My time in the church
I was in the church for 14 years. I came in the church during the Kingdom conference in LA in 1972. I was saved a year prior to that. I met a brother in Torrance where I was living he invited me to the conference. At the time I thought it was great! So much life and love of Christ! With all the saints. After the conference I moved to Phoenix because a new church was starting there and my parents were living in Phoenix too but they weren't Christian. I moved in with the Beck's with another single brother. It was a awesome church life there until 1974 .then the consolidations came and everyone had to move to Anaheim or San Diego. I went to San Diego. It was a big change being uprooted like that. I never had a good feeling about it . it was wrong! The first year and a half in Phoenix was the best time I had in the 14 years I spent in the church. Then in 1976 I left the church in San Diego and after a few months went to Atlanta for 5 years in the church there then to Iowa.But as far back as 1974 I knew inwardly that the blessing of the Lord was leaving the church but you could never discuss it with anyone . I could sense the clergy laity with the leading ones.I read other christian books by saints from the past. I was always aware that a lot of things in the church were not right but like I said who could you tell or talk about it to? By 1986 I was so sick of it I left for good!! I became worldly for many years.but the Lord Jesus never left me. I'm back with Jesus and have the sweetness of His love. Our fellowship is with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ! Amen