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Ex Church Kids (of Local Church) Ex Church Kids from Local Church of Witness Lee

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Old 01-21-2024, 01:12 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2023
Posts: 38
Default The apostolic mob of the Lord's Recovery - the usurpation of God's throne

Why did the Lord have mercy and grace toward the sinners yet scorn and condemnation toward the scribes and the pharisees? Why is there so much tension and animosity inherent throughout the gospel account in relation to Jesus and the scribes and the pharisees?

Matt 23:2 brings us to the basic error of the scribes and the pharisees. "the scribes and the pharisees have seated themselves in Moses's seat."

The scribes and the pharisees not only claimed spiritual authority over God's flock in a general sense, but they usurped Moses's seat. Moses's seat represents God's oracle in the old covenant particularly expressed through the first five books of the Old Testament - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Moses's seat represented God's throne to God's people. For the Lord to say that "the scribes and the pharisees have seated themselves in Moses's seat" implies that the scribes and the pharisees have usurped God's authority over His people. God's throne (represented by Moses's seat) was illegally occupied and misrepresented by the scribes and the pharisees. This is serious.

Hebrews 3:1-6 clearly reveals that Moses was God's unique apostle of the Old Testament in comparison to Jesus Christ as God's unique Apostle of the new covenant. Moses represented God's throne in the old covenant, Jesus Christ is on the throne since His inauguration as Lord and Christ in His ascension. Moses's seat (God's authority) has been transferred to the God-man Jesus Christ in His heavenly ministry as our Great and Merciful High Priest. The throne is Christ's.

Matt 23:8-10 makes it clear that God's seat of authority remains uniquely with Christ and the Father, and that all believers are equal in status under the ruling of God's Christ.

Let us now turn our attention to the apostolic mob of the Lord's Recovery:
It is safe to say that the blended brothers have seated themselves in Christ's seat. Whenever Ron Kangas steps up to his pedestal and proclaims "this is the speaking of God's throne" he is in the principle of Matt 23:2 - usurping God's throne. An important principle to understand is the fact of legitimacy. Moses legitimately represented God's authority - Moses was directly appointed by God. In the same principle Christ is the legitimate heir of God's throne - God appointed Jesus Lord and Christ over all. In the same way Paul's apostolic authority was legitimate - he was sent by the resurrected Christ Himself.

Legitimacy precedes authority. Scripture always confirms the legitimacy of God's authority. This is precisely where the scribes and the pharisees (apostolic mob of the Lord's Recovery) do not fit the bill. Their claim to represent God's authority is not legitimate. It is self assumed.

Witness Lee was not sent by Christ. Witness Lee was sent by Watchman Nee. Lee is Nee's apostle, not Christ's apostle. In the same way, the blended brothers are not Christ's apostels, but Lee's apostles. Witness Lee himself testified under oath that he is not an apostle. Yes, so neither are his sent ones.

Whenever the blended brothers claim to be the unique representation of God's throne - they are in fact usurping God's throne . They are repeating the same error of the scribes and the pharisees.

All believers can claim (seek) oneness with God's throne (Eph 2:6 ;Rev 3:21), not merely a special group of brothers representing a mediatorial class or some "deputy authority".

To the blended brothers of the Lord's Recovery - the throne belongs to Christ (and to all those in Christ).

Last edited by TheStarswillFall; 01-21-2024 at 11:38 AM.
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Old 07-27-2024, 11:17 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Default Re: The apostolic mob of the Lord's Recovery - the usurpation of God's thro

Originally Posted by TheStarswillFall View Post
Witness Lee was not sent by Christ. Witness Lee was sent by Watchman Nee. Lee is Nee's apostle, not Christ's apostle. In the same way, the blended brothers are not Christ's apostles, but Lee's apostles. Witness Lee himself testified under oath that he is not an apostle. Yes, so neither are his sent ones.
Brilliant assessment! Just one more reason why prayers within the movement were rarely addressed to "Our Loving Heavenly Father God"! In order to make his "brand of cargo" sound super-special, Lee tossed the Father and The Holy Spirit into his Gnostic Blending Machine and out popped a proprietary processed God?

Then later on when things began to get boring & book sales declined, Lee "recovered" the baby gods teachings to spice things up?

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