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Old 08-20-2024, 03:42 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 21
Post Henry Hon and Onebodylife ministries.

Greetings to the brothers.

I have recently resumed my research into Brother Henry Hon's ministry and I am making progress in reading the One Ekklesia series. I am sincerely impressed with the quality of the ministry with which the brother is developing the vision of God's eternal plan that could be summarized in the Great Commission and the edification of the Body of Christ in a practical way.

I would like to know if there are brothers who are already advanced in the search and investigation through this precious ministry and if they have been able to put into practice actively meeting with other believers who are different from you, that is, with those who do not usually meet in the same congregation or support the same ministry.

Since I left the recovery ministry, I have continued to meet in houses, which I did abundantly in Latin America since it is very common to meet in houses. Here in Spain it has been very difficult to find brothers who have the vision of meeting in houses and even more difficult having the multi-ministerial vision of the Body of Christ in fraternal love that allows you to have communion with any believer.

If there are some brothers who have been blessed through this ministry I would like you to please respond to this post and share your experiences putting into practice the ekklesia house by house with the multi-ministerial vision of the Body of Christ and the free multi-ministerial edification.

I take the opportunity to highly recommend the ministry of the brothers of Onebodylife, it is an excellent ministry, of very high quality and it is sincerely worthwhile to delve deeper and advance in the search for the truth regarding all things of personal and community Christian life. In addition to this, the brothers are very clear about how to materialize and crystallize the eternal purpose of God today on this earth.

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