Originally Posted by Unregistered
I'm still in the Lord's Recovery, but I never really understood this. They are actually every exclusive (depends on the locality, not all are like that). Unfortunately, if your locality has a bunch of church kids who know nothing about the world out there, it becomes exclusive and thus, become divisive. They often judge and laugh about other Christians (personal experience, not everyone).
I don't really associate with the ones that are like that because to me, it's pathetic and sad. But we all know, even the church we all go to, will eventually degrade. The Lord's Recovery, at this point to me, feels like we are no exception from this and are headed this way (this is excepted).
The members are also insensitive and can't consider others. When I went through hard moment in my life, it was always non-LC Christians who helped me.
I’m sorry. This is a natural consequence of lack of mental/spiritual diversity, group think, and tribalism. There are sweet ppl in the group, but the overall lack of empathy and true emotion is nothing short of creepy. It’s hard to see clearly until you’re out. Good luck!