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Apologetic discussions Apologetic Discussions Regarding the Teachings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee

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Old 11-06-2022, 11:48 AM   #1
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Default Are we to be “Drunk with the Spirit?”?

Question for the forum, regarding the verse below, and also John 6:57 and 7:37. I have tried to find some answers but I figured I’ll try to see if anyone can provide some links or had any input regarding this.

Ephesians 5:18
18*And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

In the book written by Lee, “How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God”, in chapter 9 called “Enjoying God through Taking In the Spirit”, he takes the verse above and maybe in my honest opinion, turns the concept of drunk with wine to be drunk with spirit as an equal thing. Here are some quotes:

p. 451: BEING DRUNK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT—I would like to emphasize the word eats in John 6:57 and drink in 7:37.
p. 451: They were drunk with the Spirit, not drunk with wine. The Spirit is the realization of God.
p. 451: They were drunk with God, not with wine. They were "crazy" because of God, not "crazy" because of wine.
p. 451: I believe that the Lord would allow me to say this. When a man is drunk, he becomes crazy and speaks deliriously.
p. 452: He speaks whatever he wants to speak; there is no fear or reservation in him. On the day of Pentecost the disciples were indeed drunk.
p. 452: They were drunk with God. They were filled with God.
p. 452: This means that the apostle was sober toward men but was crazy toward God. Some Christians are sober before men and sober before God; they have never been crazy, because they have never been drunk with God.
p. 452: Paul was "insane" because he was inwardly filled and drunk with God. He was filled with the Holy Spirit.
p. 452: We are as those who are "insane" before God; we are drunk with God. We not only need to eat God and drink God, but we also need to be drunk with God.
The only thing I found in the Bible as a reference to being drunk with the spirit, is in the OT, Isaiah 29:9-11, when it describes the apostasy that took place in Israel, and nothing else. Is this an accurate interpretation of being “filled with the Spirit”, and we should be acting crazy, and speak as delirious man? Paul was “insane”?
I believe there is a strong correlation between getting out of your mind, (which is what happens when your are drunk), and being drunk with the spirit as prescribed by the oracle.

Also, there is an interesting thing about drinking, is that you get a sort of high, which I feel like what it was when I was a member of LC. You enjoy the “jubilee”, as if you just had a bottle of something strong, but as soon as it wears off, the low is pretty brutal, when you realize what actual reality is.
Any input is welcome.

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