to see. There's nothing here to see.
10-08-2013 04:57 PM
Re: An Epidemic of Lawless speaking

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
Originally Posted by Ohio
"even if Lee is wrong, he is still right"

Really? In what way? Anything specific? Just curious.
I would have to listen to the message again when Ron visited here in the NW. Basically admitting WL was not infallible. All the while no admission of any mistakes made by the ministry (the pledge of allegiance to WL and his ministry for one).
10-08-2013 10:45 AM
Re: An Epidemic of Lawless speaking

Originally Posted by Ohio
"even if Lee is wrong, he is still right"

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
That phrase at least in the last two years, brother Ron has been backtracking on.
Really? In what way? Anything specific? Just curious.
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