Originally Posted by aron
I think a lot of LC'ers know that something smells rotten in Denmark, but fear has paralyzed them into inactivity. The LSM leadership, beginning with Lee and continuing through the current curators of his ministry, made a lot of hay by publicly castigating everyone that couldn't be "one" with the LSM program. People are afraid to be on the wrong side of the LSM lash. LC'ers would rather sit and listen to the Blendeds castigate someone else, than have someone else sit and listen to the Blendeds castigate them.
Without question some saints may think, but it's another thing to speak it. For many years saints have been trained to speak a positive word. To verbally express they think something is "off the mark" would be regarded as speaking negative. Some are shipwrecked for nothing but the local churches. Where would they go? Best recourse is to go along silently.