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Extras! Extras! Read All About It! Everything else that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else

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Pre-Trib 2 50.00%
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Pre-Wrath 2 50.00%
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:54 PM   #1
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Default Pre-Wrath? A Rapture Position.

Greetings Saints,

Yep, I'm a Pre-Wrather. Where do you stand?

What is the Pre-Wrath rapture?

The view that the rapture will occur after the wrath of Satan/Antichrist on Christians and Jews but before God's wrath on the earth.

When will this happen?

Sometime After the midpoint of the 7-year period of Daniel and immediately after the 6th seal of Revelation (sign of the sun, moon, and stars is given in the heavens).


There is a lot of confusion out their concerning the rapture. I think alot of it has to do with the fact that most christians don't understand that there are two types of wrath being poured out in the world before the end comes.

The wrath of satan and the Wrath of God.

The wrath of satan started from the time of his fall through the beginning of the Tribulation and ends at the beginning of the Day of the Lord.

Remember! The enemy has been constantly attacking man from the very beginning! And as the bible says even until the end.

With the mark of the beast.

Revelation 13vs16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Matthew chapter 24 is a good place to start concerning the sequence of events that must take place for the completion of prophecy concerning the end of this age.

As we read the chapter, if we pay attention the clarity will astound you!

The fact that Jesus in verse 4 warns the saints by saying:

Matt 24:4: And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

Lets take a minute and consider this.

The word heed means: pay attention to advice: to give serious attention to, a warning or advice and take it into account when acting.

To take heed doesn't merely mean listen to, It means that we should take serious the words that are to follow.

What words? Take heed that no man deceive you.



Many believers today don't think that they could possibly be in any danger once they have received the gospel.

This is the furthest from the truth otherwise Jesus wouldn't have warned them!

It should be every christians goal to stay tuned for what God is about to do next.

Abiding in him would be a good way of putting it.

For the gospels do warn us to...Col:4:2: Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving; and to: 2Tm:4:5: But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

And they (the gospel)even admonish us too!

Lk:12:37: Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

Another thing that He unveils to us as he warns us to take heed to his words is that:

9: Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

This here is where the confusion seems to start. For many saints glance over the word of God lightly and get confused with verses such as....

Jn:10:28: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. and Jn:3:3: Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Is there anyone big enough to take anything out of the hand of God?

Of course not!

But lets take this a little farther and ask about what it doesn't say.

Did Jesus ever say that you don't have free will and you are not able to walk away from him excersising your free will?


But does that mean that we can't?

For the Lord continually warns us with scriptures like this one.

Lk:21:36: Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Grace to the Saints,

Don Jr.

P.S. If you agree or disagree please feel free to add too or share your position!
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Old 08-17-2009, 08:36 AM   #2
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Default Re: Pre-Wrath? A Rapture Position.

Pre-Tribber here but flexible to any position until in the twinkling of an eye, we are changed from Glory to GLORY. Flexible until I see the dead in Christ rise First and then we WHO are alive be caught up with them to meet our LORD in the air. (1 Thessalonians 4:6-7)

I believe Luke 21:36 is speaking of escaping the entire 7 yr tribulation. For it says to pray ...that we would escape ALL these things that are about to come to pass...not some but ALL.
I also believe not every born again believer who is alive at the time of the Rapture will be raptured...but again, no one knows for sure until that day comes.
I believe there will be a general harvest rapture during the 7 yr trib but I am not sure WHEN it will be for there will also be many saints who will be beheaded and martyred and experience physical death.

I believe there will be some who make it through the entire 7 yr tribulation bruised and wounded for the sake of the KING JESUS.

There is a reward awaiting those who are watching eagerly and lovingly for the LORD's appearing, His return. It is the Crown of Righteousness spoken of in 2 Timothy 4:8. I believe not every born again believer will receive that crown because many are not watching for the Lord's return and worst, mock those who are.

