The 1966 rebellion in the far east
I remember Lee at one point referring to the younger coworker's who rebelled in 1966 in taipei as having stated something to the effect of "the older ones (Witness Lee) were dead and belonged in coffins". (It would be interesting to compare this to the things which Lee said in the late 80s). Anyway I just recently read the Morris Fred 1968 theses which does speak somewhat on the split and reference to any such statement is noticeably absent. So I was wondering did Witness Lee make said statement concerning the coworker's in the 1966 rebellion?(:edit In "The High Peak of theVision and the Reality of the Body of Christ" in the last chapter he says "In those days the dissenting ones in Taiwan said that they had seen the vision and that the leading co-workers had become old and were ready to be put in a coffin." Is this refering to the 1966 split?) Secondly is said statement in any way true?
Interestingly the overall impression which I got from the theses is that Lee got threatened by the fact that the coworkers weren't simply parroting him. He fired them and kicked them out of their homes, and that would seem to be the major reason for the split.