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Calling All Saints! This board will serve as a meeting place for ex Local Church members to reestablish contact with other former and current members. GUESTS may post here as well.

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Old 11-14-2010, 05:33 PM   #10
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 222
Default Re: Calling all Saints

Amen ZNPnaaneah, I do not believe this can be seen apart from revelation. I pray that He who is the Word would open your eyes to this, and open mine greater day by day as the sanctification advances. Ponder the son of man, when he comes through a local church, he picks up an angel in hand. A man that can appear in the center of the sign to John and that with seven stars in his hand. Witness declared that these seven were the sevenfold intensified Spirit. He never explained to us why these seven appear in the son of man's hand, not his mouth. Witness was in the time of the mouth speaking before the Word was in the hand of the saints. When a saint writes, he binds and looses angels. The angel of the city serves his right hand.

So lets go back to the beginning. God spoke and there was. God said let there be light and there was light. God said let there be earth and there was earth. God said let the dry land appear and the sun, moon, and stars, and they were. But when it came to man, the covenant God made a proposal. "Let us make man in our image and after our likeness". God didn't just speak "Let there be man and there was man." No. God spoke a proposal...."Let us make". Then Jehovah answered by touching what God had spoken into being. Jehovah God's hands went forth and touched what the mouth hand spoken. This is to sanctify.

The hand of Jehovah God made man out of the earth that God had spoken into being. And man was made with hands so that God, the Word could dwell in man and branch from man's hand to all the holy angels eagerly waiting.Man was made with hands so that Jehovahs hand could be upon him. We know the story because it is written. Then Jehovah God spoke to man and said not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This was a speaking of the mouth. The serpent could also speak. So the serpent spoke to the woman. The serpent spoke, adding to and taking away from Jehovah God's speaking. Then the woman spoke to the man. All these speakings were before man reached out his hand to the tree of life. And the serpents unsanctified speaking resulted in flaming swords going all directions to gaurd the way of the tree of life that man could not stretch forth his HAND to it. Genesis 3:22. Man was cut off by the tongues that speak beyond what the hand has written.

Now only faith can overcome to reach out to the tree of life and handle the Word. We must follow the lamb out of the garden, through the blood of Abel into the family of Seth, where by the hearing of the blood they begin to handle the Word. Through the hearing of the blood of Abel, the Word developed father to son from Seth down to Enoch, the seventh from Adam. The Word so matured in the seventh that death bowed. Enoch, the righteous scribe, handled the Word in such a way that death was no more. God took Him because his hand attended to God. Now come the days that the church; the body of Christ shall prevail over death by holy writing.

Let us love the Word. O Word, cut through our heart and find your way to our hand where we mingle in our faith at each writing. For we have a better blood speaking than that of Abel and we have the Word tabernacling among the saints.

It is wonderful to speak the praises of the Lord. It is glorious to bless Him with our mouth. But it is most holy intimacy to touch Him with our hands. Blessed be the Word which my mouth glorifies and my hand handles.

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