To my knowledge, there are at least 5 crowns awaiting the Righteous:
The Crown of Life (James 1:2, Revelation 2:10)
The Crown of Righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8)
The Crown of Glory (Psalm 8:5 and 1 Peter 5:4)
The Incorruptible Crown (1 Corinthians 9:25)
The Crown of Rejoicing (1 Thessalonians 2:19)

I think we are very, very near to the return of the LORD which will be a secret event not seen by the world. But yet the world will experience the EFFECTS of the rapture for it will make a HUGE worldwide impact. I am inclined to believe the Rapture will bring in worldwide chaos via earthquakes of great proportions that could shut down all electricity, shutting down all form of electronic communication, TV, RADIO, LIGHTS, PHONES and of course computers. A nuclear attack or attacks an EMP attack could also happen at the same time the Rapture occurs. The world will be in such a chaotic state, most will not know a RAPTURE occured. Many might very well come to deep repentance when all this happens.

The rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:6-7) is not to be confused with the 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in which every eye will see Him. That event will come at the end of the 7 yr Tribulation when He comes down riding on a White Horse along with His army of Saints, the Bride of CHRIST, to fight the battle of Armageddon. (Revelation 19:7,8 & 11, 17-21)

Mu studies and research are indepth and I have been a passionate endtimes watcher since 2005 but was stirred up for the Lord's return while in the LC in the 70s. ( I do not agree or believe in a thousand year outer darkness as Lee taught however and I am not totally sure his position on the Rapture. It makes no difference to me what his position was. I have occassionally crossreferenced his teachings while doing my research and studies. But not only HIS. Whatever his position was did not come SOLELY to him directly from GOD. He gathered his views from studying the Word of God and while studying other people's positions.) I am not dogmatic about how and when the LORD will return. We can debate, discuss and argue our positions based on how we view scripture. But as long as we are still here our position is our interpretation.

For ME the most important FACT of the Lord's return in this immediate moment of time is to be washed and cleansed in the Blood of the Lamb continuously, covering ourselves in HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD everywhere we go for that will scare off the demons & Satan himself.

Pray without ceasing Pray with Thanksgiving for everything, giving Praise, Honor and GLORY to our KING. This is how we are ushered into His Presence.

Psalm 100 tells us we enter His gates with THANKSGIVING and into HIS Courts with Praise. Then we enter into the HOLY of HOLIES where HIS PRESENCE is with Boldness and True Assurance of FAITH.

I believe the Lord's Return will not take us by surprise because we will be immersed in His Presence prior to the GLORIOUS event, prepared as a Bride for Her Bridegroom.

The (Holy) Spirit and the BRIDE say "COME LORD JESUS. COME" Come QUICKLY. We Long to behold Your beauty Face to FACE.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 08-17-2009, 07:42 PM   #3
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Default Re: Pre-Wrath? A Rapture Position.

Pre-Tribber here but flexible to any position until in the twinkling of an eye, we are changed from Glory to GLORY. Flexible until I see the dead in Christ rise First and then we WHO are alive be caught up with them to meet our LORD in the air. (1 Thessalonians 4:6-7)

Amen CMW! You are flexible because you are open to the Lord! And that's wonderful! You keep on being open to Him dear saint and you will not be disappointed in the end.

It would be nice not to go through the great tribulation I agree. I remember Jesus praying in the garden for this cup to pass. It didn't. Thank God for that!
I also remember all the new testament saints thinking that the return of the Lord was imminent and I'm sure they felt the same as you did about being raptured from their plight. He didn't and they suffered faithfully unto death.
I also see many people going through trials and tribulations every day of my life and I can't help but think why would the Lord pull the saints out of the first part of the tribulation or the middle? When scriptures state: Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. They, We sacrificed our lives even unto death.

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Matt 24:13 (KJV)

There seems to be a theme here...Saints go through tribulations since the beginning they endure/remain faithful even until/unto death. All those deaths proved faithfulness to the Ultimate degree for eternity! I can't imagine it being different in the end days other that scripture that states that those days would be cut short lest all might be deceived.

However this goes down, it will be sad and glorious at the same time.

Hey sis I'm with you! I'm open and flexible and forgiven!


Don Jr

CMW I appreciate your willingness to be open to the Lord. It's a breath of fresh air!

