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Oh Lord, Where Do We Go From Here? Current and former members (and anyone in between!)... tell us what is on your mind and in your heart.

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Old 05-30-2018, 03:53 PM   #1
Sons to Glory!
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
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Default Recovering from the Recovery

Many of us are on here because we recognize that we picked up some things in the LCs that we now have received better light on. Some of us bros in Scottsdale say that we are still recovering from the Recovery some 25 - 30 years later! That is, certain teachings got into us that were a hindrance to us going on with the Lord and fellowshiping well with all His saints.

(And let me add that ALL Christian groups have their "warts" - it's what Adam is all about! So the LC may be unique in some of its teachings, but it doesn't have the market cornered on warts, by any means. I believe we are all recovering from one erroneous concept or another, no matter where we've been.)

So what are those things? Of course, this whole website is devoted to much of that. But I'll share just two teachings or concepts right now, to start us off, that the Lord has had to do recovery work in me about.

1. Elitism - probably enough has been posted on here regarding this. Took me quite awhile to discover that there are many others who are conveying the riches of Christ, and a few who are also conveying God's real purpose in the Church. Now I can enjoy a wide range of authors and I'm free to gather with any God has purchased with His own blood!

2. Unhealthy Fear of the Bema Seat - This is really the one that's plagued many of us for so long. Fear involves torment. Fear is used to control. The law is fearful. But "perfect love casts out all fear."

I don't know if it was just my relative immaturity when I was in the LC (I started at 18 through my mid 30s), or how much of this was purposely conveyed. But my picture was that "God is going to get His purpose and if you stand in His way, He's like a steamroller that will roll right over you to get what He's after!" Basically, I thought God would kill me if I got out of line, and was sort of looking over my shoulder all the time.

But when I came to the Scottsdale Church, before long I saw that it was all about His love toward us. He loves us! His purpose is all wrapped-up and executed because of His love for us! This was a huge shift for me and I realized that God's love is what unlocks the deeper understanding of the Bible. I saw more and so much was opened to me in a very short time, than all the years I spent in the Recovery hearing "God is a steamroller" type things. This is HUGE and a major shift in my thinking!

Praise God for the Truth in His word!!!!!!!!

A lot more I could say about #2, but I'll leave it at that for now - add what you feel to.
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bema, fear, love, scottsdale

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