Ex LC Kid, Now a Practicing Jew (Testimony)
Hello everyone. I was raised in the LC, and am now a practicing Jew, and an ethnic Jew. I found Hashem through the Torah in my current life, but when I was a young adult the LC pushed me away from faith, for years. I was forced to attend the Summer School of Truth in NC, where I witnessed and experienced some major discomforts brought on by "elders". I'll list them:
1. A young boy had a violent seizure during a verse recital meeting. No one moved to help him, and no one called an ambulance, and most of all, he was at the front of the auditorium, in the midst of reciting. They just prayed, claiming satan was trying to sabotage the weekend.
2. I was forced to "prophecy" due to being severely physically disabled, which apparently meant that God had surely spoken to me. I was 12, and there were hundreds in the room. I had "elders" pressuring me under their breath to speak. Mixed with a large part of the weekend pertaining to absolute claims for the end times (one of our elders once said the world would end in 2017-2020), this was a horrific experience.
I have more to tell, but this is fine for now. I pray this might resolve some of the questions people have in regards to heavy criticism.