And just as you stated it will be chaotic. And we know satan will fight against the saints clear up until God pours out His wrath then you know the battle is over. In fact this battle will be foolishness because who can battle against the Lord!?
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Old 08-18-2009, 07:55 AM   #4
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Default Re: Pre-Wrath? A Rapture Position.

Good morning.

To what you wrote:
It would be nice not to go through the great tribulation I agree. I remember Jesus praying in the garden for this cup to pass. It didn't. Thank God for that!
I also remember all the new testament saints thinking that the return of the Lord was imminent and I'm sure they felt the same as you did about being raptured from their plight. He didn't and they suffered faithfully unto death.
I also see many people going through trials and tribulations every day of my life and I can't help but think why would the Lord pull the saints out of the first part of the tribulation or the middle? When scriptures state: Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. They, We sacrificed our lives even unto death.
I sometimes cringe or want to cringe when I hear people say they cannot wait for the LORD to return because they are soo tired of this world and the problems that come with it. Many if not everyone is struggling in one form or another. Because of our struggles and desperation, fear sets in....and that creates a problem because we are instructed over & over in the Word of God NOT to fear ! "FEAR NOT" we are told. God has NOT given us a spirit of fear! Our Fear in the Lord is not really 'fear'...except for the unbelievers. They better FEAR GOD ! But we who are children of GOD and Covenant people, have a LOVING RESPECT, a LOVING REVERENCE for our Heavenly Father through Christ JESUS.

The saints often times become 'beggars' instead of taking their rightful positions as kings and priests unto the Lord. But unless we live sanctified lives in FAITH..walking in the Presence of God 24/7 speaking the Word of God into us and guided by HIS Voice, the Holy Spirit, the saints become like Peter when walking on water, he took his eyes of Jesus who was standing on water and begun to sink. WE walk by FAITH not by sight. That is a very difficult instruction for us to follow and a difficult lesson for us to learn.

Salvation is a FREE GIFT but the Rewards are not free. They come with a price: crucifying the flesh..dying to self.

We all go through trials & tribulations. This is the Fire that is burning the wood, hay, and stubble out of us right now.

Some of us will not experience physical death. I pray I am counted worthy to be one of them. I pray all of us here will be counted worthy to escape ALL the things that are about to come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man hearing those awesome words "WELL DONE my good and faithful servant. You were faithful in a few things. I will make you ruler of many."

But I suspect very few truly know what it is to crucify the flesh..to die to self. How can people expect to simply be 'raptured' if they think their ticket to be changed in the twinkling of an eye is simply to believe in Jesus Christ continuing to live in their carnal or religious mindset. It does not work that way.

We cannot be fence waddlers. We cannot keep one foot in the world and one foot in the Word. We also cannot be legalistic and try to keep 'the law'. That is where people get all confused.

I understand why this happens for I've been there, done that. Truly and I saw this with BOLDNESS and with Humbleness. I AM A NEW CREATION !!! I AM CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST. IT IS NO LONGER I WHO LIVES BUT CHRIST LIVES IN ME !! AND THE LIFE THAT I now live in the flesh, I LIVE BY FAITH in the SON OF GOD--JESUS !! (Galations 2:20) For to me to live IS CHRIST and to DIE is GAIN ! (Philippians 1:21)

These scriptures are inscribed into my being. I truly do live by these scriptures and when I fall flat on my face, I repent, wash myself in the BLOOD of the LAMB, dust myself off and ask the LORD to help me not to repeat my transgression.

Last week, I was telling a friend of mine that I feel I am in a 'holy prison cell'. The Presence of GOD is everywhere I go. (The Presence of God is not a 'feeling' btw). She then said I was experiencing what Paul wrote in Ephesians 3:1 - I Paul, am a PRISONER of the LORD JESUS CHRIST- WOW ! I exclaimed. I never thought of it that way. In fact, when I used to read that scripture, my carnal mind almost felt 'sorry' for him. You see, in my carnal mind, a prisoner is someone suffering, who is being punished, who is not happy. To be a PRISONER OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is quite an HONOR !! It is the exact opposite of what the carnal mind thinks !! There is NO OTHER place I want to be ! I KNOW that I know that I KNOW...I am NOT of this world. I AM in this WORLD but not OF it. So being a Prisoner of the LORD is heavenly !!!

