06-01-2011, 12:32 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 13
Re: Being conformed daily to the Image of God
Originally Posted by OBW
Taking on any yoke is not to relax. A yoke is a yoke, no matter how light. But the burden required to carry that yoke is less than the burden of carrying the yoke of legalism, or even of the enslaving world.
But since a yoke is a yoke, then it is not relaxation.
And since relaxation is contrary to the bulk of the teachings of Christ, then to teach otherwise is to dismiss Christ. Paul did not dismiss Christ. Neither did any of the other NT writers. But Nee and Lee did. They dismissed Christ in favor of some religion that relaxes.
In some recent reading I did, I realized that this error is not just a LRC problem. One writer has pointed out that the whole idea that all human acts of righteousness, service, etc., are "as filthy rags" is to ignore the context of Isaiah 65 and at the same time ignore too many commands of scripture, including those of Christ to actually do things.
And it is noteworthy that scripture strongly commends people like Zechariah and Elizabeth who were "both righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord." And what about Jesus teaching that the wise person hears his words and does them. (Matthew 7:24). No hint that this is only hypothetical. Later in the same book he later tells them to disciple the nations, teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded.
Or was that another hypothetical, with the only commands that matter being those that reflect abiding, resting, and relaxation?
I'd like to stress "and you will find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:29)." No doubt no one should "relax" even the least of the commandments and tell others to do the same (Matthew 5:19). But when I said relax I meant we really feel more relaxed when we are being brought together as one flock to Jesus Christ. When we are away from Christ, that's when we lose all relaxation and everything goes to chaos and hell. I'm sure your inner being agrees.