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08-20-2014, 02:31 PM
And in the mean time, we don't all agree on everything and we live by the faith we have.

I recently said that we should let the theologians do the bickering over the minors of the faith. We should be one with all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Not saying we all have to agree on style of meeting/worship, or on those minors. But we should major on the majors when it comes to how we treat our fellow believer. Just as we should then treat the unbeliever (our neighbor) the very same way.

Among the believers we should have the attitude that belief is the key. The forms and traditions are not.
If we lift hands and shout, or sing Kyrie
Sing hymns of praise or quietly pray
May your kingdom come, your will be done
Add to that if we meet in a home, or a rented school cafeteria. If we sit in pews and listen to organ/choir-led music, or a praise band. If we are somewhat free in form, or follow a scripted liturgy. If we pass around little crackers and plastic cups, or file to the front to take a wafer and dip it in juice or have a preacher/priest put it on your tongue.

All of this fits within the Bible. I absolutely believe the Bible. It just doesn't have the answer to everything. Except that it provides a more reliable view of Jesus than me and my private prayers could ever do.

08-20-2014, 08:32 PM
Inerrancy is a ruse to win an argument without making an argument. Just state that your position is God-ordained and walk away.

Yes, the doctrine of inerrancy requires that apparent textual anomalies must either be denied or explained as errors of human understanding rather than flaws in the text itself.

08-21-2014, 11:30 AM
Yes, the doctrine of inerrancy requires that apparent textual anomalies must either be denied or explained as errors of human understanding rather than flaws in the text itself.
Well if we're gonna talk inerrancy of the Bible, we have to use the Bible to prove it. Right? Or our answers will be extra-Biblical.

Please somebody prove me wrong, but I can only find hints enough to provoke my imagination into extra-Bible answers, explanations, and conclusions concerning the matter of Biblical inerrancy..

There's no well defined doctrine on inerrancy in the Bible, that's for sure. So our conclusions of certitude, as some have, are extra-Biblical.

Please, somebody take me down on this.

08-23-2014, 12:53 PM
Well if we're gonna talk inerrancy of the Bible, we have to use the Bible to prove it. Right?Not really. We have to figure out how whatever the Bible says is historically, scientifically, socially, philosophically, etc., true in every way. Might be able to get the philosophical and social parts to at least be true in a broad sense, but not everyone will agree. Whatever it says about science was never intended as an accurate, detailed explanation of something scientific, but was instead spoken within the knowledge (or lack thereof) of the people to whom it was written. At some level, even some of the history is probably compressed.

So in some people's minds, the Bible can never be inerrant in the way the people who argue about inerrancy claim that it has to be.

In short, the best talk about inerrancy is the one in which we conclude that it is itself a colored lens that skews (or skewers) the actual truth that is in the Bible. And in the process, kick it to the curb with Nee and Lee (and a lot of others).