I sometimes look back at my life only to see how far I've come but I also do not hold on to my 'accomplishments' in Christ for I still fall short of HIS GLORY !

This is how I believe we become 'Rapture Ready'. Enoch walked with God and was not. Elijah walked with God and a Chariot of Fire with horses came and picked him up in a whirlwind. They experienced being Raptured. Stephen may have been stoned to death but I would not be surprised if he did not even feel the pain of the stoning because when he saw the heavens open and Jesus STANDING, you better believe Stephen was in the GLORIOUS PRESENCE of GOD. Imagine seeing JESUS STANDING at the Right Hand of the FATHER !!! You think those stones pained him? His body may have been bleeding but I bet he did not feel a thing.

The Key to being rapture is walking with GOD 24/7. Most people find it difficult to walk with God 24/7 using their circumstances as excuses. But it is in our circumstances where we experience dying to self. Instead of complaining and murmurring, we bless those who are annoying every fiber of our being out of us !!! We call on the Name of the LORD from a pure heart..we bless, we give Thanks, we give God Praise and GLORY...and then the Peace of God which surpasses all human understanding encompasses us.

May I--May WE be counted worthy to be Raptured. May we be counted worthy to receive the crowns of Righteousness, the crown of Glory, the Incorruptible Crown, the Crown of Rejoicing and the Crown of LIFE. May we be counted worthy to rule and reign with Christ as co-heirs with Him.

How I thank the LORD every day for His Precious Blood. I thank the Father, OUR Father every day for sending us His Beloved Son-JESUS and for sending us HIS HOLY SPIRIT. Oh How I love the Holy Spirit !! He is the One who pointed me and nudged me patiently to JESUS. Oh how I have repented for putting our Precious Holy Spirit on the back burner by not acknowledging HIM and giving HIM PRAISE, GLORY and HONOR for HE IS GOD-the HOLY SPIRIT !

The Holy Spirit has and continues to be sooo very Patient even when we have grieved HIM. (Ephesians 4:30) I pray and do believe, I am not grieving Him as I once did.

Thank You for blessing me with your thoughtful words Manna-man.
May the LORD RICHLY bless and reward you as you serve God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 08-18-2009, 01:42 PM   #5
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Default Re: Pre-Wrath? A Rapture Position.

This is how I believe we become 'Rapture Ready'.
The way to be rapture ready is to live in rapture with the Lord daily.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.
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Old 08-18-2009, 02:12 PM   #6
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Default Re: Pre-Wrath? A Rapture Position.

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
The way to be rapture ready is to live in rapture with the Lord daily.
Remember that when your wife is yelling at you...or when someone has plucked your last nerve...or when you have plucked someone's last nerve.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 08-19-2009, 09:20 AM   #7
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Thanks for the Attachment on the rapture timeline views whoever sent it.
(Probably Manna man)

I pray I am counted worthy to be in the Pre-Trib bunch to be raptured!

BUT if it turns out there is no PRE-TRIB, I am confident in this very thing. God who has begun a MOST EXCELLENT work in me and in you, WILL complete it! We WILL in due time, have our Glorified bodies and the manifestation of the MIND of CHRIST in us ! We WILL behold and reflect as in a mirror, the GLORY of GOD, CHRIST IN US who is the HOPE of OUR Glory.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 08-19-2009, 05:27 PM   #8
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Yes, I posted the attachment.

Don Jr.
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Old 08-20-2009, 06:31 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Thanks for the Attachment on the rapture timeline views whoever sent it.
(Probably Manna man)

I pray I am counted worthy to be in the Pre-Trib bunch to be raptured!

