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Calling All Saints! This board will serve as a meeting place for ex Local Church members to reestablish contact with other former and current members. GUESTS may post here as well.

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Old 09-02-2018, 03:40 PM   #1
Kevin's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 203
Default The Worst Mouthful Ever

The measurement of our knowing the Lord Jesus is Loving Him as the person whom we have not seen and this is beyond Theology.

You have lost this experience since you rebelled against the church and definitely caused you to be excommunicated from the unique fellowship of the Body of Christ. You are certainly fallen to the most sorrowful situation of losing the ground of oneness, since you were cast out from our midst. Your situation proves that the Lord is sovereign as the Head of the church miniaturized by the local churches as His Body

You are laid bare before God and thereby diagnosed polluted, infectious, gangrene, at an early stage. Thank the Lord as the unique administrator in the Throne subjecting you under our feet as those sitting with Him in His throne

The Lord saw you in your real situation as He walks in the midst of the Churches. He saw you how polluted you became that it even reaches to your heart as He search it and found no repentance at all but rather worsen your own situation of putting yourself into a curse.

Of being against the teaching in which you were taught. Wait the result of all these that you are doing. Think of the authority of the Church of what it can do for you.

You are are the one the what you called leper, sick with itchy ear and has became blind by your continuously defiled in an exposed, contaminated sphere explored by you out of curiosity and thereby suffering the consequence of acting like boasting of the little knowledge gained and assumed it to be great.

Frankly speaking, outside the Lord's Recovery all they can boast of, are nothing!!! We in the Lord's Recovery have the great Treasure store. And all theologians in the world are envy of it that's why many of them embraced the teaching as they got convinced while doing critical studies intensively, and you were very far compare to what you've done, you are doing, and what you will do

References you are using were obsoletes as to what authorities can recommend. Like for certain, The Recovery Version Bible is now considered Bibles for America. Nothing can hinder what the Lord is doing in His recovery today!!!

His will is done here on earth as it is in the Heavens through His builded Church in His unique Recovery and everything apart from it is mess, a heap of collapsed
What a shame to you!!! The person you are renouncing is attached to you bear witness livingly.

Your forum (Local Church Discussion) was concluded by a brother happening in the Church carried by every ages for the Lord's Testimony. People like you consider it extreme to be treated like this after neglecting the things entrusted to them and later realized "It's all gone"

Those who are not taking heed like whom you followed suffered great loss as consequence of pride, blinded, naked and hiding because of sickness.

Your group (Reformed faith) is so pitiful that they picked you up because they have no idea what's going on and what's going to happen to you. You're going to get all the way to destruction.
He even went so far attacked on my Facebook posts:

My picture:

He commented: Those who have fallen into the glory of the Lord will not be able to bring good fruit to the Lord's return because of the time of your youth should not be so be proud and to expect a maturity and enough to know- and not subject to submission, but all of these are branches, and leaves, produce better results? Just say, those opposers who are quarantined and mark for flaming fire!

My shared post from Richard Baxter: Remember, ourselves are the greatest snare to ourselves.

He commented: At least you realized you're snared!!! By your self: ambition, pride, arrogance, and most of all presumptuousness.

"If we say we believe the doctrines of grace but do not show grace to others, we do not understand the doctrines of grace."

He commented: Until doctrines only?

"Regeneration is something that is accomplished by God. A dead man cannot raise Himself." - R. C. Sproul

He commented: Treasured gems mixed in the mud within the swamp that those who want to enjoy the value needs to get polluted, dirty and exhausted in the extent of fainting to resist the force of deceitful environment where particularly it is.

"I didn't invite Jesus into my heart; he gave me a new heart."

He commented: The title itself is too shallow and wrong!
If there is anything that the people of our day need to realize, it is these very words of Jonah, simple yet neglected: “Salvation is of the LORD.”
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