Originally Posted by Trapped
Hi Concerned,
I do think the LC is one of the more dangerous groups out there....in the level of apparent sophistication and defense they have built up over the years. Their mastery of manipulation and scripture twisting is almost unparalleled, and makes them, in my view, one of the more dangerously deceptive groups because the language of their teachings sounds divine, but the meaning and implications of those teachings are anything but.
As a person who developed friendships within the LC while believing them to be just another healthy Christian group. And as one who took a few years of casual association to figure them out, I strongly agree with this statement by Trapped. His statement here sums it up very well. They wield layers of subtle influence, manipulation and deception from the get-go. It's what they are all about, to draw people in. It's very deliberate and intentional. Even any casual encounter with LC persons that I have experienced since ceasing to meet with them, reeks of this dishonesty, now that I am clued-up to what the real deal is!
And the end goal is entrapment, exploitation, and a life that can easily erode one's mental health, normalises dysfunction and hinders a person's potential and emotional development. Not to mention, it distorts Christianity and God's message to mankind. It fosters pride and exclusivity. None of these things are good for a human being to be bound into. So 'Concerned' is not exaggerating to call this group 'dangerous'. 'Insidious' is another word that comes to mind, in the manner of the danger it presents. I don't know of any other pseudo-Christian group, or any other group at all, who hides their real identity like the LCs.