BUT if it turns out there is no PRE-TRIB, I am confident in this very thing. God who has begun a MOST EXCELLENT work in me and in you, WILL complete it! We WILL in due time, have our Glorified bodies and the manifestation of the MIND of CHRIST in us ! We WILL behold and reflect as in a mirror, the GLORY of GOD, CHRIST IN US who is the HOPE of OUR Glory.
P.S. as an afterthought, SHOULD we endure part or all of the 7 yr tribulation and I don't believe I will, thank-you very much.....BUT IF I do, IF we do, then I am convinced a super duper, supernatural power of the anointing will also come upon us and will protect us from the judgments on the earth for the sake of the gospel.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 08-20-2009, 10:51 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
P.S. as an afterthought, SHOULD we endure part or all of the 7 yr tribulation and I don't believe I will, thank-you very much.....BUT IF I do, IF we do, then I am convinced a super duper, supernatural power of the anointing will also come upon us and will protect us from the judgments on the earth for the sake of the gospel.
I only answer because I believe there was a question in your last post.
I believe the saints will endure all of the tribulation clear up until our Lord and God begins to pour out His Wrath upon this disobeidient world. I don't think there will be a need for a supernatural anointing of the Lord to protect us from His judgements because we are not the object of His wrath. I think when His wrath starts His decision has been made and His Grace has been cut off. The saints have been pulled out and there is no second bus.

Grace to the saints,

Don Jr.
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Old 08-20-2009, 01:49 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by manna-man View Post
I only answer because I believe there was a question in your last post.
I believe the saints will endure all of the tribulation clear up until our Lord and God begins to pour out His Wrath upon this disobeidient world. I don't think there will be a need for a supernatural anointing of the Lord to protect us from His judgements because we are not the object of His wrath. I think when His wrath starts His decision has been made and His Grace has been cut off. The saints have been pulled out and there is no second bus.

Grace to the saints,

Don Jr.
Hey DonJr,
Can you provide scriptures backing your position? Just curious..not going to argue or debate you...not my thing. I simply would like to consider them. Thanks in advance.

I believe the scriptures warn us over & over to live sanctified, set apart, holy lives, surrendered lives unto the LORD. When Noah and the gang went up (a type of the rapture if you ask me) only EIGHT...yeppers EIGHT people went into the ark ! More animals went into the ark than people did.

The Parable of the 10 virgins depict 5 were ready and 5 were not.

We are told in Luke 21:36 to pray and be watchful to be accounted worthy to ESCAPE ALL the things that are about to come to pass.

But imho, not everyone will go in the first boatload. There is a lot of other scriptures that point to a Pre-Trib rapture which I'll skip for now.

AND many Pre-tribbers think the entire church is going to be raptured..no matter if we lived sanctified lives or not. This is why I think the Pre-Trib view is muddy.
I don't take my salvation or my walk with the Lord for granted. On the one hand I AM excited we are sooo very close. On the other hand, I am equally content waiting on our Bridegroom because He is sooooooo WONDERFUL.

Btw....here is my take on how the Rapture COULD happen based on all my research and even then not sure if I have it all down pact !

The Bride of Christ is raptured.
7 yr Trib begins with chaos and the AC being revealed...a MUSLIM called the Mahdi. There are some former Muslims who have renounced Islam and surrendered their lives to the LORD JESUS washed in His Blood who are convinced the Mark of the Beast is an allegiance to Allah. (I'll explain it more on a different thread.)

Next comes the claim of Peace & Safety. The False Prophet (probably the next POPE) will bring the religions together and then point them to the AC who is ruling the political part until the 1/2 way mark when he demands all eyes be on him.

Somewhere during this timeframe, many will repent for living lukewarm or carnal lives or simply repent for not having received the gospel. Talk about dying to self now...It's going to be very, very difficult for people living during this 7 yr period. This period is also referred to as Daniel 70th week

The first 3 1/2 yrs will not be as BAD as the last 3 1/2, called the GREAT Tribulation by many. I also think there is going to be a general harvest around this time frame and the 2nd boatload will be raptured.

A lot is going on down here that I'm skipping right over. Then at the end of the 7 yrs, KING Jesus returns with His army of saints, (the BRIDE) and we fight with our Captain the battle of Armaggeddon. The BEAST (AC) and the False Prophet (which I think is the Pope...probably NOT this one but the next one) will be thrown into the lake of fire.

