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The Local Church in the 21st Century Observations and Discussions regarding the Local Church Movement in the Here and Now

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Old 07-22-2009, 11:54 AM   #1
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Regarding "Beseeching.Org

1. To administrate the world situation from the throne for the move of the great wheel of His economy, to bless the nations of United States and Canada for the sake of His purpose, and to preserve the people and the land for His own will (Psa. 33:12; Ezek. 1:15; Matt. 24:14).

The great wheel of His economy”? Say WHAT? I have a feeling that this “great wheel of his economy” is about as biblical as the dharma wheel. Seriously, these guys are getting more out of touch with reality every day. I hope they have spent these three days praying about something more relevant and biblical then this.

2. To give godly fear and wisdom to those in high positions of government so that the saints can lead a life in relative peace and tranquility in order to carry out God's desire to save men and to release the truth (Ezra 6:10; Jer. 29:7; 1 Tim. 2:2).

This was real good up until the “release the truth” part. Oh well, can’t have it all I guess.

3. To pour out a spirit of prayer and supplication on the churches in the recovery so they will intercede on behalf of all men according to the desire of the Savior God (1 Tim. 2:1, 3-4).

According to what Andrew Yu told Hank Hanegraaff ALL Christians and churches that contribute “something positive to the Body of Christ” are in the recovery, and if they still mean this then…you go brothers you go!

4. To perfect an unprecedented one accord and harmony in coordination, the master key of divine blessings, among the local churches and in the Lord's work (John 17:11, 21, 23).

The master key of divine blessings”? I’m afraid to ask….. Ya know they shouldn’t have to pray anymore about “an unprecedented one accord and harmony”….after all they’ve ex-communicated, disfellowshipped and quarantined just about everyone who wasn’t going along with the program…so what’s the point?

5. To kindle and maintain the spirit of gospel-preaching in all the saints so they can be witnesses of Christ to proclaim the complete and high gospel of God to the unbelievers (Acts 1:8; Eph. 6:15, 19-20; Phil. 1:27).

So there’s a gospel that is not complete and not so high? Never mind…sorry I asked.

6. To open a door for the Word of God, especially the interpreted word, the deeper truths, and the ministry of the age in the hearts of numerous seeking believers and Christian groups (Col. 4:3; 2 Thes. 3:1; Acts 17:11).

Should have stopped with the Word of God – quit while you’re ahead I’ve always heard. Really, do you thing that “seeking believers and Christian groups” are not going to see right through the thinly veiled disguise of “the interpreted word”? Do you think they won’t be asking the all-important “WHOSE INTERPRETATION?” and “WHAT DEEPER TRUTHS?” and “WHAT MINISTRY OF THE AGE?” Tsk, Tsk, Tsk my brothers! Back in the day we weren’t so coy about promoting Witness Lee. You guys have become wimps. Shame on you.

7. To recover and sustain a common practice of migration in the churches and in the saints, that they would live a life of the altar and the tent and move to spread the Lord's testimony to many places (Acts 8;4; 11;19; Heb. 11:13).
8. To plant golden church-tree lampstands, through the migrating saints in many new cities and towns in every state and province (Acts 9:31; Gal.1:2; Rev. 1:11)

Migration is good - Lessen you gots yourself a homestead (that you can’t sell very quick these days) and a few kids in a decent grade school with good teachers and established friends. How many of the Blended Brothers fit this description? (sound of crickets…) Suddenly the “tent and move” gig don’t sound so great does it? Besides, what are you supposed to do when the new “common practice” turns back to the ole Local Church “two-four-six-eight let’s all consolidate” flow? This is to say nothing of the fact that many Local Churches in America are suffering dwindling numbers. Migration only makes sense when a movement is thriving, not when it’s on life-support.

9. To silence and turn the opposers and critics of the recovery and the ministry by opening and enlightening their inner eyes and by granting them a just heart and fair discernment of the facts and the truth (1 Tim. 1:16; 2 Tim. 2:25; 3:9).

You got it backwards guys (as usual) My inner eyes got enlightened, my heart found justice and then came fair discernment of the facts and the truth – THAT’S when I became an “opposer” (in your eyes) and a critic of the Local Church of Witness Lee. Tell ya what, why don't you stop praying about silencing the opposers and critics and come here and talk it out?

10. To increase the number of typical Americans in the churches--to make the membership in the recovery more proportionate to the ethnic demographics of the general population--while still gaining people of every tribe, tongue, and nation for the one new man (Col. 3:10-11; Rev. 5:9).

I’m speechless. Do you know what it takes to make me speechless? (don’t answer that). Do you guys have a Bible? Point me to where the verse that shows the local church should reflect the “typical” anything? Since WHEN did you guys care about this kind of thing anyway? The next time the Local Church makes themselves relevant to the community around them will be the first time. First time for everything I guess.

11. To gain an unprecedented number of college and high school students through a prevailing labor on the campuses with students spear-heading and full-timers and families supporting the work (Psa. 110:3; Matt. 4:19-20; 1 Tim. 4:12).
12. To thrust out continuous contingents of workers, full-time serving ones of all ages, into the Lord's harvest to gather fruit and bring in the sheaves here and worldwide (Psa. 126:6; Luke 10:2; John 4:38).

continuous contingents”…say that 3 times real fast.

13. To raise up the next generation of serving saints, the young adults, by increasing their enrollment in the full-time training and by perfecting them to be normal, vital, and overcoming ones to be as pillars in the churches (Rom. 12:11; Eph. 4:12; Rev. 3:12).

full-time training” -- “normal” Yikes! This really puts the moron in oxymoron! Really guys, have you seen any of the material and video’s of this little faux seminary? And they are pretending that this is some kind of comprehensive Christian education? “Vital and overcoming” would be about the last words that came to mind when the vast majority of Christian leaders saw what is happening to these precious young lives at the FTT.

14. To work out the New Testament priesthood of the gospel and the practice of the God-ordained way of every member begetting, nourishing, perfecting, and prophesying for the building up of the Body (John 15:16; 21:15; Rom. 15:16).

This looks like something straight out of the pages of some Witness Lee outline. Lot’s of god-talk here, not much substance.

15. To empower the saints to stand against the schemes of Satan, the stratagems of the devil, and the work of the enemy, and to defeat the rulers of darkness and forces of evil in the heavenlies that opposes God's move on the earth (2 Cor. 2:11; Eph. 6:10-12)

Again, no problems till the “God’s move on the earth” part. You see, no real move of God on earth has to worry much about the schemes of Satan, the stratagems of the devil or the work of the enemy because the saint who are really familiar with the Word of God can see and discern them without much trouble. The way to get empowered to stand against these things is the know the Word of God and not the teachings of a man.
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