Originally Posted by Ohio
Officially LSM would disagree. They only quarantine leaders. Divisive leaders.
Hard for me to keep that straight in my head. Where I was you probably wouldn't even admit to taking a trip to Cleveland or Indianapolis. And that was even before 2006.
Originally Posted by Ohio
This is why they can justify lawsuits and "local replastering workshops." LSM views all the local saints in the local churches as unwilling "victims." They just can't believe that anyone would willingly depart from "the ministry."
I must have misunderstood the whole "replastering" thing. I was under the impression that they meant they were "replastering" the local assemblies in your area. Has there already been a thread on this topic?
Originally Posted by Ohio
Btw, my FIL was a plasterer, it is a noble trade. For LSM to use the word is insulting to all true craftsmen.
Tell that to stone-workers.