We enter into the Glorious Millenium to rule and reign with Christ Jesus.
I have oodles of info so I tried to simply my position as best I could. I do not expect anyone to adhere to 'my' views. I am quite aware there are other points of view. As I wrote earlier, as long as we are all still here on the earth, I am not going to be dogmatic on any position but the one which seems most scriptural to ME is the Pre-trib view of the BRIDE of Christ...not the church being raptured. The Bride and the Church are not the same. The Bride is part of the church which is taken out of the church.
One of these days, we're going to experience the rapturous moment when this corruptible puts on the incorruptible. One of these days, in our Glorious bodies we will be bowing at the foot of HIS ROYAL MAJESTY confessing with great Honor and Praise JESUS our KING of kings and LORD of lords. What a moment that will be !! The universe will see the the most awesome display of Holy Fireworks lighting up the entire creation !
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 08-20-2009, 08:59 PM   #12
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Default Re: Pre-Wrath? A Rapture Position.

I believe in Pan-Trib rapture. It will all pan out in the end. If I need to hang may hat on where the rapture (whatever that actually is) will occur, then I'm not sure what kind of current salvation I have and what kind of God I have. I would much rather understand that the charge is to be ready.
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Old 08-21-2009, 10:26 AM   #13
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Arrow Narrow is the way, but come on lets be more diverse.

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
I believe in Pan-Trib rapture. It will all pan out in the end. If I need to hang may hat on where the rapture (whatever that actually is) will occur, then I'm not sure what kind of current salvation I have and what kind of God I have. I would much rather understand that the charge is to be ready.

I agree with you. Everything will pan out in the end for the Lords sake. However the timing of the Lords return is relevant. And a point of interest to some. We are not hanging our hats on the rapture. But we are watching like good watchmen as the Lord told us to do.
Also a part of being ready is knowing.

In fact diving into the discussion of the timing of the Lords return is healthy because it means we are taking a break from eyeball poking. Good thing because my fingers were beginning to cramp up...LOL. This discussion is more relevant than what is happening on the board at least in my mind. Because as I see it The Lord didn't commission us to argue about the LC/LSM controversy, He commissioned us to go forth and disciple the nations.

You know the scriptures say "With God all things are possible" But I wonder if it is possible if the LC/LSM did wise up and everything was mended if it could actually carry out the commission now since it has destroyed it's original pure testimony before the world. I wonder?
I know all things are possible through God. That was just something to think about.

P.S. CMW I will make a better case for the PRE-WRATH position. I'm not ignoring you. I'm just taking my time to make my case.

Don Jr.

Last edited by manna-man; 08-21-2009 at 05:31 PM. Reason: addendum
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Old 08-22-2009, 04:56 PM   #14
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Default Re: Narrow is the way, but come on lets be more diverse.

Originally Posted by manna-man View Post
But we are watching like good watchmen as the Lord told us to do.
Don Jr,

My point is not that it is irrelevant so forget it. But to be watchful is to be watchful so that no matter how it "pans out" you will not be caught playing in the world with some presumption that there is more time. If your intent is to be watchful, then trying to parse out the time is unnecessary.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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Old 08-23-2009, 07:34 PM   #15
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Arrow Re: OBW.............Just Joking.....LOL

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Don Jr,

My point is not that it is irrelevant so forget it. But to be watchful is to be watchful so that no matter how it "pans out" you will not be caught playing in the world with some presumption that there is more time. If your intent is to be watchful, then trying to parse out the time is unnecessary.

And reading your post I suppose was too.

Just joking OBW!

Don Jr.
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Old 08-30-2009, 04:23 AM   #16
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Default Re: Pre-Wrath? A Rapture Position.

i was always pre-trib... but recently i have talked with many christians who are not ..and until a few years ago i didnt really know that there were christians who dont believe in a 'rapture' but they all agree on a 'gathering together'...

i have seen a few studies on the jewish wedding ceremonies and on the feasts of the Lord.. imo since our Lord was jewish i am very interested in that way of explaining the coming of the bridegroom.. our Lord and His Word are so beautiful.. has anyone else studied these .. God's Blessings..
Colossians 1:14 In Whom We have Redemption through His Blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
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Old 08-30-2009, 09:31 AM   #17
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Default Re: Pre-Wrath? A Rapture Position.

i was always pre-trib... but recently i have talked with many christians who are not ..and until a few years ago i didnt really know that there were christians who dont believe in a 'rapture' but they all agree on a 'gathering together'...

i have seen a few studies on the jewish wedding ceremonies and on the feasts of the Lord.. imo since our Lord was jewish i am very interested in that way of explaining the coming of the bridegroom.. our Lord and His Word are so beautiful.. has anyone else studied these .. God's Blessings..
Yes Kat......I think we had a brief discussions on Perry Stone's teachings. I have a DVD collection of his..one explaining the Jewish wedding ceremonies.

