The pursuit of the "Soul"
Why does the pursuit of life in the slightest from such as: career, hobbies, relationship, knowledge- is seen as such a negative thing. People in the LC always say things like kill the soul or disregard it completely. When asked to how to pursue basic necessities in life that are essential for any human to live in harmony- their is answer is spirit. They say very weird things like think not with your mind but your spirit and live in the spirit.
The honest answer is- the spirit is a very complicated concept and when asked any details in the explanation of the spirit or applying the spirit into everyday life- they go blank on an answer. The overemphasis on the "spirit" in practically every facet on everyday life just makes it seems like it is used to simply sway people from living in their own accordance and just follow church ministry/guidelines. They talk so much about the spirit but cant explain it in theory or in practice not even the idea of the spirit completely replacing the "soul" and "flesh"
Everybody has flesh/soul(psychology), and spirit. You are gonna live with all three and control the balance of all three. There is no killing the soul...... what are you gonna do blow your brains out (mind my dark humor)?- I mean that will surely do it...... How are you gonna "think" with the spirit solely? I mean mindlessly replacing everything with the word "spirit" is not really practical and leads to confusion and unideal lifestyle. Desires of the "flesh" and "sOuL" are inevitable and God gave us all three for a reason. I understand Paul mentions living a life solely in the flesh. But there is a difference between soley living a flesh/soul life and simply realizing its there and is a part of you- but controlling it in the Christian lifestyle. Its not a crime or irreparable sin to just touch your soul and flesh as long as you control and pursue a Christian lifestyle.
I already posted in my introduction/testimony thread, the first interaction with the brothers in the local church pulling me aside and lecturing me on my "soul life" (look at my introduction thread for details (original post)). From that point on it was just so funny seeing other recently recruited brothers from college campuses just looking confused as a dumb dog, while being lectured about the "flesh and "soul" life, when the mention minor details about their lives outside of the LC that go against the established legalism/practices/ideology established in the Local Churches. Because of this many potential recruits (brothers and sisters) from campuses are either gone/no longer attending anything related to LC or rarely attending just to see some brothers they consider friends. Now they are wondering "WhAt iN ThE WoRlD is HaPpEnIng? wHy ArE We StRuGgling To BrInG NeWcOmErs?