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The Local Church in the 21st Century Observations and Discussions regarding the Local Church Movement in the Here and Now

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Old 05-15-2021, 10:23 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 63
Exclamation Generalizations Of The Characteristics Of The Local Church

I am making this thread due to recent on this forum regarding accurate descriptions and hyperbole in regards to certain characteristics in the LC. I wanted to aim at analyzing certain behaviors and practices of the LC and determine if it is widespread and common enough to labeled and associated with the local churches. Here are some points that I think are accurate descriptions of the local churches (based on my anecdotal experience and others on this forum).

1. An overwhelming majority (I will say alteast 7/10 ratio) of the leadership in the lords recovery going from elders to coworkers are absolute for witness lee ministry. Meaning that will abide by his ministry no matter if its un-biblical, devious, harmful, manipulative, or counter productive in any way. Approaching these individuals and having a dialogue that involves questioning and dissenting towards lee ministry would lead to one sided conversation of an obstinate mind blockading any productive conversation.

2. An overwhelming majority (7/10 min) of local church members prioritize and/or have a mandatory emphasis of witness lee doctrine/ ministry/footnotes in their faith.

3. There is an stigma or even disdain for members to pursue personal and essential aspects of their lives in their own accords ("no fellowship") such as marriage, career, where to live, field of study, etc.

4. Vainglory- An overwhelming majority of local church members (7/10) has a dubious amount of pride that aims to disparage all other believers for flaws while having those very same flaws or even more faults then the very people they criticize.

5. Peculiar Narcissism- The local church has this culture of strange narcissism that revolves around controlling the lives of the members in making sure it aligns with the objective, standards, and practices of the local churches. This peculiar narcissism goes deeper in which I personally notice a lot of exalting and obsessing over the self in which their are lots of moments in which they focus on praising themselves more than God. Aaron talks about this in various posts and I brought it up cause it is very strange to me to. Also their disdain for good works also adds to this peculiar narcissism of the LC culture (IMO). Overall I feel like this peculiar narcissism is strange because it is not that the individual LC member is narcissistic as an individual but moreso about the collective of the LC lifestyle. So when a member does something that is absent of anything related to the LC as a long term thing such as a hobby that results in missing some meetings or traveling to visit family during conferences, it results in some negative stigma or even rebuke from lots of posts I have seen.

6. Cult- this infamous word that the LC hates and some posters feel uneasy about. I feel the LC is a cult, whether you feel it is a personality cult at best or just a full on cult is up to the individual. I feel as though witness lee ministry made the local churches a cult. You can literally see duplicates of witness or the many offspring he has created due to his domineering over the Local churches and making indoctrination institutions such as the FTT. Im sorry but at a minimum if one is being generous, this is a personality cult.

Well I will start off with 6 points so far. Feel free to express your thoughts on my points in either dissent, approval, or expansion. Even make more points on generalizations/characteristics of the LC that you feel need to be spoken about. Heck if you want to, discuss if you feel some generalizations that posters on the forum make about the LC are just hyperbole or over exaggerated to an extent.
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