In it, he explains why Jesus says when He returns to the Father, He is returning to prepare a place (an abode) for us.

In the Jewish tradition, before the wedding, the home where the Bridegroom and the Bride will live is prepared before the wedding.

I over-simplified a 2 hour teaching/explanation in 2 sentences !!! It has been a while since I have explored the wedding ceremony but maybe I'll do so this week.

He also explains why Jesus said "NO Man knows the day or the hour (of His return) but the Father only. He was speaking to the JEWS who observe the Jewish feast days which are based on the Lunar calendars. He did not mean we could not know the year or the month...only the DAY and/or the HOUR.

(I will skip the info I have on this for now too.)

The JEWISH FEAST DAYS also point very, very strongly to the Lord's Return.. especially the FALL feast days. We are about to enter into the Fall Jewish Feast Daysnow ...Rosh Ha SHANA, the Jewish New Year...meaning New Birth, New Beginnings....Feast of TRUMPETS..and the day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).

Pre-Trib events look like this:
RAPTURE (I believe it is an event for the BRIDE only...not the entire church. Many believe, it is for the entire church, for all born again believers. I don't think it is. Otherwise the LORD would not have instructed us in Luke 21:36 to PRAY we would ESCAPE ALL the things that are about to come to pass. The unbelievers do not read the bible...so they are certainly not going to pray to ESCAPE the 7 yr trib!)
It is also a secret event for only the BRIDE to see/experience, not the world.

7 yr TRIBULATION--what the world MIGHT likely experience at the moment of the rapture is world wide earthquakes (for the dead in CHRIST will be rising in their GLORIFIED BODIES) thus shaking up the the graveyards and the oceans. ALSO/OR an EMP attack in which ALL ELECTRICITY and COMMUNICATION is SHUT DOWN, creating chaos (temporarily). Thus the world will be focusing on the chaos not on the fact the dead in Christ and those alive in CHRIST (the BRIDE) have been raptured. OR a Nuclear attack. With things soo very volitile in Israel and Iran/Russia etc...the possibility is very likely in the near future.

Most of us are on the up and up.......Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are feverishly WARNING our nation in particular about what is about to take place. THEIR weighty concern is NOT about POLITICS anymore! It is not about DEMS vs REP...or Liberalism vs Conservatism. THEY KNOW......the One World GOVERNMENT...ONE WORLD RELIGION...is about to make the WORLD SCENE now. WHO will the AC be?? Hmmmmmmmmm??? Not saying who I think it might be...and it makes no difference who I think might be anyway. I'm praying I will be OUTTA here when he makes his appearance.

During the 7 yr trib..the first half will NOT be as BAD as the last 3 1/2 yrs. The AC will make his GRAND APPEARANCE at the mid-point. But make no mistake the ground work is well in the making NOW!
The AC will be MUSLIM or of Muslim descent. Remember: Abraham produced two sons: ISHMAEL and ISAAC. The Muslims are the descendants of Ishmael. ( I have BIBLICAL SCRIPTURES backing everything I am writing. I am merely not posting it unless people want to me to.)

At the end of the 7 yr TRIB, the CHRIST the KING will return with His saints to fight the AC and the False Prophet at the battle of Armaggadedon. THE FP will most likely be the NEXT POPE from the RCC.) EVERY EYE will see JESUS. THIS is HIS SECOND COMING.

The AC and FP will be thrown alive into the lake of fire. Satan will be bound for 1000 yrs..

