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Old 05-17-2024, 05:15 AM   #1
Raptor's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2019
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Default Howard Pittman- rebuked by the Lord for dead faith and vain works

On August 3, 1979, 50 year old baptist minister Howard Pittman suffered physical death as the result of a massive internal hemorrhage. As he departed to be with the Lord, he pleaded to God for an extensión of his life. But shockingly, God first showed him what kind of life of worship and service he really had: God told him his faith was dead, that his works were not acceptable, and that he had labored in vain.

  • Howard Pittman - 1/24/1929-3/13/2019
  • seventh child of a family of eight children, raised in Mississippi in a Christian home
  • father was deacon in the church for over fifty years
  • made a public profession of faith at age 12 and joined the church
  • returned as veteran from the Korean War at 22 and decided that God had called him to preach
  • responded and committed himself to preach and entered college in preparation for ministry but struggled for two years and gave up college
  • moved to New Orleans for a career in law-enforcement spanning over twenty-five years
  • worked as uniform patrolman, plain-clothes investigator, canine trainer, instructor, supervisor, unit commander, and member of the superintendent's staff
  • continued to practice Christian faith and went into seminary; pastor of a church for a year
  • preached on street corners, handed out tracts, preached in jails, visited the sick in hospitals, and traveled to small towns to preach openly in court squares
  • retired from the New Orleans Police Department in 1978 and moved to farm in Mississippi where together with wife started a new ministry opening their home to neglected and abused children, caring for up to thirty-two children
  • part of his visión was “I tried to love my neighbor and I really tried to do all the Bible says a Christian should do”
  • in 1979 while he was running for sheriff, he suffered a main trunk artery rupture causing devastating, sudden bloodloss requiring life saving emergency care
  • during a hospital transfer, brother Howard Pittman died in the amublance, no vital signs, the paramedic pronounced him dead
  • he was taken before the Lord where he pleaded for an extension of his physical life
  • the Lord responded in anger, proceeding to tell him just what kind of life he had really lived
  • He pointed out that his faith was dead, that his works were not acceptable, and that he had labored in vain
  • He told him that it was an abomination to live such a life and then dare call it a life of worship, that the center of all his works was just himself
  • while God was chastising him, He never told him he was not saved, but only spoke about the works produced through his life
  • “my life was wasted and amounted to absolutely nothing in the Lord’s eyes”
  • once Howard accepted the Lord´s evaluation and that God´s will was to be first in his life, then the Lord extended his physical life and sent him back
  • Howard was miraculously healed and sent back to the world to share a five-point message as he explains in the following video interviews and in his book, “Placebo
Howard Pittman's Near Death Experience

Howard Pittman PART 2 | Insights After a Near Death Experience

Placebo, by Howard Pittman (PDF)
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