And the Thousand Year REIGN begins
, with KING JESUS and his co-kings will rule and reign ! (HUGE, HUGE REWARDS for those ruling and reigning with Christ...who crucified the flesh..died to self...walked in obedience...)

On a side-bar.......those of us who are remaining steadfast in our Faith in Christ Jesus....praying without ceasing praying the DESIRES of GOD'S HEART...for HIS Kingdom to come and HIS Will to be done on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, and are under the covering, the cleansing Blood of the Lamb constantly, KNOW something HUGE that mankind has never experienced is on the Horizon.

I KNOW...that I KNOW...that I KNOW........ before 2009 ends...Life as we know it is going to change DRASTICALLY. I am going out on a limb and ready to be 'stoned' but I'm going to say it anyway......

September/October are going to be very, very crucial months...from here on end........the Rapture/the Second coming of Christ IS at HAND !!!

IF indeed, my views on the Pre-trib are incorrect and we must endure some of the 7 yr Trib... OUR GOD WILL still make a way for us to escape what will be happening. The Anointing on us will be heavy duty for the sake of the GOSPEL to bring people to the LORD and for us to be a TESTIMONY of OUR GOD watching/protecting/providing for us !
Let NOT your heart be troubled !

It makes NO DIFFERENCE to me if you believe me or not. I PRAY without CEASING PRAY FIRST and foremost that I WILL BE ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE ALL THE THINGS THAT ARE ABOUT TO COME TO PASS !!!I have 'KNOWN' since 2005, we are truly living in the last days. Now I believe we are living in the last seconds of the last days as we know it.

The BIRTH PANGS are getting closer by the hour !!!

Please, PLEASE take the BLOOD of JESUS seriously !!! HIS BLOOD is our PROTECTION.
I AM EXCITED...but I am as SOBER as never before. I pray ALWAYS for the BODY of CHRIST ...to be sanctified, to be set apart, to be Holy, Pleasing, Acceptable to GOD. WE are all in this together. It is not about MEEEEEEE ! It's all about GOD... CHRIST (the ANOINTED ONE) and HIS BELOVED...

Do NOT for one second remove the FULL ARMOUR OF GOD !! The Helmet of Salvation protects our THOUGHTS. The BREASTPLATE of RIGHTEOUSNESS protects our hearts. The SWORD of the SPIRIT is the WORD of GOD.

The LORD JESUS CHRIST, the KING of kings IS COMING and HE IS Coming very, very soon !

I do not care of you believe this FACT or not
. EVEN if HE does NOT come this year ( and I BELIEVE HE IS) I am soo immersed in HIS PRESENCE, when He comes, the experience will be like ENOCH and/or ELIJAH'S.

Thanks for sharing Kat...and for getting me all stirred up !
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 08-30-2009, 10:01 AM   #18
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Default Sort of OT..but not really

Perry Stone hosts a program called Manna-Fest on Christian TV. Check him out this week. I was JUST informed he is having Bill Cloud as a guest. I do not know how recent this segment is. It might be a couple of yrs old because they will be comparing the Clintons to Ahab and Jezebel. With Obama and Michelle in the WH now.....I personally think they've upstaged the Clintons as Ahab and Jezebel.

(PLUS...... I have been feverishly praying for the LORD to create in BILL and HILLARY a clean heart, a repentant heart and to renew a right spirit within them that they may find MERCY in God's Eyes and in His Heart. I began to pray strongly for their salvation/repentance last year. I cannot tell you why the 'burden' was weighed soo heavily on my spirit, my heart. I don't keep up with them AT ALL!)

Watch Perry Stone on Manna-Fest this week if you can.

P.S. I have seen Bill Cloud and Perry Stone in St Pete's Florida. Bill Cloud is an American who is very, very grounded in Hebraic roots. He lived in Israel for many years.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 08-31-2009, 06:17 PM   #19
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Default Re: Pre-Wrath? A Rapture Position.

Amen Sis! Glenn and Rush are doing an outstanding Job. I was listening to Glenn today and even though he's a mormon he always says we need to get on our knees! I appreciate that from him. It's amazing just how fast this all can go bad on us.

Grace to you sis. Keep looking up!

Don Jr.
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